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359 lines (359 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

359 lines (359 loc) · 16.2 KB


Code generator

  • [X] Write specifications for all target potentials.
  • [X] Write parser for said specifications (or subset of).
  • [X] Write simplifier of expressions.
  • [X] Handle parameters.
  • [X] Handle loops.
  • [X] Handle implicits.
  • [ ] Add typing.
  • [X] Evaluate cutoff expression in lower context, seeing the iteration variable.
  • [X] Handle distance.
  • [X] Handle derivatives.
  • [X] Exclusion lists.
  • [X] Half and full neighbor lists: If only half lists requested, only use these, if full lists requested, half them manually
  • [X] Syntax (loop/if) fusion.
  • [X] Write LAMMPS integration.
  • [X] Write an un-SSA step that recombines expression.
  • [X] Parameters with real arguments (i.e. tabulations or splines).



Introduce Intermediate Representation

  • Transfer generation approach

Add Neighbor List Inference

Add EAM-style Communication Inference

Introduce Full Pair Style Generation

Add Optimization Passes

Add Loop Vectorization

Add Caching of Values

Add Filter Steps

Add Intermediate Neighbor Lists

Notes 2

  • soup of nodes vs ssa
  • functional graph reprs


  • Information on parameters, neighbor lists, globals etc



  • global value numbering
  • control flow fusion
  • loop invariant code motion
  • vectorizer
  • PassManager to autogenerate all possible optimizations
  • answer if poass always adavantageous
  • benefitting ater pass
  • introduce functions and temporaries and ordering

IR Extension

  • for -> accumulate
  • if -> assign
  • readparameter
  • readinput
  • writeoutput
  • redatemporary
  • writetemporary
  • exchangetemporary


  • needs to lay out params
  • needs to request neighlists
  • work mostly here, after completing ir


  • kokkos
  • dl_poly
  • lammps
  • libMD
  • user-omp
  • namd
  • gromacs
  • gpu
  • user-intel


  • Choices: MPI Comm, delayed uodate a la reaxff
  • need: easy integration with external code, plug-in into lammps
  • want: long-ranged generator, tabulation, interpolation generator
  • maybe: hook into LLVM
  • parser for parameter files
  • user-intel/user-omp/gpu/kokkos targets
  • arbitrary derivarives for virial calc
  • input latex “code”, maybe with additional annotations
  • output: pair_whatever cpp
  • order: lennard-jones, stillinger-weber, (eam , meam) | (tersoff, rebo, airebo, reaxff/comb3, bop?)
  • calcualte energy
  • calculate forces
  • optimize: vectorization (along where), search, tabulation, cachin, ordering by type
  • instrumentation for guided optimization, introduce if’s/continues, loop fusion, cse
  • reduced neighlists
  • not just code generator, also interpreter
  • scopes vectors tensotrs
  • sums, arithmetic, cos, dcos, sin, dsin: math_cos(x, y, dy)
  • only first derivatives

nodes/exprs (!: domain limited)

  • add, sub, mul, div(!), sqrt, cos, exp, sin, pow(!), log(!)
  • parameter, quantity, constant
  • angle, torsion(!), distance, delta, pos
  • totalsum, neighborsum, coordsum
  • userfunction, spline, table
  • vector elem, vector construct
  • labels: orginate from sums, reference in paremter, distance, etc, atomlabel, choordlabel, argumentlabel(?)

types: dmaps, tensors, vectors, scalars, labels

More Notes

  • Replace pow in spline calculation
  • Allow peratom calculation to occur globally, using half neighbor lists
    • Needs DeclGlobal and AddGlobal IR instructions
  • Rewrite based on that style to check if worth it
  • Needs to consider: Significant speedup from half neigh list
  • ADP is rather close to EAM
  • EAM spline need ONETYPE support


