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snakemake implementation of MoTrPAC RNA-seq pipeline

Contact: Yongchao Ge ([email protected])

C. Pre-alignment sample processing and QC

C.1 Run fastqc on the fastq file in fastq_raw folder

  • The fastq command details in
    fastqc -o $odir $fqfile 
  • $odir: fastqc_raw
  • $fqfile: one of the fastq files in ${SID}_R1.fastq.gz and ${SID}_R2.fastq.gz under folder fastq_raw

C.2 Attach UMI from index file to read files

In order to allow the the later data to track the UMI for each read, one strategy is to attach the UMI from the index fastq file _I1 to _R1 and _R2. The implementation is in UMI_attach.awk. We will apply this awk command for all of _R1 and _R2 files in the folder fastq_raw and save them into folder fastq_attach

C.3 Adapter trimming

For each paired-end fastq files (${SID}_R1.fastq.gz and ${SID}_R2.fastq.gz) under folder fastq_attach, remove adapters using cutadapt. Eliminate reads that are too short after removing adapters and save trimmed fastq files into folder fastq_trim. Save reads that were trimmed because they were too short into the folder fastq_trim/too_short. The details are in The following will be for the paired input fastq files. The implementation also considers single ended fastq file.

#Following trim_galore approach, taking the first 13 bases
#This is due to low quality at 3 prime end and also NuGEN may not take the complete universtal adapter
cutadapt \
    -a $index_adapter \
    -A $univ_adapter \
    -o fastq_trim/$R1 \
    -p fastq_trim/$R2 \
    -m 20 \
    --too-short-output fastq_trim/tooshort/$R1 \
    --too-short-paired-output fastq_trim/tooshort/$R2 \
    fastq_raw/$R1 fastq_raw/$R2

C.4 Run fastqc on all of the fastq files in fastq_trim folder

  • In the command, specifying $odir to be fastqc and $fqfile to be one of the fastq files in ${SID}_R1.fastq.gz and ${SID}_R2.fastq.gz under the folder fastq_trim

C.5 MultiQC for pre-aligned data, collecting the QC metrics on the fastqc, fastqc_raw and fastq_trim folders

The implementation is in the rule pre_align_QC of the rna-seq.snakefile and

	-f \
	-n pre_align \
	-o multiqc \
	fastqc_raw fastq_trim fastqc

D. Alignments

Please note all D.1A, D.2A, D.3A and D.4A parts are to describe the implementation details for generating the reference. All of these references can be generated in one single command as in the second item of section A.3 of and only needs to be done once.

D.1A Generate the star index

The star index is implemented in genome.fa and genome.gtf are the cleaned-up fastq and gtf files of human or rat genome (the clea-up was decsried in Note that we use the default value 100, which works as good as sequence length specific star index.

STAR --runThreadN $threads\
     --runMode genomeGenerate\
     --genomeDir star_index\
     --genomeFastaFiles genome.fa\
     --sjdbGTFfile genome.gtf\
     --sjdbOverhang 100\
     --outFileNamePrefix star_index/

D.1B Align paired fastq files in the fastq_trim folder and save the results in star_align folder

For each paired fastq files ${SID}_R1.fastq.gz and ${SID}_R2.fastq.gz under folder fastq_trim, align the reads to the genome ( Parameters:

  • gdir: the folder that contains the file genome.fa and genome.gtf and star_index and rsem_index and bowtie_index. For human, it will be $MOTRPAC_refdata/hg38_gencode_v29
mkdir -p star_align/$SID
STAR  --genomeDir $gdir/star_index\
      --sjdbOverhang  100\
      --readFilesIn fastq_trim/${SID}_R1.fastq.gz fastq_trim/${SID}_R2.fastq.gz\
      --outFileNamePrefix star_align/${SID}/\
      --readFilesCommand zcat \
      --outSAMattributes NH HI AS NM MD nM\
      --outFilterType BySJout\
      --runThreadN $threads\
      --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate\
      --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM

D.1C Quantify by featureCounts

The implementation details are in the file The essential part is

featureCounts -a $gdir/genome.gtf -o featureCounts/$SID -p -M --fraction star_align/${SID}/Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam

D.2A Prepare RSEM reference

It needs to be done once

rsem-prepare-reference --gtf genome.gtf genome.fa rsem_index/genome

D.2B RSEM quantification

Run quantification with the sorted star_algin/$SID/Aligned.toTranscriptome.sorted.bam files. For paired fastq files, the implementation from is like below

rsem-calculate-expression \
    --paired-end \
    -p $threads\
    --forward-prob 0.5\
    --seed 12345\
    --bam star_align/$SID/Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam\

D.3A Prepare bowtie2 index for globin and rRNA and phix

This is only needed to be done once and is implemented in the file The following is the essential part for human rRNA bowtie2 index

bowtie2-build hg_rRNA.fa $hg_rRNAref

D.3B Quantify the alignment percentage for globin and rRNA and phix

The implementation is at This is how the code will work for the human rRNA.

bowtie2 -p $threads \
	-1 fastq_trim/{SID}_R1.fastq.gz \
	-2 fastq_trim/{SID}_R2.fastq.gz \
	-x $hg_rRNAref 
	--local \
	-S $sam >rRNA/{SID}.txt

