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Sudoku lab assignment

Adapted with permission from

In this assignment you will design a Haskell program that will be able to solve Sudoku, the well-known logical puzzle from Japan.

First, download a copy of this repository. You will do your work in the file src/Sudoku.hs and the repository also includes other useful material, such as example puzzles in the puzzles/ directory.

$ git clone

When you first load Sudoku.hs in ghci you may get an error about a missing module, Data.List.Split. If so, you need to install the module using cabal, the package management tool:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install split


Some assignments have hints. Often, these involve particular standard Haskell functions that you could use. Some of these functions are defined in modules that you have to import yourself explicitly. You can use the following resources to find more information about those functions:

We encourage you to go and find information about the functions that are mentioned in the hints.


Before starting on this assignment make sure that you have understood the material from the lectures in week 1 to 4. It is not necessary to use higher-order functions to solve the lab, but there are some tasks in which certain higher-order functions may come in handy.

You should also be familiar with the Maybe type.

Submit the single file Sudoku.hs (not a copy of the whole repository) on studentcentral before the deadline.

Some general hints:

In order to "do something" with each row in a puzzle, you can use a list comprehension:

[... | r <- rows sud]

To operate on the columns instead, use the function

transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]  -- import Data.List

to turn the list of rows into a list of columns.

An alternative to list comprehension is to use the higher-order function

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

There are two ways to check that all elements in a puzzle satisfy some property: Use list comprehension and one of the functions

and :: [Bool] -> Bool  -- All elements are true?
or  :: [Bool] -> Bool  -- Some element is true?

Use one of the higher-order functions

all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool  -- All elements satisfy the property?
any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool  -- Some element satisfies the property?

Try to minimize the use of IO instructions and do as much work as possible using pure functions. For example, this program

prog = putStr $ unlines ["line1", "line2"]

is better than

prog = do
    putStrLn "line1"
    putStrLn "line2"


Sudoku is a logic puzzle from Japan which gained popularity in the West during the 90s. Most newspapers now publish a Sudoku puzzle for the readers to solve every day.

A Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid. Some of the cells in the grid have digits (from 1 to 9), others are blank. The objective of the puzzle is to fill in the blank cells with digits from 1 to 9, in such a way that every row, every column and every 3x3 block has exactly one occurrence of each digit 1 to 9.

Here is an example of a Sudoku puzzle:

|   |   | 1 |   |   |   | 7 | 5 |   |
|   | 8 |   |   | 2 |   |   |   |   |
|   | 3 | 6 |   | 4 |   |   | 8 |   |
|   |   |   | 6 |   | 1 | 2 | 4 |   |
| 7 |   | 4 |   | 5 |   | 6 |   | 8 |
|   | 6 |   | 8 |   | 3 |   | 7 | 4 |
|   |   |   | 1 |   |   |   | 3 |   |
| 8 |   | 2 |   |   |   | 3 |   | 6 |
|   |   | 7 | 4 |   |   | 8 |   | 1 |

And here is the solution:

| 4 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 3 |
| 9 | 8 | 3 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 5 |
| 1 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 9 | 8 | 7 |
| 3 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 9 |
| 7 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 9 | 8 |
| 2 | 6 | 9 | 8 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 4 |
| 6 | 7 | 5 | 1 | 8 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
| 8 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 9 | 7 | 3 | 1 | 6 |
| 5 | 9 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 1 |

You will write a Haskell program that can read in a Sudoku puzzle and solve it. If you want to read more about Sudoku, here are a few links:

Modelling Sudoku

To implement a Sudoku-solving program, we need to come up with a way of modelling Sudoku puzzles. A Sudoku puzzle is a matrix of digits or blanks. The natural way of modelling a matrix is as a list of lists. The outer list represents all the rows, and the elements of the list are the elements of each row. Digits or blanks can be represented by using the Haskell Maybe type. Digits are simply represented by Int.

