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386 lines (370 loc) · 50.2 KB














  • ktorio / ktor:Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
  • thunderbird / thunderbird-android:K-9 Mail – Open Source Email App for Android
  • android / nowinandroid:A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
  • androidx / androidx:Development environment for Android Jetpack extension libraries under the androidx namespace. Synchronized with Android Jetpack's primary development branch on AOSP.
  • coil-kt / coil:Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
  • arkivanov / Decompose:Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
  • mouredev / Weekly-Challenge-2022-Kotlin:Ejercicios de código semanales en 2022 de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar lógica en cualquier lenguaje de programación.
  • GuoXiCheng / SKIP:自动跳过APP开屏广告
  • Kotlin / kotlinx.serialization:Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
  • wangchenyan / ponymusic:An Android online music player like NetEase Cloud Music
  • square / okhttp:Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
  • d4rken-org / sdmaid-se:SD Maid 2/SE is Android's most thorough cleaning tool.
  • mapbox / mapbox-maps-android:Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android powered by vector tiles and OpenGL.
  • doublesymmetry / react-native-track-player:A fully fledged audio module created for music apps. Provides audio playback, external media controls, background mode and more!
  • stripe / stripe-android:Stripe Android SDK
  • android / sunflower:A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with migrating a View-based app to Jetpack Compose.
  • detekt / detekt:Static code analysis for Kotlin
  • square / okio:A modern I/O library for Android, Java, and Kotlin Multiplatform.
  • rhunk / SnapEnhance:An Xposed module that enhances your Snapchat experience
  • Kotlin / kotlinx.coroutines:Library support for Kotlin coroutines
  • unit-mesh / auto-dev:🧙‍AutoDev: The AI-powered coding wizard with multilingual support 🌐, auto code generation 🏗️, and a helpful bug-slaying assistant 🐞! Customizable prompts 🎨 and a magic Auto Testing feature 🧪 included! 🚀
  • mozilla-mobile / firefox-android:This repository hosts the Firefox for Android (Fenix), Focus for Android, and Mozilla Android Components projects.
  • uber / RIBs:Uber's cross-platform mobile architecture framework.
  • tangshimin / MuJing:幕境 - 使用自己感兴趣的电影、美剧或文档,生成词库(单词本)。在记忆单词时,可以用键盘打字,练习拼写并观看相关的视频片段,以便更好的理解和记忆单词。播放电影时,以弹幕的形式复习词库中的单词。
  • oss-review-toolkit / ort:A suite of tools to automate software compliance checks.


  • fbelavenuto / arpl:Automated Redpill Loader
  • nvm-sh / nvm:Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
  • AuxXxilium / arc:Arc is a customized Redpill Loader for DSM 7.x (Xpenology) with enhanced Hardwaresupport, Addons, Extensions, guided(semi-automated) Installation and more. Multiple customization options are built-in. It is modified to run on different Hardware (see Wiki for more Informations). Commercial use is not permitted and strictly forbidden!
  • youngyangyang04 / leetcode-master:《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
  • tfutils / tfenv:Terraform version manager
  • github / backup-utils:GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities
  • jkroepke / helm-secrets:A helm plugin that help manage secrets with Git workflow and store them anywhere
  • docker-library / official-images:Primary source of truth for the Docker "Official Images" program
  • Security-Onion-Solutions / securityonion:Security Onion is a free and open platform for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes our own interfaces for alerting, dashboards, hunting, PCAP, and case management. It also includes other tools such as Playbook, osquery, CyberChef, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Suricata, and Zeek.
  • bats-core / bats-core:Bash Automated Testing System
  • devcontainers / features:A collection of Dev Container Features managed by Dev Container spec maintainers. See to publish your own
  • v1s1t0r1sh3r3 / airgeddon:This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks.
  • AleoHQ / workshop:📜 A Starter Guide to Build ZK Applications 📜
  • angristan / openvpn-install:Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
  • deviantony / docker-elk:The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
  • openconfig / public:Repository for publishing OpenConfig models, documentation, and other material for the community.
  • gonglei007 / GameDevMind:最全面的游戏开发技术图谱。帮助游戏开发者们在已知问题上节省时间,省出更多的精力投入到更有创造性的工作中去。
  • kylemanna / docker-openvpn:🔒 OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA
  • chaifeng / ufw-docker:To fix the Docker and UFW security flaw without disabling iptables
  • HariSekhon / DevOps-Bash-tools:1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LDAP, Code/Build Linting, pkg mgmt for Linux, Mac, Python, Perl, Ruby, NodeJS, Golang, Advanced dotfiles: .bashrc, .vimrc, .gitconfig, .screenrc, tmux..
  • stupidloud / nanopi-openwrt:Openwrt for Nanopi R1S R2S R4S R5S 香橙派 R1 Plus 固件编译 纯净版与大杂烩
  • antonbabenko / pre-commit-terraform:pre-commit git hooks to take care of Terraform configurations 🇺🇦
  • P3TERX / Actions-OpenWrt:A template for building OpenWrt with GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 云编译 OpenWrt
  • pocopico / tinycore-redpill:
  • hrostami / aio-proxy:This script automates setting up proxy related tools in Linux.



  • nlohmann / json:JSON for Modern C++
  • google / googletest:GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
  • openxla / xla:A machine learning compiler for GPUs, CPUs, and ML accelerators
  • nasa / fprime:F´ - A flight software and embedded systems framework
  • Project-OSRM / osrm-backend:Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
  • fmtlib / fmt:A modern formatting library
  • hku-mars / FAST_LIO:A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package
  • protocolbuffers / protobuf:Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
  • microsoft / onnxruntime:ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
  • zeromq / libzmq:ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1
  • zeek / zeek:Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
  • ApolloAuto / apollo:An open autonomous driving platform
  • google / highway:Performance-portable, length-agnostic SIMD with runtime dispatch
  • microsoft / DirectXShaderCompiler:This repo hosts the source for the DirectX Shader Compiler which is based on LLVM/Clang.
  • UZ-SLAMLab / ORB_SLAM3:ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM
  • li-plus / chatglm.cpp:C++ implementation of ChatGLM-6B & ChatGLM2-6B & ChatGLM3 & more LLMs
  • google / re2:RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
  • pybind / pybind11:Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
  • o3de / o3de:Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations.
  • google / leveldb:LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
  • facebook / hhvm:A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.
  • async-profiler / async-profiler:Sampling CPU and HEAP profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events
  • x64dbg / x64dbg:An open-source user mode debugger for Windows. Optimized for reverse engineering and malware analysis.
  • ros-planning / moveit:🤖 The MoveIt motion planning framework
  • grpc / grpc:The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
