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Ruby Basics


This book requires basic knowledge of HTML, plus the reader - you, in other words - should also have a basic understanding of programming.

The beginning of this chapter is going to be a bit boring. Bear with me. It’s worth it.
It is easy to program in Ruby, but Ruby is not a simple language.
— Yukihiro Matsumoto

This chapter is a tightrope walk between oversimplification and a degree of detail that is unnecessary for a Rails newbie. After all, the objective is not becoming a Ruby guru, but understanding Ruby on Rails. I am going to elaborate on the most important points. The rest is then up to you. If you would like to know more about Ruby, then I recommend the book "The Ruby Programming Language" by David Flanagan and Yukihiro Matsumoto.

The command ruby -v will print the current running Ruby version:

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-darwin15]

Hello World

Ruby is a scripting language. So it is not compiled and then executed, but read by an interpreter and then processed line by line.

A simple Ruby program hello-world.rb consist of the following line:

puts 'Hello World!'

Use your favorite editor to open a new file with the filename hello-world.rb and insert the above line into it. You can then execute this Ruby program in the command line as follows:

$ ruby hello-world.rb
Hello World!

A program line in a Ruby program does not have to end with a semicolon. The Ruby interpreter is even so intelligent that it recognizes if a program line was split over two or more lines for the sake of readability. I will spare you the corresponding examples and am only mentioning this so you don’t say or think later, "is it okay like this?"

Indenting code is also not necessary. But it does make it much easier to read for human beings!

puts and print

If you go looking for examples on Ruby on the Internet, you will find two typical ways of printing text on the screen:

  • puts prints a string, followed by a newline.

  • print prints a string (without newline).

Example program (an extension of the program hello-world.rb):

puts 'Hello World!'
puts 'zzz'
print 'Hello World!'
puts 'zzz'

On the screen, you will see this:

$ ruby hello-world.rb
Hello World!

Hello World!zzz


A comment in a Ruby program starts with a #-sign and ends with a newline. As an example, I can add a comment to the hello-world.rb above:

# Program for displaying "Hello World!"
# by Stefan Wintermeyer

puts 'Hello World!'

A comment can also follow a program line:

# Program for displaying "Hello World!"
# by Stefan Wintermeyer

puts 'Hello World!'  # output

A #-sign within strings in inverted commas is not treated as the start of a comment. Example program:

# Example program
# by Stefan Wintermeyer

puts 'Hello World!'
puts '############'
puts '1#2#3#4#5#6#'  # Comment on this

Help via ri

When programming, you do not always have a Ruby handbook available. Fortunately, the Ruby developers thought of this and provided a built-in help feature in form of the program ri (of course only if you have installed the documentation which is the default).

This is a typical chicken and egg situation. How can I explain the Ruby help feature, if we are only just getting started with Ruby? So I am going to jump ahead a little and show you how you can search for information on the class String:

$ ri String

If we are looking for information on a specific method (chicken-egg!), then we can also use ri. Let’s take gsub as an example. This is a method for replacing parts of a String (that is useful now and again).

$ ri String.size
= String.size

(from ruby site)
  str.size     -> integer


Returns the character length of str.

The program ri always prints the output in the pager program defined by the shell (for example less). You can also use the command option -T to output everything directly to STDOUT.


irb stands for Interactive Ruby and is a kind of sandbox where you can play around with Ruby at your leisure. irb is launched by entering irb on the shell and ends if you enter exit.

An example is worth a thousand words:

$ irb
>> puts 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
=> nil
>> exit
I use IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :SIMPLE in my .irbrc config file to generate shorter irb output. You can do the same by using irb --simple-prompt.

Ruby is Object-Oriented

Ruby only knows objects. Everything is an object (sounds almost like Zen). Every object is an instance of a class. You can find out the class of an object via the method .class.

An object in Ruby is encapsulated and can only be reached from the outside via the methods of the corresponding object. What does this mean? I cannot change any property of an object directly from the outside. The corresponding object has to offer a method with which I can do so.


Please do not panic if you have no idea what a class and an object is. I won’t tell anyone and you can still work with it just fine without worrying too much. This topic alone could fill whole volumes. Roughly speaking, an object is a container for something and a method changes something in that container.

Please go on reading and have a look at the examples. The puzzle will gradually get clearer.


In other programming languages, the terms you would use for Ruby methods would be: functions, procedures, subroutines and of course methods.


Here we go with the oversimplification. We can not compare non-Object oriented programming languages with OO ones. Plus there are two kinds of methods (class methods and instance methods). At this point, I do not want to make it too complicated and am simply ignoring this "fine" distinctions for now.

