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ThreeCircles: step by step tutorial

This github repository holds all the step by step tutorial to illustrate how to use 3musket33rs html5-mobile-scaffolding Grails plugin.

Do you want to see step by step how to build a single page web app? This workshop was presented at ConFESS and [Gr8Conf US] ( with the following abstract:

Hybrid Mobile App in minutes not days

Can you build your own version of Foursquare in minutes? Yes, you can. To survive offline your presentation logic should reside on the client. Using HTML5 power and jQuery mobile responsive UI your web app becomes Mobile. Ready to take the mobile challenges: geolocation, offline caching, data synchronization, server side event push, camera and packaging as Hybrid using PhoneGap. At the end of the session, you will have a clone of Foursquare on your mobile, with a REST backend in Grails running on the cloud. All that with one goal in mind: have fun!

You will find associated presentation in github find source code


Virtual box

  • Install the virtual box:
  • in the USB drive you will find for your operating system, virtual box and 7z intallation packages. Install them!
  • copy ubuntu.vdi.7z into a temporary directory
  • unpack it with 7z
  • Open virtual box:
  • click on new icon on the upper tool bar
    • pick a name,
    • choose the type linux, version ubuntu, press continue
    • choose at least 1Gb for memory size, press continue
    • check use an existing virtual hard drive file, select VDI pick the directory where you unpacked ubuntu.vdi, press finish

Once created, click on start, the virtual is started. Username / password is gr8conf / gr8conf. Open a terminal, in your home directory

cd work

In this directory there 3 git hub repos as listed below.

(Optional) GitHub Repos

If you dont have the gr8conf USB key, fork or clone this repo but also the 3musket33rs plugins

git clone
git clone
git clone

You will need also grails 2.2.3, jdk1.7, cordova 2.9.0, Android sdk and emulator, a modern browser (no IE6!)

Working with tutorial

The tutorial is divided into 10 steps. For each steps, we splitted it into 4 sections:

  • Get source code: where you fetch stepXX_todo
  • We've DONE it for you: here you have nothing to do yourself, just read what have being setup for you. This is to speed up the tutorial.
  • Your TODO: this is where you do some work. Each todo is numbered so you can easily search for it in the source code.
  • Get source code: the solution to the TODO can be found in this branch stepXX_done.

Working with branches

The step by step tutorial works with git branches. For each step you will find a branch stepXX_todo and stepXX_done Here will be the list of git commands you will need to know

  • Configure your env with your github account
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Your Name"
  • Commit your changes
git checkout stepXX_todo // To enter in the stepXX_todo branch
git branch               // to check in which branch you are
git status               // to know which files you modified in the current branch
git add -A               // to add files to be committed
git commit -m "Some usefull comments" //To commit locally your changes
git pull                 // to fetch the latest changes from the remote repo
git push                 // to send your committed changes to the remote repo if you did a fork

Step1: Scaffolding

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step1_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

2.1 Create app

In this branch, we have created a Grails app ThreeCircles with this command

grails create-app ThreeCircles

2.2 Configure app

Now let's start looking at the configuration added

In BuildConfig.groovy

  grails.plugin.location."html5-mobile-scaffolding" = "../html5-mobile-scaffolding"

to get the latest from source code.

in plugins section

    plugins {
        runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
        runtime ":jquery:1.9.1"
        build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
        compile ":webxml:1.4.1"

in resolution legacyResolve has been changed

    grails.project.dependency.resolution = {    
        legacyResolve true

to fetch Platform Core plugins.

in UrlMappings.groovy line removed


2.3 Domain classes

We've added the following domain classes. Look at the class diagram class diagram

3. Your TODO

This is where you start doing some work!

TODO 1: Generate HTML5 scaffolding

for both controller and views using 3musketeers plugin script

grails html-generate-all threecircles.User
grails html-generate-all threecircles.Place
grails html-generate-all threecircles.Comment
grails html-generate-all threecircles.Checkin

TODO 2: Run the app

grails run-app

TODO 3: Go to URL


Note: adding _debugResources=y to reload JavaScript/CSS/HTML updates for resources plugins

Add your favorites places and lokk at geolocation.

4. Get source code from repo

Before you get the solution push your changes

git status                   // to check the list of files changed or added
git add -A                   // to accept all changes
git commit -m "your changes" // to commit to local repo
git push                     // to push to remote repo if you did fork

and if you want to check the solution

git checkout step1_done

Step2: Boostrap

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step2_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

Search for TODO in grails-app/conf/Bootstrap.groovy

3. Your TODO

3.1 In BootStrap.groovy

  • add several users
  • add some places with coordinate. Choose your favorite places like:
        Place minneapolis = new Place(name: "Minneapolis Convention Center",
                latitude: 44.96930003941189,
                longitude: -93.27280524253842,
                address:  "1301 2nd avenue S, MN55403" )
  • add a checkin at Gr8Conf!

