From 3be75e9b581a9198b048a4c143bea95b216f4fa2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gpaoloni Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 11:34:02 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 01/14] Added garbled translation --- .../translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json | 756 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 756 insertions(+) create mode 100644 assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json diff --git a/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..404f40fb --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json @@ -0,0 +1,756 @@ +{ + "AcceptTaskTooltip": ">>> Accept", + "ActiveTasksTileTitle": ">>> Active tasks", + "AddButtons-Header": ">>> Add...", + "AddingAssessmentFailed": ">>> Unable to add assessment. Please try again later.", + "AddingCommentFailed": ">>> Unable to add comment. Please try again later.", + "AgentPanelTitle": ">>> Agent", + "AgentStatusAvailable": ">>> Available", + "AgentStatusBusy": ">>> Busy", + "AgentStatusOffline": ">>> Offline", + "AgentStatusUnavailable": ">>> Unavailable", + "AgentsByActivityTileTitle": ">>> Agents", + "Anonymous": ">>> Anonymous", + "AnonymousParticipant": ">>> Anonymous", + "AssessPanelTitle": ">>> Assessment", + "AssignmentSuccessDetails": ">>> View more details.", + "AssignmentSuccessUndo": ">>> Undo", + "AssignmentUndoCancel": ">>> Cancel", + "AssignmentUndoDescription": ">>> {{count}} agent(s) will be removed from {{queueName}}. They will remain in their other queues.", + "AssignmentUndoSubmit": ">>> Submit", + "AssignmentUndoTitle": ">>> Are you sure you want to undo this action", + "AssignmentsEmptyTitle": ">>> There are no actions to show", + "AssignmentsEmptytDescription": ">>> When you assign agents to this queue, the changes will be shown here", + "AttachFileImageTooltip": ">>> Attach file or image", + "AttachFileInvalidSize": ">>> {{fileName}} is too large to attach. Maximum file size is {{maxFileSize}}.", + "AttachFileInvalidType": ">>> {{fileName}} cannot be attached because the file type is unsupported. Please try a different file.", + "AudioPlayerDeniedError": ">>> Cannot play sound, because permissions for playback of media were not given or denied. To find out more about how to fix this error, go to FlexDocs.", + "AudioPlayerGenericError": ">>> Error playing media.", + "AudioPlayerInvalidMediaError": ">>> Cannot play sound, because provided media is invalid.", + "BottomBar-AddThisContactToExistingCase": ">>> Add this Contact to Existing Case", + "BottomBar-AddToExistingCase": ">>> Add to Existing Case", + "BottomBar-Cancel": ">>> Cancel", + "BottomBar-CancelNewCaseAndClose": ">>> Yes, Cancel New Case and Close", + "BottomBar-Close": ">>> Close", + "BottomBar-Next": ">>> Next", + "BottomBar-OpenNewCase": ">>> Open New Case", + "BottomBar-SaveAndAddAnotherHousehold": ">>> Save and Add Another Member", + "BottomBar-SaveAndAddAnotherPerpetrator": ">>> Save and Add Another Perpetrator", + "BottomBar-SaveAndAddToCase": ">>> Save and Add to Case...", + "BottomBar-SaveAndEnd": ">>> Save and End", + "BottomBar-SaveContact": ">>> Save Contact", + "BottomBar-SaveHousehold": ">>> Save Member", + "BottomBar-SaveIncident": ">>> Save Incident", + "BottomBar-SaveNote": ">>> Save Note", + "BottomBar-SavePerpetrator": ">>> Save Perpetrator", + "BottomBar-SaveReferral": ">>> Save Referral", + "BottomBar-Update": ">>> Update", + "BrowserVoiceDisabledNotification": ">>> Call cannot be accepted. Twilio Voice SDK has been disabled.", + "CallCanvasUnholdWorker": ">>> Unhold", + "CallCanvasWorkerOnHold": ">>> You are on hold", + "CallParticipantCustomerName": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "CallParticipantStatusConnecting": ">>> Calling...", + "CallParticipantStatusKickConfirmation": ">>> Remove from call?", + "CallParticipantStatusLeft": ">>> Caller left", + "CallParticipantStatusLive": ">>> Live", + "CallParticipantStatusOnHold": ">>> On Hold", + "CallParticipantStatusTransferFailed": ">>> No Answer", + "CallSummary-MoreNotes": ">>> more notes", + "CallSummary-None": ">>> - No call summary -", + "CallSummary-ViewFull": ">>> See full record", + "CallType-CloseContact": ">>> Close Contact", + "CallType-abusive": ">>> Abusive", + "CallType-blank": ">>> Blank", + "CallType-caller": ">>> Someone calling about a child", + "CallType-child": ">>> Child calling about self", + "CallType-hangup": ">>> Hang up", + "CallType-joke": ">>> Joke", + "CallType-silent": ">>> Silent", + "CallType-wrongnumber": ">>> Wrong Number", + "CallTypeAndCounselor-Label": ">>> Counsellor: ", + "CallTypeButtons-Categorize": ">>> categorize this contact", + "CallTypeButtons-Or": ">>> Or was this contact…", + "CallerForm-Age": ">>> Age", + "CallerForm-City": ">>> City", + "CallerForm-Ethnicity": ">>> Ethnicity", + "CallerForm-FirstName": ">>> First name", + "CallerForm-Gender": ">>> Gender", + "CallerForm-Language": ">>> Language", + "CallerForm-LastName": ">>> Last name", + "CallerForm-Nationality": ">>> Nationality", + "CallerForm-Phone#1": ">>> Phone #1", + "CallerForm-Phone#2": ">>> Phone #2", + "CallerForm-PostalCode": ">>> Postal code", + "CallerForm-RelationshipToChild": ">>> Relationship to Child", + "CallerForm-State/County": ">>> State/County", + "CallerForm-StreetAddress": ">>> Street address", + "CallerSection-Address": ">>> Address", + "CallerSection-AgeRange": ">>> Age Range", + "CallerSection-Ethnicity": ">>> Ethnicity", + "CallerSection-Gender": ">>> Gender", + "CallerSection-Language": ">>> Language", + "CallerSection-Name": ">>> Name", + "CallerSection-Nationality": ">>> Nationality", + "CallerSection-Phone#1": ">>> Phone #1", + "CallerSection-Phone#2": ">>> Phone #2", + "CallerSection-RelationshipToChild": ">>> Relationship to Child", + "Cancel": ">>> Cancel", + "CancelButton": ">>> Cancel", + "CancelOfflineContact": ">>> Cancel Offline Contact", + "CancelTransferTooltip": ">>> Cancel Consult", + "CannedResponses": ">>> Canned Responses", + "CannotChangeOtherWorkerActivity": ">>> You cannot change an agent’s activity while they have a pending task/reservation.", + "Case-ActionHeaderAdded": ">>> Added:", + "Case-ActionHeaderCounselor": ">>> Counsellor:", + "Case-AddCaseSummaryHere": ">>> Add case summary here...", + "Case-AddHousehold": ">>> Add Household Member", + "Case-AddHouseholdSection": ">>> Household Information", + "Case-AddIncident": ">>> Add Incident", + "Case-AddIncidentSection": ">>> Incidents", + "Case-AddNote": ">>> Add Note", + "Case-AddNoteTypeHere": ">>> Type here to add note...", + "Case-AddPerpetrator": ">>> Add Perpetrator", + "Case-AddPerpetratorSection": ">>> Perpetrators", + "Case-AddReferral": ">>> Add Referral", + "Case-CaseDetails": ">>> Case Details", + "Case-CaseDetailsChildName": ">>> Child Name", + "Case-CaseDetailsDateOpened": ">>> Opened", + "Case-CaseDetailsFollowUpDate": ">>> Follow Up Date", + "Case-CaseDetailsLastUpdated": ">>> Last Updated / Closed", + "Case-CaseDetailsOwner": ">>> Counsellor", + "Case-CaseDetailsStatusLabel": ">>> Status", + "Case-CaseDetailsStatusOpen": ">>> Open", + "Case-CaseManager": ">>> Case Manager", + "Case-CaseNumber": ">>> Case #", + "Case-CaseStatus": ">>> Case Status", + "Case-CaseSummarySection": ">>> Case Summary", + "Case-ChildIsAtRisk": ">>> Child is at risk", + "Case-CloseButton": ">>> Close", + "Case-Contact": ">>> Contact", + "Case-Counsellor": ">>> Counsellor", + "Case-Household": ">>> Household Member", + "Case-Incident": ">>> Incident", + "Case-NoHouseholds": ">>> No Household Members Listed", + "Case-NoIncidents": ">>> No Incidents Listed", + "Case-NoPerpetrators": ">>> No Perpetrators Listed", + "Case-Note": ">>> Note", + "Case-Notes": ">>> Notes", + "Case-Perpetrator": ">>> Perpetrator", + "Case-PerpetratorAge": ">>> Age: ", + "Case-PerpetratorGender": ">>> Gender: ", + "Case-PerpetratorName": ">>> Perpetrator Name: ", + "Case-PerpetratorRelationship": ">>> Relationship to child: ", + "Case-Referral": ">>> Referral", + "Case-ReferralComments": ">>> Comments", + "Case-ReferralDate": ">>> Date", + "Case-ReferralReferredTo": ">>> Referred To...", + "Case-TimelineSection": ">>> Timeline", + "Case-ViewButton": ">>> View", + "Case-ViewHousehold": ">>> View Household Member", + "Case-ViewHouseholdTitle": ">>> Household Member", + "Case-ViewIncident": ">>> View Incident", + "Case-ViewIncidentTitle": ">>> Incident", + "Case-ViewPerpetrator": ">>> View Perpetrator", + "Case-ViewPerpetratorTitle": ">>> Perpetrator", + "CaseHeader-Closed": ">>> Closed", + "CaseHeader-CopyChildInfo": ">>> Copy Child Information into Current Contact", + "CaseHeader-MergeContactIntoCase": ">>> Merge Current Contact into Case and Copy Child Information", + "CaseHeader-NoData": ">>> No Data", + "CaseHeader-Opened": ">>> Opened", + "CaseHeader-Updated": ">>> Updated", + "CaseHeader-ViewCase": ">>> View Case", + "CaseHeader-Voided": ">>> VOIDED", + "CaseList-AllCases": ">>> All Cases", + "CaseList-ExpandButton": ">>> Open case details", + "CaseList-NextPage": ">>> Next page", + "CaseList-PrevPage": ">>> Previous page", + "CaseList-SomethingWentWrong": ">>> Something went wrong while loading cases list. Please retry in a moment.", + "CaseList-THCase": ">>> Case #", + "CaseList-THCategory": ">>> Category", + "CaseList-THChildName": ">>> Child's Name", + "CaseList-THCounselor": ">>> Counsellor", + "CaseList-THFollowUp": ">>> Follow Up", + "CaseList-THOpened": ">>> Opened", + "CaseList-THSummary": ">>> Summary", + "CaseList-THUpdated": ">>> Updated", + "CaseSummary-NoSummaryProvided": ">>> No Summary provided", + "CaseSummary-ReadLess": ">>> see less", + "CaseSummary-ReadMore": ">>> see more", + "Categories-Title": ">>> Categorize this contact", + "Category": ">>> Category", + "ChatInputDisabledText": ">>> Conversation ended", + "ChatInputUserNotMemberDisabledText": ">>> You are not a chat participant", + "ChatOrchestrationAddToChatChannelFailed": ">>> Failed to add worker to the chat channel.", + "ChatOrchestrationDeactivateChatChannelFailed": ">>> Failed to deactivate the chat channel.", + "ChatOrchestrationLeaveChatChannelFailed": ">>> Failed to remove worker from the chat channel.", + "ChatWelcomeText": ">>> Conversation started", + "CloseButton": ">>> Close", + "ColdTransferTooltip": ">>> Transfer", + "ColumnHeaderAgent": ">>> AGENT", + "ColumnHeaderCalls": ">>> CALLS", + "ColumnHeaderTasks": ">>> OTHER TASKS", + "CommentDurationAndAuthor": ">>> {{duration}} - by {{author}}", + "ConfirmableDialogCancelButton": ">>> Cancel", + "ConfirmableDialogConfirmButton": ">>> Confirm", + "ConnectDialog-Caller": ">>> Copy caller information from this record to new contact?", + "ConnectDialog-Child": ">>> Copy child information from this record to new contact?", + "Connecting": ">>> Connecting …", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails": ">>> General Details", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-AddedBy": ">>> Added By", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Channel": ">>> Channel", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ChildHearAboutUs": ">>> How did the child hear about us?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ContactSummary": ">>> Contact Summary", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ConversationDuration": ">>> Conversation Duration", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Counselor": ">>> Counsellor", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-DateTime": ">>> Date/Time", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-DiscussRights": ">>> Did you discuss rights with the child?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-KeepConfidential": ">>> Keep Confidential?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-OKToCall": ">>> May social worker call/SMS?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-PhoneNumber": ">>> Phone Number", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ReferredTo": ">>> Referred To", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-RepeatCaller": ">>> Repeat Caller?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-SolvedProblem": ">>> Did the child feel we solved their problem?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-WouldRecommend": ">>> Would the child recommend us to a friend?", + "ContactPreview-CopyButton": ">>> Copy informaton", + "ContactPreview-ExpandButton": ">>> Open case details", + "ContactPreview-MoreOptionsButton": ">>> More options", + "ConversationCommentFormCategory": ">>> Category", + "ConversationCommentFormCommentLabel": ">>> Comment", + "ConversationCommentInputPlaceholder": ">>> Write your comment here", + "ConversationCommentSaveButton": ">>> Save", + "ConversationInfoAssessButton": ">>> Assess", + "ConversationInfoCommentButton": ">>> Comment", + "ConversationViewAgentInTeam": ">>> {{agent}} in {{team}}", + "ConversationViewCallerInfo": ">>> {{caller}} via {{queue}}", + "DateCantBeGreaterThanToday": ">>> Date can't be greater than today.", + "DialpadAsteriskCaption": ">>> *", + "DialpadAsteriskDescription": ">>> ", + "DialpadHashCaption": ">>> #", + "DialpadHashDescription": ">>> ", + "DialpadNum0Caption": ">>> 0", + "DialpadNum0Description": ">>> +", + "DialpadNum1Caption": ">>> 1", + "DialpadNum1Description": ">>> —", + "DialpadNum2Caption": ">>> 2", + "DialpadNum2Description": ">>> ABC", + "DialpadNum3Caption": ">>> 3", + "DialpadNum3Description": ">>> DEF", + "DialpadNum4Caption": ">>> 4", + "DialpadNum4Description": ">>> GHI", + "DialpadNum5Caption": ">>> 5", + "DialpadNum5Description": ">>> JKL", + "DialpadNum6Caption": ">>> 6", + "DialpadNum6Description": ">>> MNO", + "DialpadNum7Caption": ">>> 7", + "DialpadNum7Description": ">>> PQRS", + "DialpadNum8Caption": ">>> 8", + "DialpadNum8Description": ">>> TUV", + "DialpadNum9Caption": ">>> 9", + "DialpadNum9Description": ">>> WXYZ", + "Disconnected": ">>> Connection lost", + "DownloadFileInvalidSize": ">>> {{fileName}} is too large to download. Maximum file size is {{maxFileSize}}.", + "DownloadFileInvalidType": ">>> {{fileName}} cannot be downloaded because the file type is unsupported. Please try a different file.", + "DownloadFileNotParticipant": ">>> Cannot download file. You are not a chat participant.", + "EmailTranscriptPanelTitle": ">>> Email Transcript", + "EmptyCommentListSubtitle": ">>> Give feedback to agents by commenting the conversation", + "EmptyCommentListTitle": ">>> No comments yet", + "EmptyFindingsList": ">>> No Findings to display", + "Error-Backend": ">>> Error from backend system.", + "Error-CategoryRequired": ">>> Required 1 category minimum, 3 categories maximum", + "Error-ContinueWithoutRecording": ">>> Error from backend system.  Are you sure you want to end the task without recording?", + "Error-Form": ">>> There is a problem with your submission.  Please check the form for errors.", + "ErrorPageDownloadReportButton": ">>> DOWNLOAD REPORT", + "ErrorPageRetryButton": ">>> RETRY", + "FieldValidationInvalidEmail": ">>> Please provide a valid email address", + "FieldValidationRequiredField": ">>> Field required", + "FileAttachmentDropAreaSubtitle": ">>> Drop file here", + "FileAttachmentDropAreaTitle": ">>> Attach a file or an image", + "FilterDrawerApply": ">>> Apply", + "FilterDrawerAvailability": ">>> Availability", + "FilterDrawerReset": ">>> Reset", + "FilterDrawerSkillsSubtitle": ">>> Skills attributed", + "FilterDrawerSkillsSummaryTitle": ">>> Skills attributed", + "FilterDrawerStatus": ">>> Status", + "FilterDrawerTitle": ">>> Filter agents", + "FilterItemAmountSelected": ">>> {{amount}} selected", + "FilterItemAny": ">>> Any", + "FilterItemOnly": ">>> {{item.label}} only", + "FilterSectionButton": ">>> Filter", + "FilterSectionManage": ">>> Manage Agents", + "FilterSectionRefine": ">>> Showing 50 out of {{count}} results, continue typing to refine your search", + "FindingsPanelTitle": ">>> Findings", + "FlexInsightsLoginFailedNotificationAction": ">>> Reload", + "FlexInsightsLoginFailedNotificationTitle": ">>> Flex Insights has been unable to load, please reload Flex to gain access", + "GlobalSLConfirmDialogAllConversations": ">>> Service Level Threshold and Short Abandon changes will take effect now.", + "GlobalSLConfirmDialogAllQueues": ">>> These settings will apply to all queues and channels without custom service levels set up.", + "GlobalSLConfirmDialogError": ">>> We're sorry, the save was unsuccessful. Please try again, or contact your support team if you continue to see this message.", + "GlobalSLConfirmDialogResetTimeInfo": ">>> Real-time Metrics will be reset today at {{time}}.", + "GlobalSLConfirmDialogTitle": ">>> Are you sure you want to change the global service level?", + "GlobalSLConfirmDialogWarning": ">>> Making these changes during a shift might lead to inconsistent reporting.", + "GlobalSLSuccessNotification": ">>> Successfully updated the global service level.", + "HangupCallTooltip": ">>> Hang up", + "HoldAgentTooltip": ">>> Hold {{worker.fullName}}", + "HoldCustomerTooltip": ">>> Hold Customer", + "IncomingCallBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From: {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingCallBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming call", + "IncomingCallNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming call from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingCallTransferBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Transfer request", + "IncomingCallTransferNotificationTitle": ">>> Transfer request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingCallTransferQueueBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} ({{}})", + "IncomingCallTransferWorkerBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)", + "IncomingChatBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From: {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingChatBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming chat request", + "IncomingChatNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming chat request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingEmailBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Email request", + "IncomingEmailNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Email request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingLineBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Line request", + "IncomingLineNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Line request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingMessengerBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Messenger request", + "IncomingMessengerNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Messenger request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingNotificationAccept": ">>> accept", + "IncomingNotificationReject": ">>> reject", + "IncomingSmsBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming SMS request", + "IncomingSmsNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming SMS request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingUnregisteredTaskNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming task from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "IncomingWhatsAppBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming WhatsApp request", + "IncomingWhatsAppNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming WhatsApp request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "InputDeviceErrorNotification": ">>> Unable to find or initialize audio input device", + "InputPlaceHolder": ">>> Type message", + "InsightsPlayerLoadingSegmentFailed": ">>> Failed to fetch conversation data", + "InsightsPlayerPlaybackFailed": ">>> Playback of the recording has failed", + "InsightsPlayerPlaybackUnavailable": ">>> Playback of this file is unavailable", + "InsightsPlayerPlaybackUnavailableSubtitle": ">>> You can still perform assessments and other tasks", + "KickAgentTooltip": ">>> Hang up {{worker.fullName}}", + "LeaveCallTooltip": ">>> Leave", + "LegacyFiltersEmptySelectLabel": ">>> None", + "LegacyFiltersTitle": ">>> Custom Filters", + "LiveCommsBarHold": ">>> HOLD", + "LiveCommsBarReturnToCall": ">>> RETURN", + "LiveCommsBarStopListening": ">>> STOP LISTENING", + "LiveCommsBarUnHold": ">>> UNHOLD", + "LiveCommsIncomingDirectCallTransfer": ">>> Request from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)", + "LiveCommsIncomingQueueCallTransfer": ">>> Request from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} ({{}})", + "LiveCommsMonitoringMessage": ">>> You are listening to a call with {{task.defaultFrom}} and {{worker.fullName}}", + "LiveCommsMonitoringMessageMoreWorkers": ">>> You are listening to a call with {{task.defaultFrom}} and {{workers.length}} workers", + "LiveCommsMonitoringMessageNoWorkers": ">>> You are listening to a call with {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "LiveCommsOngoingCallMessage": ">>> You are on a call with {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "LoadingChatCanvas": ">>> Loading ...", + "LogClearMultipleErrors": ">>> Clear issues", + "LogClearSingleError": ">>> Clear issue", + "LogDownloadReport": ">>> Download report", + "LogHideMultipleErrorText": ">>> Hide issues", + "LogHideSingleErrorText": ">>> Hide issue", + "LogIn": ">>> Log in", + "LogInHere": ">>> Log In Here", + "LogMultipleErrorsCopyToClipboardText": ">>> Copy all to clipboard", + "LogMultipleErrorsDescriptionText": ">>> These issues could affect your workflow. Please contact your support team.", + "LogMultipleErrorsTitleText": ">>> Issues detected", + "LogNoErrorsDescriptionText": ">>> If you experience an issue, please download the report and send it to your support team.", + "LogNoErrorsTitleText": ">>> No issues detected", + "LogOut": ">>> Log out", + "LogSingleErrorCopyToClipboardText": ">>> Copy to clipboard", + "LogSingleErrorDescriptionText": ">>> This issue could affect your workflow. Please contact your support team.", + "LogSingleErrorTitleText": ">>> Issue detected", + "LogStatusReport": ">>> Status report", + "LogToFileStartLoggingLabel": ">>> Refresh and start", + "LogToFileStartLoggingText": ">>>

