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1003 lines (792 loc) · 68.8 KB

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1003 lines (792 loc) · 68.8 KB



  • [Android] Remove unused imports related to Flutter V1 Embedding.

4.16.0 — 2024-09-04

  • [iOS] Fix bug in iOS Polygon Geofencing when running in geofences-only mode (.startGeofences). iOS would mistakenly turn off location updates exactly 3 samples into the containing circular geofence of a polygon.
  • Implement notifyOnDwell for polygon-geofences.

4.15.5 — 2024-06-12

  • [Android] Remove permission FOREGROUND_SERVICE_HEALTH. It turns out that this permission is no longer required when the ActivityRecognitionServivce is defined with a foregroundServiceType="shortservice", which allows a background-launched foreground-service to stay active for up to 3 minutes, which is sufficient for the ActivityRecognitionService, which typically stays activated only for a few milliseconds.

4.15.4 — 2024-06-05

  • [Android] Fix issues #1298 "Multiple geofence events triggered for a single geofence registration when registered individually".

4.15.3 — 2024-05-14

  • [Android] Fix bug in .getCurrentPosition not returning or throwing an error in a condition where Network OFF and GPS ON.
  • Fix bug in .changePace exception-handling, throwing a FormatException instead of PlatformException.

4.15.2 — 2024-04-22

  • [iOS] Code-sign TSLocationManager.xcframework with new Apple Organization (9224-2932 Quebec Inc) certificate.

4.15.1 — 2024-03-27

  • [iOS] Add PrivacyInfo -> TSLocationManager.xcframework
  • [iOS] codesign TSLocationManager.xcframework
  • [iOS] Update CocoaLumberjack version -> 3.8.5 (version which includes its own PrivacyInfo) .

4.15.0 — 2024-03-19

  • [iOS] Implement new iOS Privacy Manifest
  • Add property AuthorizationEvent.status, provding the HTTP status code from the refreshUrl.

4.14.3 — 2024-03-18

  • [iOS] Fix bug in iOS scheduler, triggering ON incorrectly. For example, given a schedule: ['1 00:00-23:59'], the plugin was trigging on for DAY 2`.

4.14.2 — 2024-03-14

  • [iOS] Fix bug in polygon-geofencing: monitoredIdentifiers not being cleared when .removeGeofences() is called, can result in null-pointer exception.

4.14.1 — 2024-03-12

  • [Android] Change foregroundServiceType of the SDK's GeofencingService definition in its AndroidManifest from shortService -> location.

4.14.0 — 2024-02-27

  • [iOS] Modify behaviour of stop-detection system to NOT turn off location-services but merely adjust desiredAccuracy as high as possible. There were problems reported using locationAuthorizationRequest: 'WhenInUse' with recent versions of iOS where the stop-detection system could put the app to sleep during tracking if the motion API reported the device became momentarily stationary.

4.13.7 — 2024-02-13

  • Fix minor static analysis issues reported in dart code referencing part-of directive.

4.13.6 — 2024-02-08

  • [Android] Add multi FlutterEngine support to Android

4.13.5 — 2023-11-16

  • [Android] Fix problem with polygon-geofencing license-validation not working in DEBUG builds when configured with product flavors.

4.13.4 — 2023-11-06

  • [Android] HMS geolocation event does not provide a timestamp for the triggering location!! Use System current time.
  • [Android] Remove deprecated flutter V1 plugin architecture code (registerWith).
  • [Android] Guard against Geofence SQLite query returning null in GeofencingService.
  • [Android] Fix ConcurrentModificationException in SingleLocationRequest.getBestLocation

4.13.3 — 2023-10-12

  • [Android] Fix IllegalStateException calling addGeofences when number of geofences exceeds platform maximum (100).

4.13.2 — 2023-10-05

  • [Android] Fix error Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'List<Object?>' in BackgroundGeolocation.geofences / getGeofence(uuid).
  • [iOS] Rename iOS Obj-c classes, prefixing with TS.

4.13.1 — 2023-10-02

  • [iOS] Fix "Duplicate symbol error DummyPods_TSLocationManager".

4.13.0 — 2023-09-28

  • Polygon Geofencing: The Background Geolocation SDK now supports Polygon Geofences (Geofences of any shape). For more information, see API docs Geofence.vertices. ℹ️ Polygon Geofencing is sold as a separate add-on (fully functional in DEBUG builds).

  • Remove backup_rules.xml from AndroidManifest.xml — it's causing conflicts with other plugins.
  • [Android] Add proguard-rule for compilation of the android library to prevent from obfuscating the BuildConfig class to a.a.class, conflicting with other libraries.

4.12.3 — 2023-09-05

  • [Android] Performance enhancements and error-checking.

4.12.2 — 2023-08-24

  • [Android] Fix memory-leak in .startBackgroundTask: If a Task timed-out and is "FORCE KILLED", it was never removed from a List<Task>.
  • [Android] Fix Exception NullPointerException:at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.util.BackgroundTaskWorker.onStopped

4.12.1 — 2023-08-23

  • [iOS] Fix build failure "Use of '@import' when C++ modules are disabled"
  • [Android] Modify Foreground-service management to use stopSelfResult(startId) instead of stopSelf(). This could improve reports of Android ANR Context.startForeground.
  • [Android] Add sanity-check for invalid Geofence arguments (eg: invalid latitude/longitude).
  • [Android] Add safety-checks in ForegroundService stop-handling. There was a report of a reproducible crash while aggressively calling .getCurrentPosition in a Timer (eg: every second).
  • [Android] Demote HeartbeatService from a Foreground Service to AlarmManager ONESHOT. ⚠️ In your onHeartbeat event, if you intend to perform any kind of asynchronous function, you should wrap it inside BackgroundGeolocation.startBackgroundTask in order to prevents the OS from suspending your app before your task is complete:
BacckgroundGeolocation.onHeartbeat((event) async {
  print("[onHeartbeat] $event");
  // First register a background-task.
  var taskId = await BackgroundGeolocation.startBackgroundTask();
  try {
    // Now you're free to perform long-running tasks, such as getCurrentPosition()
    var location = await BackgroundGeolocation.getCurrentPosition(
      samples: 3,
      timeout: 30,
      extras: {
        "event": "heartbeat"
    print("[onHeartbeat] location: $location");
  } catch(error) {
    print("[getCurrentPosition] ERROR: $error");
  // Be sure to singal completion of your background-task:
  • [Android] Fix NPE iterating a List in AbstractService.
  • [Android] If a SingleLocationRequest error occurs and at least one sample exits, prefer to resolve the request successfully rather than firing the error (eg: getCurrentPosition, motionchange, providerchange requests).

