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Hive Metastore micro-benchmarks


mvn clean install

You can run tests as well. Just set HMS_HOST environment variable to some HMS instance which is capable of running your requests (non-kerberised one) and run

mvn install -Pdist

target directory has two mega-jars which have all the dependencies.

Alternatively you can use bin/hbench script which use Maven to run the code.

HmsBench usage

Usage: BenchmarkTool [-ChlV] [--sanitize] [--confdir=<confDir>]
                     [--params=<nParameters>] [--savedata=<dataSaveDir>]
                     [--separator=<csvSeparator>] [-d=<dbName>] [-H=URI]
                     [-L=<spinCount>] [-N=<instances>] [-o=<outputFile>]
                     [-P=<port>] [-t=<tableName>] [-T=<nThreads>] [-W=<warmup>]
                     [-E=<exclude>]... [-M=<matches>]...
      --confdir=<confDir>    configuration directory
      --params=<nParameters> number of table/partition parameters
                               Default: 0
      --sanitize             sanitize results (remove outliers)
                             save raw data in specified dir
                             CSV field separator
  -C, --csv                  produce CSV output
  -d, --db=<dbName>          database name
  -E, --exclude=<exclude>    test name patterns to exclude
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -H, --host=URI             HMS Host
  -l, --list                 list matching benchmarks
  -L, --spin=<spinCount>     spin count
                               Default: 100
  -M, --pattern=<matches>    test name patterns
  -N, --number=<instances>   umber of object instances
                               Default: 100
  -o, --output=<outputFile>  output file
  -P, --port=<port>          HMS Server port
                               Default: 9083
  -t, --table=<tableName>    table name
  -T, --threads=<nThreads>   number of concurrent threads
                               Default: 2
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.
  -W, --warmup=<warmup>      warmup count
                               Default: 15

Using single jar

java -jar hmsbench-jar-with-dependencies.jar <optins> [test]...

Using hbench on kerberized cluster

java -jar hmsbench-jar-with-dependencies.jar -H `hostname` <optins> [test]...


  1. Run tests with 500 objects created, 10 times warm-up and exclude concurrent operations and drop operations

     java -jar hmsbench-jar-with-dependencies.jar -H `hostname` -N 500 -W 10 -E 'drop.*' -E 'concurrent.*'
  2. Run tests, produce output in tab-separated format and write individual data points in 'data' directory

     java -jar hmsbench-jar-with-dependencies.jar -H -o result.csv --csv --savedata data
  3. Run tests on localhost

  • save raw data in directory /tmp/benchdata

  • sanitize results (remove outliers)

  • produce tab-separated file

  • use table name 'testbench'

  • create 100 parameters in partition tests

  • run with 100 and thousand partitions

    java -jar hmsbench-jar-with-dependencies.jar -H `hostname` \
         --savedata /tmp/benchdata \
         --sanitize \
         -N 100 -N 1000 \
         -o bench_results.csv -C \
         -d testbench \


Operation Mean Med Min Max Err%
addPartition 16.97 16.89 13.84 27.10 8.849
addPartitions.100 315.9 313.7 274.2 387.0 6.485
addPartitions.1000 3016 3017 2854 3226 2.861
concurrentPartitionAdd#2.100 1289 1289 1158 1434 4.872
concurrentPartitionAdd#2.1000 1.221e+04 1.226e+04 1.074e+04 1.354e+04 5.077
createTable 18.21 18.15 14.78 24.17 10.30
dropDatabase 31.13 30.86 26.46 39.09 8.192
dropDatabase 31.13 30.86 26.46 39.09 8.192
dropDatabase.100 1436 1435 1165 1637 5.929
dropDatabase.1000 1.376e+04 1.371e+04 1.272e+04 1.516e+04 3.864
dropPartition 29.43 28.81 24.79 63.24 13.97
dropPartitions.100 686.5 680.3 575.1 819.8 6.544
dropPartitions.1000 6247 6166 5616 7535 6.435
dropTable 27.53 27.34 23.23 35.35 9.241
dropTableWithPartitions 36.41 36.19 31.33 50.41 8.310
dropTableWithPartitions.100 793.3 792.0 687.9 987.4 7.293
dropTableWithPartitions.1000 6981 6964 6336 9179 5.115
getNid 0.6760 0.6512 0.4482 1.530 21.93
getPartition 6.242 6.227 5.155 9.791 11.27
getPartitionNames 4.888 4.660 3.842 13.12 22.53
getPartitionNames.100 5.031 4.957 3.995 7.156 10.77
getPartitionNames.1000 8.998 8.915 8.016 12.65 7.520
getPartitions.100 9.717 9.475 7.883 13.08 9.835
getPartitions.1000 32.60 32.03 28.30 50.02 9.036
getPartitionsByNames 6.506 6.384 4.810 9.503 15.51
getPartitionsByNames.100 9.312 9.025 7.955 18.44 14.46
getPartitionsByNames.1000 38.47 37.49 34.57 62.51 10.23
getTable 4.092 3.868 3.132 12.20 24.56
listDatabases 0.6919 0.6835 0.5309 1.053 12.25
listPartition 5.556 5.465 4.737 7.969 10.00
listPartitions.100 9.087 8.874 7.630 12.13 10.86
listPartitions.1000 33.79 32.55 28.63 46.15 11.14
listTables 0.9851 0.9761 0.7948 1.378 12.07
listTables.100 1.416 1.374 1.051 3.228 16.68
listTables.1000 4.327 4.183 3.484 6.604 14.38
renameTable 46.67 46.09 40.16 62.46 7.536
renameTable.100 915.8 915.9 831.0 1022 3.833
renameTable.1000 9015 8972 8073 1.137e+04 4.228