3.2 Run the app

grails run-app
  • Test the application
  • Try the offline mode (best support is in Firefox File-> Work Offline)
  • Add/Delete Checkin
  • Get back online (uncheck in Firefox File-> Work Offline)

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step2_done

Step3: Render timeline with mock picture

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step3_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

you will get new folders and files containing mock screen for timeline

  • added new cool CSS in web-app/css/my.css
  • and images in web-app/img/
  • delete index.html, this default page listing all controller available in Grails.
  • rename checkin-index.html into index.html. Checkin will become our main view with a timeline of all checkins
  • in index.html, section with id section-list-checkin revisit footer

3. Your TODO

Search for TODO in the project

TODO 1: Transform your index.html with css

  • in index.html (search "TODO header"), in section with id section-list-checkin add cool header using jQuery Mobile

TODO 2: Display dynamic content

The js file web-app/js/threecircles/checkin-view.js contains the JavaScript associated with your view. Let's make the content dynamic! In index.html (search "TODO render timeline"):

  1. remove hard coded string'Gr8Conf US in Minneapolis' by dynamic value coming from element To help you know what JSON is returned by Controller server side, put a break point in your browser in this method and inspect element.
  2. remove hard coded value for 'Corinne Krych' by value coming from element etc... Leave harcoded place holder for pictures.

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step3_done

Step4: Get timeline with time information

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step4_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

You will get a new file timeline.js.

3. Your TODO

  • go to timeline.js Note 3musket33rs JS coding Ă  la Crockford (function first!). Add a method which takes a Date as long and returns information like: just now (when under 10mins), 11 min ago, 2h23 min, 2 days ago, 3 months ago and we don't care when it's over one year.
  • go to checkin-view.js (search for //TODO) add call to newly created method to add time information.
  • go to index.html to include new js file

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step4_done

Step5: Google places

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step5_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

  • you will get a new file geolocation.js that you will complete.
  • in index.html, google API and geolocation.js has been included
  • in index.html, section with id "section-show-checkin" has been refactored to apply CSS and match our use case.
  • in checkin-view.js, we initialized our maps with
  • in geolocation.js, a google map is created from canvas from canvas id Using Google API: google.maps.Map
    $("#section-show-checkin").on( "pageshow", function (event) {
        geolocationSearch.showMapWithPlaces('map_canvas2', "list-place", storeLatLng);

3. Your TODO

In geolocation.js, seach "TODO search places". The goal of this step is to make you discover useful Google services when doing feolocation stuff. Once navigator got our current position with HTML5 navigator.geolocation, use google places API

3.1 TODO 1: initialise google places service

See API documentation Use Google places API: google.maps.places

3.2 TODO 2: In PlacesService find the places close by with all details

3.3 TODO 3: In search callback method, calculate the distance between you current

location and the point of interest Use Google geometry API: google.maps.geometry.spherical

3.4 TODO 4: Create a marker and add it to the map

Use Google Marker API: google.maps.Marker

Use Google position API: google.maps.LatLng

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step5_done

Step6: Checkin!

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step6_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

  • In index.html, section with id checkin has been refactored to apply CSS and match our use case
  • In checkin-view.js, we initialize on pageshow jqm event our third map map_canvas3 with
    $("#checkin").on( "pageshow", function (event) {
        geolocationCheckin.showMap('map_canvas3', that.selectedPlace);
  • In checkin-view.js, addAndSort method added to render timeline with latest checkin first.
  • In geolocation.js, use google info window to render bubble.

3. Your TODO

3.1 TODO 1: Add behaviour when click on checkin button

In checkin-view.js, search TODO 1

  • format the object before sending
               checkin: "{
                  description: description,
                  '': "1",
                   place: placeObj,
                  when: new Date().getTime()

3.2 TODO 2: Save place server side

In CheckinController.groovy, search TODO 2 Once a place is found with Google Places, save it to ThreeCircles database. Look at event method that triggers the event push (we'll use event push next step on view)

3.2 TODO 3: Visualize data in time line

On created, in checkin-view.js, deal with event push.

Let's test event push. To simulate 2 users open 2 different browsers (Chrome and Firefox for example, it has to be 2 different instance of browsers).