4.12.0 — 2023-08-16

  • [Android] ⚠️ If you have the following elements defined in your AndroidManifest.xml, DELETE them:
-       <service android:name="com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService" android:foregroundServiceType="location" />
-       <service android:name="com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.LocationRequestService" android:foregroundServiceType="location" />
  • [Android] Re-factor getCurrentPosition to prefer more recent location vs more accuracy (within limits)
  • [Android] Android 14 (API 34) support: Android 14 is more strict with scheduling AlarmManager "exact alarms" (which the plugin does take advantage of). If you wish the plugin to use AlarmManager "exact alarms" in your app, you must now explicitly define that permission in your own AndroidManifest:
    <uses-permission android:minSdkVersion="34" android:name="android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM" />
  • [Android] Android 14 (API 34) support: Re-factor BackgroundTaskService to use WorkManager instead of a foreground-service.
  • [Android] Android 14 (API 34) support: Due to new runtime permission requirements on AlarmManager exact alarms (android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM), the plugin can no longer rely upon launching a foreground-service using an exact alarm. Instead, the plugin will create a geofence around the current position (configured with initialTriggerEntry) to hopefully immediately launch a foreground-service to handle the fake geofence event, since Android allows foreground-service launches due to Geofencing events.
  • [Android] Android 14 (API 34) support: All foreground-services now require an android:foregroundServiceType in the plugin's AndroidManifest (handled automatically by the plugin).
  • [Android] Android 14 (API 34) support: Fix error "One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified" in DeviceSettings.startMonitoringPowerSaveChanges.

4.11.1 — 2023-06-09

  • Fix nullsafety issue in TransistorAuthorizationToken.destroy.
  • [Android] Log ApiException.getStatusCode() if native addGeofence method fails.
  • Update /example app for full nullsafety.

4.11.0 — 2023-05-04

  • [Android] Gradle v8 now requires namespace attribute in gradle files.
  • [iOS] iOS 16.4 made a major change to location-services, exposed only when Config.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator is false (the default). As a result of this change, Config.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator will now default to true.

4.10.3 — 2023-04-19

  • [Android] Upgrade logback-android dependency to 3.0.0 (org.slf4j-api to `2.0.7).

4.10.2 — 2023-04-12

  • [Android] Fix String concatenation issue on Turkish devices where method-name composed for use with reflection is incorrectly capitalized (ie: isMoving -> setIsMovingis incorrectly capitalized with Turkish capital assetİsMoving. Simply enforce Locale.ENGLISHwhen performingString.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)`.

  • [iOS] Fix bug in TSScheduler. When schedule was cleared via .setConfig, only the State.schedulerEnabled property was set to false, but the TSScheduler singleton contained an internal 'enabled' property which was not reset to false. Solution was to simply call stop() method upon TSScheduler singleton.

4.10.1 — 2023-03-30

  • [Android] Bump default hmsLocationVersion = There are reports of Google rejecting apps due to older huawei HMS dependenc ies.
  • [Android] Fix ClassCastException related to Motion API error

4.10.0 — 2023-03-29

  • [Android] Introduce Huawei HMS Support. Requires a separate license key purchased here.
  • [iOS] Fix for iOS 16.4. iOS 16.4 introduces changes to CoreLocation behaviour when using Config.showsBackgroundLocationIndi cator: false.
  • [Android] Added extra logic in a location error-handler to mitigate against a possible edge-case where a location-error fetching the onMotionChange position could possibly result in an infinite loop, causing a stackoverflow exception:
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService.changePace(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService$c.onError(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.SingleLocationRequest.onError(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.SingleLocationRequest.start(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.TSLocationManager.getCurrentPosition(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService.changePace(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService$c.onError(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.SingleLocationRequest.onError(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.SingleLocationRequest.start(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.TSLocationManager.getCurrentPosition(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService.changePace(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService$c.onError(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.SingleLocationRequest.onError(
at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.location.SingleLocationRequest.start(

4.9.0 — 2023-02-01

  • [Fixed][Android] Implement support for play-services-location v21 (ext.playServicesLocationVersion in your android/build.gradle). The plugin can now work with either <= v20 or >= v21.

4.8.7 — 2023-01-25

  • [Fixed] Resolve minor dart static analysis warnings (mostly to do with curly braces).

4.8.6 — 2023-01-19

  • [Changed] Android Update logback-android version.

4.8.5 — 2022-12-12

  • [Fixed] Android: Catch Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: NetworkCallback was already unregistered
  • [Fixed] Android It has been discovered that the Android logger logback-android has not been automatically clearing all expired records (Config.logMaxDays) from the log database. The logback-android database consists of three tables and only one was being cleared (see tony19/logback-android#214), resulting in a constantly growing database (where logLevel > LOG_LEVEL_OFF). This version of the plugin will alter the logback-android database tables with ON DELETE CASCADE to ensure all log-data is properly removed.
  • [Added] Added two new HTTP RPC commands stopSchedule and startSchedule (See API docs HTTP Guide for more information).

4.8.4 — 2022-11-03

  • [Fixed] Fixed bug in onLocation error-handler. If multiple onLocation event-handlers are registered, only the first registered error callback would be executed (once for each listener) when a LocationError occurs.

4.8.3 — 2022-10-27

  • [Android] add @pragma('vm:entry-point') to lib's _headlessCallbackDispatcher`, required for release builds on Flutter >= 3.3.0.

4.8.2 — 2022-10-26

  • [Android] Fix logic error with getCurrentPosition not respecting timeout.
  • [Android] play-services:location has introduced a breaking change in v21, breaking the plugin. googlePlayServicesLocationVersion will be capped with a maximum of v20. The next major release (4.10.0) will set a minimum required version of v21.

4.8.1 — 2022-10-14

  • [iOS] Rebuild TSLocationManager.xcframework with XCode 13.
  • [Android] Remove obsolete steps from Android Setup instructions.

4.8.0 — 2022-09-29

  • [iOS] Build TSLocationManager.xcframework with XCode 14.
  • [Android] Add new Config Notification.channelId for custom customizing the NotificationChannel id. Some use rs have an existing foreground-service and NotificationChannel so wish to have the plugin's foreground-service s share the same notification and channel. This option should generally not be used.
  • [Android] Add permission android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS for Android 13 (targetSdkVersion 33). Requ ired to allow enabling notifications in Settings->Apps.
  • [Android] Add new Config option Authorization.refreshHeaders for full control over HTTP headers sent to Authorization.refreshUrl when refreshing auth token.
  • [Android] Add null check when executing PowerManager.isPowerSaveMode()
  • [Android] Add new Config.disableProviderChangeRecord (default false) to allow disabling the automatical HTTP POST of the onProviderChange location record. Some users do not want this automatically uploaded locatio n whenever the state of location-services is changed (eg: Location-services disabled, Airplane mode, etc).
  • [Android] Fix bug with disableMotionActivityUpdates: true and calling .start() followed immediately by .changePace(true). The SDK would fail to enter the moving state, entering the stationary state instead.

4.7.2 — 2022-09-06

  • Add new iOS 15 CLLocation attribute Location.ellipsoidal_altitude The altitude as a height above the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) ellipsoid, measured in meters. Android Location.altitude has always returned ellipsoidal altutude, so both Location.altitude and Location.ellipsoidal_altitude will return the same value.

4.7.1 — 2022-08-08

  • [Android] Fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException TSProviderManager.handleProviderChangeEvent`.
  • [Android] startOnBoot: false with stopOnTerminate: false could start-on-boot.
  • [Android] State.enabled returned by calling .stop() returns true due to implementation running in a background-thread but callback executed immediately on the main-thread. However, requesting .state immediately after calling .stop would return the correct value of State.enabled.
  • [Android] Fix notification.sticky not being respected.