  • [X] Too: Testbench for small, random systems with specified minimum distance (n, xsize, ysize, zsize).
    • Generate random positions.
    • Check if any two are too close, randomly remove one of them
    • Check forces:
      • If too far apart:
        • Try remove each atom successively until effect disappears
        • Persist any atom require, keep removing
    • Output minimal non-complying thing
  • [ ] Arc: Split semantical analysis and processing
  • [X] Bug: tersoff with only f_c, error from elimunused, true
  • [X] Opt: Eliminate unused
  • [X] Opt: Detect Duplicates
  • [X] Opt: Fuse Syntax (adjacent if’s and for’s)
  • [X] Bug: Caching relies33 on pointer values being unique -> Caching disabled (revisit)
  • [X] Bug: Be aware of typing and accordingly augment scalars (e.g. 1/2)
  • [X] Bug: sqrt(1 - thet^2) in cosine derivative should be sqrt(1 - cos^2)
  • [X] Bug: Stillinger-Weber loop fusion
  • [X] Gen: Gather parameters, read parameters, setup neigh lists
  • [X] Opt: cos(acos(x)) = x etc, 0+x, 1*x, pow(a, 2) = a*a, pow(sqrt(a), 2) = a
  • [X] Opt: Inline lets that are not reused
  • [X] Opt: Constant folding
  • [X] Opt: (-a) * (-b) = a * b, (-a) * b = - (a*b),
  • [X] Opt: Same level accumulates to addition
  • [X] Opt: Analyse accumulators and assigners: If assigned same in each branch, handle accordingly
  • [X] Bug: Non-conservative forces
  • [X] Par: Read in spline specifications
  • [X] Gen: Generate the type_map and type_var_* variables
  • [X] Der: Have an IR term for type_map lookups
  • [X] Fea: Type match
  • [X] Gen: Emit spline evaluation code
  • [X] Gen: Emit spline reading code
  • [X] Gen: Emit spline fitting code
  • [X] Gen: Spline adjustment code: Derivatives etc. Once per dimension
  • [X] Gen: Make sure stuff is initially zeroed out
  • [X] Der: Encode spline invocation
  • [X] Gen: Emit spline invocation code
  • [X] Gen: Allow splines to be used (would enable REBO)
  • [X] Der: Torsion-based derivatives (omega)
  • [X] Val: Write parameter file for REBO
  • [X] Opt: Loop Invariant Code Motion
  • [X] Opt: Outline parameter-dependent expressions, reduce to the atom-types they belong
  • [X] Allow vectorization in trivial (e.g. Tersoff) cases
  • [ ] Pot: Vashishta
  • [X] Fea: Allow splines as used with eam (1D, inline)
  • [ ] Gen: Use analysis for cutoffs and neigh list setup, additional neigh lists
  • [ ] Opt: Rewrite sqrt(a) * sqrt(a) to a
  • [X] Der/Gen: Allow per atom quantities (would enable EAM)
  • [ ] Fea: Allow FFI
    • function the_sin(x : real) = derivative(ffi(sin, x), ffi(cos, x));
    • function the_cos(x : real) = derivative(ffi(cos, x), -ffi(sin, x));
  • [ ] Gen: Allow linking to C functions, would also make e.g. trig functions trivial
  • [ ] Opt: Code Duplicate Elim for Spline Eval
  • [ ] Val: Make sure REBO is implemented correctly
    • Start by with bij=1, then bij=pi_rc, then bij=pi_rc+pij+pji, then bij=pi_rc+pij+pji+pi_dh
  • [ ] Fea: Splines with integer nodes do not require the same search approach
  • [ ] Gen: Allow optional per-atom data (e.g. charge, normal)
  • [X] Bug: Make sure IRIdentifier comparison is correct
  • [X] Gen: Allow ghost neighbor lists (would enable REBO)
  • [X] Opt: Simplification of a * x / x
  • [ ] Opt: x + a - x
  • [ ] Gen/Der: Proper variable naming
  • [X] Gen: Allow halving of neighbor lists
  • [ ] Gen: Handle newton on/off (Pairwise)
  • [ ] Der: Generate functions that do forward, reverse and both
  • [ ] Der: Allow max/min, would enable AIREBO
  • [ ] Gen: Allow tabulated functions to be used (would enable EAM)
  • [ ] Gen: Allow random functions (would enable DPD), make sure that same random value is used
    • should be possible easily by erring out when mode != both
  • [ ] Gen: Allow 2/3-matrices/vectors (would enable Gayberne)
  • [ ] Allow caching of values
  • [ ] Allow binning by types
  • [ ] Opt: Shorten neighbor list first, then reuse that later
  • [X] Gen: Target Vanilla LAMMPS
  • [ ] Gen: Target Just-In-Time Vanilla LAMMPS
  • [X] Gen: Target USER-INTEL LAMMPS
  • [ ] Gen: Target OpenKIM
  • [X] Gen: Target KOKKOS
  • [ ] Gen: Allow just-in-time call to generator (dlopen etc)
  • [ ] Lol: Unicode support for sums, symbols etc
  • [ ] Wsh: Targets: LAMMPS, KIM, GULP (?), DL_POLY (?), CP2K
  • [ ] Gen: Allow for mapped lookup to struct like tersoff
  • [ ] Opt: Flow analysis of identical values computed in different loops
  • [ ] Opt: Infer: > 0, >= 0, < 0, <= 0. Allows rewrite of pow(a, b-1) to pow(a, b) /
  • [ ] Arc: Merge IR and input lang
  • [ ] Fea: Check if functions or lets shadow stuff
  • [ ] Fea: Use static memory allocation if possible
  • [ ] Fea: propagate zeros through the code.
  • [X] Fea: Ranges in spline assignments
  • [ ] Fea: Per-atom virials
  • [ ] Fea: Charge support
  • [ ] Fea: Type checking
  • [ ] Identify potentially useful potential variants
  • [ ] Generate multithreaded/offloadable implementation for USER-INTEL
  • [ ] Perform vectorization: Along i, along j, along i and j, each batched or unbatched
  • [ ] Consider vectorization at lower levels
  • [ ] Vec: Specialize on number of ntypes: 1, 8/16 (can shuffle), etc.
  • [ ] Vec: What do nbor_pack_width and three_body_neighbor do?
  • [ ] Fea: Allow range-based sums
  • [ ] Fea: Skip lists, i.e. respect ilist and inum


