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dangerous a.危险的 hazardous /ˈhæzərdəs/
danger n.危险 peril
be excited about sth. (vt.)对...感到开心 rejoice about sth.
useless a.无用的 futile /'fju:tl/
describe vt.描述,描绘 depict /di'pi:kt/
a.易于...的 prone /prəun/
apparent a.显然的 manifest /mæni'fest/
cruel a.残酷的 ruthless /'ru:θləs/
allowance n./v.准许 sanction /sænkʃn/
a.称赞的 complimentary /kampli'mentri/
v.反抗 revolt /ri'voʊt/ (+against sth.)
passion n.热情 zeal
aparted separated a.孤立的,分开的 detached /di'tætʃd/
die vi.去世 perish /periʃ/
qualifiled a.合格的 eligible /'elidʒəbɔ:l/
n.差事 errand /'erənd/
v.排斥,抵制 repel /ri'pel/
v.压抑(感情) suppress /sə'pres/
harmful (+to sth.) a.有害的,不利的 detrimental /detri'mentl/ (+to sth.)
end n./v.结束,终止 terminate / termination
v.称赞 commend /kə'mend/ (+for somereason)
strategy n.[c]手段,策略,战术 tactic /'tæktik/
revenge v.报复 retaliate /ri'tælieit/ (+against sb.)
n.[c]/v.发誓 vow /vaʊ/ (make a vow that ...)
attack n.[c]/v.(军事)攻击,袭击 assault /ə'sɔ:lt/ (conduct an assault on sb.)
a.极好的 fabulous /'fæbjələs/
disagree v.不同意 dissent /di'sent/
vt.忽视 disregard
friendly a.友好的 cordial /kɔ;rdʒl/
follow vi.遵守 abide /ə'baid/ (+by rules)
tempt n.诱惑 allurement /ə'luəment/
seduction /si'dʌkʃn/
disappoint n.[c]/v.(使)失望 dismay /dis'mei/
get sth. back vt.取回,重新得到 retrieve
take sth. down vt.拆除 dismantle /dis'mæntl/
infectious a.有传染性的
a.易被传染的 susceptible /sə'septəbl/
envy n.[u]嫉妒 jealousy /'dʒeləsi/
crazy a.(为...而)疯狂的 zealous /ze'ləs/
similiar a.类似的 akin /ə'kin/
vt.使...丧失...,免除...的职务 deprive /di'praiv/ (+sb. of sth.)
illness n.[c]疾病 ailment /'eilment/