Summing up, a natural way to represent Sudoku puzzles is using the following Haskell datatype:

  data Puzzle = Puzzle [[Maybe Int]]

Since it is convenient to have a function that extracts the actual rows from the puzzle, we say:

  rows :: Puzzle -> [[Maybe Int]]
  rows (Puzzle rs) = rs

For example, the above Sudoku puzzle has the following representation in Haskell:

  example :: Puzzle
  example =
      [ [Just 3, Just 6, Nothing,Nothing,Just 7, Just 1, Just 2, Nothing,Nothing]
      , [Nothing,Just 5, Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 1, Just 8, Nothing]
      , [Nothing,Nothing,Just 9, Just 2, Nothing,Just 4, Just 7, Nothing,Nothing]
      , [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 1, Just 3, Nothing,Just 2, Just 8]
      , [Just 4, Nothing,Nothing,Just 5, Nothing,Just 2, Nothing,Nothing,Just 9]
      , [Just 2, Just 7, Nothing,Just 4, Just 6, Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing]
      , [Nothing,Nothing,Just 5, Just 3, Nothing,Just 8, Just 9, Nothing,Nothing]
      , [Nothing,Just 8, Just 3, Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 6, Nothing]
      , [Nothing,Nothing,Just 7, Just 6, Just 9, Nothing,Nothing,Just 4, Just 3]

Now, a number of assignments follow, leading you step-by-step towards an implementation of a Sudoku-solver.

QuickCheck tests are defined in Sudoku.hs to help you to check your work. You can run a test, e.g. prop_allBlank, from a ghci session as follows:

Sudoku> quickCheck prop_allBlank

Some Basic Sudoku Functions

To warm up, we start with a number of basic functions on Suduko puzzles.

Part 1

1.1 Implement a function

  allBlankPuzzle :: Puzzle

that represents a puzzle that only contains blank cells (this means that no digits are present). Do not use copy-and-paste programming here. Your definition does not need to be longer than a few short lines.

Test: prop_allBlank.

1.2 The Puzzle type we have defined allows for more things than Sudoku puzzles. For example, there is nothing in the type definition that says that a puzzle has 9 rows and 9 columns, or that digits need to lie between 1 and 9.

Implement a function

  isPuzzle :: Puzzle -> Bool

that checks if all such extra conditions are met by the given puzzle.

Test: prop_isPuzzle and prop_isNotPuzzle.


  Sudoku> isPuzzle (Puzzle [])
  Sudoku> isPuzzle allBlankPuzzle
  Sudoku> isPuzzle example
  Sudoku> isPuzzle (Puzzle (tail (rows example)))

1.3 Our job is to solve puzzles. So, it would be handy to know when a puzzle is solved or not. We say that a puzzle is solved if there are no blank cells left. Implement the following function:

  isSolved :: Puzzle -> Bool

Note that we do not check here if the puzzle is a valid solution; we will do this later. This means that any puzzle without blanks (even puzzles with the same digit appearing twice in a row) is considered solved by this function.


The following standard Haskell functions might come in handy:

replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
length    :: [a] -> Int
and       :: [Bool] -> Bool

See also the general hints above.

Reading and Printing Puzzles

Next, we need to have a way of representing Sudoku puzzles in a file. In that way, our program can read puzzles from a file, and it is easy for us to create and store several Sudoku puzzles.

The following is an example text-representation that we will use in this assignment. It actually represents the example above.


There are 9 lines of text in this representation, each corresponding to a row. Each line contains 9 characters. A digit 1 – 9 represents a filled cell, and a full stop (.) represents a blank cell.

Part 2

2.1 Implement a function:

  printPuzzle :: Puzzle -> IO ()

that, given a puzzle, creates instructions to print the Sudoku on the screen, using the format shown above.


  Sudoku> printPuzzle allBlankPuzzle
  Sudoku> printPuzzle example

2.2 Implement a function:

  readPuzzle :: FilePath -> IO Puzzle

that, given a filename, creates instructions that read the puzzle from the file, and deliver it as the result of the instructions. You may decide yourself what to do when the file does not contain a representation of a puzzle.


  Sudoku> s <- readPuzzle "../puzzles/example.sud"
  Sudoku> printPuzzle s
  Sudoku> readPuzzle "Sudoku.hs"
  Exception: Not a Sudoku puzzle!

(Note: In the above example, we make use of the fact that commands in GHCi are part of an implicit do block. This allows us to bind results of IO instructions, just like in do notation: s <- readPuzzle ...)


To implement the above, you will need to be able to convert between characters (type Char) and digits/integers (type Int). The standard functions chr and ord (import the module Data.Char) will come in handy here. Think about the following problems:

  • Given a character representing a digit, for example ‘3’ :: Char, how do you compute the integer value 3?
  • Given a digit represented as an integer, for example 3 :: Int, how do you compute the character ‘3’?