  • Allow automatic modification of lammps input files
    • To get a trajectory/initial configuration out
    • To run using different packages and codes for benchmarking
  • Allow for test runs: Each timestep, compute error etc

<2019-02-14 Do>

  • [X] Zero out peratom initially
    • Ideally just on loop up to nall. Do not have nall available right now.
    • Make nall a lookup? then have a corresponding loop?
  • [X] setup comm_forward, comm_reverse in ctor
  • [X] generate packing/unpacking functions
  • [X] add the pointers to the header
  • [X] add the init to the ctor
  • [X] add the enlargement to the compute prologue
  • [X] Allow half trick if: neighbors are symmetric, peratom is a pure sum
  • [X] Pattern match the sum, symmetric if the sum cutoff is constant
  • [X] Make it actually generate ghost and half if only those are needed
  • [X] Make sure things get flipped correctly in the forward pass
  • [X] Make sure the correct two (!) adjoints are used in the reverse pass
  • [X] Investigate why tersoff got slower (ffast-math, probably)

<2019-01-23 Mi>

  • [ ] Add analysis to find peratom, i.e. function x(a : atom) = sum(b: neighbors(…)) foo(a, b)
  • [ ] Mark peratom values somehow, to handle them when they are encountered
    • [ ] Maybe add a “derivation options” and “derivation result” structure?
  • [ ] To we want to consider multi-dim peratom? I.e. peratom(a: atom; b: atom_type) or peratom(a: atom; b: spatial_direction; c: spatial_direction) symmetric(b, c) =
  • [X] Add IR bits for communication,
    • [X] CommunicateGlobalAccIRStmt { direction, variables }
    • [X] DeclGlobalAccIRStmt { variables }
    • [X] AccIRStmt
  • [X] Generate code as compute peratom, communicate, compute rest, compute derivatives, communicate, copute peratom derivatives
  • [X] Figure out how this acts together with other optimizations, i.e. how to reorder appropriately
  • [ ] Add support for this kind of structure in intel and kokkos

<2019-03-07 Do>

  • [ ] Only copy over needed files: I.e. src/* MAKE recursively src/Obj_*
  • [ ] Proper testing/benchmarking for KNL/intel
  • [X] Proper packing for intel, s.t. single prec works
    • Either gather_double (easiest), or param<dtype>, or fc.param?
  • [X] Mixed precision support
  • [ ] Proper testing/benchmarking for Kokkos
  • [X] debug s/w
  • [X] Fix the AVX-512 CD stuff
  • [ ] Use the more clever CD stuff - i.e. permute first, then only 1 gather/scatter