Capture logs

  • When you enable logging, your browser will be refreshed and logs capturing will start.
  • \n       
  • Once you are ready to finish - stop logging. All captured logs will be saved to a text file.
  • \n   
", + "LogToFileStopLoggingLabel": ">>> Finish and download", + "LogToFileStopLoggingText": ">>>

Logging is active


\n    If you've repeated your actions and reproduced the issue, stop logging to download the file with captured logs.\n   

", + "LogViewMultipleErrorsText": ">>> View issues", + "LogViewSingleErrorText": ">>> View issue", + "LoginAgain": ">>> Log in again", + "LoginContinue": ">>> Continue anyway", + "LoginErrorDomain": ">>> Oops! Your runtime domain is incorrect.", + "LoginErrorDomainDetails": ">>> Find your runtime domain here", + "LoginErrorGeneric": ">>> Oops! Well, that didn't work :( Please double check your configuration.", + "LoginErrorInvalidCertificate": ">>> Invalid SSO Settings", + "LoginErrorInvalidCertificateDetails": ">>> This may be caused by malformed urls or missing/invalid certificates.

Please reconfigure the SSO settings and retry.", + "LoginErrorPopupBlocked": ">>> Sorry, pop-ups are blocked.", + "LoginErrorPopupBlockedDetails": ">>> Find out how to enable pop-ups in your browser", + "LoginErrorSso": ">>> Hmm, Single Sign-On has not been configured.", + "LoginErrorSsoDetails": ">>> Find out how to configure Single Sign-On here", + "LoginErrorUntrustedDomain": ">>> Trusted Login has not been enabled for this domain.", + "LoginErrorUntrustedDomainDetails": ">>> Find out how to configure Single Sign-On here", + "LoginIsAdmin": ">>> Flex Admin?", + "LoginLaunch": ">>> Launch", + "LoginLoading": ">>> Loading ...", + "LoginLogin": ">>> LOGIN", + "LoginPassword": ">>> Password", + "LoginTitle": ">>> Twilio Flex", + "LoginUsername": ">>> User Name", + "LoginWelcome": ">>> Hi there, welcome to Flex!", + "LoginWithTwilio": ">>> Log in with Twilio.", + "LongestWaitTimeTileTitle": ">>> Longest wait", + "ManageAgentsToQueueBreadCrumb": ">>> Manage Agents", + "ManualPullButtonText": ">>> Another Task", + "MediaMessageClickToOpen": ">>> Open file", + "MediaMessageError": ">>> Media messages are not supported", + "MediaMessageTransferFailed": ">>> Sending failed", + "MessageCanvasTrayButton": ">>> START NEW CHAT", + "MessageCanvasTrayContent": ">>> \n       

This chat is no longer active.