The constant value ord ‘0’ will play a central role in all this. You can also use the function digitToInt.

Here are some functions that might come in handy:

chr        :: Int -> Char
ord        :: Char -> Int
digitToInt :: Char -> Int
putStr     :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn   :: String -> IO ()
sequence_  :: [IO a] -> IO ()
readFile   :: FilePath -> IO String
lines      :: String -> [String]

This repository contains some example Sudoku files that you can download and use in the puzzles/ directory. There are easy and hard examples. The easy ones should all be solvable by your final program within minutes; the hard ones will probably take a very long time (unless you do the extra assignments and optimise your solver).

Rows, Columns and Blocks

Now, we are going to think about what actually constitutes a valid solution of a puzzle. There are three constraints that a valid solution has to fulfill:

  • No row can contain the same digit twice.
  • No column can contain the same digit twice.
  • No 3x3 block can contain the same digit twice.

This leads us to the definition of a block; a block is either a row or a column or a 3x3 block. A block therefore contains 9 cells:

  type Block = [Maybe Int]

We are going to define a function that checks if a puzzle is not violating any of the above constraints, by checking that none of the blocks violate those constraints.

Part 3

3.1 Implement a function:

  isValidBlock :: Block -> Bool

that, given a block, checks if that block does not contain the same digit twice.


  Sudoku> isValidBlock [Just 1, Just 7, Nothing, Nothing, Just 3, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just 2]
  Sudoku> isValidBlock [Just 1, Just 7, Nothing, Just 7, Just 3, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just 2]

3.2 Implement a function:

  blocks :: Puzzle -> [Block]

that, given a puzzle, creates a list of all blocks of that puzzle. This means:

  • 9 rows,
  • 9 columns,
  • 9 3x3 blocks.

Test: prop_blocks.

3.3 Now, implement a function:

  isValidPuzzle :: Puzzle -> Bool

that, given a puzzle, checks that all rows, colums and 3x3 blocks do not contain the same digit twice.


  Sudoku> isValidPuzzle allBlankPuzzle
  Sudoku> do sud <- readPuzzle "example.sud"; print (isValid sud)

Test: prop_isValidPuzzle.


Here are some functions that might come in handy:

nub       :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
take      :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop      :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

Note that some of the above functions only appear when you import Data.List. See also the general hints above.

Positions and Finding Blanks

We are getting closer to the final solving function. Let us start thinking about how such a function would work.

Given a puzzle, if there are no blanks left in the Sudoku, we are done. Otherwise, there is at least one blank cell that needs to be filled in somehow. We are going to write functions to find and manipulate such a blank cell.

It is quite natural to start to talk about positions. A position is a coordinate that identifies a cell in the puzzle matrix. Here is a way of modelling coordinates:

  data Pos = Pos (Int,Int)

We use positions as indicating first the row and then the column. It is common in programming languages to start counting at 0. Therefore, the position that indicates the upper left corner is (0,0), and the position indicating the lower right corner is (8,8). And, for example, the position (3,5) denotes the 6th cell in the 4th row.

Part 4

4.1 Implement a function:

  blank :: Puzzle -> Pos

that, given a puzzle that has not yet been solved, returns a position in the puzzle that is still blank. If there are more than one blank position, you may decide yourself which one to return.


  Sudoku> blank allBlankPuzzle
  Sudoku> blank example

Test: prop_blank

4.2 Implement a function:

  (!!=) :: [a] -> (Int,a) -> [a]

that, given a list, and a tuple containing an index in the list and a new value, updates the given list with the new value at the given index.


  Sudoku> ["a","b","c","d"] !!= (1,"apa")
  Sudoku> ["p","qq","rrr"] !!= (0,"bepa")

Test: prop_listReplaceOp.

4.3 Implement a function:

  update :: Puzzle -> Pos -> Maybe Int -> Puzzle

that, given a puzzle, a position, and a new cell value, updates the given puzzle at the given position with the new value.


  Sudoku> printPuzzle (update allBlankPuzzle (1,3) (Just 5))

Test: prop_update.


There is a standard function (!!) in Haskell for getting a specific element from a list. It starts indexing at 0, so for example to get the first element from a list xs, you can use xs !! 0.

We usually use the standard function zip to pair up elements in a list with their corresponding index. Example:

  *Main> ["apa","bepa","cepa"] `zip` [1..3]

This, in combination with list comprehensions, should be very useful for this assignment.

