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DOM (Document Object Model)


Why do we learn DOM ?

  • It allow us to manipulate HTML elements.
  • 製作動態網頁

How to use JS in HTML ?

  • <script> tag 放在 <body> tag 下面

    <script src="fileName.js"></script>
  • 為什麼要為什麼放在最下面?

    • It takes long time to render JS code. (We want to show something to user first)
    • Browser has to read all HTML and CSS before using DOM.

1. Window Object

可以參考 : The Window Object - w3school

1.1 Window Object Methods

Name Description
alert() 彈出警告視窗
prompt() 彈出可以輸入的視窗
setInterval() 間隔固定的延遲重複地時間執行一個函式呼叫或一個程式碼片斷
clearInteval() 清除 setInterval()
addEventListener() 加入事件監聽

1.2 Window Object Properties

“OOP Concept : An object can be a property of another object.”

Window Object Properties


上面這四個剛好都是 object,先討論前面兩個,後面兩個請看

Console Object

  • is a property of window object.
  • methods:
    • log()warn()error()

Document Object

  • 進入本章重點

2. What exactly is DOM ?

  • Document is an Object. (Also a property of window object.)

  • Document means the HTML document.

  • This model means all HTML elements are objects. (It means that they all have its properties and methods.)

  • Big picture in DOM


2.1 Document Object Properties


2.2 Document Object Methods

  • getElementsById()getElementsByClass() 這兩個不好用,現代少用,因此不多討論。
  • 現在多用 querySelector()querySelectorAll()
  • addEventListener()8. Events 再討論
  • createElement() 裡面放入 tag name (string) 就可以創建 new object
  • querySelector()
    • 放入要查詢的 css seletor (string)
    • 只會 return 第一個滿足 css selector 條件的 html elements
  • querySelectorAll()
    • 放入要查詢的 css seletor (string)
    • 只會 return 第一個滿足 css selector 條件的 html elements
    • return a NodeList, not an Array

3. Arrow Function Expression

  • Js 中, function declaration 不一定要在使用的 code 上面 (hoisting) 但 arrow function expression 有順序之分

3.1 Function Declaration

// function declaration

function sayHi(name) {
  console.log("Hi, " + name);

3.2 Arrow Function Expression

// arrow function expression
let sayHi = (name) => {
  console.log("Hi, " + name);


3.3 this Keyword

  • 在 arrow function expression 裡面的 this 指的是 Window Object.

  • 因此通常通常在 Object 內不會使用 arrow function expression

  • Example

    // this keyword
    let person = {
      name: "rjun",
      func() {
        console.log(this); // this is person Object here.
      arrowFunc: () => {
        console.log(this); // this is Window Object here.


    Object { name: "rjun", func: func(), arrowFunc: arrowFunc()}

4. forEach Function

4.1 What is CallBack function ?

function to execute on each element (array item).

4.2 forEach function

  • forEach function takes one parameter - function

  • Example

    let nums = [215, 12, 512, 24, 56, 1, 7, 91];
    nums.forEach(function checkedNum(n) {
      if (n > 20) console.log(n);

    forEach 內的 function 會自動執行,因此我們不需要設定 function 的名稱 (anonymous function) 也因此可以搭配 arrow function expression

    // 搭配 arrow function expression
    let nums = [215, 12, 512, 24, 56, 1, 7, 91];
    nums.forEach((n) => {
      if (n > 20) console.log(n);

    也可以先在外面定義好 function 直接丟到 forEach()

    // forEach
    let nums = [215, 12, 512, 24, 56, 1, 7, 91];
    function checkedNum(n) {
      if (n > 20) console.log(n);

5. Array, HTMLCollection and NodeList

  • Array, HTMLCollection and NodeList are similar ( index and length properties)

  • Array and NodeList can use forEach method, but HTMLCollection cannot. 這也是為什麼現在大家多用 NodeList 而非 HTMLCollection. - 例如:取得所有 class 為 second 的 object 使用 getElementsByClassName() (現少用)

    // HTMLCollection
    let secondElement = document.getElementsByClassName("second");

    使用 querySelectorAll() 已取得 NodeList

    // NodeList
    let secondElement = document.querySelectorAll("second");

6. Element Object

  • Different HTML element might have its own methods and property.