", + "MessageCharacterCountReached": ">>> Character count reached - {{currentCharCount}} / {{maxCharCount}}", + "MessageCharacterCountStatus": ">>> {{currentCharCount}} / {{maxCharCount}}", + "MessageSendingDisabled": ">>> Message sending has been disabled", + "MessageSizeExceeded": ">>> The entered character number exceeds the limit - {{currentCharCount}}/{{maxCharCount}}", + "MicNotAvailableNotification": ">>> Unable to access microphone, please check browser settings.", + "MonitorCallTooltip": ">>> Monitor Call", + "MonitoringFailedNotification": ">>> Monitoring attempt has failed", + "MuteCallTooltip": ">>> Mute", + "NewChatMessageNotificationBody": ">>> {{#if lastMessage.body}} {{lastMessage.body}} {{else}} file sent {{/if}}", + "NewChatMessageNotificationTitle": ">>> New message from {{lastMessage.authorName}}", + "NoCRMConfigured": ">>> No CRM configured", + "NoCRMConfiguredAction": ">>> HOW TO CONFIGURE", + "NoCRMHint": ">>> Our docs can help you get started.", + "NoCRMTitle": ">>> CRM config", + "NoCaseSummary": ">>> No case summary", + "NoOutboundCallingWhenOffline": ">>> To make a call, please change your status from '{{offlineName}}'", + "NoTaskAssignableNotification": ">>> No task assignable to you at the moment.", + "NoTasks": ">>> No active tasks", + "NoTasksHintAvailable": ">>> You are ready to start receiving tasks.", + "NoTasksHintNotAvailable": ">>> Change activity state to start receiving tasks.", + "NoTasksTitle": ">>> Status", + "NonDataCallTypeDialog-CloseConfirm": ">>> Are you sure?", + "NotImplemented": ">>> Not implemented yet!", + "NotificationMessage": ">>> Unable to perform action: {{message}}", + "OfflineContactButtonText": ">>> Offline Contact Record", + "OfflineContactFirstLine": ">>> Offline Contact", + "OfflineContactSecondLine": ">>> in progress", + "OfflineContacts-Header": ">>> Offline Contacts", + "OpenInNewWindow": ">>> Open in a new window", + "OutboundCallFailedNotificationAction": ">>> redial", + "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitle": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please try again or contact support. [{{reasonCode}}]", + "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleBusy": ">>> This number is currently busy. Please try again.", + "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleDisabledCountry": ">>> Calls to this country are not enabled. To enable calls and change geo permissions, contact your administrator.", + "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleInvalidNumber": ">>> Dialed number is invalid. Please check the number and try again.", + "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleNoAnswer": ">>> No answer from this number. Please try again.", + "OutboundDialerPanelPhoneInputCaption": ">>> Enter a number", + "OutboundDialerPanelQueueSelectCaption": ">>> Assign a queue", + "OutboundDialerPanelTitle": ">>> Call", + "OutboundErrorGeneral": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please try again or contact support.", + "OutboundErrorMissingDestination": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please check the number and try again.", + "OutboundErrorMissingQueue": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please select a queue and try again.", + "OutboundErrorNotInQueue": ">>> Cannot make call on behalf of queue ‘{{queue}}‘, because you are not assigned to this queue.", + "PaginationNext": ">>> Next", + "PaginationPrev": ">>> Prev", + "PendingReservationsOnActivityStateChangeNotification": ">>> You cannot update your activity while you have a pending task/reservation", + "PendingReservationsOnLogoutNotification": ">>> You cannot logout while you have a pending task/reservation", + "PlayerOptionCopyLink": ">>> Copy Link", + "PlayerOptionCurrentPosition": ">>> Copy Current Position", + "PlayerOptionDownloadLink": ">>> Copy Download Link", + "PlayerOptionSpeedFast": ">>> Fast", + "PlayerOptionSpeedNormal": ">>> Normal", + "PlayerOptionSpeedSlow": ">>> Slow", + "PlayerOptionSpeedVeryFast": ">>> Very fast", + "PredefinedChatMessageAuthorName": ">>> Bot", + "PredefinedChatMessageBody": ">>> Hi there! How can we help you today?", + "PreviousContacts-Cases": ">>> cases", + "PreviousContacts-FacebookUser": ">>> Facebook user", + "PreviousContacts-From": ">>> from", + "PreviousContacts-IPAddress": ">>> IP address", + "PreviousContacts-OnlyShowRecordsFrom": ">>> Only show records from", + "PreviousContacts-PhoneNumber": ">>> phone number", + "PreviousContacts-PreviousContacts": ">>> previous contacts", + "PreviousContacts-ThereAre": ">>> There are", + "PreviousContacts-ViewRecords": ">>> View Records", + "PreviousContacts-WhatsappNumber": ">>> Whatsapp number", + "QuestionnaireAllAnswered": ">>> All Answered", + "QuestionnaireAnswerCountAllAnswered": ">>> All Answered", + "QuestionnaireAnswerCountOfTotal": ">>> {{count}} of {{total}} Answered", + "QuestionnaireAnsweredCount": ">>> {{count}} of {{total}} Answered", + "QuestionnaireSelectorLabel": ">>> Select a Questionnaire:", + "QueueAgentsInQueue": ">>> Agents in {{queueName}}", + "QueueAssign": ">>> Assign", + "QueueAssignmentCTA": ">>> try again", + "QueueAssignmentDialogCancel": ">>> Cancel", + "QueueAssignmentDialogConfirm": ">>> Confirm", + "QueueAssignmentDialogDescription": ">>> This action may affect the SLA of other queues that these agents are assigned to. You can undo this action in the History tab.", + "QueueAssignmentDialogTitle": ">>> Do you want to add the selected {{count}} agents to {{queueName}}?", + "QueueAssignmentError": ">>> Failed to assign {{count}} agents to {{queueName}}. Please ", + "QueueAssignmentUndo": ">>> Undo", + "QueueCard-LessThanMinute": ">>> less than a minute", + "QueueCard-Minutes": ">>>  minutes", + "QueueCard-Name": ">>> Queue name: ", + "QueueCard-None": ">>> none", + "QueueCard-OneMinute": ">>> 1 minute", + "QueueCard-WaitLabel": ">>> Longest wait time:", + "QueueDeselectAll": ">>> Deselect all", + "QueueEmptyDescription": ">>> When you assign agents to this queue, they will be shown here", + "QueueEmptyTitle": ">>> There are no agents in this queue", + "QueueHeaderTitle": ">>> Manage Agents", + "QueueIndex-ContactsWaiting": ">>> Contacts waiting", + "QueueSelectionBanner": ">>> Select up to 50 at a time. You have selected {{count}} {{selectedAgentText}}. To confirm click on the Add button.", + "QueueStatsBreadCrumb": ">>> Queue Stats", + "QueueStatsContactCenter": ">>> Contact Center Queue Stats", + "QueueSuccessBanner": ">>> You have successfully assigned {{assigned}} {{agentText}} to this queue. To undo this action and review previous changes, go to ", + "QueueSuccessBannerMeta": ">>> There were {{skipped}} skipped assignments and {{failed}} failures.", + "QueueUndoSuccessBanner": ">>> You have removed {{assigned}} agents from {{queueName}}. They will remain in their other queues.", + "QueuesNoDataBodyForAdmin": ">>> You have no Queues set up. Please configure your Queues.", + "QueuesNoDataBodyForSupervisor": ">>> There are no Queues set up. Please contact your Administrator.", + "QueuesNoDataHeading": ">>> Queues", + "QueuesNoDataLinkLabelForAdmin": ">>> Add Queue", + "QueuesStatsHeaderAbandoned": ">>> Abandoned", + "QueuesStatsHeaderActiveTasks": ">>> Active", + "QueuesStatsHeaderAgentsActivity": ">>> Agents", + "QueuesStatsHeaderHandled": ">>> Handled", + "QueuesStatsHeaderLongestWait": ">>> Longest", + "QueuesStatsHeaderQueueName": ">>> Queues", + "QueuesStatsHeaderSLA": ">>> SLA", + "QueuesStatsHeaderWaitingTasks": ">>> Waiting", + "QueuesStatsSubHeader30Mins": ">>> 30 min", + "QueuesStatsSubHeaderNow": ">>> Now", + "QueuesStatsSubHeaderToday": ">>> Today", + "Read": ">>> Read", + "ReconnectingConnection": ">>> Connection lost. Attempting to reconnect.", + "RejectTaskTooltip": ">>> Reject", + "RequestBrowserNotificationPermissions": ">>> We need your permission to enable browser notifications", + "RequiredFieldError": ">>> This field is required.", + "Reset": ">>> RESET", + "ResumeContactButtonText": ">>> Resume Offline Contact", + "RuntimeLoginErrorDomain": ">>> Oops! Well, that didn’t work :( Check your domain.", + "RuntimeLoginErrorSso": ">>> Oops! Well, that didn’t work :( Check your SSO setup.", + "RuntimeLoginIsAdmin": ">>> Flex Admin?", + "RuntimeLoginLabel": ">>> Runtime domain", + "RuntimeLoginLaunch": ">>> Launch", + "RuntimeLoginPlaceholder": ">>> Your Runtime Domain", + "RuntimeLoginWithTwilio": ">>> Login with Twilio.", + "SLAChannelServiceLevelsSubtitle": ">>> Set limits specific to this queue and its channels.", + "SLAChannelServiceLevelsTitle": ">>> Custom channel service level", + "SLAChannelServiceLevelsValidationMessage": ">>> Must be greater than Short abandons", + "SLADailyMetricsResetAddButton": ">>> Set custom time", + "SLADailyMetricsResetSubtitle": ">>> Time at which the daily SLA metrics are reset.", + "SLADailyMetricsResetTitle": ">>> Daily Metrics Reset{{#if timezone}} - {{timezone}}{{/if}}", + "SLAEditGlobalButton": ">>> Edit", + "SLAGlobalFormServiceLevelThresholdSubtitle": ">>> Tasks accepted within this time will meet the SLA.", + "SLAGlobalFormShortAbandonsSubtitle": ">>> The SLA will exclude tasks abandoned by the customer within this time.", + "SLAGlobalFormTimeInput": ">>> Time", + "SLAGlobalFormTimeZoneInput": ">>> Time zone", + "SLAGlobalPageSubtitle": ">>> Set the default service level for all queues and channels.", + "SLAGlobalPageTitle": ">>> Global service level", + "SLAPreferencesAddChannelConfigurationButton": ">>> Add custom levels", + "SLAPreferencesCancelButton": ">>> Cancel", + "SLAPreferencesChannelLevelsColumn": ">>> Channel service levels", + "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsError": ">>> There was a problem loading queue data.", + "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsErrorNotification": ">>> Failed to update {{queue}} service level.", + "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsSubtitle": ">>> Set custom service levels for queues and channels. Custom settings will override the global service level", + "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsSuccessNotification": ">>> Successfully updated {{queue}} service level.", + "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsTitle": ">>> Custom service levels", + "SLAPreferencesCustomSettingsIndicator": ">>> Custom", + "SLAPreferencesDefaultSettingsIndicator": ">>> Global", + "SLAPreferencesGlobalLevelsSubtitle": ">>> This will apply to all queues and channels without custom levels.", + "SLAPreferencesGlobalLevelsTitle": ">>> Global service levels", + "SLAPreferencesHomePageSubtitle": ">>> Set up and update all service levels preferences.", + "SLAPreferencesHomePageTitle": ">>> Service levels", + "SLAPreferencesMetricsResetColumn": ">>> Daily metrics reset", + "SLAPreferencesQueueNameColumn": ">>> Queues", + "SLAPreferencesRemoveConfigurationButton": ">>> Remove", + "SLAPreferencesSaveButton": ">>> Save", + "SLAQueuePageSubtitle": ">>> Set up and manage custom service levels for this queue. These will override the global service level.", + "SLAQueuePageTitle": ">>> {{queue}} - custom service levels", + "SLAShortAbandonsTitle": ">>> Short Abandons", + "SLATitle": ">>> Service Level Threshold", + "Save": ">>> SAVE", + "SearchContactsAndCases-Title": ">>> Search for Contacts and Cases", + "SearchForm-Button": ">>> Search", + "SearchForm-Counselor": ">>> Counsellor", + "SearchForm-DateRange": ">>> Date Range", + "SearchForm-Name": ">>> Name", + "SearchForm-Office": ">>> Office", + "SearchForm-Phone": ">>> Phone", + "SearchResultsIndex-Back": ">>> Return to Search Criteria", + "SearchResultsIndex-BackToResults": ">>> Return to Search Results", + "SearchResultsIndex-Cases": ">>> Cases", + "SearchResultsIndex-ClosedCases": ">>> Closed Cases", + "SearchResultsIndex-Contacts": ">>> Contacts", + "SearchResultsIndex-NonDataContacts": ">>> Non-Data Contacts", + "SearchResultsIndex-Result": ">>> result", + "SearchResultsIndex-Results": ">>> results", + "SearchResultsIndex-ViewCases": ">>> View Cases", + "SearchResultsIndex-ViewContacts": ">>> View Contacts", + "SecondIncomingVoiceConnectionNotificationAccept": ">>> Accept", + "SecondIncomingVoiceConnectionNotificationContent": ">>> Incoming call. Do you want to accept this task and end your current voice connection?", + "SecondIncomingVoiceConnectionNotificationReject": ">>> Reject", + "SectionEntry-No": ">>> No", + "SectionEntry-Yes": ">>> Yes", + "SectionName-CallerInformation": ">>> Caller Information", + "SectionName-CaseSummary": ">>> Case Summary", + "SectionName-ChildInformation": ">>> Child Information", + "SectionName-Contact": ">>> Contact", + "SectionName-HouseholdMember": ">>> Household Member", + "SectionName-Incident": ">>> Incident", + "SectionName-Notes": ">>> Notes", + "SectionName-Perpetrator": ">>> Perpetrator", + "SectionName-Referral": ">>> Referral", + "SegmentSelectorLabel": ">>> Segments", + "SendMediaMessageInvalidSize": ">>> {{fileName}} is too large to send. Maximum file size is {{maxFileSize}}.", + "SendMediaMessageInvalidType": ">>> {{fileName}} cannot be sent because the file type is unsupported. Please try a different file.", + "SendMessageTooltip": ">>> Send Message", + "SessionAlreadyExists": ">>> You're logged in elsewhere", + "SessionAlreadyExistsDesc": ">>> You can only log in on one tab or device at a time.
Do you want to log in here and close your other session?", + "SessionDropOngoingCall": ">>> Drop Call and Log In", + "SessionExpired": ">>> Your session has expired. Click here to log in again", + "SessionInvalidated": ">>> This session is no longer active.", + "SessionOngoingCallDesc": ">>> You can only be logged in on one tab or device at a time.
Logging in here will drop your ongoing call.", + "SessionOngoingCallMessage": ">>> You’re on a call elsewhere", + "SessionTimeoutMessage": ">>> This screen will time out in {{timeout}} seconds", + "SetYourStatus": ">>> Set your status", + "SharedStateLoadFormError": ">>> The information stored in the form by previous counsellor couldn't be retrieved. Starting current task with clear contact form.", + "SharedStateSaveFormError": ">>> The information stored in the form couldn't be saved. Task will be transferred anyway.", + "SideNavAgentDashboard": ">>> Agent Dashboard", + "SideNavCaseList": ">>> Case List", + "SideNavInsightsAgentsView": ">>> Agents", + "SideNavInsightsAnalyzeView": ">>> Analyze", + "SideNavInsightsDashboardsView": ">>> Dashboards", + "SideNavInsightsInspectionsView": ">>> Inspections", + "SideNavInsightsQuestionnairesView": ">>> Questionnaires", + "SideNavInsightsSpeechSearchesView": ">>> Speech Searches", + "SideNavQueuesStatsView": ">>> Queues Stats", + "SideNavSettings": ">>> Settings", + "SideNavSupervisorDashboard": ">>> Supervisor Dashboard", + "SideNavSupervisorInspections": ">>> Supervisor Inspections", + "SideNavSupervisorReports": ">>> Supervisor Reports", + "SideNavTaskView": ">>> Agent Desktop", + "SideNavTeamsView": ">>> Teams", + "SigningIn": ">>> Signing in", + "StandaloneSearch-SideNav": ">>> Search", + "SupervisorTaskCanvasHeader": ">>> TASK DETAILS", + "SupervisorTaskCardHeader": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "SupervisorTaskCompleted": ">>> Completed | {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", + "SupervisorTaskGroupCall": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}} | ({{task.conference.liveParticipantCount}})", + "SupervisorTaskHeaderLine": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "SupervisorTaskInfoPanelContent": ">>> \n



