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File metadata and controls

75 lines (58 loc) · 2.48 KB

Tips and Tricks

Virtual Console

  • Scroll up: Shift + PgUp
  • Scroll down: Shift + PgDown
  • History: cat /dev/vcsu
  • You can get a copy of the text off the machine with:
    • mkdir www
    • cd www
    • cp /dev/vcsu .
    • ip a and take a note of the IP address.
    • srvfiles -h -p 80
    • Then on the same LAN, open http://192.168.x.y/vcsu in a web browser.

Setting up Vim for Go

Here are some quick instructions for installing

# First install the vim plugin manager:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs

# Add the vim-go plugin to the vimrc:
echo "call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')" >> ~/.vimrc
echo "Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'do': ':GoUpdateBinaries' }" >> ~/.vimrc
echo "call plug#end()" >> ~/.vimrc

# Install the plugins:
vim +PlugInstall

See the Run-It/Build-It/Fix-It/Test-It/... sections in

You can setup shortcuts in your vimrc like this:

map <F3> :GoBuild<CR>
map <F4> :GoTest<CR>

Running Go Debugger (Delve)

This depends on the previous steps to setup Go for Vim.

Adding this line to your vimrc makes the experience better:

echo "let g:go_debug_log_output = 0" >> ~/.vimrc
  1. Start the debugger with :GoDebugStart.
  2. Set a breakpoint on the current line with :GoDebugBreakpoint or <F9>.
  3. Run to the breakpoint with :GoDebugContinue or <F5>.
  4. You should see the following windows:
    • STACKTRACE: Hit enter on any of these to jump to the code.
    • VARIABLES: Local variables, arguments and registers
    • GOROUTINES: Hit enter on any of these to jump to the code.
    • OUTPUT: Output from the program and dlv
  5. Use these commands to navigate your code (see :help GoDebugStart):
    • :GoDebugNext or <F10>: Run to next line in the current function
    • :GoDebugStep or <F11>: Run to next line which may be in another function (due to a function call).
    • :GoDebugStepOut: Run until the current function returns
    • :GoDebugSet {var} {value}: Only works for ints, bool, float and pointers.
    • :GoDebugPrint {expr}: Print the result of the expression.
    • <F6>: Print the value of word under the cursor.
  6. Stop the debugger with :GoDebugStop.

Dumping Stack Trace of Go Program

  1. Use CTRL-Z to move the process to background.
  2. Send the ABRT signal kill -ABRT %1
  3. Resume the job with fg.