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Barbolani77 committed Jul 31, 2018
1 parent 9c23269 commit af01b6d
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Showing 12 changed files with 395 additions and 31 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions A3-Antistasi/AI/Buildings/isInRoof.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
File: UPSMON_Inbuilding.sqf
Author: Azroul13
Check if the AI is in a roof.
<--- Unit

private ["_onRoof","_Roof","_pos","_Down"];
_pos = ATLToASL (_this select 0);//recuerda que tiene que ser posicion ATL
//if ((_pos select 2) == 0) then {_pos = ATLtoASL _pos};
_onRoof = true;
_Roof = lineIntersectsWith [_pos, [(_pos select 0), (_pos select 1), (_pos select 2) + 20]];
If (count _Roof > 0) then
_onRoof = !((_Roof select 0) isKindOf "BUILDING");

Empty file.
318 changes: 318 additions & 0 deletions A3-Antistasi/AI/defendDrillAI.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
private _grupo = _this select 0;
private _marcador = _this select 1;
private _modo = _this select 2;
_objetivos = _grupo call enemyList;
_grupo setVariable ["objetivos",_objetivos];
private _size = [_marcador] call sizeMarker;
if (_modo != "FORTIFY") then {_grupo setVariable ["tarea","PatrolSoft"]} else {_grupo setVariable ["tarea","FORTIFY"]};
private _lado = side _grupo;
private _friendlies = if (_lado == malos) then {[malos,civilian]} else {[_lado]};
private _morteros = [];
private _mgs = [];
private _movable = [leader _grupo];
private _baseOfFire = [leader _grupo];

if (alive _x) then
_result = _x call typeOfSoldier;
_x setVariable ["maniobrando",false];
if (_result == "Normal") then
_movable pushBack _x;
if (_result == "StaticMortar") then
_morteros pushBack _x;
if (_result == "StaticGunner") then
_mgs pushBack _x;
_movable pushBack _x;
_baseOfFire pushBack _x;
} forEach (units _grupo);

if (count _morteros == 1) then
_morteros append ((units _grupo) select {_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "StaticBase"});
if (count _morteros > 1) then
//_morteros spawn mortarDrill;
_morteros spawn staticMGDrill;//no olvides borrar la otra función si esto funciona
_movable pushBack (_morteros select 0);
if (count _mgs == 1) then
_mgs append ((units _grupo) select {_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "StaticBase"});
if (count _mgs == 2) then
_mgs spawn staticMGDrill;
_movable pushBack (_mgs select 0);

_grupo setVariable ["movable",_movable];
_grupo setVariable ["baseOfFire",_baseOfFire];
if (side _grupo == buenos) then {_grupo setVariable ["autoRearmed",time + 300]};
_edificios = nearestTerrainObjects [getMarkerPos _marcador, ["House"],true];
_edificios = _edificios select {((_x buildingPos -1) isEqualTo []) and !((typeof _bld) in UPSMON_Bld_remove) and (_x inAera _marcador)};

if (_modo == "FORTIFY") then
_edificios = _edificios call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle;
_bldPos = [];
_cuenta = count _movable;
_exit = false;
_edificio = _x;
if (_exit) exitWith {};
if ([_x] call isOnRoof) then
_bldPos pushBack _x;
if (count _bldPos == _cuenta) then {_exit = true};
} forEach (_edificio buildingPos -1);
} forEach _edificios;
while {true} do
if (({alive _x} count (_grupo getVariable ["movable",[]]) == 0) or (isNull _grupo)) exitWith {};

_objetivos = _grupo call enemyList;
_grupo setVariable ["objetivos",_objetivos];
if !(_objetivos isEqualTo []) then
_aire = objNull;
_tanques = objNull;
_eny = assignedVehicle (_x select 4);
if (_eny isKindOf "Tank") then
_tanques = _eny;
if (_eny isKindOf "Air") then
if (count (weapons _eny) > 1) then
_aire = _eny;
if (!(isNull _aire) and !(isNull _tanques)) exitWith {};
} forEach _objetivos;
_lider = leader _grupo;
_allNearFriends = allUnits select {(_x distance _lider < (distanciaSPWN/2)) and (side _x in _friendlies) and ([_x] call canFight)};
_unit = _x;
_objetivo = _x select 4;
if (_lider knowsAbout _objetivo >= 1.4) then
_know = _unit knowsAbout _objetivo;
if (_know < 1.2) then {_unit reveal [_objetivo,(_know + 0.2)]};
} forEach _objetivos;
} forEach (_allNearFriends select {_x == leader _x}) - [_lider];
_numNearFriends = count _allNearFriends;
_aire = objNull;
_tanques = objNull;
_numObjetivos = count _objetivos;
_tarea = _grupo getVariable ["tarea","Patrol"];
_cercano = _grupo call enemigoCercano;
_soldados = ((units _grupo) select {[_x] call canFight}) - [_grupo getVariable ["mortero",objNull]];
_numSoldados = count _soldados;
if !(isNull _aire) then
if ({(_x call typeOfSoldier == "AAMan") or (_x call typeOfSoldier == "StaticGunner")} count _allNearFriends == 0) then
if (_lado != buenos) then {[[getPosASL _lider,_lado,"Air",false],"patrolCA"] remoteExec ["scheduler",2]};
//_nuevaTarea = ["Hide",_soldados - (_soldados select {(_x call typeOfSoldier == "AAMan") or (_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "StaticGunner")})];
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Hide"];
_tarea = "Hide";
if !(isNull _tanques) then
if ({_x call typeOfSoldier == "ATMan"} count _allFriendlies == 0) then
_mortero = _grupo getVariable ["morteros",objNull];
if (!(isNull _mortero) and ([_mortero] call canFight)) then
if ({if (_x distance _tanques < 100) exitWith {1}} count _allNearFriends == 0) then {[_mortero,getPosASL _tanques,4] spawn mortarSupport};
if (_lado != buenos) then {[[getPosASL _lider,_lado,"Tank",false],"patrolCA"] remoteExec ["scheduler",2]};
//_nuevaTarea = ["Hide",_soldados - (_soldados select {(_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "ATMan")})];
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Hide"];
_tarea = "Hide";
if (_numObjetivos > 2*_numNearFriends) then
if !(isNull _cercano) then
if (_lado != buenos) then {[[getPosASL _lider,_lado,"Normal",false],"patrolCA"] remoteExec ["scheduler",2]};
_mortero = _grupo getVariable ["morteros",objNull];
if (!(isNull _mortero) and ([_mortero] call canFight)) then
if ({if (_x distance _cercano < 100) exitWith {1}} count _allNearFriends == 0) then {[_mortero,getPosASL _cercano,1] spawn mortarSupport};
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Hide"];
_tarea = "Hide";