At this point you start looking for a good example, but all I can think of are silly ones. The problem is the assumption that we are only allowed to use knowledge that has already been described previously in this book.

So let’s assume that we use the following code sequence repeatedly (for whatever reason):

$ irb
>> puts 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
=> nil
>> puts 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
=> nil
>> puts 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
=> nil
>> exit

So we want to output the string “Hello World!” three times in separate rows. As this makes our daily work routine much longer, we are now going to define a method (with the meaningless name three\_times), with which this can all be done in one go.

Names of methods are always written in lower case.
$ irb
>> def three_times
>>   puts 'Hello World!'
>>   puts 'Hello World!'
>>   puts 'Hello World!'
>> end
=> :three_times
>> three_times
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
=> nil

When defining a method, you can define required parameters and use them within the method. This enables us to create a method to which we pass a string as parameter and we can then output it three times.

>> def three_times(value)
>>   puts value
>>   puts value
>>   puts value
>> end
=> :three_times
>> three_times('Hello World!')
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
=> nil

Incidentally, you can omit the brackets when calling the method.

>> three_times 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
=> nil

Ruby gurus and would-be gurus are going to turn up their noses on the subject of “unnecessary” brackets in your programs and will probably pepper you with more or less stupid comments with comparisons to Java and other programming languages.

There is one simple rule in the Ruby community: the fewer brackets, the cooler you are! ;-)

But you won’t get a medal for using fewer brackets. Decide for yourself what makes you happy.

If you do not specify a parameter with the above method, you will get the error message: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1):

>> three_times
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
    from (irb):1:in `three_times'
    from (irb):6
    from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>> exit

You can give the variable value a default value and then you can also call the method without parameter:

$ irb
>> def three_times(value = 'blue')
>>   puts value
>>   puts value
>>   puts value
>> end
=> :three_times
>> three_times('Hello World!')
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
=> nil
>> three_times
=> nil
>> exit


For now you can think of a class as a collection of methods. The name of a class always starts with an upper case letter. Let’s assume that the method belongs to the new class This_and_that. It would then be defined as follows in a Ruby program:

class This_and_that
  def three_times
    puts 'Hello World!'
    puts 'Hello World!'
    puts 'Hello World!'

Let’s play it through in irb:

$ irb
>> class This_and_that
>>   def three_times
>>     puts 'Hello World!'
>>     puts 'Hello World!'
>>     puts 'Hello World!'
>>   end
>> end
=> :three_times

Now we try to call the method three_times:

>> This_and_that.three_times
NoMethodError: undefined method `three_times' for This_and_that:Class
  from (irb):8
  from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

This results in an error message, because This_and_that is a class and not an instance. As we are working with instance methods, it only works if we have first created a new object (a new instance) of the class This_and_that with the class method new:

>> abc =
=> #<This_and_that:0x007fc6f306bd70>
>> abc.three_times
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
=> nil
>> exit

I will explain the difference between instance and class methods in more detail in the section called "Class Methods and Instance Methods". Another chicken and egg problem.

Private Methods

Quite often it makes sense to only call a method within its own class or own instance. Such methods are referred to as private methods (as opposed to public methods), and they are listed below the keyword private within a class.

irb example:

$ irb
>> class Example
>>   def a
>>     puts 'a'
>>   end
>>   private
>>   def b
>>     puts 'b'
>>   end
>> end
=> :b
>> abc =
=> #<Example:0x007fbb3383b1e8>
>> abc.a
=> nil
>> abc.b
NoMethodError: private method `b' called for #<Example:0x007fbb3383b1e8>
  from (irb):13
  from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>> exit

Method initialize()

If a new instance is created (by calling the method new), the method that is processed first and automatically is the method initialize. The method is automatically a private method, even if it not listed explicitly under private.

irb example:

$ irb
>> class Room
>>   def initialize
>>     puts 'abc'
>>   end
>> end
=> :initialize
>> kitchen =
=> #<Room:0x007fba8b050350>
>> exit

The instance kitchen is created with and the method initialize is processed automatically.