Here are some more useful functions:

head :: [a] -> a
(!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a
zip  :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]

You might want to take a look at the exercises and answers on lists and list comprehensions.

Solving puzzles

Finally, we have all the bits in place to attack our main problem: Solving a given puzzle.

Our objective is to define a Haskell function

  solve :: Puzzle -> Maybe Puzzle

The idea is as follows. If we have a puzzle s that we would like to solve, we give it to the function solve. This will produce one of two results:

Nothing, in which case it was impossible to solve the puzzle. There is no solution.

Just s’, in which case s’ is a puzzle that represents a solution. In other words, s’

  1. contains no blanks,
  2. has no blocks (rows, columns, 3x3 blocks) that contain the same digit twice, and
  3. is an extension of the original puzzle (meaning that none of the original digits have changed).

How should solve be implemented? Here is one idea. When we try to solve a given puzzle s, there exist three cases:

s violates some of the constraints (in other words: some of its blocks contain the same digit twice). In this case, the answer of solve must be Nothing.

s does not contain any blanks (in other words: s is a solution). In this case, the answer of solve must be Just s.

Otherwise, s must contain at least one blank cell. In this case, we try to recursively solve s 9 times; each time we update the blank cell with a concrete digit from 1 to 9. The first recursive attempt that succeeds is our answer. If none of the recursive attempts succeed, we return Nothing. This method of problem solving is called backtracking.

Since backtracking is not covered in the module, we provide you with a skeleton implementation of the solver. If you want more challenge, don’t look at the code provided here.

The solver is a function

solve :: Puzzle -> Maybe Puzzle

which receives a puzzle that may not be solved and, if possible, returns a solved puzzle. The idea is that solve will either return immediately – if there’s a violation or if the puzzle is already solved – or it will call itself recursively according to the method above:

solve :: Puzzle -> Maybe Puzzle
solve s | ...       = Nothing  -- There's a violation in s
        | ...       = Just s   -- s is already solved
        | otherwise = pickASolution possibleSolutions
    nineUpdatedSuds   = ... :: [Puzzle]
    possibleSolutions = [solve s' | s' <- nineUpdatedSuds]

The final case is the tricky one. First, we have the local definition nineUpdatedSuds, which is a list of nine puzzles. They should all be the same as the puzzle s, except that the first blank cell should be updated from Nothing to a numeric value. Since the cell can be updated in nine different ways, we get a list of nine new puzzles.

By recursively solving these nine puzzles, we get a list of nine possible solutions (possibleSolutions). Now it’s just the task of the helper function pickASolution to pick one of them (if there is one):

pickASolution :: [Maybe Puzzle] -> Maybe Puzzle
pickASolution suds = ...

A key to understanding this definition of solve is to realize that solve can only return Nothing or a completely solved puzzle, as seen in the two base cases. This means that any Just value in possibleSolutions has to be a complete solution.

Another key is to see that the recursion in solve must reach one of the base cases sooner or later, because in every step we take away one blank cell. Taking away a blank cell means making progress towards a solution or a conflict.

Part 5

5.1 Implement a function:

  solve :: Puzzle -> Maybe Puzzle

using the above idea.

Unless you’re up for a challenge you are recommended to use the skeleton code from above and just fill in the ... parts.

Test: prop_solve.


  Sudoku> printPuzzle (fromJust (solve allBlankPuzzle))
  Sudoku> do s <- readPuzzle "example.sud"; printPuzzle (fromJust (solve s))
  Sudoku> do s <- readPuzzle "../puzzles/impossible.sud"; print (solve sud)

(In the above examples, we use the standard function fromJust from the library Data.Maybe.)

5.2 For your own convenience, define a function:

  readAndSolve :: FilePath -> IO ()

that produces instructions for reading the puzzle from the given file, solving it, and printing the answer.


  Sudoku> readAndSolve "../puzzles/example.sud"
  Sudoku> readAndSolve "impossible.sud"
  (no solution)

5.3 Implement a function:

  isSolutionOf :: Puzzle -> Puzzle -> Bool

that checks, given two puzzles, whether the first one is a solution (i.e. all blocks are okay, there are no blanks), and also whether the first one is a solution of the second one (i.e. all digits in the second puzzle are maintained in the first one).