if (_tarea == "Patrol") then
if ((_cercano distance _lider < 150) and !(isNull _cercano)) then
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Assault"];
_tarea = "Assault";
if (_numObjetivos > 1) then
_mortero = _grupo getVariable ["morteros",objNull];
if (!(isNull _mortero) and ([_mortero] call canFight)) then
if ({if (_x distance _cercano < 100) exitWith {1}} count _allNearFriends == 0) then {[_mortero,getPosASL _cercano,1] spawn mortarSupport};

if (_tarea == "Assault") then
if (_cercano distance _lider < 50) then
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","AssaultClose"];
_tarea = "AssaultClose";
if (_cercano distance _lider > 150) then
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Patrol"];
if !(isNull _cercano) then
[_x,_cercano] call fuegoSupresor;
} forEach ((_grupo getVariable ["baseOfFire",[]]) select {([_x] call canFight) and ((_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "MGMan") or (_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "StaticGunner"))});
_mortero = _grupo getVariable ["morteros",objNull];
if (!(isNull _mortero) and ([_mortero] call canFight)) then
if ({if (_x distance _cercano < 100) exitWith {1}} count _allNearFriends == 0) then {[_mortero,getPosASL _cercano,1] spawn mortarSupport};

if (_tarea == "AssaultClose") then
if (_cercano distance _lider > 150) then
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Patrol"];
if (_cercano distance _lider > 50) then
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Assault"];
if !(isNull _cercano) then
_flankers = (_grupo getVariable ["flankers",[]]) select {([_x] call canFight) and !(_x getVariable ["maniobrando",false])};
if (count _flankers != 0) then
[_x,_x,_cercano] spawn cubrirConHumo;
} forEach ((_grupo getVariable ["baseOfFire",[]]) select {([_x] call canFight) and (_x getVariable ["typeOfSoldier",""] == "Normal")});
if ([getPosASL _cercano] call isBuildingPosition) then
_ingeniero = objNull;
_building = nearestBuilding _cercano;
if !(_building getVariable ["asaltado",false]) then
if ((_x call typeOfSoldier == "Engineer") and {_x != leader _x} and {!(_x getVariable ["maniobrando",true])} and {_x distance _cercano < 50} and {[_x] call canFight}) exitWith {_ingeniero = _x};
} forEach (_grupo getVariable ["baseOfFire",[]]);
if !(isNull _ingeniero) then
[_ingeniero,_cercano,_building] spawn destroyBuilding;
[[_flankers,_cercano] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition,_cercano,_building] spawn assaultBuilding;
[_flankers,_cercano] spawn doFlank;

if (_tarea == "Hide") then
if ((isNull _tanques) and {isNull _aire} and {_numObjetivos <= 2*_numNearFriends}) then
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Patrol"];
_movable = (_grupo getVariable ["movable",[]]) select {[_x] call canFight and !(_x getVariable ["maniobrando",false])};
_movable spawn hideInBuilding;
if (_grupo getVariable ["tarea","Patrol"] != "Patrol") then
if (_grupo getVariable ["tarea","Patrol"] == "Hide") then {_grupo call recallGroup};
_grupo setVariable ["tarea","Patrol"];
if (side _grupo == buenos) then
if (time >= _grupo getVariable ["autoRearm",time]) then
_grupo setVariable ["autoRearm",time + 120];
{[_x] spawn autoRearm; sleep 1} forEach ((_grupo getVariable ["movable",[]]) select {[_x] call canFight and !(_x getVariable ["maniobrando",false])});
diag_log format ["Tarea:%1.Movable:%2.Base:%3.Flankers:%4",_grupo getVariable "tarea",_grupo getVariable "movable",_grupo getVariable "baseOfFire",_grupo getVariable "flankers"];
sleep 30;
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion A3-Antistasi/AI/hideInBuilding.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ _x disableAI "SUPPRESSION";
_x disableAI "CHECKVISIBLE";
_x disableAI "COVER";
_x disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT";
doStop _ingeniero;
_x doMove _pos;
[_x,_pos] spawn
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions A3-Antistasi/CREATE/AAFroadPatrol.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ _lado = malos;
_tipoPatrol = "LAND";
if (lados getVariable [_base,sideUnknown] == malos) then
if (_base in puertos) then
if ((_base in puertos) and ([vehNATOBoat] call vehAvailable)) then
_tipoCoche = vehNATOBoat;
_tipoPatrol = "SEA";
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if (lados getVariable [_base,sideUnknown] == malos) then
_lado = muyMalos;
if (_base in puertos) then
if ((_base in puertos) and ([vehCSATBoat] call vehAvailable)) then
_tipoCoche = vehCSATBoat;
_tipoPatrol = "SEA";
Expand Down

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