<2019-02-20 Mi>

  • [X] Handle pure functions appropriately
  • [X] Make Intel vector arch agnostic
    • Use abstraction library from the airebo effort, should go flawlessly
    • Open: Casts, Comparisons, Conflict Code, BinOps
  • [ ] Add multi-precision support
    • Propagate from force accumulation:
    • If it is accumulated into force or energy, leave it precise
    • If it is an accumulator that is added to force or energy, leave it precise
    • If it is any other quantity (including sums) leave it lower precision
  • [ ] Add KIM support
    • Look at what AIREBO does, what LennardJones / Morse do
    • Do we need this if LAMMPS is a KIM calculator?
  • [ ] Add caching
    • ForwardWillReverse, ReverseWithForward
    • Work iff we know that there is just one level of stuff in between
    • I.e. if we have hit this Expr with “Both” or (potentially) “Reverse”
    • Need notion of “short” loops to do this well
    • Need notion of temp_force to do so…
      • Is this the same mechanism as I use for loops, but overridable?
      • I.e. execute for “both”, but w/ a different target, then later updating that target?
  • [ ] Refactor the gen phase, getting away from “cb”
  • [ ] Add pair style/jit support
    • Requires a decent interface definition
    • i.e. what does lammps do vs what my code does
  • [ ] Figure out how to do hessians
    • just have a callback that tallies things up
    • and then have a fix that is invokes there, which manages per-atom hash tables
    • communicate these hash tables and tally them up
    • have a file pattern, “outfile.%1$d.%2$d” which is where the hessian gets written to, based on the rank and the timestep
  • [ ] Make peratom and multiple loop work with intel and kokkos
    • Just pragma omp for schedule static?
    • No: Need upper boundary for vectorization
    • Kokkos: Need setup for comm and shit, as well as detection for reduction vs none.
    • Effectively, Kokkos needs to only ever have one accumulator “leaving”.
      • Maybe: Push the AccEnergy one level down, and do reduction based on that?
  • [ ] Add deduction for master cutoff
  • [ ] Add global neighbor list support
  • [ ] Add support for more potentials (MEAM (=EAM), Vashishta (=SW), ADP (=EAM))
  • [ ] Add FFI support
  • [ ] Add unit support?
  • [ ] Refactor gen phase
    • AddMethod() AddClass()
    • EmitInto()
  • [ ] Particle Energy Support
    • During der: Mark sums that still have energy units
      • Summation is fine, multiplication w/ literal is fine (carry along)
      • Anything else is no bueno.
      • Assign force accordingly, given the atoms in scope
  • [ ] Particle Virial Support
    • Needs to occur whenever force is applied (or accumulated)
  • [ ] Master Cutoff in potential file?
  • [ ] Be more clever about forward/reverse join
    • E.g. if we do not perform a force update inside, join forward
    • If we do perform a force update inside, join backwards

Features [1/24]

  • [ ] Vashishta, EDIP, REBO, BOP, AIREBO
  • [ ] More gen styles: openkim, openmm, libmd, dl_poly, user-omp, namd, gromacs, stand-alone, gulp, cp2k
  • [ ] Make sure the generation is correct when having multiple, inter-dependent peratoms
  • [ ] Typing
  • [ ] Caching
  • [ ] Intermediate Neighbor List / Precise Neighbor List
  • [ ] Try other parameter handling (struct and/or single precision packing)
  • [ ] Vectorize other loops, batch loops, compress loops etc
  • [ ] Arbitrary derivatives: Param derivs, higher-order derivs, hessians
  • [ ] Per-Atom virials
  • [ ] Per-Atom energy
  • [ ] Input: Parse LaTeX, or unicode
  • [ ] Deduce Master Cutoff or put into input file
  • [ ] Search expressable, min, max
  • [ ] Testbench: With random configs, and with captures stuff, compute error from ground truth.
  • [ ] More per-atom parameters (normal/charge)
  • [ ] JIT
  • [ ] Allow sums over ranges, parameters over ranges etc
  • [ ] Support skip lists

Small [0/21]

  • [ ] Additional Types: Vectors, Tensors, Matrices
  • [ ] Units
  • [ ] User-Defined Per-Atom assignments
  • [ ] Neighbor List Deductions, Master Cutoff in input or parameter file
  • [ ] Interpreter
  • [ ] Improve fusing: Prefer merging non-force with non-force, force with force
  • [ ] Proper mixed precision support
  • [ ] Cheaper test env initialization
  • [ ] Proper testing/benchmarking for KNL/intel and kokkos
  • [ ] More clever CD stuff - permute before scatter
  • [ ] Deduce peratom, needs symmetry info
  • [ ] Multi-Dim peratom (indexed by e.g. type or position)
  • [ ] Inline 1-D spline calculation, including ONETYPE support
  • [ ] x + a - x -> a
  • [ ] Emit functions, do not inline everything
  • [ ] Random functions (only work with kBoth…)
  • [ ] Infer range of certain values (i.e. in particular “positive” and “strictly positive”), or assert at certain points
  • [ ] Merge IR and input lang
  • [ ] Refactor gen or parser
  • [ ] Propagate zero when optimizing (i.e. add more if (x == 0) where appropriate)
  • [ ] Offload support w/ USER-INTEL
  • [ ] Specialize on ntypes when vectorizing (1, 2 (bit-sets etc), VL (permutes etc))
  • [ ] What does nbor_pack_width do? three_body_neighbor->enables numneighhalf when full


  • [ ] Torque
  • [ ] FFI as a parameter kind?


  • [X] FFI

Make EIM work

Make EAM/EIM/ADP work with USER-INTEL,

Measure vector speed

Optimize post-accumulator fusion