4.7.0 — 2022-06-21

  • [Android] Fix bug in onProviderChange event: not properly detecting when location-services disabled.
  • [Android] Android 12: Guard Context.startForegroundService with try / catch: the plugin will now catch exception ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException and automatically retry with an AlarmManager oneShot event.
  • [Android] Android 12: Refactor foreground-service management for Android 12: A way has been found to restore the traditional behaviour of foreground-services, allowing them to stop when no longer required (eg: where the plugin is in the stationary state).
  • [Android] Refactor application life-cycle management. Remove deprecated permission android.permission.GET_TASKS traditionally used for detecting when the app has been terminated. The new life-cycle mgmt system can detect Android headless-mode in a much more elegant manner.
  • [Android] Better handling for WhenInUse behaviour: The plugin will not allow .changePace(true) to be executed when the app is in the background (since Android forbids location-services to initiated in the background with WhenInUse).
  • [Android] Refactor useSignificantChangesOnly behaviour. Will use a default motionTriggerDelay with minimum 60000ms, minimum distanceFilter: 250 and enforced stopTimeout: 20.
  • [iOS] iOS 15 has finally implemented Mock Location Detection. location.mock will now be present for iOS when the location is mocked, just like Android.

4.6.3 — 2022-05-27

  • [Android] Fix bug in Android 12 support for executing .start() in background while terminated. Used JobScheduler ONESHOT instead of AlarmManager.
  • [Android] Plugin could be placed into an infinite loop requesting motionchange position in some cases.
  • [Android] Address ConcurrentModificationException in onPermissionGranted.

4.6.2 — 2022-05-11

  • [Android] Fix issue device reboot behaviour related to change in 4.6.1 for Android 11. Could produce multiple motionchange requests after airplane-mode togged off after reboot.

4.6.1 — 2022-05-11

  • [Android] If on device reboot location-services fails to provide a location (eg: timeout, airplane mode), the plugin would rely on motion API events to try again. This is a problem if the motion api is disabled. Instead, the SDK will keep trying to retrieve a location.
  • [Android] Android 12 support for ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException: immediately launch the SDK's TrackingService as soon as .start() executes. If a location-timeout occurs while fetching the onMotionChange position after device reboot with startOnBoot: true, the ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException could be raised.
  • [Android] Add two new attributes android:enabled and android:permission to the SDK's built-in BootReceiver:
<receiver android:name="com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.BootReceiver" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" android:permission="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED">

4.6.0 — 2022-05-06

  • [Android] Android 12 support for executing .start() and .getCurrentPosition() while the plugin is disabled and in the background. This is a bypass of new Android 12 restrictions for starting foreground-services in the background by taking advantage of AlarmManager.
Fatal Exception: startForegroundService() not allowed due to mAllowStartForeground false: service

4.5.0 — 2022-04-29

  • [Android] Add a few extra manufacturer-specific Intent for DeviceSettings.showPowerManager().
  • [Android] Minimum compileSdkVersion 31 is now required.
  • [Android] Now that a minimum targetSdkVersion 29 is required to release an Android app to Play Store, the SDK's AndroidManifest now automatically applies android:foregroundServiceType="location" to all required Service declarations. You no longer need to manually provide overrides in your own AndroidManifest, ie:
-       <service android:name="com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService" android:foregroundServiceType="location" />
-       <service android:name="com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.LocationRequestService" android:foregroundServiceType="location" />

4.4.0 — 2022-03-30

  • [Android] Upgrade android-permissions dependency from 0.1.8 -> 2.1.6.
  • [iOS] Rebuild TSLocationManager.xcframework with XCode 13.3

4.3.5 — 2022-03-29

  • Config.authorization: append Config.headers with request to refreshUrl

4.3.4 — 2022-02-16

  • [Android] While testing adding 20k geofences, the Logger can cause an OutOfMemory error. Define a dedicated thread executor Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2) for posting log messages in background.
  • [iOS] remote event-listeners in onAppTerminate to prevent onEnabledChange event being fired in a dying app configured for stopOnTerminate: true

4.3.3 — 2022-01-19

  • [Fixed][iOS] Regression bug in iOS SAS authorization strategy
  • [Fixed][Android] logLevel not defaulting to LOG_LEVEL_OFF on first install.
  • [Fixed][Android] Some device report that locationAuthorizationAlert is not auto-hiding the invisible TSLocationManagerActivity in some cases.
  • [Changed] Provide default values for Location parameters defined as late (Location.event, Location.mock). Location.event will be empty-string when there is no corresponding event.

4.3.2 — 2021-11-24

  • [Fixed][iOS} iOS Config.authorization did not allow http response status 201

4.3.1 — 2021-10-01

  • [Fixed][Android] Android custom layout (Config.notification.layout) events not working in Headless mode.
  • [Fixed] Fix to reset:false behaviour. When .ready() was called a 2nd time, the plugin would apply the config anyway, bypassing reset:false.
  • [Added] New Authorization.strategy "SAS" (alternative to default JWT).

4.3.0 — 2021-09-13

  • [Added][Android] Implement new Android 12 "reduced accuracy" mechanismrequestTemporaryFullAccuracy.

[4.2.3] — 2021-07-02

  • [Fixed][iOS] Authorization.refreshPayload refreshToken was not performing a String replace on the {refreshToken} template, instead over-writing the entire string. Eg: if provided with 'refresh_token': 'Bearer {refreshToken}, Bearer would be over-written and replaced with only the refresh-token.

[4.2.2] — 2021-07-01

  • [Fixed][Android] Fixed crash reported by Huawei device, where verticalAccuracy returns NaN.
  • [Fixed][iOS] add config change listeners for heartbeatInterval and preventSuspend to dynamically update interval when changed with setConfig.

[4.2.1] — 2021-08-03

  • [Changed][Android] Revert default okHttpVersion back to 3.12.13. 4.x requires minSdkVersion 21 (Android 5).

[4.2.0] — 2021-08-02

  • [Changed][Android] Update Android default okhttp version to 4.9.1.
  • [Changed][Android] Update Android eventbus to 3.2.0.
  • [Changed][Android] Update Android android-permissions to import from MavenCentral instead of deprecated jCenter.
  • [Changed][iOS] Re-compile iOS TSLocationManager using XCode 12.4 instead of 12.5.1.
  • [Fixed][Android] Fix an edge-case requesting motion permission. If getCurrentPosition() is executed before .start(), the Android SDK fails to request motion permission.

4.0.2 — 2021-06-11

  • [Fixed][iOS] Reports 2 reports of iOS crash NSInvalidArgumentException (TSLocation.m line 178) with iOS 14 .x. Wrap JSON serialization in @try/@catch block. iOS JSON serialization docs state the supplied NSError err or ref should report problems but it seems this is only "sometimes" now.

4.0.1 — 2021-06-09

  • Same as previous version. Simply performed flutter format on dart code to satisfy dart analyzer on

4.0.0 — 2021-06-09

  • Release nullsafety version as 4.0.0.
  • [Changed] Add extra logic block to isMainActivityActive to compare launchActivity with baseActivity className

4.0.0-nullsafety.7 — 2021-06-07

  • [Changed] Config.authorization will perform regexp on the received response, searching for keys such as accessToken, access_token, refreshToken, refresh_token, rather than performing regexp on the data itself.

4.0.0-nullsafety.6 — 2021-04-26

  • [Fixed] Nullsafety casting bug in DeviceInfo, DeviceSettings.

