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Puppet Webhook Server (LEGACY)

NOTE: This gem is End of Life and not receiving updates.

Gem Version Gem Downloads


  • Ruby 2.2.0 or greater
  • Puppet 5.0.0 or greater
  • r10k gem
  • Optional: MCollective and MCollective-r10k (Provides one form of multi-master syncronization)
    • Currently Mcollective-r10k is only available from puppet-r10k
    • If you don't want to use MCollective, you could install this webhook on each compile master instead


Currently the only supported installation method is via RubyGems.

gem install puppet_webhook


Running puppet_webhook

Quick Start

Simply run # puppet_webhook after installation to start puppet_webhook in non-daemon mode on your system. This is great for testing the server out.

CLI Tool

The puppet_webhook CLI command has several options you can pass it as well.

To see these options run # puppet_webook -h in your terminal to see all the options.

Start using Rack-based server software

A file is also packaged with the application to provide users with the ability to start the app using their own rack-based server such as unicorn or puma. It will use the defaults passed to it by said server.

Service Start

Once the native packages are built, they will include default systemd and/or sysvinit service files that you can use to start puppet_webhook as well.

Configuring puppet_webhook

Puppet_webhook also has several configuration options that can be configured to each user's needs.

The configuration is separated out into Server config (server.yml) and Application config (app.yml). There are default configuration files included in the application's config directory. While these files are editable, it is preferable to create these config files in /etc/puppet_webhook to limit potential problems with package updates. Any configuration option is placed in /etc/puppet_webhook/server.yml or /etc/puppet_webhook/app.yml will override the default config defined in APPDIR/config/server.yml and APPDIR/config/app.yml.

Configuration options

Command-Line Options

  • -h, --help: Display the default help output.
  • -d, --debug: Set logging to debug mode.
  • -l [LOGFILE], --logfile [LOGFILE]: Define a logfile to log to.
  • -p PORT, --port PORT: Define port to listen on. Default: 8088
  • -D, --daemon: Run WEBrick in Daemon mode.
  • --pidfile FILE: Define the PID File for the application's process. Default: /var/run/puppet_webhook/
  • --ssl: Enable SSL Support.
  • --ssl-cert FILE: Specify the SSL cert to use. Pair with --ssl-key. Requires --ssl option or ssl_enable: true in config file.
  • --ssl-key FILE: Specify the SSL Private key to use. Pair with --ssl-cert. Requires --ssl or ssl_enable: true in config file.
  • -c FILE, --configfile FILE: Specifies a config file to use. Must be a .yml file in YAML format.

Chatops Configuration

Puppet_webhook can post to chatops tools via various APIs and Clients. At this time, only Slack is supported.

To enable ChatOps support simply add the following to your /etc/puppet_webhook/app.yml file:

chatops: true
Slack Configuration

You can enable Slack notifications for the webhook. You will need a Slack webhook URL and the slack-notifier gem installed.

The slack-notifier gem is installed as a dependency to puppet_webhook

To get the Slack webhook URL you need to:

Go to Choose your team, press Configure. In configurations press Add configuration. Choose channel, press Add Incoming WebHooks integration. Then configure the webhook to add your Slack Webhook URL:

chatops: true
chatops_service: 'slack' # Required so the app knows that you're sending to Slack.
chatops_url: '' # mandatory for usage
chatops_channel: '#channel' # defaults to #general
chatops_user: 'r10k' # defaults to puppet_webhook
  icon_emoji: ':ocean:'
    proxy_address: ''
    proxy_port: '3128'
    proxy_from_env: false

NOTE: The legacy slack_webhook, slack_user, slack_channel, slack_emoji, and slack_proxy_url still work, but will be removed in 3.0.0

Rocket.Chat Configuration

You can enable Rocket.Chat notifications for the webhook. You will need a Rocket.Chat incoming webhook URL and the rocket-chat-notifier gem installed.

The rocket-chat-notifier gem is installed as a dependency to puppet_webhook

To get the Rocket.Chat incoming webhook URL you need to:

  1. Go to your Rocket.Chat and then select Administration-Integrations.
  2. Choose New integration.
  3. Choose Incoming WebHook. In the webhook form configure:
  • Enabled: True.
  • Name: A name for your webhook.
  • Post to Channel: The channel to post to by default.
  1. Save changes with Save Changes bottom.

Then configure the webhook to add your Rocket.Chat Webhook URL:

chatops: true
chatops_service: 'rocketchat' # Required so the app knows that you're sending to Rocket.Chat
chatops_url: <your incoming webhook URL>  # mandatory for usage
chatops_channel: '#channel' # defaults to #general
chatops_user: 'r10k' # defaults to puppet_webhook
  icon_emoji: ':ocean:'
    open_timeout: 10


Server Configuration File

The Server configuration file is a YAML formatted file with file extension .yml and defined with the -c or --configfile command line option. These settings are exclusively for setting server configs and currently will override any command line settings passed.