  Sudoku> fromJust (solve allBlankPuzzle) `isSolutionOf` allBlankPuzzle
  Sudoku> allBlankPuzzle `isSolutionOf` allBlankPuzzle
  Sudoku> fromJust (solve allBlankPuzzle) `isSolutionOf` example


All the work we did in the assignments 1 to 4 should be used in order to implement the function solve.

To implement the third, recursive, case of solve, you can use a list comprehension that enumerates all possible values for the blank cell. You can then use the standard function listToMaybe to turn the result into something of type Maybe.

QuickChecking the property prop_SolveSound will probably take a long time. Be patient. Alternatively, there are a number of things you can do about this.

You can test on fewer examples (using the QuickCheck function quickCheckWith). You can for example define:

  fewerCheck prop = quickCheckWith stdArgs{ maxSuccess = 30 } prop

And then write fewerCheck prop_SolveSound when you want to QuickCheck the property. You can also generate puzzles with a different probability distribution. Try varying the amount of digits in an arbitrary puzzle by fiddling with the frequencies in the cell function and see what happens.

You can compile the code, by using ghc instead of ghci.

You can make your function solve go faster (see extra assignments X and Y). It is okay if you do not find a completely satisfactory solution to this.

Here are some useful functions:

fromJust    :: Maybe a -> a
listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a

We have provided an example of an impossible puzzle in the file puzzles/impossible.sud.

Extra Assignments

Assignments X.1 to X.3 are not assessed. You can choose freely whether to do 0, 1 or more of these. So, these are not obligatory, but you will learn more if you do them.

There are no perfect, pre-defined answers here, but try to show your thoughts and understanding in your answers.

X.1 The solving method we have used in this lab assignment is very basic, and in some sense naive. One way to boost performance is to look closer at the function blank. Perhaps if we picked the blank in a smarter way, the solve function would go faster? One idea is to always pick the blank spot where there are as few possibilities left. For example, if we have a row with one or two blank spots, it is probably a good idea to pick one of those blank spots, since it will limit the consecutive search most, and it will lead to search to a state with more digits filled in. (Such a way of changing a solving method is called a heuristic – there is no absoluate guarantee that the search will go faster, but often it actually will.)

Change the implementation of the blank function, so that it always picks the blank spot that is in a row, column, or 3x3 block where there are as few blank spots left.

For example, in the puzzle below:


we have marked one blank spot with an x. The row in which this x is has 5 blank spots (including the x itself); the column in which this x is has 4 blank spots, and the 3x3 block in which this x is has 3 blank spots. It turns out that this is the best we can do; it is good to pick x as the next blank spot, since there will only be 2 blank spots left in the middle 3x3 block.

Does your solve function work faster now? Experiment with different heuristics (for example: only look at rows and columns, and not at 3x3 blocks), and see which one performs best. Can you solve some of the hard puzzles now?

Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.

X.2 The solving method we have used in this lab assignment is very basic, and in some sense naive. The best known methods to solve problems like Sudoku is to also include the notion of propagation. This is the way most humans actually solve a puzzle.

A simple variant of propagation is the following. Suppose we have a puzzle containing a row with precisely one blank, such as the 3rd row in the example below:


Our current solution would go and pick blanks, and start searching recursively, without making use of the fact that we already know the value of that blank (namely 7 in this case); all the other values have been used by the other cells in the row.

Implement a function

  propagate :: Puzzle -> Puzzle

that, given a puzzle, finds out which rows, columns, and 3x3 blocks only have one blank in them, and then fills those blanks with the only possibly remaining value. It repeats doing this until all rows, columns and 3x3 blocks are either completely filled up, or contain two holes or more. Now, add this function at the appropriate place in your solve function. Does it work faster now?

For other, more powerful propagation, you can for example read the following webpage:, and click on "how to solve". Or come up with your own propagation rules. Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.

X.3 Write a function that produces interesting Sudoku puzzles. For example, one could have a function

  createPuzzle :: IO ()

that every time we run it, would print a new, interesting Sudoku puzzle on the screen. One can discuss what an interesting Sudoku puzzle is. Here are three properties that an interesting Sudoku puzzle must have:

  • There must be a solution
  • There must not be two different solutions
  • There must not be too many digits already visible

Can you think of a way to define a function for generating an infinite supply of new Sudoku puzzles satisfying the above two properties? You should of course make use of the functions you already have.

Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.