4.0.0-nullsafety.5 — 2021-04-22

  • [Fixed][Android] Fix threading issue ConcurrentMmodificationException in TSConfig.

4.0.0-nullsafety.4 — 2021-04-20

  • [Fixed][Android] Don't synchronize access to ThreadPool. Addresses ANR issues
  • [Fixed] DeviceSettings _CastError (type 'Future<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<bool>' in type cast)

4.0.0-nullsafety.3 — 2021-04-19

  • [Fixed][Android] Implmementing State.didDeviceReboot in previous version introduced a source of ANR due time required to generate and persist JSON Config. Solution is to simply perform in Background-thread.

4.0.0-nullsafety.2 — 2021-04-08

  • [Added] New State param State.didDeviceReboot, signals if the device was rebooted.
  • [Added] Added new locationTemplate property timestampMeta.

4.0.0-nullsafety.1 — 2021-04-01

  • [Fixed][Android] Flutter 2 breaks Android Headless mode with null-pointer exception.

4.0.0-nullsafety.0 — 2021-03-22

  • [Added] Dart nullsafety.

2.1.0 — 2021-06-07

  • [Changed] Config.authorization will perform regexp on the received response, searching for keys such as accessToken, access_token, refreshToken, refresh_token.

2.0.5 — 2021-04-21

  • [Fixed][Android] Fix threading issue ConcurrentMmodificationException in TSConfig

2.0.4 — 2021-04-20

  • [Fixed][Android] Don't synchronize access to ThreadPool. Addresses ANR issues.

2.0.3 — 2021-04-18

  • [Fixed][Android] Implmementing State.didDeviceReboot in previous version introduced a source of ANR due time required to generate and persist JSON Config. Solution is to simply perform in Background-thread.

2.0.2 — 2021-04-08

  • [Added] New State param State.didDeviceReboot, signals if the device was rebooted.
  • [Added] Added new locationTemplate property timestampMeta.

2.0.1 — 2021-03-29

  • [Fixed][Android] Flutter 2 did something to break Headless registration.

2.0.0 — 2021-03-16

  • [Changed][iOS] Migrate TSLocationManager.framework to new .xcframework for MacCatalyst support with new Apple silcon.

⚠️ Breaking Change: Requires cocoapods >= 1.10+.

iOS' new .xcframework requires cocoapods >= 1.10+:

$ pod --version
// if < 1.10.0
$ sudo gem install cocoapods

⚠️ Breaking Change: background_fetch.

1.11.1 — 2021-02-17

  • [Fixed][iOS] startOnBoot: false was not being respected.
  • [Fixed][Android] If multiple simultaneous calls to getCurrentPosition are executed, the location permission handler could hang and not return, causing neither getCurrentPosition request to execute.

1.11.0 — 2021-01-26

  • [Changed] Remove Config.encrypt feature. This feature has always been flagging a Security Issue with Google Play Console and now the iOS TSLocationManager is being flagged for a virus by Avast MacOS:Pirrit-CS[PUP]. This seems to be a false-positive due to importing RNCryptor package.
  • [Fixed][Android] If stopAfterElapsedMinutes was configured with a value greater-than stopTimeout, the event would fail to fire.

1.10.3 — 2020-11-05

  • [Fixed][iOS] Fix issue with iOS buffer-timer with requestPermission. Could execute callback twice.

1.10.2 — 2020-11-03

  • [Fixed][iOS] When requesting WhenInUse location permission, if user grants "Allow Once" then you attempt to upgrade to Always, iOS simply does nothing and the requestPermission callback would not be called. Implemented a 500ms buffer timer to detect if the iOS showed a system dialog (signalled by the firing of WillResignActive life-cycle notification). If the app does not WillResignActive, the buffer timer will fire, causing the callback to requestPermission to fire.
  • [Fixed][Android] Issue with requestPermission not showing backgroundPermissionRationale dialog on targetSdkVersion 29 when using locationAuthorizationRequest: 'WhenInUse' followed by upgrade to Always.
  • [Added] Added two new Location.coords attributes speed_accuracy and heading_accuracy.
  • [Fixed][iOS] fix bug providing wrong Array of records to sync method when no HTTP service is configured.
  • [Fixed][Android] Add extra logic for isMainActivityActive to detect when TSLocationManagerActivity is active.

1.10.1 — 2020-09-30

  • [Fixed][Android] isMainActivityActive reported incorrect results for Android apps configured with "product flavors". This would cause the SDK to fail to recognize app is in "headless" state and fail to transmit headless events.
  • [Added][Android] Location.coords.altitudeAccuracy was not being returned.
  • [Added][Android] Android 11 targetSdkVersion 30 support for new Android background location permission with new Config.backgroundLocationRationale. Android 11 has changed location authorization and no longer offers the [Allow all the time] button on the location authorization dialog. Instead, Android now offers a hook to present a custom dialog to the user where you will explain exactly why you require "Allow all the time" location permission. This dialog can forward the user directly to your application's Location Permissions screen, where the user must explicity authorize [Allow all the time]. The Background Geolocation SDK will present this dialog, which can be customized with Config.backgroundPermissionRationale.

  locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always',
  backgroundPermissionRationale: PermissionRationale(
    title: "Allow access to this device's location in the background?",
    message: "In order to allow X, Y and Z in the background, please enable 'Allow all the time' permission",
    positiveAction: "Change to Allow all the time",
    negativeAction: "Cancel"
  • [Fixed][iOS] Add intelligence to iOS preventSuspend logic to determine distance from stationaryLocation using configured stationaryRadius rather than calculated based upon accuracy of stationaryLocation. If a stationaryLocation were recorded having a poor accuracy (eg: 1000), the device would have to walk at least 1000 meters before preventSuspend would engage tracking-state.
  • [Fixed][Android] Android LocationRequestService, used for getCurrentPosition and motionChange position, could remain running after entering stationary state if a LocationAvailability event was received before the service was shut down.
  • [Fixed][iOS] Ignore didChangeAuthorizationStatus events when disabled and no requestPermissionCallback exists. The plugin could possibly respond to 3rd-party permission plugin events.

1.10.0+1 — 2020-08-21

  • [Docs] Improve docs for Location class; adding missing docs for Coords, Battery, Activity.

1.10.0 &mdash 2020-08-20

  • [Added][iOS] iOS 14 introduces a new switch on the initial location authorization dialog, allowing the user to "disable precise location". In support of this, a new method BackgroundGeolocation.requestTemporaryFullAccuracy has been added for requesting the user enable "temporary high accuracy" (until the next launch of your app), in addition to a new attribute ProviderChangeEvent.accuracyAuthorization for learning its state in the event onProviderChange:
void _onProviderChange(bg.ProviderChangeEvent event) async {
  print("[providerchange] - $event");
  // Did the user disable precise locadtion in iOS 14+?
  if (event.accuracyAuthorization == bg.ProviderChangeEvent.ACCURACY_AUTHORIZATION_REDUCED) {
    // Supply "Purpose" key from Info.plist as 1st argument.
    bg.BackgroundGeolocation.requestTemporaryFullAccuracy("DemoPurpose").then((int accuracyAuthorization) {
      if (accuracyAuthorization == bg.ProviderChangeEvent.ACCURACY_AUTHORIZATION_FULL) {
        print("[requestTemporaryFullAccuracy] GRANTED:  $accuracyAuthorization");
      } else {
        print("[requestTemporaryFullAccuracy] DENIED:  $accuracyAuthorization");
    }).catchError((error) {
      print("[requestTemporaryFullAccuracy] FAILED TO SHOW DIALOG: $error");

