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Jakub Sapalski edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 2 revisions

BetonQuest Editor

Here you can find information about all features and instructions for using the editor.

Package sets


All packages are contained in a "package set". It represents a single server, which can have multiple packages. Cross-package suggestions for events, conditions etc. in a set don't mix with other loaded sets. That way you can edit quests for many servers at once.

To create a new set, select File > New > Set. A window asking for set's name will appear. After you enter the name, new set will be created with a default empty package with the same name. You can add new packages by selecting File > New > Package now.

You can load existing sets in two formats: as a directory or as a .zip file. To do that, select File > Load > Directory or File > Load > ZIP and choose what you want to load.

To save a set select File > Save As... > ZIP or File > Save As... > Directory and choose destination. If the set was reviously saved or it was loaded, you can also select File > Save - it will automatically save the set to its file/directory.

Changing displayed package can be done by clicking on the vertical bar on the left - a list of loaded sets and packages will appear. Double click on a package to display it. If you want to rename or delete the package, simply right click it and choose an option.


You can also export the set directly to your server. To do that you need to create export.bat (on Windows) or (on Mac and Linux) file in the same directory where the BetonQuest-Editor.jar file is. When you select File > Export, this script will run with a single argument, absolute path to the zipped set. You can use external tools to send the .zip file to your server, unpack it and reload BetonQuest plugin. In the future this will be replaced with direct connection to the running server.

Main tab

Main tab

On the right you have 5 tabs. First one is Main. It is responsible for editing information stored in main.yml file - global variables, static events, global locations, quest cancelers, lines on the main page of the journal and compass targets.

Each type of data has its buttons: Add creates new empty object, Edit edits currently selected object and Delete deletes it. You can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+N to add, Enter to edit (you can also double click the list item), Delete to delete, arrows to navigate objects and Tab to select other data types.

Conversations tab

Conversations tab

To create a new conversation click on the Add button and type the name. Choosing displayed conversation can be done with the choice box on the left. Edit button changes the name of the conversation and Delete simply deletes it. The big button NPC bindings lets you define Citizens or clay block NPCs connected with this conversation. On top right there is a Stop box. Selecting it will modify "stop" option.

A conversation is displayed on the left side of the screen, and selected option is displayed on the right. Each conversation needs NPC's name (text field on top left) and at least one NPC option. It is automatically created when you add new conversation. Name field is red if empty to indicate that you need to fill it.

To edit starting options click on the Starting options button - a window with a list will appear. You can type the name of an option in the field, it will be autocompleted with existing NPC options from conversations in the current package. You can also change order of the list simply by dragging options up and down. In addiction to Enter, Delete, Tab and arrows you can use Ctrl+UP and Ctrl+DOWN to move selected option up and down. Escape closes the window.

Editing final events can be done in the same way as starting options - text field will be autocompleted with names of events from loaded packages.

At the bottom there are two vertical lists: NPC options and player options. To display the option on the right side simply select it. Options without text are highlighted in red - text is required for the conversation to work. Adding and deleting the options can be done with buttons on the bottom, or keybord shortcuts: Ctrl+N and Delete. You can also reorder the options by dragging them - this is purely cosmetic, since option order does not matter here.

On the left half of the screen there is displayed currently selected option. You can add events and conditions with appropriate buttons - rules are the same as with starting options and final events. The only difference is that you can negate conditions by selecting the boxes near their names. If there is an exclamation mark, the condition is negated. You can also do that by pressing Ctrl+I while having the condition selected.

On the bottom there is a list of pointers. You can add new pointers by typing their name in the autocomplete field. Hitting Enter twice here will switch you to newly created option. Reordering can be done by dragging the pointers. If you delete an option, all pointers are automatically removed for you. On the right there is a list of options which point to currently selected option. You can double click on any pointer to display this option.

Events, conditions and objectives tab

ECO tab

This tab displays all events, conditions and objectives in the package. You can view, add, edit, delete and reorder them here. Add button adds new object, Edit edits it and Delete removes. You can also use Ctrl+N, Enter/double click and Delete instead.

Other tab

Other tab

"Other" tab displays items and journal entries. It works exactly like "Events, conditions and objectives" tab.


Translations tab

This tab allows you to manage default language of the package and easily translate it to other languages.

Every translatable piece of text in the package can be stores as "default" language or as specific language like "en", "pl" or "cn". It's not possible to have both "default" and specific language. If the package has at least one string defined in "default" language, the Convert button will be active. By clicking it you can convert all these "default" texts into a specific language. You can also convert it back by deleting the last language.

Once you have at least one specific language, you can create new, different languages and translate the package into them. You can also select which language is used by default - all texts in the editor will be displayed in this one.

You don't have to change language and manually edit all texts in other tabs to translate the package. You can simply click Translate button and choose the new language - the translation screen will appear. It will show you texts one after another in the currently default language and you'll be able to type your translation. To move to next text either click on Next button or press Ctrl+Enter. To move back, click Previous or press Ctrl+Backspace. Once you finished translating simply click Close button to hide translation screen.