Task type




Task created on




Task priority




Task queue




Task Sid




Reservation Sid



\n{{#if task.attributes.subject}}\n







Customer name / {{#if task.attributes.senderAddress}}email address{{else}}phone number{{/if}}










\n    No add-ons enabled.\n    To expand your experience, visit\n

\nTwilio Marketplace", + "SupervisorTaskLive": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", + "SupervisorTaskViewContentHeader": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}, {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "SupervisorTaskWrapUp": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", + "SupervisorUserCardFirstLine": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}", + "SupervisorUserCardSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}} | {{worker.activityDuration}}", + "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": ">>> Caller Info", + "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": ">>> Summary", + "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": ">>> Child Info", + "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": ">>> Contact Info", + "TabbedForms-BackButton": ">>> Categorize Contact Type", + "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": ">>> Categories", + "TaskAssigned": ">>> Assigned", + "TaskCanceled": ">>> Canceled", + "TaskCannotBeTransferredNotification": ">>> Task cannot be transferred", + "TaskCompleted": ">>> Completed", + "TaskExtraInfo": ">>> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", + "TaskFilterActive": ">>> ACTIVE TASKS", + "TaskFilterAll": ">>> ALL TASKS", + "TaskFilterWrapping": ">>> TASKS IN WRAP UP", + "TaskHeaderComplete": ">>> COMPLETE", + "TaskHeaderEndCall": ">>> Hang Up", + "TaskHeaderEndChat": ">>> End Chat", + "TaskHeaderGroupCallAccepted": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{{icon name='Participant'}}} {{task.conference.liveParticipantCount}}", + "TaskHeaderLeaveCall": ">>> LEAVE CALL", + "TaskHeaderLine": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", + "TaskHeaderStatusAccepted": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskHeaderStatusCompleted": ">>> Completed | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskHeaderStatusPending": ">>> ", + "TaskHeaderStatusWrapup": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskHeaderWebChatStatusAccepted": ">>> {{#if}} {{{icon name='GreenIndicator'}}} {{else}} {{{icon name='GreyIndicator'}}} {{/if}} Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskHeaderWrapup": ">>> WRAP UP", + "TaskInfoPanelContent": ">>> \n



Task type




Task created on




Task priority




Task queue




Task Sid




Reservation Sid



\n{{#if task.attributes.subject}}\n







Customer name / {{#if task.attributes.senderAddress}}email address{{else}}phone number{{/if}}










\n    No add-ons enabled.\n    To expand your experience, visit\n

\nTwilio Marketplace", + "TaskLineCallAssigned": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskLineCallDuration": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskLineCallEndedTitle": ">>> Call ended", + "TaskLineCallIncomingTitle": ">>> Incoming call", + "TaskLineCallReserved": ">>> Incoming call from queue {{task.queueName}}", + "TaskLineCallTransferQueue": ">>> Transfer from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} ({{}})", + "TaskLineCallTransferQueueDetail": ">>> From: {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}}
Queue: {{task.queueName}}", + "TaskLineCallTransferTitle": ">>> Transfer request", + "TaskLineCallTransferWorker": ">>> Transfer from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)", + "TaskLineCallTransferWorkerDetail": ">>> From: {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)
Queue: {{task.queueName}}", + "TaskLineCallWrapup": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskLineChatAssigned": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{#if}} typing … {{else}} {{#if}} {{}}: {{}}{{else}}No messages{{/if}}{{/if}}", + "TaskLineChatLineReserved": ">>> Incoming Line request", + "TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": ">>> Incoming Messenger request", + "TaskLineChatReserved": ">>> Incoming chat request", + "TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": ">>> Incoming WhatsApp request", + "TaskLineEmailReserved": ">>> Incoming Email request", + "TaskLineGroupCallAssigned": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{{icon name='Participant'}}} {{task.conference.liveParticipantCount}}", + "TaskLineOutboundCallConnecting": ">>> Connecting call…", + "TaskLineOutboundCallDetail": ">>> Your caller ID: {{task.attributes.from}}
Queue: {{task.queueName}}", + "TaskLineOutboundCallHeader": ">>> {{task.attributes.outbound_to}}", + "TaskLineOutboundCallTitle": ">>> Connecting Call", + "TaskLineQueue": ">>> Queue: {{task.queueName}}", + "TaskLineSmsReserved": ">>> Incoming SMS request", + "TaskLineTitle": ">>> ", + "TaskLineWebChatAssigned": ">>> {{#if}} {{{icon name='GreenIndicator'}}} {{else}} {{{icon name='GreyIndicator'}}} {{/if}}{{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{#if}} typing …{{else}} {{#if}} {{}}: {{#if}}{{}}{{else}}{{#if}}Sending failed{{else}}File sent{{/if}}{{/if}}{{else}}No messages{{/if}}{{/if}}", + "TaskReserved": ">>> Reserved", + "TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel": ">>> Incoming", + "TaskTabAgentInfoLabel": ">>> Info", + "TaskTabHeaderCall": ">>> Call", + "TaskTabHeaderChat": ">>> Chat", + "TaskTabHeaderEmail": ">>> Conversation", + "TaskTabHeaderLine": ">>> Line", + "TaskTabHeaderMessenger": ">>> Messenger", + "TaskTabHeaderSMS": ">>> SMS", + "TaskTabHeaderWhatsApp": ">>> WhatsApp", + "TaskTabSupervisorCallLabel": ">>> Call", + "TaskTabSupervisorChatLabel": ">>> Chat", + "TaskTabSupervisorInfoLabel": ">>> Info", + "TaskTabSupervisorOverviewLabel": ">>> Overview", + "TaskWrapup": ">>> In wrap up", + "TeamFiltersApply": ">>> Apply", + "TeamFiltersPanelPluralLabel": ">>> Viewing {{number}} agents", + "TeamFiltersPanelSingularLabel": ">>> Viewing {{number}} agent", + "TeamFiltersPanelTitle": ">>> Filters", + "TeamFiltersReset": ">>> Reset", + "TeamsViewClearSearchAction": ">>> Clear search result", + "TeamsViewClearSearchPlaceholder": ">>> Search Agents", + "TeamsViewFilterAction": ">>> Filter{{#if filterCount}} ({{filterCount}}){{/if}}", + "TeamsViewResultsSummaryFilterCTA": ">>> filter", + "TeamsViewResultsSummaryMaxWorkersDisplayed": ">>> Showing maximum number of agents. Refine results via search or ", + "TeamsViewResultsSummaryNoWorkersDisplayed": ">>> No agents matched your criteria. Refine results via search or filter.", + "TimeCantBeGreaterThanNow": ">>> Time can't be greater than now.", + "TimeSecondsFormatter": ">>> {{time}}s", + "Today": ">>> TODAY", + "TranscriptPanelTitle": ">>> Chat Transcript", + "Transfer-AcceptTransferButton": ">>> Accept Transfer", + "Transfer-ChatWarmNotAllowed": ">>> Warm transfer for chats is currently not supported.", + "Transfer-Cold": ">>> Cold", + "Transfer-FormNotEditable": ">>> Form locked until transfer is completed.", + "Transfer-RejectTransferButton": ">>> Reject Transfer", + "Transfer-TaskLineCallReserved": ">>> transfer from", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatLineReserved": ">>> transfer from", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": ">>> transfer from", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatReserved": ">>> transfer from", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatSmsReserved": ">>> transfer from", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": ">>> transfer from", + "Transfer-TransferButton": ">>> Transfer", + "Transfer-Warm": ">>> Warm", + "TransferFailedNotification": ">>> Transfer failed: {{reason}}", + "TranslateButtonAriaLabel": ">>> Change language", + "TypingIndicator": ">>> {{name}} is typing … ", + "TypingIndicatorMultiple": ">>> {{count}} people are typing … ", + "UiVersionDeprecated": ">>> {{message}}", + "UnholdAgentTooltip": ">>> Unhold {{worker.fullName}}", + "UnholdCustomerTooltip": ">>> Unhold Customer", + "Unknown": ">>> Unknown", + "UserControlWorkerSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}} | {{worker.activityDuration}}", + "UserLoggedOutSuccess": ">>> You have logged out successfully!", + "WaitingTasksTileTitle": ">>> Waiting tasks", + "WarmTransferTooltip": ">>> Consult", + "WelcomeMessage": ">>> Welcome to customer service", + "WorkerActivityUpdateFailedNotification": ">>> Updating activity failed (ERROR {{statusCode}}). Please try again or contact your administrator.", + "WorkerCanvasDetailsHeader": ">>> Agent Details", + "WorkerCanvasHeader": ">>> Profile", + "WorkerCanvasSkillsHeader": ">>> Skills", + "WorkerDirectoryAgentsTabLabel": ">>> AGENTS", + "WorkerDirectoryItemFirstLine": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}", + "WorkerDirectoryItemSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}}", + "WorkerDirectoryQueueItemText": ">>> {{}}", + "WorkerDirectoryQueuesTabLabel": ">>> QUEUES", + "WorkerDirectorySearchPlaceholder": ">>> Search", + "WorkerDirectoryTitle": ">>> Transfer", + "WorkerSkillLevelInvalid": ">>> Please select a skill level between {{min}} - {{max}}", + "WorkerSkillPleaseSelect": ">>> Add skill", + "WorkerSkillsError": ">>> Failed to save changes", + "WorkerSkillsNoSkills": ">>> No skills attributed", + "WorkerSkillsReverted": ">>> Changes reverted", + "WorkerSkillsSaved": ">>> Changes saved successfully", + "WorkerSkillsSchemaMismatch": ">>> Worker skills schema mismatch", + "WorkerTableEmpty": ">>> No agents matched your criteria. Refine results via search or filter.", + "Yesterday": ">>> YESTERDAY", + "YouMustBeAvailableToPerformThisOp": ">>> You must be available to perform this operation." +} \ No newline at end of file From cf1e0731663a2f2532dc8e6f540e85a713f874c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gpaoloni Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 16:33:04 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 02/14] Changes on the garbled strings --- assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json | 16 +++++++++------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json index 404f40fb..5e0504b1 100644 --- a/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json @@ -623,12 +623,12 @@ "SupervisorTaskWrapUp": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", "SupervisorUserCardFirstLine": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}", "SupervisorUserCardSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}} | {{worker.activityDuration}}", - "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": ">>> Caller Info", - "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": ">>> Summary", - "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": ">>> Child Info", - "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": ">>> Contact Info", - "TabbedForms-BackButton": ">>> Categorize Contact Type", - "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": ">>> Categories", + "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "> Caller Info", + "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": "> Summary", + "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": "> Child Info", + "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": "> Contact Info", + "TabbedForms-BackButton": "> Categorize Contact Type", + "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": "> Categories", "TaskAssigned": ">>> Assigned", "TaskCanceled": ">>> Canceled", "TaskCannotBeTransferredNotification": ">>> Task cannot be transferred", @@ -752,5 +752,7 @@ "WorkerSkillsSchemaMismatch": ">>> Worker skills schema mismatch", "WorkerTableEmpty": ">>> No agents matched your criteria. Refine results via search or filter.", "Yesterday": ">>> YESTERDAY", - "YouMustBeAvailableToPerformThisOp": ">>> You must be available to perform this operation." + "YouMustBeAvailableToPerformThisOp": ">>> You must be available to perform this operation.", + + "First Name": ">>> First Name" } \ No newline at end of file From c0c82ed006f0d67ce008b055cd2c178a746c5380 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dee Luo <> Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 14:14:13 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 03/14] Update flexUI.private.json New Spanish translations --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index 70db0ad0..b448b1b8 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -1,15 +1,165 @@ { "TaskInfoPanelContent": "


Tipo de tarea


Fecha creación de tarea


Prioridad de tarea


Cola de tarea


Identificador de tarea


Identificador de reserva



Nombre / número de teléfono





No hay add-ons activados. Para mejorar su experiencia, visite

Twilio Marketplace", "SupervisorTaskInfoPanelContent": "


Tipo de tarea


Fecha creación de tarea


Prioridad de tarea


Cola de tarea


Identificador de tarea


Identificador de reserva



Nombre / número de teléfono





No hay add-ons activados. Para mejorar su experiencia, visite

Twilio Marketplace", - "TaskHeaderStatusAccepted": "En vivo | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", "TaskHeaderWebChatStatusAccepted": "{{#if}} {{{icon name='GreenIndicator'}}} {{else}} {{{icon name='GreyIndicator'}}} {{/if}} En vivo | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskHeaderEndChat": "FINALIZAR CHAT", - "ChatWelcomeText": "Conversación iniciada", "AgentStatusAvailable": "Disponible", "AgentStatusBusy": "Ocupado", "AgentStatusUnavailable": "No disponible", "AgentStatusOffline": "Offline", + "ReconnectingConnection": "Conexión perdida. Intentando reconectar.", + + "NoTasksTitle": "Estado", + "NoTasks": "SIN TAREAS ACTIVAS", + "NoTasksHintNotAvailable": "Cambiar el estado de la actividad para comenzar a recibir tareas", + "AddButtons-Header": "Agregar", + "ManualPullButtonText": "Otra tarea", + "OfflineContactButtonText": "Registro de contacto sin conexión", + "TaskFilterAll": "Todas las tareas", + "TaskFilterActive": "Tareas activas", + "TaskFilterWrapping": "Tareas en resumen", + "OfflineContacts-Header": "Contactos sin conexión", + "OfflineContactsSecondLine": "en curso", + "QueueIndex-ContactsWaiting": "Contactos en espera", + "QueueCard-WaitLabel": "Mayor tiempo de espera:", + "QueueCard-None": "ninguno", + "QueueCard-LessThanMinute": "menos de un minuto", + "QueueCard-OneMinute": "1 minuto", + "QueueCard-Minutes": " minutos", + "SetYourStatus": "Establezca su estado", + "LogOut": "Cerrar sesión", + + "NoTaskAssignableNotification": "No hay tarea asignable a usted en este momento.", + "TaskLineChatReserved": "Solicitud de chat entrante", + "TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": "Solicitud de mensajería entrante", + "TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": "Solicitud entrante de WhatsApp", + "IncomingSmsReserved": "Solicitud de SMS entrante", + "TaskLineCallIncomingTitle": "llamada entrante", + "TaskLineCallReserved": "Llamada entrante de la cola", + "AcceptTaskTooltip": "Aceptar", + "RejectTaskToolTip": "Rechazar", + "TaskLineCallTransferTitle": "Solicitud de transferencia", + "Transfer-TaskLineCallReserved": "", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": "", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatReserved": "", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatSmsReserved": "", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": "", + "Transfer-Cold": "Frío", + "Transfer-Warm": "Cálido", + "SharedStateSaveFormError": "No se pudo guardar la información almacenada en el formulario. La tarea se transferirá de todos modos.", + "SharedStateLoadFormError": "La información almacenada en el formulario por el consejero anterior no se pudo recuperar. Comenzar la tarea actual con un formulario de contacto claro.", + "TaskLineQueue": "Cola: {{task.queueName}}", + "Anonymous": "Anónimo", + "TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel": "Entrante", + "TaskTabAgentInfoLabel": "Info", + "LoadingChatCanvas": "Cargando", + "TaskTabHeaderChat": "Chat", + "TaskTabHeaderCall": "Llamada", + "TaskHeaderStatusAccepted": "En vivo | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "TaskHeaderStatusWrapup": "Envolver | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", + "CallParticipantStatusLive": "Vivir", + "ChatWelcomeText": "conversación iniciada", + "Today": "Hoy", + "Yesterday": "Ayer", + "InputPlaceHolder": "Escribir mensaje", + "ChatInputDisabledText": "La conversación terminó", + + "Read": "Leer", + "Transfer-TransferButton": "Transferir", + "TaskHeaderEndChat": "Finalizar Chat", + "TaskHeaderEndCall": "Colgar", + "WorkerDirectoryTitle": "Transferir", + "WorkerDirectoryAgentsTabLabel": "Agentes", + "WorkerDirectoryQueuesTabLabel": "Colas", + "WorkerDirectorySearchPlaceholder": "Buscar", + "CallTypeButtons-Categorize": "Categorizar este contacto", + "CallTypeButtons-Or": "¿O fue este contacto ...", + "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": "Datos de contacto", + "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "Información de la persona que llama", + "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": "Información del niño", + "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": "Categorias", + "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": "Resumen", + "CancelOfflineContact": "Cancelar contacto sin conexión", + "BottomBar-Next": "próximo", + "TabbedForms-BackButton": "Categorizar el tipo de contacto", + "Categories-Title": "Categorizar este contacto", + "Error-CategoryRequired": "Se requiere 1 categoría como mínimo, 3 categorías como máximo.", + "BottomBar-SaveAndAddToCase": "Guardar y agregar al caso", + "BottomBar-SaveContact": "Guardar contacto", + "Error-Form": "Hay un problema con tu envío. Consulte el formulario para ver si hay errores.", + "RequiredFieldError": "Este campo es requerido.", + "BottomBar-OpenNewCase": "Abrir caso nuevo", + "BottomBar-AddToExistingCase": "Agregar a caso existente", + "Case-TimelineSection": "Cronología", + "Case-AddHouseholdSection": "Información del hogar", + "Case-AddPerpetratorSection": "Perpetradores", + "Case-AddIncidentSection": "Incidentes", + "Case-CaseSummarySection": "Resumen del caso", + "Case-ViewButton": "Vista", + "CaseHeader-Opened": "Abrió", + "CaseHeader-Updated": "Actualizado", + "CaseHeader-NoData": "Sin datos", + "Case-CaseDetailsLastUpdated": "Última actualización / cerrada", + "Case-CaseDetailsFollowUpDate": "Fecha de seguimiento", + "Case-CaseDetailsStatusLabel": "Estado", + "Case-ChildIsAtRisk": "El niño está en riesgo", + "Case-Note": "Nota", + "Case-Referral": "Remisión", + "Case-Household": "Miembro del hogar", + "Case-Perpetrator": "Autor", + "Case-Incident": "Incidente", + "Case-NoHouseholds": "No se enumeran miembros del hogar", + "Case-NoPerpetrators": "No se enumeran los perpetradores", + "Case-NoIncidents": "No se enumeran incidentes", + "BottomBar-Cancel": "Cancelar", + "BottomBar-SaveAndEnd": "Guardar y finalizar", + "Case-AddNote": "Añadir la nota", + "Case-AddNoteTypehEre": "Escriba aquí para agregar una nota ...", + "BottomBar-SaveNote": "Guardar nota", + "Case-AddReferral": "Agregar referencia", + "BottomBar-SaveReferral": "Guardar referencia", + "Case-AddPerpetrator": "Agregar perpetrador", + "Case-ViewPerpetrator": "Ver autor", + "Case-ViewPerpetratorTitle": "Autor", + "BottomBar-SaveAndAddAnotherPerpetrator": "Guardar y agregar otro perpetrador", + "BottomBar-SavePerpetrator": "Salva al perpetrador", + "Case-AddHousehold": "Agregar miembro del hogar", + "BottomBar-SaveHousehold": "Salvar miembro del hogar", + "Case-ViewHouseholdTitle": "Miembro del hogar", + "Case-ViewHousehold": "Ver miembro del hogar", + "BottomBar-SaveAndAddAnotherHousehold": "Guardar y agregar otro miembro", + "Case-AddIncident": "Agregar incidente", + "Case-ViewIncident": "Ver incidente", + "Case-ViewIncidentTitle": "Incidente", + "BottomBar-SaveIncident": "Guardar incidente", + "BottomBar-Close": "Cerca", + "Case-Contact": "Contacto", + "BottomBar-CancelNewCaseAndClose": "Sí, cancelar nuevo caso y cerrar", + "BottomBar-AddThisContactToExistingCase": "Agregar este contacto a un caso existente", + "Case-Counsellor": "Consejero", + "Case-CaseNumber": "Caso #", + "SearchContactAndCases-Title": "Buscar contactos y casos", + "SearchForm-Name": "Nombre", + + + "SearchForm-Counselor": "Consejero", + + "SearchForm-DateRange": "Rango de fechas", + + + "SearchForm-Phone": "Teléfono", + "SearchForm-Office": "Oficina", + "SearchForm-Button": "Buscar", + "SearchResultsIndex-Back": "Volver a los criterios de búsqueda", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Counselor": "Consejero", + "SearchResultsIndex-NonDataContacts": "Contactos sin datos", + + "SearchResultsIndex-ViewCases": "Ver casos", + "SearchResultsIndex-ViewContacts": "Ver contactos", + "CaseList-THOpened": "Abrió", + + "SearchResultsIndex-BackToResults": "Volver a los resultados de la búsqueda", + "TranslateButtonAriaLabel": "Cambiar idioma", "CallType-child": "Menor llamando por su cuenta", @@ -20,4 +170,4 @@ "CallType-hangup": "Cuelga", "CallType-wrongnumber": "Número Equivocado", "CallType-abusive": "Abusivo" -} \ No newline at end of file +} From 8da2160285dddad4172ae7c9ed1eb3fcc0b12ecc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dee Luo <> Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 16:35:30 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 04/14] Update flexUI.private.json updated spanish translations --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 94 ++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index b448b1b8..29dd6bc6 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ "AgentStatusOffline": "Offline", "ReconnectingConnection": "Conexión perdida. Intentando reconectar.", - + "Error-Backend": "Error del sistema backend.", "NoTasksTitle": "Estado", "NoTasks": "SIN TAREAS ACTIVAS", "NoTasksHintNotAvailable": "Cambiar el estado de la actividad para comenzar a recibir tareas", + "NoTasksHintAvailable": "Estás listo para comenzar a recibir tareas.", "AddButtons-Header": "Agregar", "ManualPullButtonText": "Otra tarea", "OfflineContactButtonText": "Registro de contacto sin conexión", @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ "TaskFilterActive": "Tareas activas", "TaskFilterWrapping": "Tareas en resumen", "OfflineContacts-Header": "Contactos sin conexión", - "OfflineContactsSecondLine": "en curso", + "OfflineContactSecondLine": "en curso", "QueueIndex-ContactsWaiting": "Contactos en espera", "QueueCard-WaitLabel": "Mayor tiempo de espera:", "QueueCard-None": "ninguno", @@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ "QueueCard-Minutes": " minutos", "SetYourStatus": "Establezca su estado", "LogOut": "Cerrar sesión", - "NoTaskAssignableNotification": "No hay tarea asignable a usted en este momento.", "TaskLineChatReserved": "Solicitud de chat entrante", "TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": "Solicitud de mensajería entrante", @@ -39,17 +39,18 @@ "AcceptTaskTooltip": "Aceptar", "RejectTaskToolTip": "Rechazar", "TaskLineCallTransferTitle": "Solicitud de transferencia", - "Transfer-TaskLineCallReserved": "", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": "", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatReserved": "", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatSmsReserved": "", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": "", + "Transfer-TaskLineCallReserved": "Transferido de", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": "Transferido de", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatReserved": "Transferido de", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatSmsReserved": "Transferido de", + "Transfer-TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": "Transferido de", "Transfer-Cold": "Frío", "Transfer-Warm": "Cálido", "SharedStateSaveFormError": "No se pudo guardar la información almacenada en el formulario. La tarea se transferirá de todos modos.", "SharedStateLoadFormError": "La información almacenada en el formulario por el consejero anterior no se pudo recuperar. Comenzar la tarea actual con un formulario de contacto claro.", "TaskLineQueue": "Cola: {{task.queueName}}", "Anonymous": "Anónimo", + "AnonymousParticipant": "Anónimo", "TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel": "Entrante", "TaskTabAgentInfoLabel": "Info", "LoadingChatCanvas": "Cargando", @@ -63,7 +64,6 @@ "Yesterday": "Ayer", "InputPlaceHolder": "Escribir mensaje", "ChatInputDisabledText": "La conversación terminó", - "Read": "Leer", "Transfer-TransferButton": "Transferir", "TaskHeaderEndChat": "Finalizar Chat", @@ -72,11 +72,23 @@ "WorkerDirectoryAgentsTabLabel": "Agentes", "WorkerDirectoryQueuesTabLabel": "Colas", "WorkerDirectorySearchPlaceholder": "Buscar", + "PreviousContacts-ThereAre": "Existen", + "PreviousContacts-PreviousContacts": "contactos anteriores", + "PreviousContacts-Cases": "casos", + "PreviousContacts-From": "de", + "PreviousContacts-FacebookUser": "usuario de Facebook", + "PreviousContacts-PhoneNumber": "número de teléfono", + "PreviousContacts-WhatsappNumber": "Número de whatsapp", + "PreviousContacts-IPAddress": "dirección IP", + "PreviousContacts-ViewRecords": "Ver registros", "CallTypeButtons-Categorize": "Categorizar este contacto", "CallTypeButtons-Or": "¿O fue este contacto ...", - "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": "Datos de contacto", - "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "Información de la persona que llama", - "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": "Información del niño", + "NonDataCallTypeDialog-CloseConfirm": "¿Está seguro?", + "Cancel": "Cancelar", + "CancelButton": "Cancelar", + "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": "Contacto", + "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "Persona que llama", + "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": "Niño", "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": "Categorias", "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": "Resumen", "CancelOfflineContact": "Cancelar contacto sin conexión", @@ -98,6 +110,7 @@ "Case-ViewButton": "Vista", "CaseHeader-Opened": "Abrió", "CaseHeader-Updated": "Actualizado", + "CaseHeader-Closed": "Cerrado", "CaseHeader-NoData": "Sin datos", "Case-CaseDetailsLastUpdated": "Última actualización / cerrada", "Case-CaseDetailsFollowUpDate": "Fecha de seguimiento", @@ -114,7 +127,7 @@ "BottomBar-Cancel": "Cancelar", "BottomBar-SaveAndEnd": "Guardar y finalizar", "Case-AddNote": "Añadir la nota", - "Case-AddNoteTypehEre": "Escriba aquí para agregar una nota ...", + "Case-AddNoteTypeHere": "Escriba aquí para agregar una nota ...", "BottomBar-SaveNote": "Guardar nota", "Case-AddReferral": "Agregar referencia", "BottomBar-SaveReferral": "Guardar referencia", @@ -138,27 +151,62 @@ "BottomBar-AddThisContactToExistingCase": "Agregar este contacto a un caso existente", "Case-Counsellor": "Consejero", "Case-CaseNumber": "Caso #", - "SearchContactAndCases-Title": "Buscar contactos y casos", + "Case-ActionHeaderAdded": "Adicional:", + "Case-ActionHeaderCounselor": "Consejero:", + + "SearchContactsAndCases-Title": "Buscar contactos y casos", "SearchForm-Name": "Nombre", - - "SearchForm-Counselor": "Consejero", - "SearchForm-DateRange": "Rango de fechas", - - "SearchForm-Phone": "Teléfono", "SearchForm-Office": "Oficina", "SearchForm-Button": "Buscar", "SearchResultsIndex-Back": "Volver a los criterios de búsqueda", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Counselor": "Consejero", "SearchResultsIndex-NonDataContacts": "Contactos sin datos", - + "SearchResultsIndex-Result": "resultado", + "SearchResultsIndex-Results": "resultados", "SearchResultsIndex-ViewCases": "Ver casos", "SearchResultsIndex-ViewContacts": "Ver contactos", - "CaseList-THOpened": "Abrió", - "SearchResultsIndex-BackToResults": "Volver a los resultados de la búsqueda", + "SearchResultsIndex-Contacts": "Contactos", + "SearchResultsIndex-Cases": "Casos", + "CaseHeader-CopyChildInfo": "Copie la información del niño de este registro al nuevo contacto", + "ConfirmableDialogCancelButton": "Cancelar", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails": "Detalles generales", + "ContactDetails-Channel": "Canal", + "ContactDetails-AddedBy": "Añadido por", + "Unknown": "Desconocido", + + "ColumnHeaderAgent": "Agente", + "ColumnHeaderCalls": "Llamadas", + "ColumnHeaderTasks": "Otras tareas", + "WorkerCanvasHeader": "Perfil", + "WorkerCanvasDetailsHeader": "Detalles del agente", + "WorkerCanvasSkillsHeader": "Habilidades", + "WorkerSkillPleaseSelect": "Agregar habilidad", + "WorkerSkillsNoSkills": "No se atribuyen habilidades", + "Save": "Ahorrar", + "Reset": "Reiniciar", + + "ActiveTasksTileTitle": "Tareas activas", + "WaitingTasksTileTitle": "Tareas en espera", + "LongestWaitTimeTileTitle": "Espera más larga", + "AgentsByActivityTileTitle": "Agentes", + "QueueStatsHeaderQueueName": "Colas", + "QueueStatsHeaderActiveTasks": "Activo", + "QueueStatsWaitingTasks": "Esperando", + "QueueStatsHeaderLongestWait": "Más largo", + "QueueStatsHeaderAgentsActivity": "Agentes", + + "CaseList-AllCases": "Todos los casos", + "CaseList-THCase": "Caso #", + "CaseList-THChildName": "El nombre del niño", + "CaseList-THSummary": "Resumen", + "CaseList-THCounselor": "Consejero", + "CaseList-THOpened": "Abrió", + "CaseList-THUpdated": "Actualizado", + "CaseList-THFollowUp": "Seguimiento", + "CaseList-THCategory": "Categoría", "TranslateButtonAriaLabel": "Cambiar idioma", From 85d484a2b5f097b4f0948e5f7cba9c2c812bc673 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dee Luo <> Date: Fri, 28 May 2021 13:47:37 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 05/14] Update flexUI.private.json --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index 29dd6bc6..d3d91be3 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ "WaitingTasksTileTitle": "Tareas en espera", "LongestWaitTimeTileTitle": "Espera más larga", "AgentsByActivityTileTitle": "Agentes", - "QueueStatsHeaderQueueName": "Colas", - "QueueStatsHeaderActiveTasks": "Activo", - "QueueStatsWaitingTasks": "Esperando", - "QueueStatsHeaderLongestWait": "Más largo", - "QueueStatsHeaderAgentsActivity": "Agentes", + "QueuesStatsHeaderQueueName": "Colas", + "QueuesStatsHeaderActiveTasks": "Activo", + "QueuesStatsWaitingTasks": "Esperando", + "QueuesStatsHeaderLongestWait": "Más largo", + "QueuesStatsHeaderAgentsActivity": "Agentes", "CaseList-AllCases": "Todos los casos", "CaseList-THCase": "Caso #", From 283a7da54bf87f8af607b22f53783b7e60822b7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ray Crist Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:04:01 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 06/14] Add/fix localization (ES) strings --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index d3d91be3..b16f0375 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "PreviousContacts-IPAddress": "dirección IP", "PreviousContacts-ViewRecords": "Ver registros", "CallTypeButtons-Categorize": "Categorizar este contacto", - "CallTypeButtons-Or": "¿O fue este contacto ...", + "CallTypeButtons-Or": "¿O fue este contacto ...?", "NonDataCallTypeDialog-CloseConfirm": "¿Está seguro?", "Cancel": "Cancelar", "CancelButton": "Cancelar", @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ "CaseHeader-Updated": "Actualizado", "CaseHeader-Closed": "Cerrado", "CaseHeader-NoData": "Sin datos", + "Case-CaseDetailsDateOpened": "Abrió", "Case-CaseDetailsLastUpdated": "Última actualización / cerrada", "Case-CaseDetailsFollowUpDate": "Fecha de seguimiento", "Case-CaseDetailsStatusLabel": "Estado", @@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ "BottomBar-Close": "Cerca", "Case-Contact": "Contacto", "BottomBar-CancelNewCaseAndClose": "Sí, cancelar nuevo caso y cerrar", + "BottomBar-Update": "Actualizar", "BottomBar-AddThisContactToExistingCase": "Agregar este contacto a un caso existente", "Case-Counsellor": "Consejero", "Case-CaseNumber": "Caso #", @@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ "SearchResultsIndex-Results": "resultados", "SearchResultsIndex-ViewCases": "Ver casos", "SearchResultsIndex-ViewContacts": "Ver contactos", + "SearchResultsIndex-ClosedCases": "Casos cerrados", "SearchResultsIndex-BackToResults": "Volver a los resultados de la búsqueda", "SearchResultsIndex-Contacts": "Contactos", "SearchResultsIndex-Cases": "Casos", @@ -176,6 +179,7 @@ "ContactDetails-Channel": "Canal", "ContactDetails-AddedBy": "Añadido por", "Unknown": "Desconocido", + "CallTypeAndCounselor-Label": "Consejero:", "ColumnHeaderAgent": "Agente", "ColumnHeaderCalls": "Llamadas", @@ -194,13 +198,13 @@ "AgentsByActivityTileTitle": "Agentes", "QueuesStatsHeaderQueueName": "Colas", "QueuesStatsHeaderActiveTasks": "Activo", - "QueuesStatsWaitingTasks": "Esperando", + "QueuesStatsHeaderWaitingTasks": "Esperando", "QueuesStatsHeaderLongestWait": "Más largo", "QueuesStatsHeaderAgentsActivity": "Agentes", "CaseList-AllCases": "Todos los casos", "CaseList-THCase": "Caso #", - "CaseList-THChildName": "El nombre del niño", + "CaseList-THChildName": "Nombre del niño", "CaseList-THSummary": "Resumen", "CaseList-THCounselor": "Consejero", "CaseList-THOpened": "Abrió", @@ -217,5 +221,36 @@ "CallType-joke": "Broma", "CallType-hangup": "Cuelga", "CallType-wrongnumber": "Número Equivocado", - "CallType-abusive": "Abusivo" + "CallType-abusive": "Abusivo", + + + "SideNavAgentDashboard": "Escritorio de agentes", + "SideNavTeamsView": "Equipos", + "SideNavQueuesStatsView": "Queues Stats", + "SideNavInsightsDashboardsView": "Estadísticas de colas", + "SideNavCaseList": "Lista de casos", + "StandaloneSearch-SideNav": "Buscar", + + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-PhoneNumber": "Número de teléfono", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ConversationDuration": "Duración de la conversación", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Counselor": "Consejero", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-DateTime": "Fecha y hora", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-KeepConfidential": "¿Mantener la confidencialidad?", + "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-OKToCall": "¿Puede el trabajador social llamar / SMS?", + + "SectionName-CallerInformation": "Información de la llamada", + "SectionName-ChildInformation": "Información del niño", + "SectionName-HouseholdMember": "Miembro del hogar", + "SectionName-Incident": "Incidente", + "SectionName-Referral": "Remisión", + "SectionName-Notes": "Notas", + "SectionName-Perpetrator": "Perpetrador", + "SectionEntry-No": "No", + "SectionEntry-Yes": "Sí", + + "Case-CaseStatus": "Estado del caso", + "Case-CaseManager": "Administrador de casos", + "First Name": "Primer nombre", + "Category": "Categoría", + "NoCaseSummary": "Sin resumen" } From 26253cdbcf71c0373652db6ee23b193bfcec6d94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ray Crist Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 16:02:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 07/14] Fix 1 translation --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index b16f0375..b6bd5133 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ "Case-AddPerpetratorSection": "Perpetradores", "Case-AddIncidentSection": "Incidentes", "Case-CaseSummarySection": "Resumen del caso", - "Case-ViewButton": "Vista", + "Case-ViewButton": "Ver", "CaseHeader-Opened": "Abrió", "CaseHeader-Updated": "Actualizado", "CaseHeader-Closed": "Cerrado", From 779d53ffb2594a25b55aa6aed6e18a376bf57603 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dee Luo <> Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 15:26:23 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 08/14] Update flexUI.private.json added form fields --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index b6bd5133..dcd93d69 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ "SideNavAgentDashboard": "Escritorio de agentes", "SideNavTeamsView": "Equipos", - "SideNavQueuesStatsView": "Queues Stats", - "SideNavInsightsDashboardsView": "Estadísticas de colas", + "SideNavQueuesStatsView": "Estadísticas de colas", + "SideNavInsightsDashboardsView": "Paneles de informes", "SideNavCaseList": "Lista de casos", "StandaloneSearch-SideNav": "Buscar", @@ -250,7 +250,55 @@ "Case-CaseStatus": "Estado del caso", "Case-CaseManager": "Administrador de casos", - "First Name": "Primer nombre", "Category": "Categoría", - "NoCaseSummary": "Sin resumen" + "NoCaseSummary": "Sin resumen", + "First Name": "Primer nombre", + "Last Name": "Apellido", + "Relationship to Child": "Relación con el niño", + "Address": "Dirección", + "Province": "Provincia", + "Municipality": "Municipio", + "District": "Distrito", + "Contact Number": "Número de contacto", + "Gender": "Género", + "Age": "Edad", + "Language": "Idioma", + "Race": "Raza", + "School Name": "Nombre de la escuela", + "School Address": "Dirección de la escuela", + "Educator": "Educador", + "Grade Level": "Nivel de grado", + "Living Situation": "Situación de vida", + "Child HIV Positive?": "¿Niño VIH positivo?", + "Child in conflict with the law": "Niño en conflicto con la ley", + "Child living in conflict zone": "Niño viviendo en zona de conflicto", + "Child living in poverty": "Niño viviendo en la pobreza", + "Child member of an ethnic, racial or religious minorit": "Niño miembro de una minoría étnica, racial o religiosa", + "Child on the move or in migration": "Niño en movimiento o en migración", + "Child with disability": "Niño con discapacidad", + "LGBTQI+ / SOGIESC child": "Niño LGBTQI+ / SOGIESC", + "Region": "Región", + "Call Summary": "Resumen de contacto", + "Repeat caller?": "¿Llamador repetida?", + "Action Taken": "Acción tomada", + "How did you know about our line/number?": "¿Cómo supo de nuestra línea / número?", + "Keep confidential?": "¿Mantener la confidencialidad?", + "May social worker call/SMS?": "¿Puede el trabajador social llamar / SMS?", + "Did you discuss rights with the child?": "¿Discutiste los derechos con el niño?", + "Did the child feel we solved their problem?": "¿Sintió el niño que resolvimos su problema?", + "Would the child recommend us to a friend?": "¿Nos recomendaría el niño a un amigo?", + "Date": "Fecha", + "Duration": "Duración", + "Location": "Lugar", + "Is caregiver aware?": "¿Es consciente el cuidador?", + "Reaction of caregiver": "Reacción del cuidador", + "Was the incident witnessed by anyone?": "¿Alguien fue testigo del incidente?", + "Has the incident been reported elsewhere?": "¿Se ha informado del incidente en otro lugar?", + "Where else the incident has been reported?": "¿Dónde más se ha informado del incidente?", + "Referred To": "Referido a", + "Case Allocated To": "Caso asignado a", + "Notes": "Notas", + "Is the perpetrator still in contact with the child?": "¿El perpetrador todavía está en contacto con el niño?", + "Note": "Nota", + } From 044254d093a114ecb2434abd9ee112985a5d43f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dee Luo <> Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 15:30:22 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 09/14] Update flexUI.private.json fix --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index dcd93d69..13252ccd 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -299,6 +299,5 @@ "Case Allocated To": "Caso asignado a", "Notes": "Notas", "Is the perpetrator still in contact with the child?": "¿El perpetrador todavía está en contacto con el niño?", - "Note": "Nota", - + "Note": "Nota" } From dc3b99e06c28d841cc6e51cff05e4e3699adf54b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gpaoloni Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 10:14:39 -0300 Subject: [PATCH 10/14] Removed garbled translation --- .../translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json | 758 ------------------ 1 file changed, 758 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json diff --git a/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5e0504b1..00000000 --- a/assets/translations/garbled/flexUI.private.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ -{ - "AcceptTaskTooltip": ">>> Accept", - "ActiveTasksTileTitle": ">>> Active tasks", - "AddButtons-Header": ">>> Add...", - "AddingAssessmentFailed": ">>> Unable to add assessment. Please try again later.", - "AddingCommentFailed": ">>> Unable to add comment. Please try again later.", - "AgentPanelTitle": ">>> Agent", - "AgentStatusAvailable": ">>> Available", - "AgentStatusBusy": ">>> Busy", - "AgentStatusOffline": ">>> Offline", - "AgentStatusUnavailable": ">>> Unavailable", - "AgentsByActivityTileTitle": ">>> Agents", - "Anonymous": ">>> Anonymous", - "AnonymousParticipant": ">>> Anonymous", - "AssessPanelTitle": ">>> Assessment", - "AssignmentSuccessDetails": ">>> View more details.", - "AssignmentSuccessUndo": ">>> Undo", - "AssignmentUndoCancel": ">>> Cancel", - "AssignmentUndoDescription": ">>> {{count}} agent(s) will be removed from {{queueName}}. They will remain in their other queues.", - "AssignmentUndoSubmit": ">>> Submit", - "AssignmentUndoTitle": ">>> Are you sure you want to undo this action", - "AssignmentsEmptyTitle": ">>> There are no actions to show", - "AssignmentsEmptytDescription": ">>> When you assign agents to this queue, the changes will be shown here", - "AttachFileImageTooltip": ">>> Attach file or image", - "AttachFileInvalidSize": ">>> {{fileName}} is too large to attach. Maximum file size is {{maxFileSize}}.", - "AttachFileInvalidType": ">>> {{fileName}} cannot be attached because the file type is unsupported. Please try a different file.", - "AudioPlayerDeniedError": ">>> Cannot play sound, because permissions for playback of media were not given or denied. To find out more about how to fix this error, go to FlexDocs.", - "AudioPlayerGenericError": ">>> Error playing media.", - "AudioPlayerInvalidMediaError": ">>> Cannot play sound, because provided media is invalid.", - "BottomBar-AddThisContactToExistingCase": ">>> Add this Contact to Existing Case", - "BottomBar-AddToExistingCase": ">>> Add to Existing Case", - "BottomBar-Cancel": ">>> Cancel", - "BottomBar-CancelNewCaseAndClose": ">>> Yes, Cancel New Case and Close", - "BottomBar-Close": ">>> Close", - "BottomBar-Next": ">>> Next", - "BottomBar-OpenNewCase": ">>> Open New Case", - "BottomBar-SaveAndAddAnotherHousehold": ">>> Save and Add Another Member", - "BottomBar-SaveAndAddAnotherPerpetrator": ">>> Save and Add Another Perpetrator", - "BottomBar-SaveAndAddToCase": ">>> Save and Add to Case...", - "BottomBar-SaveAndEnd": ">>> Save and End", - "BottomBar-SaveContact": ">>> Save Contact", - "BottomBar-SaveHousehold": ">>> Save Member", - "BottomBar-SaveIncident": ">>> Save Incident", - "BottomBar-SaveNote": ">>> Save Note", - "BottomBar-SavePerpetrator": ">>> Save Perpetrator", - "BottomBar-SaveReferral": ">>> Save Referral", - "BottomBar-Update": ">>> Update", - "BrowserVoiceDisabledNotification": ">>> Call cannot be accepted. Twilio Voice SDK has been disabled.", - "CallCanvasUnholdWorker": ">>> Unhold", - "CallCanvasWorkerOnHold": ">>> You are on hold", - "CallParticipantCustomerName": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "CallParticipantStatusConnecting": ">>> Calling...", - "CallParticipantStatusKickConfirmation": ">>> Remove from call?", - "CallParticipantStatusLeft": ">>> Caller left", - "CallParticipantStatusLive": ">>> Live", - "CallParticipantStatusOnHold": ">>> On Hold", - "CallParticipantStatusTransferFailed": ">>> No Answer", - "CallSummary-MoreNotes": ">>> more notes", - "CallSummary-None": ">>> - No call summary -", - "CallSummary-ViewFull": ">>> See full record", - "CallType-CloseContact": ">>> Close Contact", - "CallType-abusive": ">>> Abusive", - "CallType-blank": ">>> Blank", - "CallType-caller": ">>> Someone calling about a child", - "CallType-child": ">>> Child calling about self", - "CallType-hangup": ">>> Hang up", - "CallType-joke": ">>> Joke", - "CallType-silent": ">>> Silent", - "CallType-wrongnumber": ">>> Wrong Number", - "CallTypeAndCounselor-Label": ">>> Counsellor: ", - "CallTypeButtons-Categorize": ">>> categorize this contact", - "CallTypeButtons-Or": ">>> Or was this contact…", - "CallerForm-Age": ">>> Age", - "CallerForm-City": ">>> City", - "CallerForm-Ethnicity": ">>> Ethnicity", - "CallerForm-FirstName": ">>> First name", - "CallerForm-Gender": ">>> Gender", - "CallerForm-Language": ">>> Language", - "CallerForm-LastName": ">>> Last name", - "CallerForm-Nationality": ">>> Nationality", - "CallerForm-Phone#1": ">>> Phone #1", - "CallerForm-Phone#2": ">>> Phone #2", - "CallerForm-PostalCode": ">>> Postal code", - "CallerForm-RelationshipToChild": ">>> Relationship to Child", - "CallerForm-State/County": ">>> State/County", - "CallerForm-StreetAddress": ">>> Street address", - "CallerSection-Address": ">>> Address", - "CallerSection-AgeRange": ">>> Age Range", - "CallerSection-Ethnicity": ">>> Ethnicity", - "CallerSection-Gender": ">>> Gender", - "CallerSection-Language": ">>> Language", - "CallerSection-Name": ">>> Name", - "CallerSection-Nationality": ">>> Nationality", - "CallerSection-Phone#1": ">>> Phone #1", - "CallerSection-Phone#2": ">>> Phone #2", - "CallerSection-RelationshipToChild": ">>> Relationship to Child", - "Cancel": ">>> Cancel", - "CancelButton": ">>> Cancel", - "CancelOfflineContact": ">>> Cancel Offline Contact", - "CancelTransferTooltip": ">>> Cancel Consult", - "CannedResponses": ">>> Canned Responses", - "CannotChangeOtherWorkerActivity": ">>> You cannot change an agent’s activity while they have a pending task/reservation.", - "Case-ActionHeaderAdded": ">>> Added:", - "Case-ActionHeaderCounselor": ">>> Counsellor:", - "Case-AddCaseSummaryHere": ">>> Add case summary here...", - "Case-AddHousehold": ">>> Add Household Member", - "Case-AddHouseholdSection": ">>> Household Information", - "Case-AddIncident": ">>> Add Incident", - "Case-AddIncidentSection": ">>> Incidents", - "Case-AddNote": ">>> Add Note", - "Case-AddNoteTypeHere": ">>> Type here to add note...", - "Case-AddPerpetrator": ">>> Add Perpetrator", - "Case-AddPerpetratorSection": ">>> Perpetrators", - "Case-AddReferral": ">>> Add Referral", - "Case-CaseDetails": ">>> Case Details", - "Case-CaseDetailsChildName": ">>> Child Name", - "Case-CaseDetailsDateOpened": ">>> Opened", - "Case-CaseDetailsFollowUpDate": ">>> Follow Up Date", - "Case-CaseDetailsLastUpdated": ">>> Last Updated / Closed", - "Case-CaseDetailsOwner": ">>> Counsellor", - "Case-CaseDetailsStatusLabel": ">>> Status", - "Case-CaseDetailsStatusOpen": ">>> Open", - "Case-CaseManager": ">>> Case Manager", - "Case-CaseNumber": ">>> Case #", - "Case-CaseStatus": ">>> Case Status", - "Case-CaseSummarySection": ">>> Case Summary", - "Case-ChildIsAtRisk": ">>> Child is at risk", - "Case-CloseButton": ">>> Close", - "Case-Contact": ">>> Contact", - "Case-Counsellor": ">>> Counsellor", - "Case-Household": ">>> Household Member", - "Case-Incident": ">>> Incident", - "Case-NoHouseholds": ">>> No Household Members Listed", - "Case-NoIncidents": ">>> No Incidents Listed", - "Case-NoPerpetrators": ">>> No Perpetrators Listed", - "Case-Note": ">>> Note", - "Case-Notes": ">>> Notes", - "Case-Perpetrator": ">>> Perpetrator", - "Case-PerpetratorAge": ">>> Age: ", - "Case-PerpetratorGender": ">>> Gender: ", - "Case-PerpetratorName": ">>> Perpetrator Name: ", - "Case-PerpetratorRelationship": ">>> Relationship to child: ", - "Case-Referral": ">>> Referral", - "Case-ReferralComments": ">>> Comments", - "Case-ReferralDate": ">>> Date", - "Case-ReferralReferredTo": ">>> Referred To...", - "Case-TimelineSection": ">>> Timeline", - "Case-ViewButton": ">>> View", - "Case-ViewHousehold": ">>> View Household Member", - "Case-ViewHouseholdTitle": ">>> Household Member", - "Case-ViewIncident": ">>> View Incident", - "Case-ViewIncidentTitle": ">>> Incident", - "Case-ViewPerpetrator": ">>> View Perpetrator", - "Case-ViewPerpetratorTitle": ">>> Perpetrator", - "CaseHeader-Closed": ">>> Closed", - "CaseHeader-CopyChildInfo": ">>> Copy Child Information into Current Contact", - "CaseHeader-MergeContactIntoCase": ">>> Merge Current Contact into Case and Copy Child Information", - "CaseHeader-NoData": ">>> No Data", - "CaseHeader-Opened": ">>> Opened", - "CaseHeader-Updated": ">>> Updated", - "CaseHeader-ViewCase": ">>> View Case", - "CaseHeader-Voided": ">>> VOIDED", - "CaseList-AllCases": ">>> All Cases", - "CaseList-ExpandButton": ">>> Open case details", - "CaseList-NextPage": ">>> Next page", - "CaseList-PrevPage": ">>> Previous page", - "CaseList-SomethingWentWrong": ">>> Something went wrong while loading cases list. Please retry in a moment.", - "CaseList-THCase": ">>> Case #", - "CaseList-THCategory": ">>> Category", - "CaseList-THChildName": ">>> Child's Name", - "CaseList-THCounselor": ">>> Counsellor", - "CaseList-THFollowUp": ">>> Follow Up", - "CaseList-THOpened": ">>> Opened", - "CaseList-THSummary": ">>> Summary", - "CaseList-THUpdated": ">>> Updated", - "CaseSummary-NoSummaryProvided": ">>> No Summary provided", - "CaseSummary-ReadLess": ">>> see less", - "CaseSummary-ReadMore": ">>> see more", - "Categories-Title": ">>> Categorize this contact", - "Category": ">>> Category", - "ChatInputDisabledText": ">>> Conversation ended", - "ChatInputUserNotMemberDisabledText": ">>> You are not a chat participant", - "ChatOrchestrationAddToChatChannelFailed": ">>> Failed to add worker to the chat channel.", - "ChatOrchestrationDeactivateChatChannelFailed": ">>> Failed to deactivate the chat channel.", - "ChatOrchestrationLeaveChatChannelFailed": ">>> Failed to remove worker from the chat channel.", - "ChatWelcomeText": ">>> Conversation started", - "CloseButton": ">>> Close", - "ColdTransferTooltip": ">>> Transfer", - "ColumnHeaderAgent": ">>> AGENT", - "ColumnHeaderCalls": ">>> CALLS", - "ColumnHeaderTasks": ">>> OTHER TASKS", - "CommentDurationAndAuthor": ">>> {{duration}} - by {{author}}", - "ConfirmableDialogCancelButton": ">>> Cancel", - "ConfirmableDialogConfirmButton": ">>> Confirm", - "ConnectDialog-Caller": ">>> Copy caller information from this record to new contact?", - "ConnectDialog-Child": ">>> Copy child information from this record to new contact?", - "Connecting": ">>> Connecting …", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails": ">>> General Details", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-AddedBy": ">>> Added By", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Channel": ">>> Channel", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ChildHearAboutUs": ">>> How did the child hear about us?", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ContactSummary": ">>> Contact Summary", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ConversationDuration": ">>> Conversation Duration", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-Counselor": ">>> Counsellor", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-DateTime": ">>> Date/Time", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-DiscussRights": ">>> Did you discuss rights with the child?", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-KeepConfidential": ">>> Keep Confidential?", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-OKToCall": ">>> May social worker call/SMS?", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-PhoneNumber": ">>> Phone Number", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-ReferredTo": ">>> Referred To", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-RepeatCaller": ">>> Repeat Caller?", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-SolvedProblem": ">>> Did the child feel we solved their problem?", - "ContactDetails-GeneralDetails-WouldRecommend": ">>> Would the child recommend us to a friend?", - "ContactPreview-CopyButton": ">>> Copy informaton", - "ContactPreview-ExpandButton": ">>> Open case details", - "ContactPreview-MoreOptionsButton": ">>> More options", - "ConversationCommentFormCategory": ">>> Category", - "ConversationCommentFormCommentLabel": ">>> Comment", - "ConversationCommentInputPlaceholder": ">>> Write your comment here", - "ConversationCommentSaveButton": ">>> Save", - "ConversationInfoAssessButton": ">>> Assess", - "ConversationInfoCommentButton": ">>> Comment", - "ConversationViewAgentInTeam": ">>> {{agent}} in {{team}}", - "ConversationViewCallerInfo": ">>> {{caller}} via {{queue}}", - "DateCantBeGreaterThanToday": ">>> Date can't be greater than today.", - "DialpadAsteriskCaption": ">>> *", - "DialpadAsteriskDescription": ">>> ", - "DialpadHashCaption": ">>> #", - "DialpadHashDescription": ">>> ", - "DialpadNum0Caption": ">>> 0", - "DialpadNum0Description": ">>> +", - "DialpadNum1Caption": ">>> 1", - "DialpadNum1Description": ">>> —", - "DialpadNum2Caption": ">>> 2", - "DialpadNum2Description": ">>> ABC", - "DialpadNum3Caption": ">>> 3", - "DialpadNum3Description": ">>> DEF", - "DialpadNum4Caption": ">>> 4", - "DialpadNum4Description": ">>> GHI", - "DialpadNum5Caption": ">>> 5", - "DialpadNum5Description": ">>> JKL", - "DialpadNum6Caption": ">>> 6", - "DialpadNum6Description": ">>> MNO", - "DialpadNum7Caption": ">>> 7", - "DialpadNum7Description": ">>> PQRS", - "DialpadNum8Caption": ">>> 8", - "DialpadNum8Description": ">>> TUV", - "DialpadNum9Caption": ">>> 9", - "DialpadNum9Description": ">>> WXYZ", - "Disconnected": ">>> Connection lost", - "DownloadFileInvalidSize": ">>> {{fileName}} is too large to download. Maximum file size is {{maxFileSize}}.", - "DownloadFileInvalidType": ">>> {{fileName}} cannot be downloaded because the file type is unsupported. Please try a different file.", - "DownloadFileNotParticipant": ">>> Cannot download file. You are not a chat participant.", - "EmailTranscriptPanelTitle": ">>> Email Transcript", - "EmptyCommentListSubtitle": ">>> Give feedback to agents by commenting the conversation", - "EmptyCommentListTitle": ">>> No comments yet", - "EmptyFindingsList": ">>> No Findings to display", - "Error-Backend": ">>> Error from backend system.", - "Error-CategoryRequired": ">>> Required 1 category minimum, 3 categories maximum", - "Error-ContinueWithoutRecording": ">>> Error from backend system.  Are you sure you want to end the task without recording?", - "Error-Form": ">>> There is a problem with your submission.  Please check the form for errors.", - "ErrorPageDownloadReportButton": ">>> DOWNLOAD REPORT", - "ErrorPageRetryButton": ">>> RETRY", - "FieldValidationInvalidEmail": ">>> Please provide a valid email address", - "FieldValidationRequiredField": ">>> Field required", - "FileAttachmentDropAreaSubtitle": ">>> Drop file here", - "FileAttachmentDropAreaTitle": ">>> Attach a file or an image", - "FilterDrawerApply": ">>> Apply", - "FilterDrawerAvailability": ">>> Availability", - "FilterDrawerReset": ">>> Reset", - "FilterDrawerSkillsSubtitle": ">>> Skills attributed", - "FilterDrawerSkillsSummaryTitle": ">>> Skills attributed", - "FilterDrawerStatus": ">>> Status", - "FilterDrawerTitle": ">>> Filter agents", - "FilterItemAmountSelected": ">>> {{amount}} selected", - "FilterItemAny": ">>> Any", - "FilterItemOnly": ">>> {{item.label}} only", - "FilterSectionButton": ">>> Filter", - "FilterSectionManage": ">>> Manage Agents", - "FilterSectionRefine": ">>> Showing 50 out of {{count}} results, continue typing to refine your search", - "FindingsPanelTitle": ">>> Findings", - "FlexInsightsLoginFailedNotificationAction": ">>> Reload", - "FlexInsightsLoginFailedNotificationTitle": ">>> Flex Insights has been unable to load, please reload Flex to gain access", - "GlobalSLConfirmDialogAllConversations": ">>> Service Level Threshold and Short Abandon changes will take effect now.", - "GlobalSLConfirmDialogAllQueues": ">>> These settings will apply to all queues and channels without custom service levels set up.", - "GlobalSLConfirmDialogError": ">>> We're sorry, the save was unsuccessful. Please try again, or contact your support team if you continue to see this message.", - "GlobalSLConfirmDialogResetTimeInfo": ">>> Real-time Metrics will be reset today at {{time}}.", - "GlobalSLConfirmDialogTitle": ">>> Are you sure you want to change the global service level?", - "GlobalSLConfirmDialogWarning": ">>> Making these changes during a shift might lead to inconsistent reporting.", - "GlobalSLSuccessNotification": ">>> Successfully updated the global service level.", - "HangupCallTooltip": ">>> Hang up", - "HoldAgentTooltip": ">>> Hold {{worker.fullName}}", - "HoldCustomerTooltip": ">>> Hold Customer", - "IncomingCallBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From: {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingCallBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming call", - "IncomingCallNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming call from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingCallTransferBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Transfer request", - "IncomingCallTransferNotificationTitle": ">>> Transfer request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingCallTransferQueueBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} ({{}})", - "IncomingCallTransferWorkerBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)", - "IncomingChatBrowserNotificationBody": ">>> From: {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingChatBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming chat request", - "IncomingChatNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming chat request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingEmailBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Email request", - "IncomingEmailNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Email request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingLineBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Line request", - "IncomingLineNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Line request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingMessengerBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Messenger request", - "IncomingMessengerNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming Messenger request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingNotificationAccept": ">>> accept", - "IncomingNotificationReject": ">>> reject", - "IncomingSmsBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming SMS request", - "IncomingSmsNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming SMS request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingUnregisteredTaskNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming task from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "IncomingWhatsAppBrowserNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming WhatsApp request", - "IncomingWhatsAppNotificationTitle": ">>> Incoming WhatsApp request from {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "InputDeviceErrorNotification": ">>> Unable to find or initialize audio input device", - "InputPlaceHolder": ">>> Type message", - "InsightsPlayerLoadingSegmentFailed": ">>> Failed to fetch conversation data", - "InsightsPlayerPlaybackFailed": ">>> Playback of the recording has failed", - "InsightsPlayerPlaybackUnavailable": ">>> Playback of this file is unavailable", - "InsightsPlayerPlaybackUnavailableSubtitle": ">>> You can still perform assessments and other tasks", - "KickAgentTooltip": ">>> Hang up {{worker.fullName}}", - "LeaveCallTooltip": ">>> Leave", - "LegacyFiltersEmptySelectLabel": ">>> None", - "LegacyFiltersTitle": ">>> Custom Filters", - "LiveCommsBarHold": ">>> HOLD", - "LiveCommsBarReturnToCall": ">>> RETURN", - "LiveCommsBarStopListening": ">>> STOP LISTENING", - "LiveCommsBarUnHold": ">>> UNHOLD", - "LiveCommsIncomingDirectCallTransfer": ">>> Request from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)", - "LiveCommsIncomingQueueCallTransfer": ">>> Request from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} ({{}})", - "LiveCommsMonitoringMessage": ">>> You are listening to a call with {{task.defaultFrom}} and {{worker.fullName}}", - "LiveCommsMonitoringMessageMoreWorkers": ">>> You are listening to a call with {{task.defaultFrom}} and {{workers.length}} workers", - "LiveCommsMonitoringMessageNoWorkers": ">>> You are listening to a call with {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "LiveCommsOngoingCallMessage": ">>> You are on a call with {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "LoadingChatCanvas": ">>> Loading ...", - "LogClearMultipleErrors": ">>> Clear issues", - "LogClearSingleError": ">>> Clear issue", - "LogDownloadReport": ">>> Download report", - "LogHideMultipleErrorText": ">>> Hide issues", - "LogHideSingleErrorText": ">>> Hide issue", - "LogIn": ">>> Log in", - "LogInHere": ">>> Log In Here", - "LogMultipleErrorsCopyToClipboardText": ">>> Copy all to clipboard", - "LogMultipleErrorsDescriptionText": ">>> These issues could affect your workflow. Please contact your support team.", - "LogMultipleErrorsTitleText": ">>> Issues detected", - "LogNoErrorsDescriptionText": ">>> If you experience an issue, please download the report and send it to your support team.", - "LogNoErrorsTitleText": ">>> No issues detected", - "LogOut": ">>> Log out", - "LogSingleErrorCopyToClipboardText": ">>> Copy to clipboard", - "LogSingleErrorDescriptionText": ">>> This issue could affect your workflow. Please contact your support team.", - "LogSingleErrorTitleText": ">>> Issue detected", - "LogStatusReport": ">>> Status report", - "LogToFileStartLoggingLabel": ">>> Refresh and start", - "LogToFileStartLoggingText": ">>>

Capture logs

  • When you enable logging, your browser will be refreshed and logs capturing will start.
  • \n       
  • Once you are ready to finish - stop logging. All captured logs will be saved to a text file.
  • \n   
", - "LogToFileStopLoggingLabel": ">>> Finish and download", - "LogToFileStopLoggingText": ">>>

Logging is active


\n    If you've repeated your actions and reproduced the issue, stop logging to download the file with captured logs.\n   

", - "LogViewMultipleErrorsText": ">>> View issues", - "LogViewSingleErrorText": ">>> View issue", - "LoginAgain": ">>> Log in again", - "LoginContinue": ">>> Continue anyway", - "LoginErrorDomain": ">>> Oops! Your runtime domain is incorrect.", - "LoginErrorDomainDetails": ">>> Find your runtime domain here", - "LoginErrorGeneric": ">>> Oops! Well, that didn't work :( Please double check your configuration.", - "LoginErrorInvalidCertificate": ">>> Invalid SSO Settings", - "LoginErrorInvalidCertificateDetails": ">>> This may be caused by malformed urls or missing/invalid certificates.

Please reconfigure the SSO settings and retry.", - "LoginErrorPopupBlocked": ">>> Sorry, pop-ups are blocked.", - "LoginErrorPopupBlockedDetails": ">>> Find out how to enable pop-ups in your browser", - "LoginErrorSso": ">>> Hmm, Single Sign-On has not been configured.", - "LoginErrorSsoDetails": ">>> Find out how to configure Single Sign-On here", - "LoginErrorUntrustedDomain": ">>> Trusted Login has not been enabled for this domain.", - "LoginErrorUntrustedDomainDetails": ">>> Find out how to configure Single Sign-On here", - "LoginIsAdmin": ">>> Flex Admin?", - "LoginLaunch": ">>> Launch", - "LoginLoading": ">>> Loading ...", - "LoginLogin": ">>> LOGIN", - "LoginPassword": ">>> Password", - "LoginTitle": ">>> Twilio Flex", - "LoginUsername": ">>> User Name", - "LoginWelcome": ">>> Hi there, welcome to Flex!", - "LoginWithTwilio": ">>> Log in with Twilio.", - "LongestWaitTimeTileTitle": ">>> Longest wait", - "ManageAgentsToQueueBreadCrumb": ">>> