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Operator Migration

This guide details the steps required to upgrade from pre-operator to post-operator environments using the terraform-aws-wandb module.

Introduction to Operator Shift

The transition to a Kubernetes operator pattern is crucial for our architecture. This section explains the transition from pre to post architectures.

Reasons for the Architecture Shift

Historically, the W&B application was deployed as a single Deployment and pod within a Kubernetes Cluster or Docker container. We have always recommended externalizing the Metadata Store and Object Store to decouple state from the application, especially in production environments.

As the application grew, the need to evolve from a monolithic container to a distributed system became apparent. This change facilitates backend logic handling and seamlessly introduces in-kubernetes infrastructure capabilities. It also supports deploying new services essential for additional features that W&B relies on.

Previously, any Kubernetes-related changes required updating the terraform-kubernetes-wandb, ensuring compatibility across cloud providers, configuring necessary Terraform variables, and executing a terraform apply for each backend or Kubernetes-level change. This process was not scalable and placed a significant burden on our support staff to assist customers with upgrades.

The solution was to implement an Operator that connects to a central server with its license to request the latest specification changes for a given Release Channel and apply them. Helm was chosen as both the deployment mechanism for our operator and the means for the operator to handle all configuration templating of the W&B Kubernetes stack; Helmception.

You can install the operator from charts/operator. This installation creates a deployment called controller-manager and utilizes a Custom Resource definition named (shortName: wandb), which takes a single spec and applies it to the cluster:

kind: CustomResourceDefinition

The controller-manager installs charts/operator-wandb based on the spec of the Custom Resource, Release Channel, and a User Defined Config in the new System Console. This hierarchy allows for maximum configuration flexibility at the user end and enables W&B to release new images, configurations, features, and Helm updates without requiring Terraform reruns.

Before and After Architecture

Previously, our architecture used:

module "wandb_infra" {
  source  = "wandb/wandb/aws"
  version = "1.16.10"

to control the infrastructure:


and this module to deploy the W&B application:

module "wandb_app" {
  source  = "wandb/wandb/kubernetes"
  version = "1.12.0"


Post-transition, the architecture uses:

module "wandb_infra" {
  source  = "wandb/wandb/aws"
  version = "4.7.2"

to manage both the installation of infrastructure and the W&B application to the Kubernetes cluster, thus eliminating the need for the module "wandb_app" in


This architectural shift facilitates the introduction of additional customer features (like OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, HPA's, Kafka, and image updates) without requiring manual Terraform operations by SRE/Infrastructure teams.

Specification Hierarchy

In our operator model, configuration specifications follow a hierarchical model where higher-level specifications override lower-level ones. Here’s how it works:

  • Release Channel Spec: This base level configuration sets default values and configurations based on the Release Channel set by W&B for the deployment.
  • User Input Spec: Users can override the default settings provided by the Release Channel Spec through the System Console.
  • Custom Resource Spec: The highest level of specification, which comes from the Terraform configuration. Any values specified here will override both the User Input and Release Channel specifications.

This hierarchical model ensures that configurations are flexible and customizable to meet varying needs while maintaining a manageable and systematic approach to upgrades and changes.


To commence with a base installation of the W&B Pre-Operator, ensure that has a .disabled file extension and is active (i.e., does not have a .disabled extension).


Before initiating the migration process, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Egress: The deployment can't be airgapped. It needs access to to get the latest spec for the Release Channel.
  • AWS Credentials: Proper AWS credentials configured to interact with your AWS resources.
  • Terraform Installed: The latest version of Terraform should be installed on your system.
  • Route53 Hosted Zone: An existing Route53 hosted zone corresponding to the domain under which the application will be served.
  • Pre-Operator Terraform Files: Ensure and associated variable files like pre-operator.tfvars are correctly set up.

Pre-Operator Setup

Execute the following Terraform commands to initialize and apply the configuration for the Pre-Operator setup:

terraform init -upgrade
terraform apply -var-file=./pre-operator.tfvars should look something like this:

namespace     = "operator-upgrade"
domain_name   = ""
zone_id       = "Z032246913CW32RVRY0WU"
subdomain     = "operator-upgrade"
wandb_license = "ey..."
wandb_version = "0.51.2"

The configuration calls two modules:

module "wandb_infra" {
  source  = "wandb/wandb/aws"
  version = "1.16.10"

This module spins up the infrastructure.

module "wandb_app" {
  source  = "wandb/wandb/kubernetes"
  version = "1.12.0"

This module deploys the application.