D.4A prepare refFlat file for Picard CollectRnaSeqMetrics

  • refFlat files are required for Picard CollectRnaSeqMetrics. The refFlat file is generated from the GTF file of each genome folder under MOTRPAC_refdata. The implementation details can be seen in

D.4B Collect RNA-seq metrics with Picard CollectRnaSeqMetrics

Compute post alignment QC metrics, including % mapped to coding, intron, intergenic, UTR, and % correct strand, and 5’ to 3’ bias.
The command for computing the CollectRnaSeqMetrics is in and the essential part is

picard CollectRnaSeqMetrics\
     I=$bam \
     >& qc53/log/${SID}.log

D.5 Using the UMI design to compute the PCR duplicates

  • Use the nugen python2 script file to compute the duplication rate and the duplicates removed bam file, details are seen in
	python2 \
        -2  \
       -s 8 \
	   -l 8 \
	   --rmdup-only \
	   -o <output>  \
	   -T $tmpdir \

D.6 MultiQC for post-aligned data, collecting the QC metrics on the star_align rsem and featureCounts folders

The implementaiton is in the rule pre_align_QC of the rna-seq.snakefile and

multiqc \
    -d \
    -f \
    -n post_align \
    -o multiqc \
	post_align star_align featureCounts rsem 

E Compile important metrics from the MultiQC output and other log files

The R script qc.R collects all of the important the QC metrics from multiQC output and other log files. All of the metrics have been saved into the file qc_info.csv after the pipeline finishes.

E.1 fastq metrics (raw and trimmed), collected from pre-alignment (see section C).

For paired ends fastq files, the metrics has been averaged between the two files to get a single metric. Most qc metrics are extracted directly from Section 3.5 unless indicated otherwise.

  • reads_raw: number of reads in raw fastq files (in folder fastq_raw)
  • %adapter_detected: % of reads with adapters detected (extracted from the cutadapt log file)
  • %trimmed: % trimmed reads
  • %trimmed_bases: % trimmed bases
  • reads: number of reads in the main fastq files (in folder fastq_trim when trimmed or in folder fastq when no trimming)
  • %GC: percentage of the GC content in trimmed fastq files
  • %dup_sequence: percentage of duplicated sequences in trimmed fastq files

E.2 Contamination and presence of other common spike-ins in the trimmed fastq files (see Section D.3B)

  • %rRNA
  • %globin
  • %phix

E.3 The PCR duplication rate marked by PICARD MarkDuplicates

The implementation is in the file

  • %dup_picard

E.4 The PCR duplication rate assessed with UMI technique (see section D.5)

  • %umi_dup

E.5 Post-alignment RNA-seq metrics from Picard's CollectRnaSeqMetrics output files, also for UMI duplicated removed files

  • The important metrics obtained from the Picard's CollectRnaSeqMetrics output file.
    • %coding: % of bases mapped to coding
    • %utr: % of bases mapped to UTR
    • %intronic: % of bases mapped to intronic
    • %intergenic: % of bases mapped to intergenic
    • %mrna: % of bases mapped to mRNA
    • median_5'_3'_bias: median 5prime to 3 prime bias

E.6 Alignment metrics from STAR's star_align/${SID} files

  • avg_input_read_length
  • uniquely_mapped
  • %uniquely_mapped
  • avg_mapped_read_length
  • num_splices
  • num_annotated_splices
  • num_GTAG_splices
  • num_GCAG_splices
  • num_ATAC_splices
  • num_noncanonical_splices
  • %multimapped
  • %multimapped_toomany
  • %unmapped_mismatches
  • %unmapped_tooshort
  • %unmapped_other
  • %chimeric

E.7 Alignment metrics

See the file for details

  • for original bam file, star_align/${SID}. In the calculation, we only considered the primary alignment.
    • %chrX: % of reads mapped to ChrX
    • %chrY: % of reads mapped to ChrY
    • %chrM: % of reads mapped to ChrM
    • %chrAuto: % of reads mapped to autosomes
    • %contig: % of reads mapped to contigs

F. Flag problematic samples

These metrics are very liberal to remove samples of very low quality. Additional samples might be removed downstream using more stringent criteria.

Flag samples with

  1. Low RIN scores, e.g. RIN < 6
  2. Low number of sequenced reads after trimming adaptors, e.g. samples with < 20M reads
  3. Abnormal GC content, e.g. GC% > 80% or < 20%
  4. High percentage of rRNA, e.g. rRNA > 20%
  5. Low number of mapped reads, e.g. < 60%
  6. Low number of % exonic read, % exonic read < 50%
  7. Mapped read count < 50% of average mapped read count per sample

G. Post-Quantification QC

These steps should be updated when new samples become available because they are depend on all samples.

  1. Confirm sample concordance with other omics genotypes from same individual using VerifyBAMID.
  2. Obtain filtered and normalized expression data and filter outliers:
  • Remove genes with 0 counts in every sample.
  • Filter lowly expressed genes (for QC purposes only, definition of expressed gene might change for each analyses): genes with mean counts < 5 and zero counts in more than 20% of samples.
  • Perform library size correction and variance stabilization using DESeq2 or other methods.
  • Compute D-statistic for each sample based on filtered and normalized expression data, i.e. average Spearman’s correlation with other samples from the same tissue and time point. Flag samples with D<.80.
  • Perform PCA based on filtered and normalized expression data across and within tissues. Mark outlier samples (outside +/- 3 sd).