These changes are fully compatible with Android, which will always return ProviderChange.ACCURACY_AUTHORIZATION_FULL

  • [Added][Android] Add onChange listener for config.locationAuthorizationRequest to request location-authorization.
  • [Changed][iOS] If locationAuthorizationRequest: 'WhenInUse' and the user has granted the higher level of Always authorization, do not show locationAuthorizationAlert.
  • [Added][iOS] Apple has changed the behaviour of location authorization — if an app initially requests When In Use location authorization then later requests Always authorization, iOS will immediately show the authorization upgrade dialog ([Keep using When in Use] / [Change to Always allow]).
  • [Changed][iOS] When locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always', the SDK will now initially request WhenInUse followed immediately with another request for Always, rather than having to wait an unknown length of time for iOS to show the authorization upgrade dialog:


await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.ready(bg.Config(
  locationAuthorizationRequest: 'WhenInUse'

// some time later -- could be immediately after, hours later, days later, etc.
// Simply update config to "Always" -- iOS will automatically show the authorization upgrade dialog.
await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig(bg.Config(
  locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always'

  • [Fixed][Android] Extras provided with a List of Map fail to recursively convert the Map to JSON, eg:
  extras: {
    "foo": [{  // <-- List of Map won't be converted to JSON
        "foo": "bar"
  • [Fixed][iOS] when getCurrentPosition is provided with extras, those extras overwrite any configured Config.extras rather than merging.
  • [Fixed][Android] When cancelling Alarms, use FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT instead of FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT -- there are reports of older Samsung devices failing to garbadge-collect Alarms, causing the number of alarms to exceed maximum 500, generating an exception.

1.9.3 - 2020-07-16

  • No changes from 1.9.2. This version is merely a bump to satisfy penalty for placing http urls in README instead of https.

1.9.2 - 2020-07-08

  • [Added][Android] New Config option Notification.sticky (default false) for allowing the Android foreground-service notification to be always shown. The default behavior is the only show the notification when the SDK is in the moving state, but Some developers have expressed the need to provide full disclosure to their users when the SDK is enabled, regardless if the device is stationary with location-services OFF.
  • [Added] Support for providing a native "beforeInsert" block in iOS AppDelegate.m and Android / Application.kt. The returned object will be inserted into the SDK's SQLite database and uploaded to your Config.url. iOS AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self];

    // [OPTIONAL] This block is called before a location is inserted into the background_geolocation SQLite database.
    // - The returned NSDictionary will be inserted.
    // - If you return nil, no record will be inserted.
    TSLocationManager *bgGeo = [TSLocationManager sharedInstance];
    bgGeo.beforeInsertBlock = ^NSDictionary *(TSLocation *tsLocation) {
        CLLocation *location = tsLocation.location;

        NSLog(@"[beforeInsertBlock] %@: %@", tsLocation.uuid, location);

        // Return a custom schema or nil to cancel SQLite insert.
        return @{
            @"lat": @(location.coordinate.latitude),
            @"lng": @(location.coordinate.longitude),
            @"battery": @{
                @"level": tsLocation.batteryLevel,
                @"is_charging": @(tsLocation.batteryIsCharging)

    return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];


public class Application  extends FlutterApplication {
    public void onCreate() {

        BackgroundGeolocation.getInstance(this).setBeforeInsertBlock(new TSBeforeInsertBlock() {
            public JSONObject onBeforeInsert(TSLocation tsLocation) {
                Location location = tsLocation.getLocation();
                JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
                JSONObject battery = new JSONObject();
                try {
                    json.put("lat", location.getLatitude());
                    json.put("lng", location.getLongitude());

                    battery.put("level", tsLocation.getBatteryLevel());
                    battery.put("is_charging", tsLocation.getBatteryIsCharging());
                    json.put("battery", battery);
                    return json;
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    return null;

1.9.1 - 2020-07-02

  • [Fixed][iOS] Geofence EXIT sometimes not firing when using notifyOnDwell.
  • [Changed][Android] Refactor geofencing-only mode to not initiate "Infinite Geofencing" when the total number of added geofences is < 99 (the maximum number of simultaneous geofences that can be monitored on Android). This prevents the SDK from periodically requesting location to query "geofences within geofenceProximityRadius". iOS already has this behaviour (where its maximum simultaneous geofences is 19).
  • [Fixed][iOS] When using #ready with reset: true (the default), and autoSync: false, the SDK could initiate HTTP service if any records exist within plugin's SQLite database, since reset: true causes autoSync: true for a fraction of a millisecond, initiating the HTTP Service.

1.9.0 - 2020-06-15

  • [Fixed][Android] no longer allows "direct local aar dependencies". The Android Setup now requires a custom maven url to be added to your app's root android/build.gradle:

A new step is required for Android Setup

📂 android/build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
+       maven {
+           // [required] flutter_background_geolocation
+           url "${project(':flutter_background_geolocation').projectDir}/libs"
+       }
+       maven {
+           // [required] background_fetch
+           url "${project(':background_fetch').projectDir}/libs"
+       }

You might then clean your android project:

cd android
./gradlew clean
  • [Fixed][Android] onConnectivityChange can report incorrect value for enabled when toggling between Wifi Off / Airplane mode.

1.8.0 - 2020-05-28

  • [Fixed][Android] onGeofence event-handler fails to be fired when maxRecordsToPersist: 0.
  • [Fixed][Android] requestPermission method was always returning AUTHORIZATION_STATUS_ALWAYS even when When in Use was selected.
  • [Fixed] insertLocation exception (issue #220)
  • [Fixed][iOS] When using disableStopDetection: true with pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically: true, the CLLocationManagerDelegate didPauseLocationUpdates fired a motionchange with isMoving: true (should be false).
  • [Fixed][Android] Fix @UIThread issue executing location error handler on background-thread.
  • [Changed][Android] Gradle import tslocationmanager using api instead of implementation in order to allow overriding SDK's AndroidManifest elements (eg: <service> elements).
  • [Fixed][iOS] When upgrading from a version previous <1.4.0, if any records exist within plugin's SQLite database, those records could fail to be properly migrated to new schema.
  • [Added] New method BackgroundGeolocation.destroyLocation(uuid) for destroying a single location by Location.uuid.
  • [Changed] Android library tslocationmanager.aar is now compiled using androidx. For backwards-compatibility with those how haven't migrated to androidX, a reverse-jetified build is included. Usage is detected automatically based upon android.useAndroidX in one's
  • [Fixed] Allow firebase-adapter to validate license flavors on same key (eg: .development, .staging).
  • [Fixed][iOS] iOS geofence listeners on onGeofence method could possibly fail to be called when a geofence event causes iOS to re-launch the app in the background (this would not prevent the plugin posting the geofence event to your Config.url, only a failure of the dart onGeofence to be fired).