Post-Operator Setup

Make sure that has a .disabled extension, and is active.

The post-operator.tfvars includes additional variables:

# wandb_version = "0.51.2" is now managed via the Release Channel or set in the User Spec.

# Required Operator Variables for Upgrade:
size                 = "small"
enable_dummy_dns     = true
enable_operator_alb  = true
custom_domain_filter = ""

Run the following commands to initialize and apply the Post-Operator configuration:

terraform init -upgrade
terraform apply -var-file=./post-operator.tfvars

The plan and apply steps will update the following resources:

    - aws_efs_backup_policy.storage_class
    - aws_efs_file_system.storage_class
    - aws_efs_mount_target.storage_class["0"]
    - aws_efs_mount_target.storage_class["1"]
    - aws_eks_addon.efs
    - aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.eks
    - aws_iam_policy.secrets_manager
    - aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ebs_csi
    - aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eks_efs
    - aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.node_secrets_manager
    - aws_security_group.storage_class_nfs
    - aws_security_group_rule.nfs_ingress
    - random_pet.efs
    - aws_s3_bucket_acl.file_storage
    - aws_s3_bucket_cors_configuration.file_storage
    - aws_s3_bucket_ownership_controls.file_storage
    - aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.file_storage
    - helm_release.operator
    - helm_release.wandb
    - aws_cloudwatch_log_group.this[0]
    - aws_iam_policy.default
    - aws_iam_role.default
    - aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.default
    - helm_release.external_dns
    - aws_default_network_acl.this[0]
    - aws_default_route_table.default[0]
    - aws_iam_policy.default
    - aws_iam_role.default
    - aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.default
    - helm_release.aws_load_balancer_controller

    - aws_iam_policy.node_IMDSv2
    - aws_iam_policy.node_cloudwatch
    - aws_iam_policy.node_kms
    - aws_iam_policy.node_s3
    - aws_iam_policy.node_sqs
    - aws_eks_cluster.this[0]
    - aws_elasticache_replication_group.default
    - aws_rds_cluster.this[0]
    - aws_rds_cluster_instance.this["1"]
    - aws_default_security_group.this[0]
    - aws_subnet.private[0]
    - aws_subnet.private[1]
    - aws_subnet.public[0]
    - aws_subnet.public[1]
    - aws_launch_template.workers["primary"]

    - kubernetes_config_map.config_map
    - kubernetes_deployment.wandb
    - kubernetes_priority_class.priority
    - kubernetes_secret.secret
    - kubernetes_service.prometheus
    - kubernetes_service.service
    - random_id.snapshot_identifier[0]

    - aws_autoscaling_attachment.autoscaling_attachment["primary"]
    - aws_route53_record.alb
    - aws_eks_node_group.workers["primary"]

You should see something like this:


Note that in, there is a single:

module "wandb_infra" {
  source  = "wandb/wandb/aws"
  version = "4.7.2"

Changes in the Post-Operator Configuration:

  1. Update Required Providers: Change from 3.6 to 4.0 for provider compatibility.
  2. DNS and Load Balancer Configuration: Integrate enable_dummy_dns and enable_operator_alb to manage DNS records and AWS Load Balancer setup through an Ingress.
  3. License and Size Configuration: Transfer the license and size parameters directly to the wandb_infra module to match new operational requirements.
  4. Custom Domain Handling: If necessary, use custom_domain_filter to troubleshoot DNS issues by checking the External DNS pod logs within the kube-system namespace.
  5. Helm Provider Configuration: Enable and configure the Helm provider to manage Kubernetes resources effectively:
provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host                   = data.aws_eks_cluster.app_cluster.endpoint
    cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.aws_eks_cluster.app_cluster.certificate_authority[0].data)
    token                  = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.app_cluster.token
    exec {
      api_version = ""
      args        = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name",]
      command     = "aws"

This comprehensive setup ensures a smooth transition from the Pre-Operator to the Post-Operator configuration, leveraging new efficiencies and capabilities enabled by the operator model.