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Conversion from Gemini 2.2 to 2.3

Jo Cook edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 8 revisions

A number of options are available for converting from Gemini 2.2 to 2.3. See below for details of each option.

Note that the underlying conversion cannot automatically create valid metadata. If the incoming metadata is invalid, then there's a good chance the converted metadata will be too.

If you are using GeoNetwork 3.4.x you must update Gemini 2.2 to the latest version of the 3.4.x-gemini23 branch to use both Gemini 2.2 and Gemini 2.3 in the same catalog. Otherwise choose the 3.8.x branch of Gemini 2.2 to work with either GeoNetwork 3.8.x or 3.10.x

This conversion will make a couple of changes to your metadata to make it compliant:

  1. Add or otherwise update the MetadataStandardName to UK GEMINI and the MetadataStandardVersion to 2.3
  2. Change the encoding of the access constraints and use limitations elements to meet the new standard, either making a best guess at moving your existing constraints into the correct encoding, or adding the default "no limitations" constraints as appropriate
  3. Add a conformance report for datasets or services (the default INSPIRE one) if one doesn't exist already
  4. Replace references to with
  5. Adds a default character encoding of UTF8 out of politeness really

Converting a single record in place

  • Ensure that the suggestions wizard is visible when editing a Gemini 2.2 record in simple view. If it is not, you probably haven't read the bit in italics above

  • Note that this approach relies on your record having a block like this in order to recognise it as Gemini 2.2:

    <gmd:metadataStandardName> <gco:CharacterString>UK GEMINI</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:metadataStandardName> <gmd:metadataStandardVersion> <gco:CharacterString>2.2</gco:CharacterString> </gmd:metadataStandardVersion>

  • Edit the Gemini 2.2 record you wish to transform, and run the suggestions wizard in simple view. If the record is recognised as Gemini 2.2 the following suggestion will appear:

    Metadata Schema is Gemini 2.2. Run this task to convert to Gemini 2.3

  • Click the suggestion to run the transformation script. The record will be converted to Gemini 2.3 (the editing view will change to show the embedded Gemini 2.3 guidance). Save and close the record.

Using when importing records

Using as a batch process

  • The 3.4.x_Gemini23 and 3.8.x branches of Gemini 2.2 come with a copy of the transformation xsl, only it's called xml_gemini22gemini23-schemaupgrade.xsl. Because Rules. Check it's present in iso19139.gemini22/process, and if it's not, ensure you've definitely got the correct Gemini 2.2 branch.

  • Edit the file geonetwork\catalog\config\batch-process-cfg.json and add another entry (surrounded by {} and separated from other entries by a ,) like this:

    { "key": "xml_gemini22gemini23-schemaupgrade", "type": "fixed-params", "params": [] },

  • If you want to give the batch process a proper title, then you can add the translation string to geonetwork\catalog\locales\en-custom.json as follows:

    { "xml_gemini22gemini23-schemaupgrade": "Convert from Gemini 2.2 to Gemini 2.3" }

  • Restart geonetwork and go to the admin console/tools/batch process tab. Select the records you wish to convert and then in the "Configure a process" dropdown list choose xml_gemini22gemini23-schemaupgrade, or whatever translation you gave it in the step above and click "run".