When using the default SystemD unit file or SysVInit service file, the server configuration file will default to /etc/puppet_webhook/server.yml (Not implemented yet).


Determines if the Webrick server should run in Simple or Daemon mode.

  • Valid options: [ simple, daemon ].
  • Default: simple

Location to write the log file to.

  • Default: /var/log/puppet_webhook

Define the logging level.

  • Default: WARN

Location of the application's PID file

  • Default: /var/run/puppet_webhook/

Port number to bind to.

  • Valid options: Integer between 1024 and 65535
  • Default: 8088

Whether or not to enable SSL communication.

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: false

Whether or not to verify the SSL CA/Peer on the certifcate. Set to false if using a self-signed certificate and the CA is not installed locally.

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: false

Path to the public SSL certificate for puppet_webhook. REQUIRED IF ssl_enable IS SET TO true


Path to the SSL Private Key for puppet_webhook. REQUIRED IF ssl_enable IS SET TO true

Application Configuration File

This file stores the configuration for the Application itself. A default configuration file is included in the APP_ROOT/config/app.yml.

The SystemD unit and SysVInit service files will use /etc/puppet_webhook/app.yml by default (Not implemented yet).

Currently, the above two locations are the only valid locations for the app.yml file. Like the Server Config, it must be a .yml file in YAML format.


Whether or not to require authentication when sending to puppet_webhook.

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: false

User for which the sending application must authenticate with. Required if protected is true.


Password for which the sending application must authenticate with. Require if protected is true.


Mcollective client configuration file.

  • Default: /var/lib/peadmin/.mcollective

Mcollective client timeout in seconds.

  • Default: "120"

Whether or not to execute MCollective via Ruby Client Library or not. REQUIRES MCOLLECTIVE AND MCOLLECTIVE R10K!

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: false

Whether or not to use MCollective CLI command. REQUIRES MCOLLECTIVE AND MCOLLECTIVE R10K.

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: false

MCollective Ruby discovery timeout. REQUIRES use_mco_ruby TO BE true.

  • Default: '10'

Enable the use of notifications to Slack or other ChatOps tool.

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: false

Name of ChatOps tool to send notifications to.

  • Valid options: [ slack ]
  • Default: slack

Replaces slack_webhook

URL of the API or Webhook to send notifications to. See Documentation of your tool for details.

  • Default: ''

Replaces slack_user

User to post notification as.

  • Default: puppet_webhook

Replaces slack_channel

Channel/Team/Area to post to.

  • Default: #general

Hash of options to pass to the Chatops plugin. Each set of options are unique to each tool, so please see your tool's documentation for more information.

  • Default: {}

DEPRECATED - Please use chatops_url instead

URL of your Slack Webhook receiver, if you wish not to use a Slack Webhook, then simply leave the option on false, otherwise use the full Wwebhook URL for your community as per

  • Valid options: [<generated_hash>, false ]
  • Default: false

DEPRECATED - Please use chatops_channel instead

Name of the Slack channel to post to. Ignored if slack_webhook is disabled. Default: #general


DEPRECATED - Please use chatops_user instead

Name of the Slack user to post as. Ignored if slack_webhook is disabled. Default: puppet_webhook


DEPRECATED - Please use chatops_options instead. Example for new config ONLY:

  icon_emoji: ':ocean:'

Icon emoji for the Webhook to use when posting. Ignored if slack_webhook is disabled. Default: :ocean:


DEPRECATED - Please use chatops_options instead. Example for new config ONLY:

    proxy_address: ''
    proxy_port: '3128'
    proxy_from_env: false

The proxy URL for Slack if used.

  • Default: nil

The default git branch to use with the r10k Control Repo.

  • Default: production

An Array of environments for r10k to ignore during deployment.

  • Default: []

r10k Environment Prefix to use. When set to repo, user, or command, the prefix will be generated from the repo_name, repo_user, or prefix_command. Otherwise it will set the prefix to the passed string. false disables prefix.

  • Valid Options: [ repo, user, command, <String_value>, false ]
  • Default: nil

Command to execute that will generate an r10k environment prefix.

  • Default: ''

r10k command arguments to pass to the r10k deploy environment command.

  • Default: "-pv"

Whether or not to allow uppercase letters in environment names. If false, then puppet_webhook assumes environment names are downcase. If true, then puppet_webhook will normalize the environment name.

  • Valid options: [ true, false ]
  • Default: true

Used to verify the signature on a repo. Currently only supported for Github repos.

  • Default: nil

Array of webhook events to ignore.

  • Default: nil

Getting Help

  • IRC: Vox Pupuli has a dedicated channel, #voxpupuli, on Freenode where puppet_webhook questions can be directed.
  • Mailing Lists: voxpupuli
  • Slack: Vox Pupuli has a dedicated Slack Channel, #voxpupuli, on the Puppet Community Slack.


A big thank you to all our Contributor