  • All HTML element must have properties and methods from this list

    Properties and Methods Name
    classList (add(), remove(), toggle(), contains())
    innerHTML, innerText

6.1 Children and ChildNode

  • children returns HTML elements
  • childNode returns NodeList. (document.querySelectorAll() also returns NodeList)
  • parentElement

6.2 InnerHTML and InnerText

  • innerHTMLinnerText 後面都接 string,基本功能一樣

  • 不同的是 innerHTML 可以放入 html tag,而 innerText 被當作純文字

  • .js 中的程式碼可以覆蓋 .html 中的,因此可以透過此方式使網頁的 tag 或文字為動態的

  • Example

    let h1 = document.querySelector("h1.myH1");
    h1.innerHTML = "<mark>This is rjun.</mark>";

6.3 Style Object

  • is a property of element object.

  • is an object that is controlling the CSS styling of an element.

  • hyphen (-) in JS is not allowed, therefore, CSS properties are changed to "camelCase"

  • JS style object 是 inline-styling ( > id > class > ...)

  • Example 兩種寫法

    let button = document.querySelector("button"); = "background-color: red; color: white";
    let button = document.querySelector("button"); = "red"; = "white";

7. Inheritance in DOM

  • All HTML elements inherit properties and methods from “element object.
  • But some of them have its own methods.

8. Events

8.1 JS Events Introduction

  • JS event are occurred when things happen in browser. (For example, resize the screen, click on a button, press a key on keyboard.)
  • 事件發生時,需要偵探
  • JS Events 發生時,需要 event listener.
  • addEventListener(event type, callback)
  • JS Events 都是 Object

8.2 Events Inheritance


參考: DOM Events - W3Schools

8.3 Event Object

Propeties and Methods Name Description
target 事件的目標,an Object
preventDefault() 如果事件可以被取消,就取消事件的預設行為。但不會影響事件的傳遞,事件仍會繼續傳遞
stopPropagation() 停止 bubble

9. Event Bubbling

若內外層都有 add 一樣 的 event listener ,內層啟動 event 會使外層也啟動 event,會像 bubble 一樣擴散到最外層。不過外層不會影響內層

Example - 點擊內層 b 也會觸發 a

let a = document.querySelector("div.a");
let b = document.querySelector("div.b");

a.addEventListener("click", () => {
  alert("a's eventlistener's callback is running");

b.addEventListener("click", () => {
  alert("b's eventlistener's callback is running");

如何停止呢? 使用 stopPropagation() 。把 b 改成以下

b.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  alert("b's eventlistener's callback is running");

10. Dynamic Header

學會一點 event 後就可以來製作 dynamic header 了。要用到的有

  • window.pageYOffset property
  • scroll event
  • style object
let header = document.querySelector("header");
let headerAnchor = document.querySelectorAll("header nav ul li a");

window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
  if (window.pageYOffset != 0) { = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; = "white";
    headerAnchor.forEach((a) => { = "white";
  } else { = "";
    headerAnchor.forEach((a) => { = "";

11. Local Storage and Session Storage

11.1 What is Web Storage

  • Storage is a place to store data in browser (This is not database)
  • key-value pair (Both have to be string. If the value is not a string, it would be typecast to a string.)

怎麼看到網頁 storage ?

  • FireFox: f12 → Storage
  • Chrome: f12 → Application

小補充 Cookies :

Briefly,Cookies are smaller and send server information back with every HTTP request, while LocalStorage is larger and can hold information on the client side.

11.2 Methods for both local and session storage

Methods Description
setItem(key, value) 新增 key-value pair
getItem(key) 透過 key 取得 value
removeItem(key) 透過 key 移除 key-value
clear() 清空 storage

11.3 Difference between Local Storage and Session Storage

生命週期不同, local > session.

Session storage is “destroyed” once the user closes the browser whereas, Local storage stores data with no expiration data.

11.4 How to store other types of data

  • JSON means JavaScript Object Notation
  • JSON.stringify() : 將 JSON 檔案變成字串
  • JSON.parse() :將 string 轉型成 JSON 格式

Object, Array, Boolean .... 都可以用

Example: 把 array 存進 local storage 拿出來還是 array

let friends = ["John", "Evelyn", "Mike"];

localStorage.setItem("friends", JSON.stringify(friends));
let getFriends = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("friends"));


存進:array → JSON.stringfy() → string → setItem() → Local Storage

取出:Local Storage → getItem() → string → JSON.parge() → array