1.7.3 - 2020-04-14

  • [Fixed] [iOS] Bug in Logger methods. Args are received in native side with NSArray, not NSDictionary

1.7.2 - 2020-04-08

  • [Added] [Android] Add new Config.motionTriggerDelay (milliseconds) for preventing false-positive triggering of location-tracking (while walking around one's house, for example). If the motion API triggers back to still before motionTriggerDelay expires, triggering to the moving state will be cancelled.
  • [Fixed] Address issue with rare reports of iOS crashing with error referencing SOMotionDetector.m.
  • [Fixed] Odometer issue with Android/iOS: Do not persist lastOdometerLocation when plugin is disabled.

1.7.1 - 2020-03-20

  • [Added] [Android] Add an boolean extra TSLocationManager: true to the launch Intent of the foreground-notification, allowing application developers to determine when their app was launched due to a click on the foreground-notification.
  • [Fixed] Authorization bug in refresh-url response-data recursive iterator. Do not recurse into arrays in token-refresh response from server (tokens are not likely to be found there, anyway).
  • [Added] iOS Config.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator, a Boolean indicating whether the status bar changes its appearance when an app uses location services in the background.

1.7.0 - 2020-02-21

  • [Fixed] iOS bug related to significant-location-changes (SLC) API. In a previous version, the plugin's geofence manager would stop monitoring SLC if the number of added geofences was < the maximum (20) (in order to not show the new iOS 13 dialog reporting background location usage when infinite-geofencing is not required). The background-geolocation SDK uses several CLLocationManager instances and its GeofenceManager maintains its own instance. However, it turns out that when any CLLocationManager instance stops monitoring the SLC API, then ALL instances stop monitoring SLC, which is highly unexpected and undocumented. As a result, the plugin would lose its safety mechanism should the stationary geofence fail to trigger and iOS tracking could fail to start in some circumstances.
  • [Fixed] synchronize methods in TSLocationManager to address Android NPE related to buildTSLocation.
  • [Fixed] iOS: Bug in accessToken RegExp in Authorization token-refresh handler.

⚠️ Breaking Change: background_fetch:

  • [Changed] Reference background_fetch dependency @ 0.5.3 with new iOS 13 BGTaskScheduler API. See Updated iOS Setup.

1.6.1 - 2020-01-17

  • [Added] Implement four new RPC commands addGeofence, removeGeofence, addGeofences, removeGeofences. Document available RPC commands in "HttpGuide".

1.6.0 - 2020-01-14

  • [Changed] iOS: Prefix FMDB method-names databasePool -> ts_databasePool after reports of apps being falsely rejected by Apple for "private API usage".
  • [Fixed] Android: Ensure that location.hasSpeed() before attempting to use it for distanceFilter elasticity calculations. There was a report of a Device returning Nan for speed.
  • [Fixed] Android: Do not throttle http requests after http connect failure when configured with maxRecordsToPersist.
  • [Fixed] Android: Respect disableLocationAuthorizationAlert for all cases, including getCurrentPosition.
  • [Changed] Android: Modify behaviour of geofences-only mode to not periodically request location-updates. Will use a stationary-geofence of radius geofenceProximityRadius/2 as a trigger to re-evaluate geofences in proximity.
  • [Changed] Authorization refreshUrl will post as application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of form/multipart
  • [Changed] iOS geofencing mode will not engage Significant Location Changes API when total geofence count <= 18 in order to prevent new iOS 13 "Location summary" popup from showing frequent location access.
  • [Fixed] Android: Add hack for older devices to fix "GPS Week Rollover" bug where incorrect timestamp is recorded from GPS (typically where year is older by 20 years).
  • [Fixed] When determining geofences within geofenceProximityRadius, add the location.accuracy as a buffer against low-accuracy locations.
  • [Changed] Increase default geofenceProximityRadius: 2000.

1.5.0 - 2019-12-18

  • [Changed] Upgrade to new Flutter "V2" Plugin API. See Upgrading pre 1.12 Android Projects. No extra steps required for "Android Headless Mode", it's all automatic now.
  • [Changed] Modified Android Foreground Service intent to not restart activity on click.

1.4.5 - 2019-12-12

  • [Changed] Upgrade iOS CocoaLumberjack dependency to ~>3.6.0 from ~>3.5.0. It seems some other dependency out there is using [email protected].
  • [Changed] Fixed example app: flutter_map is messed up again. Find another fork that works with lastest flutter api.

1.4.4 - 2019-12-12

  • [Fixed] Previous Android version 1.4.3 was corrupted due to two copies of tslocationmanager.aar being deployed.

1.4.3 - 2019-12-09

  • Rename folder docs -> help to satisfy dartdoc on (API docs were missing).

1.4.2 - 2019-12-03

  • [Fixed] iOS crash when launching first time -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object cannot be nil (key: authorization)'
  • [Changed] Remove Android warning In order to enable encryption, you must provide the com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD when using encrypt: false.
  • [Fixed] Added headless implementation for geofenceschange event.

1.4.1 - 2019-12-02

  • [Fixed] Android bug rendering Authorization.toJson when no Config.authorization defined.

1.4.0 - 2019-12-02

  • [Added] New Config.authorization option for automated authorization-token support. If the SDK receives an HTTP response status 401 Unauthorized and you've provided an authorization config, the plugin will automatically send a request to your configured refreshUrl to request a new token. The SDK will take care of adding the required Authorization HTTP header with Bearer accessToken. In the past, one would manage token-refresh by listening to the SDK's onHttp listener for HTTP 401. This can now all be managed by the SDK by providing a Config.authorization.
  • [Added] Implemented strong encryption support via Config.encrypt. When enabled, the SDK will encrypt location data in its SQLite datbase, as well as the payload in HTTP requests. See API docs Config.encrypt for more information, including the configuration of encryption password.
  • [Added] New JSON Web Token API for the Demo server at It's now easier than ever to configure the plugin to post to the demo server. See API docs Config.transistorAuthorizationToken. The old method using Config.deviceParams is now deprecated.
  • [Added] New DeviceInfo module for providing simple device-info (model, manufacturer, version, platform).
  • [Removed] The SDK no longer requires the dependency device_info.

1.3.3 - 2019-10-31

  • [Added] New HTTP config disableAutoSyncOnCellular. Set true to allow autoSync only when device is connected to Wifi.
  • [Changed] Re-factor iOS HTTP Service to be more robust; Replace deprecated NSURLConnection with NSURLSession.

1.3.2 - 2019-10-24

  • [Fixed] Resolve Dart analysis warnings related to @deprecated.

1.3.1 - 2019-10-23

  • [Fixed] Android NPE
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException:
  at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService.b (
  at com.transistorsoft.locationmanager.service.TrackingService.onStartCommand (
  • [Added] new uploadLog feature for uploading logs directly to a server. This is an alternative to emailLog.
  • [Changed] Migrated logging methods getLog, destroyLog, emailLog to new Logger module. See docs for more information. Existing log methods on BackgroundGeolocation are now @deprecated.
  • [Changed] All logging methods (getLog, emailLog and uploadLog) now accept an optional SQLQuery. Eg:
SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(
  start: DateTime.parse('2019-10-23 09:00'),
  end: DateTime.parse('2019-10-23 19:00'),
  limit: 1000,
  order: SQLQuery.ORDER_ASC

String log = await Logger.getLog(query)
Logger.emailLog('[email protected]', query);
Logger.uploadLoad('', query);

1.3.0 - 2019-10-17

  • [Fixed] Android: Fixed issue executing #changePace immediately after #start.
  • [Fixed] Android: Add guard against NPR in calculateMedianAccuracy
  • [Added] Add new Geofencing methods: #getGeofence(identifier) and #geofenceExists(identifier).
  • [Fixed] iOS issue using disableMotionActivityUpdates: false with useSignificantChangesOnly: true and reset: true. Plugin will accidentally ask for Motion Permission.
  • [Fixed] Resolved a number of Android issues exposed by booting the app in StrictMode. This should definitely help alleviate ANR issues related to Context.startForegroundService.
  • [Added] Android now supports disableMotionActivityUpdates for Android 10 which now requires run-time permission for "Physical Activity". Setting to true will not ask user for this permission. The plugin will fallback to using the "stationary geofence" triggering, like iOS.
  • [Changed] Android: Ensure all code that accesses the database is performed in background-threads, including all logging (addresses Context.startForegroundService ANR issue).
  • [Changed] Android: Ensure all geofence event-handling is performed in background-threads (addresses Context.startForegroundService ANR issue).
  • [Added] Android: implement logic to handle operation without Motion API on Android 10. v3 has always used a "stationary geofence" like iOS as a fail-safe, but this is now crucial for Android 10 which now requires run-time permission for "Physical Activity". For those users who [Deny] this permission, Android will trigger tracking in a manner similar to iOS (ie: requiring movement of about 200 meters). This also requires handling to detect when the device has become stationary.

[1.2.4] - 2019-09-20

  • [Fixed] [email protected] deprecated a method FlutterMain.findBundleAppPath(Context), replacing with a new signature the receives no Context. Changing to the new signature breaks people using < flutter 1.9.1. Will use old signature for now.
  • [Fixed] Custom layouts were not working properly for older OS version < O. Custom layout will use setBigContentLayout now. The user will be able to expand the notification to reveal the custom layout.

[1.2.3] - 2019-09-16

  • [Changed] Bump background_fetch version to 0.3.0
  • [Changed] Android: move more location-handling code into background-threads to help mitigate against ANR referencing Context.startForegroundService
  • [Changed] Android: If BackgroundGeolocation adapter is instantiated headless and is enabled, force ActivityRecognitionService to start.
  • [Added] Add mock to locationTemplate data.
  • [Added] Android now adds 2 extra setup steps. (1) The plugin now hosts its own which must be manually added to app/build.gradle. (2) The plugin now hosts its own custom gradle file which must also be manually apply from in your app/build.gradle. This extra gradle file contains a simple method to strip the SDK's debug sound-effects from your release build (1.5M):


📂 android/app/build.gradle:

// flutter_background_geolocation
+Project background_geolocation = project(':flutter_background_geolocation')
// 1.  Extra gradle file
+apply from: "${background_geolocation.projectDir}/background_geolocation.gradle"

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            // 2.  background_geolocation requires custom Proguard Rules when used with minifyEnabled
+           proguardFiles "${background_geolocation.projectDir}/"

[1.2.2] - 2019-09-05

  • [Changed] Rebuild iOS TSLocationManager.framework with XCode 10 (previous build used XCode 11-beta6). Replace @available macro with SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO.
  • [Fixed] iOS 13 preventSuspend was not working with iOS 13. iOS has once again decreased the max time for UIApplication beginBackgroundTask from 180s down to 30s.
  • [Fixed] Android Geofences.extras not being provided to #onGeofencesChange event (issue #110).
  • [Fixed] iOS 10 provides bool attributes as int in State. Check runtimeType == int. Issue #111.
  • [Changed] Upgrade android-logback dependency to 2.0.0
  • [Changed] Android: move some plugin initialization into background-threads (eg: performLogCleanup) to help mitigate against ANR "Context.startForegroundService did not then call Service.startForeground".

[1.2.1] - 2019-08-22

  • [Fixed] Android Initial headless events can be missed when app booted due to motion transition event.
  • [Fixed] Android crash with EventBus Subscriber already registered error.
  • [Fixed] iOS Crash: [TSHttpService postBatch:error:] + 6335064 (TSHttpService.m:253)

[1.2.0] - 2019-08-17

  • [Added] iOS 13 support.

[1.1.0] - 2019-08-07

  • [Fixed] Android Geofence DWELL transition (notifyOnDwell: true) not firing.
  • [Fixed] iOS logMaxDays was hard-coded to 7; Config option not being respected.
  • [Added] Android Q support (API 29) with new location permission model When In Use. Android now supports the config option locationAuthorizationRequest which was traditionally iOS-only. Also, Android Q now requires runtime permission from user for ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION.
  • [Changed] Another Android tweak to mitigate against error Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground().
  • [Changed] Add new Android gradle config parameter appCompatVersion to replace supportLibVersion for better AndroidX compatibility. If appCompatVersion is not found, the plugin's gradle file falls back to old supportLibVersion.

[1.0.12] - 2019-07-23

  • [Fixed] Found a few more cases where Android callbacks are being executed in background-thread. References issue #70.

[1.0.11] - 2019-07-10

  • [Fixed] Android issue running enabledchange event in background-thread with flutter 1.7

[1.0.10] - 2019-06-25

  • [Fixed] iOS / Android issues with odometer and getCurrentPosition when used with maximumAge constraint. Incorrect, old location was being returned instead of latest available.
  • [Fixed] Some Android methods were executing the callback in background-thread, exposed when using flutter dev channel (#insertLocation, #getLocations, #getGeofences, #sync).
  • [Fixed] Add intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) to DeviceSettings request for Android 9 compatibility.
  • [Changed] Tweaks to Android services code to help guard against error Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground().
  • [Fixed] iOS manual sync crash in simulator while executing callback when error response is returned from server.

[1.0.9] - 2019-06-17

  • [Fixed] Android bug with getCurrentPosition and maximumAge, Fixes #80.
  • [Fixed] Odometer issues: clear odometer reference location on #stop, #startGeofences.
  • [Fixed] Odometer issues: Android must persist its odometer reference location since the foreground-service is no longer long-lived and the app may be terminated between motionchange events.
  • [Fixed] Return Service.START_REDELIVER_INTENT from HeartbeatService. Fixes #79 to prevent null Intent being delivered to HeartbeatService.
  • [Added] Implement Android LocationSettingsRequest. Determines if device settings is currently configured according to the plugin's desired-settings (eg: gps enabled, location-services enabled). If the device settings differs, an automatic dialog will perform the required settings changes automatically when user clicks [OK].
  • [Fixed] Android triggerActivities was not implemented refactor of 1.x.

[1.0.8] - 2019-06-04

  • [Fixed] Android destroyLocations callback was being executed in background-thread.
  • [Fixed] When Android geofence API receives a GEOFENCE_NOT_AVAILABLE error (can occur is Wifi is disabled), geofences must be re-registered.
  • [Fixed] Android Config.disableStopDetection was not implemented.

[1.0.7] - 2019-05-13

  • [Fixed] Android issue with Firebase Adapter support not working when app is terminated.

[1.0.6] - 2019-05-12

  • [Added] New Android config Config.scheduleUseAlarmManager to force Android scheduler to use more precise AlarmManager instead of JobScheduler.
  • [Added] Support for background_geolocation_firebase adapter.

[1.0.5] - 2019-05-10

  • [Changed] Rollback android-permissions version back to 0.1.8. It relies on support-annotations@28. This isn't a problem if one simply upgrades their targetSdkVersion but the support calls aren't worth the hassle, since the latest version doesn't offer anything the plugin needs.

