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Twitter Crawlers

Code for downloading tweets and Twitter user information. Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions.

What can be downloaded:

  • Tweets given tweet IDs
  • Tweets given user IDs (max 200 tweets per request, max 16 request per ID)
  • User screen names given user IDs
  • Follower IDs given user IDs (max 5000 followers per ID)
  • Friends IDs given user IDs (max 5000 friends per ID)
  • Current rate limit of your application


Tweet/User crawlers

Commands to run tweet/user crawlers:

  • Options:

    • -tf: Token file name, necessary if -ck, -cs, -at or -as is not given
    • -ck: Consumer key, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -cs: Consumer secret, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -at: Access token, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -as: Access token secret, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -d: Input and output are directories, default false
    • -i: Input file/directory name, necessary
    • -o: Output file/directory name, necessary
    • -p: #Requests per user when crawling his tweets, default 1, max 16
    • -t: #Tweets per request when crawling a user's tweets, default 200, max 200
    • -h: Show help information
  • Token file format: The file should contain four lines as follows

      Consumer Key
      Consumer Secret
      Access Token
      Access Token Secret
  • Command examples (assume under lib/ and Linux):

    • Grab tweets given a tweet ID file

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.TweetsByTweetID -tf ../data/keys.txt -i ../data/Tweet/input/id1.txt -o ../data/Tweet/output/tweet1.txt
    • Grab tweets given a tweet ID directory

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.TweetsByTweetID -tf ../data/keys.txt -d -i ../data/Tweet/input/ -o ../data/Tweet/output/
    • Grab tweets given a user ID file, 2 requests per ID and 100 tweets per request

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.TweetsByUserID -tf ../data/keys.txt -i ../data/User/input/id1.txt -o ../data/Tweet/output/tweet1.txt -p 2 -t 100
    • Grab tweets given a user ID directory, default number of requests per ID and defaualt number of tweets per request

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.TweetsByUserID -tf ../data/keys.txt -d -i ../data/User/input/ -o ../data/Tweet/output/
    • Grab [screen name | follower IDs | friend IDs] given a user ID file

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.[ScreenName|Followers|Friends] -tf ../data/keys.txt -i ../data/User/input/id1.txt -o ../data/User/output/[name1|followers1|friends1].txt
    • Grab [screen name | follower IDs | friend IDs] given a user ID directory

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.[ScreenName|Followers|Friends] -tf ../data/keys.txt -d -i ../data/User/input/ -o ../data/User/output/

Input format:

  • The input could either be a single file or a directory with input files
  • Tweets given tweet IDs: Each line contains a tweet ID
  • Tweets/User screen names/follower IDs/friend IDs given user IDs: Each line contains a user ID

Output format:

  • Tweets: Each line contains a tweet in JSON format
  • User screen names: Each line contains a user's ID and his screen name, separated by tab
  • Follower IDs/friend IDs: Each line contains a user's ID and one of his followers'/friends' ID, separated by tab

Rate limit crawler

Commands to run rate limit crawler:

  • Options:

    • -tf: Token file name, necessary if -ck, -cs, -at or -as is not given
    • -ck: Consumer key, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -cs: Consumer secret, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -at: Access token, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -as: Access token secret, necessary if -tf is not given
    • -l: API name, full list at
    • -h: Show help information
  • Token file format: The file should contain four lines as follows

      Consumer Key
      Consumer Secret
      Access Token
      Access Token Secret
  • Command examples (assume under lib/ and Linux):

    • Get rate limits of all APIs

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.RateLimit -tf ../data/keys.txt
    • Get rate limit of an API named /geo/search

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar crawlers.RateLimit -tf ../data/keys.txt -l /geo/search

Extract text from JSON-format tweet file

Commands to run text extractor:

  • Options:

    • -d: Input and output are directories, default false
    • -i: Input file/directory name, necessary
    • -o: Output file/directory name, necessary
    • -h: Show help information
  • Command examples (assume under lib/ and Linux):

    • Extract text from a JSON-format tweet file

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar tweet.TextExtractor -i ../data/TweetJson/input/tweets1.txt -o ../data/Tweet/output/text1.txt
    • Extract text from a directory with JSON-format tweet files

        java -cp TwitterCrawler.jar:twitter4j-core-4.0.4.jar tweet.TextExtractor -d -i ../data/TweetJson/input/ -o ../data/Tweet/output/

Input format:

  • The input could either be a single file or a directory with input files
  • Each line contains a JSON-format tweet

Output format:

  • Each line contains a tweet's ID and text, separated by tab