  • In Chrome, click on "check in" button on footer.
  • Same in Firefox, click on "check in" button.
  • in chrome select a place, add a description and checkin
  • notice how Firefox get notified

Event push (Grails plugin using Atmosphere framework) is doing broadcast to all browsers.
3musket33rs PushManager is dealing with excluding "myself".

In order to know in your code if you're the one triggering created callback you can user the NOTIFIED tag. NOTIFIED boolean is set true when you are notidied of somebody else event. In that.model.createdItem callback change page only when needed.

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step6_done

Step7: Let's take a picture

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step7_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

3. Your TODO

3.1 TODO 1: Add a new attribute in domain class

In Checkin.groovy, by convention every attribute of type byte[] is considerered as a photo. Create one field called photo No need to re-generate scaffolded view: be carefull not to loose all your work on checkin view!

3.2 TODO 2: Photo should be optional.

See how to add to define constraints in Grails. Photo should have a maximun size of 20Mb

3.3 TODO 3: add input for photo

In geolocation.js, in the bubble window, add an input of type file with id input-checkin-photo

3.4 TODO 4: take picture polyfill

In geolocation.js, use 3musketeers plugin camera service in to take the picture and display it.

3.5 TODO 5: Retrieve photo from input

In checkin-view.js, on checkin-submit uncomment line.

3.6 TODO 6: Display picture on timeline

In checkin-view.js, modify createListItemCustom to display picture if present

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step7_done

Step8: Put all together

This step ** does not ** have a TO DO section.

You can rest a bit ;-)

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step8_done

2. We've DONE it for you

Here is what was done for you:

  • in checkin-view.js, generated code has been cleaned to leave only what's needed
  • place-index.html & user-index.html has been merge in a single page index.html
  • place-view.js & user-view.js has been cleaned.

3. Your TODO

Nothing! just test it to see where we are...

Step9: Spring Security for login

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step9_todo

2. We've DONE it for you

You will get:

  • in BuildConfig.groovy, Spring Security dependency was added
  • in index.html a new section with id login-page has been added for the login form.
  • in checkin-view.js, login\logout methods and callbacks have been implemented.
  • checkin-model.js and checkin-controller.js new files. If you want to know more on those two files read note below.

**NOTE: ** 3musket33rs includes a very easy custom MCV in JavaScript. As we've seen ealier this MCV catters for the default CRUD operations. Most of the time those CRUD operations would be enough for your need. Now that we want to add a new operation to login. We need to extend Controller to do our cutom ajax call. If we want to add data to the model (like let's say the firstname of the user logged) we need to extend Model.

If you run your app in step9_todo, you get a new login page but on login, you bump into 500. Your turn to fix that...

3. Your TODO

TODO 1: Generate User and UserRole


grails s2-quickstart threecircles User Role

when prompted to overwrite User, answer yes, but once User is generated add back those fields:

 String firstname
 String lastname
 static hasMany = [friends:User]

See Spring Security plugin documentation page for more details.

TODO 2: Adding @Secured

In CheckinController.groovy,

TODO 3: Only my friends checkins in my timeline

In CheckingController.groovy,

  • retrieved user logged
  • find all checkins for me
  • find all checkins of my friends
  • send back JSON with JsonBuilder

TODO 4: Boostrap revisited

In Boostrap.groovy, register yourself with you name and password and add your friends too.

4. Get source code from repo

git checkout step9_done

Step10: Apache Cordova

git clone

1. Get source code from repo

git checkout step10_done

2. Your TODO

TODO 1: create cordova project

grails run-app
cordova create ThreeCircles
cd ThreeCircles

TODO 2: Add android platform

cordova platform add android

TODO 3: Add ThreeCircles JS

cp -r ../web-app/* www

TODO 4: use 3musket33rs BrowserPush cordova plugin

cordova plugin add ../../BrowserPush
cp plugins/org.threemusketeers.cordova.plugin.browserpush/www/browserpush.js www/

TODO 5: Android does not understand localhost!

subl www/js/threecircles/configuration-bootstrap.js

change for baseURL: "

TODO 6: Build your project anf launch it!

cordova build
cordova emulate

To see Android logs

adb logcat

TODO 7: Emulator and geolocation

See [Android Emulator section Geo] ( To emulate brwoser geolocation using the emulator control console:

telnet localhost 5554

geo fix 2.16 41.38
adb -d install bin/ThreeCircles-debug.apk

Step: Now Have FUN !!

3musket33rs MVC


Step by step tutorial for Gr8ConfUS 2013






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  • JavaScript 49.8%
  • Groovy 28.9%
  • CSS 12.9%
  • HTML 8.4%