[1.0.4] - 2019-05-09

  • [Changed] Update docs.

[1.0.3] - 2019-05-08

  • [Fixed] Dart analysis warnings, re: initializing null values in new Notification class.

[1.0.2] - 2019-05-08

  • [Fixed] iOS: changing pauseslocationUpdatesAutomatically was not being applied.
  • [Changed] reset parameter provided to #ready has now been default to true. This causes too many support issues for people using the plugin the first time.
  • [Fixed] Android threading issue where 2 distinct SingleLocationRequest were issued the same id. This could result in the foreground service quickly starting/stopping until locationTimeout expired.
  • [Fixed] Android issue where geofences could fail to query for new geofences-in-proximity after a restart.
  • [Fixed] Android issues re-booting device with location-services disabled or location-authorization revoked.
  • [Added] Implement support for Custom Android Notification Layouts.
  • [Fixed] Android bug where Service repeatedly stops / starts after rebooting device with plugin in moving state.
  • [Fixed] Android scheduler bug. When app is terminated & restarted during a scheduled ON period, tracking-service does not restart.
  • [Fixed] Android headless heartbeat events were failing (incorrect Context was supplied to the event).

[1.0.1] - 2019-04-09

  • [Fixed] iOS: Incorrect return type BOOL from native method stopBackgroundTask. Should have been int.
  • [Changed] Add Geofence test panel in example Settings screen. Allows to add a series of test-geofences along the iOS simulator Freeway Drive route.

[1.0.0] - 2019-04-05

  • [RELEASE] Release 1.0.0

[1.0.0-rc.4] - 2019-03-31

  • [Fixed] Android: Another NullPointerException with Bundle#getExtras.

[1.0.0-rc.3] - 2019-03-29

  • [Fixed] Android NullPointerException with Bundle#getExtras (#674).
  • [Fixed] Android not persisting providerchange location when location-services re-enabled.

[1.0.0-rc.2] - 2019-03-27

  • [Fixed] An Android foreground-service is launched on first install and fails to stop.

[1.0.0-rc.1] - 2019-03-25

Breaking Changes

  • [Changed] The license format has changed. New 1.0.0 licenses are now available for customers in the product dashboard.


  • [Fixed] iOS missing native destroyLog implementation (thanks to @joserocha3)
  • [Fixed] Missing Dart implementation for requestPermission method (thanks to @joserocha3)
  • [Fixed] Logic bugs in MotionActivity triggering between stationary / moving states.
  • [Fixed] Bug in Dart api addGeofences.

New Features

  • [Added] Android implementation for useSignificantChangesOnly Config option. Will request Android locations without the persistent foreground service. You will receive location updates only a few times per hour: useSignificantChangesOnly: true:

useSignificantChangesOnly: false:

  • [Added] Android now implements a "stationary geofence", just like iOS. It currently acts as a secondary triggering mechanism along with the current motion-activity API. You will hear the "zap" sound effect when it triggers. This also has the fortunate consequence of allowing mock-location apps (eg: Lockito) of being able to trigger tracking automatically.

  • [Added] The SDK detects mock locations and skips trigging the stopTimeout system, improving location simulation workflow.

  • [Added] Android-only Config option geofenceModeHighAccuracy for more control over geofence triggering responsiveness. Runs a foreground-service during geofences-only mode (#startGeofences). This will, of course, consume more power.

await BackgroundGeolocation.ready(Config
  geofenceModeHighAccuracy: true,
  desiredAccuracy: Config.DESIRED_ACCURACY_MEDIUM,
  locationUpdateInterval: 5000,
  distanceFilter: 50

  • [Added] Android implementation of startBackgroundTask / stopBackgroundTask. This implementation uses a foreground-service. I've tried using Android's JobService but these tasks are queued by the OS and run only periodically.
  // an Android foreground-service has just launched (in addition to its persistent notification).
  int taskId = await BackgroundGeolocation.startBackgroundTask();

  // Do any work you like -- it's guaranteed to run, regardless of background/terminated.
  // Your task has exactly 30s to do work before the service auto-stops itself.

  // Execute an HTTP request to test an async operation.
  String url = "$_username";
  String result = await result) {
    print("[http test] success: $result");
    // Terminate the foreground-service.
  }).catchError((dynamic error) {
    print("[http test] failed: $error");
    // Always be sure to stop your tasks, just like iOS.

Logging for background-tasks looks like this (when you see an hourglass, a foreground-service is active)

 [BackgroundTaskManager onStartJob] ⏳ startBackgroundTask: 6
 [BackgroundTaskManager$Task stop] ⏳ stopBackgroundTask: 6
  • [Added] New custom Android debug sound FX. More documentation will be added to the docs but here's a basic description from the code:
    public static final String LOCATION_RECORDED        = OOOOIII;
    public static final String LOCATION_SAMPLE          = CLICK_TAP_DONE;
    public static final String LOCATION_ERROR           = DIGI_WARN;

    public static final String MOTIONCHANGE_FALSE       = MARIMBA_DROP;
    public static final String MOTIONCHANGE_TRUE        = CHIME_SHORT_CHORD_UP;
    public static final String STATIONARY_GEOFENCE_EXIT = ZAP_FAST;

    public static final String STOP_TIMER_ON            = CHIME_BELL_CONFIRM;
    public static final String STOP_TIMER_OFF           = BELL_DING_POP;

    public static final String HEARTBEAT                = PEEP_NOTE;

    public static final String GEOFENCE_ENTER           = BEEP_TRIP_UP_DRY;
    public static final String GEOFENCE_DWELL           = BEEP_TRIP_UP_ECHO;
    public static final String GEOFENCE_EXIT            = BEEP_TRIP_DRY;

    public static final String WARNING                  = DIGI_WARN;
    public static final String ERROR                    = MUSIC_TIMPANI_ERROR;

⚠️ These debug sound FX consume about 1.4MB in the plugin's tslocationmanager.aar. These assets can easily be stripped in your release builds by adding the following gradle task to your app/build.gradle (I'm working on an automated solution within the context of the plugin's build.gradle; so far, no luck). Big thanks to @mikehardy.

 * Purge flutter_background_geolocation debug sounds from release build.
def purgeBackgroundGeolocationDebugResources(applicationVariants) {
    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        if ( == 'release') {
            variant.mergeResources.doLast {
                delete(fileTree(dir: variant.mergeResources.outputDir, includes: ['raw_tslocationmanager*']))


android {
    //Remove debug sounds from background_geolocation plugin

    compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion


  • [Changed] Removed Android config option activityRecognitionInterval. The Android SDK now uses the more modern ActivityTransistionClient API which is a higher level wrapper for the traditional ActivityReconitionClient. AcitvityTransitionClient does not accept a polling interval, thus actiivtyRecognitionInterval is now unused. Also, ActivityTransitionClient emits similar on_foot, in_vehicle events but no longer provides a confidence, thus confidence is now reported always as 100. If you've been implementing your own custom triggering logic based upon confidence, it's now pointless. The ActivityTransitionClient will open doors for new features based upon transitions between activity states.
║ Motion Transition Result
╟─ 🔴  EXIT: walking
╟─ 🎾  ENTER: still


  • [Changed] Update android-permissions dependency to 0.1.8.