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An annotated example of using Hydra

This code base in meant to show-case how to use hydra to manage configuration in a project.

Installing dependencies

If you have rye installed:

rye sync --no-lock

If not, run (after activating an appropriate python env):

pip install -r requirements.lock

Running the code

To run the code with default configs, simply do:


The output should be something like this:

Starting a run with seed 42 and GPU 0.
Model architecture:
  (0): Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=28, out_features=28, bias=True)
    (1): LayerNorm((28,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
    (2): GELU(approximate='none')
  (1): Linear(in_features=28, out_features=10, bias=True)

We can set the seed and the GPU manually with the seed and gpu arguments:

python seed=123 gpu=1

To find out which arguments are available, run:

python --help

It should look like this:

Help output (quite long)
== Configuration groups ==
Compose your configuration from those groups (group=option)

dm: celeba, celeba_male_blond, celeba_male_smiling, celeba_male_smiling_small, cmnist
experiment: good_run
experiment/cmnist: cnn
model: cnn, fcn, single_linear_layer

== Config ==
Override anything in the config (

  root: !!python/object/apply:pathlib.PosixPath
  - /
  - srv
  - galene0
  - shared
  - data
  default_res: 28
  label_map: null
  colors: null
  num_colors: 10
  val_prop: 0.2
  num_hidden: 1
  hidden_dim: null
  activation: GELU
  norm: LN
  dropout_prob: 0.0
  final_bias: true
  input_norm: false
  lr: 5.0e-05
  weight_decay: 0.0
  optimizer_cls: torch.optim.AdamW
  optimizer_kwargs: null
  name: null
  dir: ./local_logging
  id: null
  anonymous: null
  project: hydra-example
  group: null
  entity: predictive-analytics-lab
  tags: null
  job_type: null
  mode: disabled
  resume: null
seed: 42
gpu: 0

We can see that seed and gpu are "top-level" config values, but there are also a lot of values in subconfigs. For example, we can change the num_hidden value in the model config:

python model.num_hidden=2

This should print a different model architecture.

But we can also see that there are different "schemas" available in the "model" group:

model: cnn, fcn, single_linear_layer

This allows us to completely change the model architecture:

python model=cnn

With the "cnn" architecture, the config key model.hidden_dim is not available anymore, so the following should raise an error:

python model=cnn model.hidden_dim=10


Could not override 'model.hidden_dim'.
To append to your config use +model.hidden_dim=10
Key 'hidden_dim' not in 'SimpleCNNFactory'
    full_key: model.hidden_dim

To see the available options for the "cnn" architecture, you can run:

python model=cnn --help

Now the "model" part of the output should look like this:

  kernel_size: 5
  pool_stride: 2
  activation: RELU

This tells us that we can set the kernel_size, pool_stride, and activation values for the "cnn" architecture. For example:

python model=cnn model.kernel_size=3 model.pool_stride=1 model.activation=SELU

W&B config

To enable W&B logging, you can set the wandb.mode to "online" or "offline" (default is "disabled"):

python wandb.mode=online

Basics of config files

Let's say you are often working with a configuration of the CelebA dataset which looks like this:

python dm=celeba dm.superclass=SMILING dm.subclass=MALE

(Once again, you can set dm=celeba and use --help to see the available options for the CelebA dataset.)

But after a while, it gets tiring to always type this out. Instead, you can create a config file in the conf/dm/ directory to store often-used datamodule configurations. For example, you can create a file conf/dm/celeba_male_smiling.yaml with the following content:

  - celeba

superclass: SMILING
subclass: MALE

You can think of the defaults entry as specifying inheritance.

Subsequently, you can use the config file like this:

python dm=celeba_male_smiling

You can still override any values on the command line, just as before:

python dm=celeba_male_smiling dm.superclass=BLOND dm.default_res=64

And you can create config files which inherit from other config files you created. For example, you can create a file conf/dm/celeba_male_smiling_small.yaml with the following content:

  - celeba_male_smiling

default_res: 64


Often, we want to run the same experiment with only slightly different configurations. This can be done with the --multirun flag. For example, to run the code with seeds 42 and 43, we can do:

python --multirun seed=42,43

The output should look like this:

[2024-05-16 18:40:47,580][HYDRA] Launching 2 jobs locally
[2024-05-16 18:40:47,581][HYDRA]        #0 : seed=42
Starting a run with seed 42 and GPU 0.
Model architecture:
  (0): Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=28, out_features=28, bias=True)
    (1): LayerNorm((28,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
    (2): GELU(approximate='none')
  (1): Linear(in_features=28, out_features=10, bias=True)
[2024-05-16 18:40:47,672][HYDRA]        #1 : seed=43
Starting a run with seed 43 and GPU 0.
Model architecture:
  (0): Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=28, out_features=28, bias=True)
    (1): LayerNorm((28,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
    (2): GELU(approximate='none')
  (1): Linear(in_features=28, out_features=10, bias=True)

By default, Hydra simply runs the code with the different config values sequentially. But if you have access to a SLURM cluster, you can also run the jobs in parallel. To do this, we need to set hydra/launcher=... to the appropriate value. In this code base, there is a config file at conf/hydra/launcher/slurm/kyiv.yaml that has the correct settings for the Kyiv machine. To use it, we can run:

python --multirun seed=42,43 hydra/launcher=slurm/kyiv

Hydra doesn't limit you to iterating over just one parameter. You can also iterate over multiple parameters. For example, to run the code with seeds 42 and 43 and model.num_hidden set to 1, 2 and 3, you can do:

python --multirun seed=42,43 model.hidden_dim=10 model.num_hidden=1,2,3 gpu=0

This will start 6 jobs: 2 seeds x 3 model.num_hidden values.

