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With this gem it is possible to parse the expected name of a user from their email address.


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Rails gem to easily parse user name from email address.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'parse_name_from_email'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install parse_name_from_email


You don't need to configure anything, but if you want to customize the behaviour, use the following snippet:

ParseNameFromEmail.configure do |config|
  # split email address with regexp
  config.regexp = /(?=[A-Z])|(?:([0-9]+))|\.|-|\?|!|\+|\;|\_/

  ## Recognizing plus parts in gmail addresses
  # DEFAULT: true
  # if TRUE:
  #   email address:  '[email protected]'
  #   result name:    'Example (Something 123)'
  # if FALSE:
  #   email address:  '[email protected]'
  #   result name:    'Example'
  config.friendly_plus_part = true

Values in the above snippet are the default values.


# getting email address
ParseNameFromEmail.get_email_name('[email protected]') # => 'john-snow'
ParseNameFromEmail.get_email_name('[email protected]') # => 'john-snow+nickname'

# parsing name from email address
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('[email protected]') # => 'John Snow'
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('[email protected]') # => 'John Snow'
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('[email protected]') # => 'John Snow'
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('[email protected]') # => 'John Snow'
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('John Snow <[email protected]>') # => 'John Snow'

# validating RFC format of email
ParseNameFromEmail.valid_rfc_format?('[email protected]') # => false
ParseNameFromEmail.valid_rfc_format?('John Snow <[email protected]>') # => true

# if config.friendly_plus_part = true
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('[email protected]') # => 'John Snow (Nickname 123)'

# if config.friendly_plus_part = false
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_name_from('[email protected]') # => 'John Snow'

# batches
string_with_emails = 'John Snow <[email protected]>, [email protected]'
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_names_from(string_with_emails) # => ['John Snow', 'Alice']

string_with_emails = '[email protected], [email protected]'
ParseNameFromEmail.parse_names_from(string_with_emails) # => ['Lily (black)', 'Alice']

# advanced parsing
string_with_emails = '[email protected], [email protected]'
# => {'[email protected]' => 'John Snow', '[email protected]' => 'Lily (black)'}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.