The method new accepts the parameters specified for the method initialize:

$ irb
>> class Example
>>   def initialize(value)
>>     puts value
>>   end
>> end
=> :initialize
>> abc ='Hello World!')
Hello World!
=> #<Example:0x007f8389040088>
>> exit


puts is nice to demonstrate an example in this book but normally you need a way to return the result of something. The return statement can be used for that:

$ irb
>> def area_of_a_circle(radius)
>>   pi = 3.14
>>   area = pi * radius * radius
>>   return area
>> end
=> :area_of_a_circle
>> area_of_a_circle(10)
=> 314.0
>> exit

But it wouldn’t be Ruby if you couldn’t do it shorter. You can simply skip return:

$ irb
>> def area_of_a_circle(radius)
>>   pi = 3.14
>>   area = pi * radius * radius
>>   area
>> end
=> :area_of_a_circle
>> area_of_a_circle(10)
=> 314.0
>> exit

You can actually even skip the last line because Ruby returns the value of the last expression as a default:

$ irb
>> def area_of_a_circle(radius)
>>   pi = 3.14
>>   area = pi * radius * radius
>> end
=> :area_of_a_circle
>> area_of_a_circle(10)
=> 314.0
>> exit

return is sometimes useful to make a method easier to read. But you don’t have to use it in case you feel more comfortable with out.


A class can inherit from another class. When defining the class, the parent class must be added with a < (smaller than) sign:

class Example < ParentClass

Rails makes use of this approach very frequently (otherwise I would not be bothering you with it).

In the following example, we define the class Abc and which contains the methods a, b and c. Then we define a class Abcd and let it inherit the class Abc and add a new method d. The new instances example1 and example2 are created with the Class-Methods new and show that example2 has access to the methods a, b, c and d but example1 only to a, b and c.

$ irb
>> class Abc
>>   def a
>>     'a'
>>   end
>>   def b
>>     'b'
>>   end
>>   def c
>>     'c'
>>   end
>> end
=> :c
>> class Abcd < Abc
>>   def d
>>     'd'
>>   end
>> end
=> :d
>> example1 =
=> #<Abc:0x007f827b958a30>
>> example2 =
=> #<Abcd:0x007f827b931610>
>> example2.d
=> "d"
>> example2.a
=> "a"
>> example1.d
NoMethodError: undefined method `d' for #<Abc:0x007fc73a0731c8>
    from (irb):19
    from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>> example1.a
=> "a"
>> exit

It is important to read the Error-Messages. They tell you what happened and where to search for the problem. In this example Ruby said that there is an undefined method for #<Abc:0x007fb463023928>. With that information you know that the Class Abc is missing the method which you were trying to use.

Class Methods and Instance Methods

There are two important kinds of methods: class methods and instance methods.

You now already know what a class it. And an instance of such a class is created via the class method new. A class method can only be called in connection with the class (for example, the method new is a class method). An instance method is a method that only works with an instance. So you cannot apply the method new to an instance.

Let’s first try to call an instance method as class method:

$ irb
>> class Knowledge
>>   def pi
>>     3.14
>>   end
>> end
=> :pi
>> Knowledge.pi
NameError: uninitialized constant Knowledge
  from (irb):6
  from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'

So that does not work. Well, then let’s create a new instance of the class and try again:

>> example =
=> #<Knowledge:0x007fce04039bf0>
>> example.pi
=> 3.14
>> exit

Now we just need to find out how to define a class method. Hardcore Rails gurus would now whisk you away into the depths of the source code and pick out examples from ActiveRecord. I will spare you this and show an abstract example:

$ irb
>> class Knowledge
>>   def self.pi
>>     3.14
>>   end
>> end
=> :pi
>> Knowledge.pi
=> 3.14

And the proof to the contrary:

>> example =
=> #<Knowledge:0x007ffda3050980>
>> example.pi
NoMethodError: undefined method `pi' for #<Knowledge:0x007ffda3050980>
  from (irb):7
  from /usr/local/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>> exit

There are different notations for defining class methods. The two most common ones are and class << self:

# Variant 1
# with
class Knowledge
  def self.pi
# Variant 2
# with class << self
class Knowledge
  class << self
    def pi

The result is always the same.

Of course you can use the same method name for a class and an instance method. Obviously that doesn’t make code easier to understand. Here is an example with pi as a class and an instance method:

$ irb
>> class Knowledge
>>   def pi
>>     3.14
>>   end
>>   def self.pi
>>     3.14159265359
>>   end
>> end
=> :pi
>> Knowledge.pi
=> 3.14159265359
>> example =
=> #<Knowledge:0x007fa5c28890b8>
>> example.pi
=> 3.14
>> exit

List of All Instance Methods

You can read out all defined methods for a class with the method instance_methods. We try it out with the class Knowledge (first we create it once again in the irb):

$ irb
>> class Knowledge
>>   def pi
>>     3.14
>>   end
>> end
=> :pi
>> Knowledge.instance_methods
=> [:pi, :instance_of?, :public_send, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variable_defined?, :remove_instance_variable, :private_methods, :kind_of?,
:instance_variables, :tap, :is_a?, :extend, :define_singleton_method, :to_enum, :enum_for, :<=>, :===, :=~, :!~, :eql?, :respond_to?,
:freeze, :inspect, :display, :send, :object_id, :to_s, :method, :public_method, :singleton_method, :nil?, :hash, :class,
:singleton_class, :clone, :dup, :itself, :taint, :tainted?,
:untaint, :untrust, :trust, :untrusted?, :methods,
:protected_methods, :frozen?, :public_methods, :singleton_methods,
:!, :==, :!=, :send, :equal?, :instance_eval, :instance_exec,

But that is much more than we have defined! Why? It’s because Ruby gives every new class a basic set of methods by default. If we only want to list the methods that we have defined, then we can do it like this:

>> Knowledge.instance_methods(false)
=> [:pi]
>> exit


You already know that everything in Ruby is an object. So a variable must also be an object.

Naming Conventions

Normal variables are written in lower case. Constants start with an upper case letter.

A constant can also be overwritten with a new value in Ruby 2.3 (but you will get a warning message). So please do not rely on the constancy of a constant.

$ irb
>> Pi = 3.14
=> 3.14
>> Pi = 123
(irb):2: warning: already initialized constant Pi
(irb):1: warning: previous definition of Pi was here
=> 123
>> puts Pi
=> nil
>> exit

You are on the safe side if you are using only ASCII symbols. But with Ruby 2.3 and the right encoding, you could also use special characters (for example German umlauts) more or less without any problems in a variable name. But if you want to be polite towards other programmers who probably do not have those characters directly available on their keyboards, it is better to stick to pure ASCII.


Let’s experiment a little bit in the irb. The method .class tells us which class we are dealing with.

$ irb
>> a = 'First test'
=> "First test"
>> a.class
=> String

That was easy. As you can see, Ruby “automagically” creates an object of the class String. We could also do this by explicitly calling the method new:

>> b ='Second test')
=> "Second test"
>> b.class
=> String

If we call without a parameter, this also creates an object of the class String. But it is an empty String:

>> c =
=> ""
>> c.class
=> String
>> exit

Single and Double Quotations Marks

Strings can be defined either in single quotes or double quotes.

If we mention single or double quotation marks in the context of strings, we do not mean typographically correct curly quotation marks (see, but the ASCII symbols referred to as apostrophe (') or quotation mark(").

There is a special feature for the double quotes: you can integrate expressions with the construct #{}. The result is then automatically inserted in the corresponding place in the string.


$ irb
>> a = 'blue'
=> "blue"
>> b = "Color: #{a}"
=> "Color: blue"
>> b.class
=> String
>> exit

If the result of the expression is not a string, Ruby tries to apply the method to_s in order to convert the value of the object into a string.


Fixnum and Bignum

Fixnum and Bignum are Integer classes. A Fixnum is an Integer that can be saved in a Word. If a Fixnum gets bigger, it automatically becomes a Bignum. Here is an example where a becomes larger and by that becomes a Bignum.

$ irb
>> 20.class
=> Fixnum
>> a = 20
=> 20
>> a.class
=> Fixnum
>> a = a * 5555555555
=> 111111111100
>> a.class
=> Fixnum
>> a = a * 5555555555
=> 617283950493827160500
>> a.class
=> Bignum
>> exit


Float is a class for real numbers (“floating point numbers”). The decimal separator is a point.

$ irb
>> a = 20.424
=> 20.424
>> a.class
=> Float
>> 42.2.class
=> Float
>> exit

Simple Calculations

Adding two integers will result in an integer. Adding an integer and a float will result in a float:

$ irb
>> a = 10
=> 10
>> b = 23
=> 23
>> a + b
=> 33
>> (a + b).class
=> Fixnum
>> (a + 3.14).class
=> Float
>> exit

Boolean Values and nil

For boolean values (true and false) and for nil (no value) there are separate classes:

$ irb
>> true.class
=> TrueClass
>> false.class
=> FalseClass
>> nil.class
=> NilClass
>> exit

nil (no value) is, by the way, the contraction of the Latin word nihil (nothing) or, if you look at it in terms of programming history, the term derives from “not in list” from the legacy of the programming language Lisp (the name is an acronym of List Processing).

Scope of Variables

Variables have a different scope (or “reach”) within the Ruby application and therefore also within a Ruby on Rails application.

You need to keep this scope in mind while programming. Otherwise you can end up with odd effects.

Local Variables (aaa or _aaa)

Local variables either start with a lower case letter or an underscore (_). Their scope is limited to the current environment (for example the current method). The following example defines two methods which use the same local variable radius. Because they are local they don’t interact with each other:

$ irb
>> def area(radius)
>>   3.14 * radius * radius
>> end
=> :area
>> def circumference(radius)
>>   2 * 3.14 * radius
>> end
=> :circumference
>> area(10)
=> 314.0
>> circumference(1)
=> 6.28
>> exit

Global Variables ($aaa)

A global variable starts with a $-sign and is accessible in the entire programm. Example:

$ irb
>> $value = 10
=> 10
>> puts $value
=> nil
>> def example
>>   $value = 20
>> end
=> :example
>> puts $value
=> nil
>> example
=> 20
>> puts $value
=> nil
>> exit

Global variables are used very rarely! You wouldn’t harm yourself by forgetting that they exist right now.

Instance Variables (@aaa)

Instance variables (“*A*ttributes”, hence the @) only apply within a class, but everywhere in it – a mini version of global variables, so to speak. Unlike global variables, you will find instance variables all over the place in a Rails application. Let’s tackle them in form of an example program with the name color.rb:

class Wall
  def initialize
    @color = 'white'

  def color

  def paint_it(value)
    @color = value

my_wall =
puts my_wall.color

puts my_wall.color

If you start this program, the following output will appear:

$ ruby color.rb

In the method initialize we set the instance variable @color to the value “white”. The method paint_it(value) changes this instance variable.

With the method color we can access the value of @color outside of the instance. This kind of method is called a setter method.

Methods Once Again

In order to keep the amount of chicken and egg problems in this chapter at a manageable level, we need to go back to the topic Methods and combine what we have learned so far.

Getters and Setters

As instance variables (“attributes”) only exist within the relevant instance, you always need to write a “getter” method for exporting such a variable. If we define a class Room that has the instance variables @doors and @windows (for the number of doors and windows in the room), then we can create the getter methods doors und windows (example program room.rb):

class Room
  def initialize
    @doors  = 1
    @windows = 1

  def doors

  def windows

kitchen =

puts "D: #{kitchen.doors}"
puts "W: #{}"

The execution of the program:

$ ruby room.rb
D: 1
W: 1

As this scenario – wanting to simply return a value in identical form – is so common, there is already a ready-made getter method for it with the name attr_reader, which you would apply as follows in the program room.rb:

class Room
  def initialize
    @doors  = 1
    @windows = 1

  attr_reader :doors, :windows

kitchen =

puts "D: #{kitchen.doors}"
puts "W: #{}"

attr_reader is a method which is called on the Room class. That is the reason why we use Symbols (e.g. :doors and :windows) instead of variables (e.g. @doors and @windows) as parameter.

attr_reader is a good example for meta programming in Ruby. When working with Rails, you will frequently come across meta programming and be grateful for how it works automagically.

If you want to change the number of doors or windows from the outside, you need a “setter” method. It can be implemented as follows:

class Room
  def initialize
    @doors  = 1
    @windows = 1

  attr_reader :doors, :windows

  def doors=(value)
    @doors = value

  def windows=(value)
    @windows = value

kitchen = = 2

puts "D: #{kitchen.doors}"
puts "W: #{}"

The corresponding output is this:

$ ruby room.rb
D: 1
W: 2

As you can probably imagine, there is of course also a ready-made and easier way of doing this. Via the setter method attr_writer you can simplify the code of room.rb further:

class Room
  def initialize
    @doors  = 1
    @windows = 1

  attr_reader :doors, :windows
  attr_writer :doors, :windows

kitchen = = 2

puts "D: #{kitchen.doors}"
puts "W: #{}"

And (who would have thought!) there is even a method attr_accessor that combines getters and setters. The code for room.rb would then look like this:

class Room
  def initialize
    @doors  = 1
    @windows = 1

  attr_accessor :doors, :windows

kitchen = = 2

puts "D: #{kitchen.doors}"
puts "W: #{}"

Built-In Methods for String

Most classes already come with a bundle of very useful methods. These methods are always written after the relevant object, separated by a point.

Here are a few examples for methods of the class String.

$ irb
>> a = 'A dog'
=> "A dog"
>> a.class
=> String
>> a.size
=> 5
>> a.downcase
=> "a dog"
>> a.upcase
=> "A DOG"
>> a.reverse
=> "god A"
>> exit

With instance_methods(false) you can get a list of the build in methods:

$ irb
>> String.instance_methods(false)
=> [:<=>, :==, :===, :eql?, :hash, :casecmp, :+, :*, :%, :[], :[]=, :insert, :length,
:size, :bytesize, :empty?, :=~, :match, :succ, :succ!, :next, :next!, :upto, :index,
:rindex, :replace, :clear, :chr, :getbyte, :setbyte, :byteslice, :scrub, :scrub!,
:freeze, :to_i, :to_f, :to_s, :to_str, :inspect, :dump, :upcase, :downcase,
:capitalize, :swapcase, :upcase!, :downcase!, :capitalize!, :swapcase!, :hex, :oct,
:split, :lines, :bytes, :chars, :codepoints, :reverse, :reverse!, :concat, :<<,
:prepend, :crypt, :intern, :to_sym, :ord, :include?, :start_with?, :end_with?,
:scan, :ljust, :rjust, :center, :sub, :gsub, :chop, :chomp, :strip, :lstrip, :rstrip,
:sub!, :gsub!, :chop!, :chomp!, :strip!, :lstrip!, :rstrip!, :tr, :tr_s, :delete,
:squeeze, :count, :tr!, :tr_s!, :delete!, :squeeze!, :each_line, :each_byte,
:each_char, :each_codepoint, :sum, :slice, :slice!, :partition, :rpartition,
:encoding, :force_encoding, :b, :valid_encoding?, :ascii_only?, :unpack, :encode,
:encode!, :to_r, :to_c, :unicode_normalize, :unicode_normalize!, :unicode_normalized?]
>> exit

If you are not sure what one of these methods does you can use ri to look it up:

$ ri String.size
= String.size

(from ruby site)
  str.size     -> integer


Returns the character length of str.

Method Chaining

You may not think of it straight away, but once you have got used to working with Ruby, then it makes perfect sense (and is perfectly logical) to chain different methods.

$ irb
>> a = 'A dog'
=> "A dog"
>> a.upcase.reverse
=> "GOD A"
>> exit

Converting from One to the Other: Casting

There is a whole range of useful instance methods for converting (“casting”) objects from one class to another. First, let’s use the method .to_s to convert a Fixnum to a String.

$ irb
>> a = 10
=> 10
>> a.class
=> Fixnum
>> b = a.to_s
=> "10"
>> b.class
=> String
>> exit
Incidentally, that is exactly what puts does if you use puts to output a Fixnum or a Float (for non-strings, it simply implicitly adds the method .to_s and outputs the result).

Now we use the method .to_i to change a Float to a Fixnum.

$ irb
>> c = 10.0
=> 10.0
>> c.class
=> Float
>> d = c.to_i
=> 10
>> d.class
=> Fixnum
>> exit

Method to_s for Your Own Classes

Integrating a to_s method is often useful. Then you can simply output a corresponding object via puts (puts automatically outputs an object via the method to_s).

Here is an example:

$ irb
>> class Person
>>   def initialize(first_name, last_name)
>>     @first_name = first_name
>>     @last_name = last_name
>>   end
>>   def to_s
>>     "#{@first_name} #{@last_name}"
>>   end
>> end
=> :to_s
>> person1 ='Stefan', 'Wintermeyer')
=> #<Person:0x007ffeaa84af98 @first_name="Stefan", @last_name="Wintermeyer">
>> puts person1
Stefan Wintermeyer
=> nil
>> exit

Is + a Method?

Why is there also a plus symbol in the list of methods for String? Let’s find out by looking it up in ri:

$ ri -T String.+

(from ruby site)
  str + other_str   -> new_str


Concatenation---Returns a new String containing other_str
concatenated to str.

  "Hello from " + self.to_s   #=> "Hello from main"

hmmm …​ Let’s see what it says for Fixnum:

$ ri -T Fixnum.+

(from ruby site)
  fix + numeric  ->  numeric_result


Performs addition: the class of the resulting object depends on the class of
numeric and on the magnitude of the result.

Let’s have a go and play around with this in irb. So we should be able to add the + to an object, just as any other method, separated by a dot and add the second number in brackets as parameter:

$ irb
>> 10 + 10
=> 20
>> 10+10
=> 20
>> 10.+10
=> 20
>> 10.+(10)
=> 20
>> exit

Aha! The plus symbol is indeed a method, and this method takes the next value as parameter. Really we should put this value in brackets, but thanks to Ruby’s well thought-out syntax this is not necessary.

Can I Overwrite the Method +?

Yes, you can overwrite any method. Logically, this does not make much sense for methods such as +, unless you want to drive your fellow programmers mad. I am going to show you a little demo in irb so you will believe me.

The aim is overwriting the method + for Fixnum. We want the result of every addition to be the number 42.

$ irb
>> 10 + 10
=> 20
>> class Fixnum
>>   def +(name, *args, &blk)
>>     42
>>   end
>> end
=> :+
>> 10 + 10
=> 42
>> exit

First we perform a normal addition. Than we redefine the method + for the class Fixnum, and after that we do the calculation again. But this time, with different results.


An abstract if-condition looks like this:

if expression

The program between the expression and end is executed if the result of the expression is not false and not nil.


You can also use a then after the expression:

if expression then

The construct for a simple if-branch in a Ruby program looks like the following example program:

a = 10

if a == 10
  puts 'a is 10'
The == is used to compare two values. Please don’t mix it up with the single =.

You can try an expression really well in irb:

$ irb
>> a = 10
=> 10
>> a == 10
=> true
>> exit


A frequently used shorthand notation of an if-condition can be found in the following code:

a = 10

# long version
if a == 10
  puts 'a is 10'

# short version
puts 'a is 10' if a == 10


You can probably imagine how this works, but for the sake of completeness, here is a little example:

a = 10

if a == 10
  puts 'a is 10'
  puts 'a is not 10'


Again, most programmers will know what this is all about. Example:

a = 10

if a == 10
  puts 'a is 10'
elsif a == 20
  puts 'a is 20'


There are different ways of implementing loops in Ruby. The iterator variation is used particularly often in the Rails environment.

while and until

An abstract while loop looks like this:

while expression do

The do that follows the expression is optional. Often you will also see this:

while expression

Here is an irb example:

$ irb
>> i = 0
=> 0
>> while i < 3 do
?>   puts i
>>   i = i + 1
>> end
=> nil
>> exit

Until loops are built similarly:

until expression

Again, here is the corresponding irb example:

$ irb
>> i = 5
=> 5
>> until i == 0
>>   i = i - 1
>>   puts i
>> end
=> nil
>> exit

Blocks and Iterators

“Block” and “iterator” are some of the favorite words of many Ruby programmers. Now I am going to show you why.

In the loop

5.times { |i| puts i }

i is the iterator and puts i is the block.

You can also express the whole thing in the following syntax:

5.times do |i|
  puts i


Iterators are just a specific type of method. As you probably know, the word “iterate” means to repeat something. For example, the class Fixnum has the iterator times() Rubytimes. Let’s see what help ri offers us:

$ ri -T Fixnum.times

(from ruby site)
Implementation from Integer
  int.times {|i| block }  ->  self
  int.times               ->  an_enumerator

Iterates block int times, passing in values from zero to int -

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

  5.times do |i|
    print i, " "


  0 1 2 3 4

And it also gives a nice example that we are going to try out in irb:

$ irb
>> 5.times do |i|
?>   puts i
>> end
=> 5
>> exit

There is also a single-line notation for small blocks:

$ irb
>> 5.times { |i| puts i }
=> 5
>> exit

By the way, an iterator does not necessarily have to pass a variable to the block:

$ irb
>> 5.times { puts 'example' }
=> 5
>> exit


A block is the code that is triggered by an iterator. In the block, you have access to the local variable(s) passed by the iterator.

Method upto

Apart from times there is also the method upto, for easily implementing a loop. ri offers a nice example for this, too:

$ ri -T Fixnum.upto

(from ruby site)
Implementation from Integer
  int.upto(limit) {|i| block }  ->  self
  int.upto(limit)               ->  an_enumerator

Iterates block, passing in integer values from int up to and
including limit.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

  5.upto(10) { |i| print i, " " }


  5 6 7 8 9 10

Arrays and Hashes

As in many programming languages, arrays and hashes are popular structures in Ruby for storing data.


An array is a list of objects. Let’s play around in irb:

$ irb
>> a = [1,2,3,4,5]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>> a.class
=> Array
>> exit

That is simple and easy to understand.

Let’s see if it also works with strings in the array:

$ irb
>> a = ['Test', 'Banana', 'blue']
=> ["Test", "Banana", "blue"]
>> a.class
=> Array
>> a[1]
=> "Banana"
>> a[1].class
=> String
>> exit

That also works.

So all that’s missing now is an array with a mixture of both. Obviously that will work, too, because the array stores objects and it does not matter which kind of objects they are (i.e. String, Fixnum, Float, …​). But a little test can’t hurt:

$ irb
>> a = [1, 2.2, 'House', nil]
=> [1, 2.2, "House", nil]
>> a.class
=> Array
>> a[0]
=> 1
>> a[0].class
=> Fixnum
>> a[2]
=> "House"
>> a[2].class
=> String
>> exit

Arrays can also be created via the method new (like any class). Individual new elements can then be added at the end of an array via the method <<. Here is the corresponding example:

$ irb
>> a =
=> []
>> a << 'first item'
=> ["first item"]
>> a << 'second item'
=> ["first item", "second item"]
>> exit

Iterator each

You can work your way through an array piece by piece via the method each. Example:

$ irb
>> cart = ['eggs', 'butter']
=> ["eggs", "butter"]
>> cart.each do |item|
?>   puts item
>> end
=> ["eggs", "butter"]
>> exit

Once more, ri provides help and an example in case you forget how to use each:

$ ri -T Array.each

(from ruby site)

  ary.each {|item| block }   -> ary
  ary.each                   -> an_enumerator

Calls block once for each element in self, passing that element
as a parameter.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

  a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
  a.each {|x| print x, " -- " }


  a -- b -- c --


A Hash is a list of key/value pairs. Here is an example with strings as keys:

$ irb
>> prices = { 'egg' => 0.1, 'butter' => 0.99 }
=> {"egg"=>0.1, "butter"=>0.99}
>> prices['egg']
=> 0.1
>> prices.count
=> 2
>> exit

Of course, hashes can store not just strings as objects in the values, but - as with arrays - also classes that you define yourself (see the section called "Arrays").


Symbols are a strange concept and difficult to explain. But they are very useful and used frequently, amongst others with hashes. Normally, variables always create new objects:

$ irb
>> a = 'Example 1'
=> "Example 1"
>> a.object_id
=> 70124141350360
>> a = 'Example 2'
=> "Example 2"
>> a.object_id
=> 70124141316700
>> exit

In both cases, we have the variable a, but object ID is different. We could carry on in this way indefinitely. Each time, it would generate a different object ID and therefore a new object. In principle, this is no big deal and entirely logical in terms of object orientation. But it is also rather a waste of memory space.

A symbol is defined by a colon before the name and cannot store any values itself, but it always has the same object ID, so it is very well suited to be a key:

$ irb
>> :a.class
=> Symbol
>> :a.object_id
=> 702428
>> exit

Let’s do another little experiment to make the difference clearer. We use a string object with the content “white” three times in a row and then the symbol :white three times in a row. For "white", a new object is created each time. For the symbol :white, only the first time:

$ irb
>> 'white'.object_id
=> 70342874305700
>> 'white'.object_id
=> 70342874300640
>> 'white'.object_id
=> 70342874271720
>> :white.object_id
=> 1088668
>> :white.object_id
=> 1088668
>> :white.object_id
=> 1088668
>> exit

Using symbols as key for hashes is much more memory efficient:

$ irb
>> colors = { black: '#000000', white: '#FFFFFF' }
=> {:black=>"#000000", :white=>"#FFFFFF"}
>> puts colors[:white]
=> nil
>> exit

You will frequently see symbols in Rails. If you want to find out more about symbols, go to the help page about the class Symbol via ri Symbol.

Iterator each

With the method each you can work your way through a Hash step by step. Example:

$ irb
>> colors = {black: '000000', white: '#FFFFFF' }
=> {:black=>"#000000", :white=>"#FFFFFF"}
>> colors.each do |key, value|
?>   puts "{key} #{value}"
>> end
black #000000
white #FFFFFF
=> {:black=>"#000000", :white=>"#FFFFFF"}
>> exit

Again, ri offers help and an example, in case you cannot remember one day how to use each:

$ ri -T Hash.each

(from ruby site)

  hsh.each      {| key, value | block } -> hsh
  hsh.each_pair {| key, value | block } -> hsh
  hsh.each                              -> an_enumerator
  hsh.each_pair                         -> an_enumerator

Calls block once for each key in hash, passing the key-value pair
as parameters.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

  h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
  h.each {|key, value| puts "#{key} is #{value}" }


  a is 100
  b is 200


The class Range represents an interval. The start and end points of the interval are defined enclosed in normal brackets and separated by two dots in between them. Here is an example in which we use a range like an iterator with each:

$ irb
>> (0..3)
=> 0..3
>> (0..3).class
=> Range
>> (0..3).each do |i|
?>   puts i
>> end
=> 0..3

Via the method to_a you can generate an array from a Range:

>> (0..3).to_a
=> [0, 1, 2, 3]

A range can be generated from objects of any type. Important is only that the objects can be compared via <⇒ and use the method succ for counting on to the next value. So you can also use Range to represent letters:

>> ('a'..'h').to_a
=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]

As alternative notation, you may sometimes come across In this case, the start and end points are not separated by two dots, but by a comma. This is what it looks like:

>> (0..3) ==,3)
=> true
>> exit