Hyperparameter search

If you don't want to just blindly try out model parameters, you can also use Hydra to perform hyperparameter search with libraries like Optuna, Nevergrad, and Ax.

In order to use any of these libraries, you need to return a value from the function decorated with @hydra.main(...) (located in The value should be a float and should represent the metric you want to optimize. For example, if you want to optimize the accuracy of the model, you can return the validation accuracy. If you want to minimize the loss, you can return the validation loss.

To use Optuna, for example, create a config file in conf/hydra/sweeper/. The name doesn't matter, but we'll choose fcn_params.yaml and fill the content like this:

  # Select here which hyperparameter optimization library to use.
  - optuna

  warn_independent_sampling: true

study_name: fcn_params
n_trials: 25
n_jobs: 3
  # The direction depends on what you are returning from your main() function.
  - maximize

params: tag(log, interval(1.e-5, 1.e-3))
  model.num_hidden: range(1, 4)
  model.dropout_prob: choice(0.0, 0.1)

Let's break down what's going on here:

  • First, we select the right defaults value. In this case, we want to use Optuna, so we set optuna.
  • Then, some settings for Optuna follow. To see all available settings, check out the docs:
  • Finally, we specify params, which is the heart of this config file. Here, we specify the parameters we want to optimize. For each parameter, we have to specify the search space. For example, tag(log, interval(1.e-5, 1.e-3)) means that we want to optimize the parameter and we want to search in the log space between 1.e-5 and 1.e-3. The model.num_hidden: range(1, 4) we want to search in the range from 1 to 3 (inclusive). The model.dropout_prob: choice(0.0, 0.1) means that we want to choose between 0.0 and 0.1.

Global experiment configs

We already saw that you can create config files to, for example, save a common data module configuration – such a config file is then put in conf/dm/. However, such config files can only configure one subcomponent of the whole configuration. This means you might end up with long commands like this one:

python model=single_linear_layer model.activation=SELU dm=celeba_male_smiling_small gpu=0 seed=1 opt.weight_decay=0.001

which you have to type over and over again.

Luckily, we can define "experiment configs" in the conf/experiment/ directory, that act as global configurations. For the above command, we can create a file at conf/experiment/good_run.yaml with the following content:

# @package _global_
  - override /model: single_linear_layer
  - override /dm: celeba_male_smiling_small

seed: 1
gpu: 0

  activation: SELU

  download: false

  lr: 0.001
  weight_decay: 0.001

Note that the comment # @package _global_ is required. (The reason is that, by default, if you have a config file in the conf/experiment/ directory, Hydra will want to associate this with the experiment entry in the main configuration – which doesn't exist! So, @package _global_ tells Hydra to put the content of the file at the top level of the main config.)

And then we can run the code with these config values by running:

python +experiment=good_run

You can still override values:

python +experiment=good_run model.hidden_dim=20

Note: It's very easy to fall into the trap of defining everything in these global experiment configs, but that leads to lots of duplication. Try to put as much configuration as possible into the component-specific config files (i.e., those in conf/dm/ and /conf/model and so on), because those configs are very easy to reuse across different experiments.

As the experiment configs are global, the directory structure doesn't matter at all. You can put a file into conf/experiment/cmnist/cnn.yaml and call it with

python +experiment=cmnist/cnn

and it will work fine.

How to make your code easily configurable with Hydra

What we found is the best method to structure your code to make it easy to configure with Hydra is the "builder" or "factory" pattern.

This means you have a dataclass that contains all the configuration values for a particular component of your code (e.g. the model, the data, the optimiser, etc.). And then this class has a build() or init() method that takes additional arguments which are only available at runtime (e.g. the input size of the model, the number of classes in the dataset, etc.), and then instantiates the component.

For example, in this code base, we have the ModelFactory class in src/

@dataclass(eq=False)  # note that this should be a dataclass even though it has no fields
class ModelFactory(ABC):
    """Interface for model factories."""

    def build(self, in_dim: int, *, out_dim: int) -> nn.Module:
        raise NotImplementedError()

And when you add a model to the code base, you subclass ModelFactory and implement the build() method:

@dataclass(eq=False, kw_only=True)
class SimpleCNNFactory(ModelFactory):
    """Factory for a very simple CNN."""

    kernel_size: int = 5
    pool_stride: int = 2
    activation: Activation = Activation.RELU

    def build(self, in_dim: int, *, out_dim: int) -> nn.Sequential:
        # (implementation of the model)

Structure of the code

  • The main entry point of the code. It sets up Hydra and then calls the main run() function.
  • src/
    • Contains the main Config class that is used to define valid config values. It also contains the run() function that is called by
    • Contains the DataModule class that is used to load the data.
    • Contains the ModelFactory class that is used to create the model.
    • Contains the OptimisationCfg class that is used to build the optimiser that trains the model.
    • Contains the WandbCfg class that is used to set up Weights & Biases logging.
  • conf/
    • config.yaml: The main config file for the project. It sets the default values for dm and model.
    • hydra/
      • launcher/
        • slurm/: Contains the SLURM launcher config files.
    • dm/: Contains the config files for the different datasets.
    • model/: Contains the config files for the different model architectures.