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theodox edited this page Apr 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

The most common activity in a minq query is filtering: winnowing a stream down to a more precisely targeted selection on of objects.

There are a couple of distinct types of filtering.

only() to filter by type

The only() function of a stream filters by Maya node types. For example


will yield only mesh nodes: it's equivalent to`)

where() to filter by a condition

where accepts a one-argument callable as an argument. It will call that function on every element in the stream, passing only those values which return a True or truthy value for the filter function. For example:

def has_p(name):
    return 'p' in name

print Cameras().get(Parents).where(has_p)
# Stream([u'|persp', u'|top'])

The function can do anything it wants -- the only requirement is that it accepts a single argument. For convenience you can use where_not() to negate a filter function:

print Cameras().get(Parents).where_not(has_p)
# Stream([u'|front', u'|side'])

For the common case of querying maya node attributes, there's a special syntax that allows you to avoid writing a function just to call and test getAttr. The minq keyword item is actually a query factory which creates getAttr tests for you, so you can write

Cameras().where(item.orthographic == True)
# Result: Stream([u'|front|frontShape', u'|side|sideShape', u'|top|topShape']) # 

instead of

def is_ortho(cam):
    return cmds.getAttr(cam + ".orthographic")    

Using item is also faster than a getAttr filter function as well: see Atribute Queries for more details.

like() to filter by name

like() is used to filter object names as strings. In its simplest form it simply does a case insensitive partial match: if you pass in a sub-string as an argument, it will match any occurrence:

 # Result: Stream([u'|front|frontShape', u'|persp|perspShape']) # 
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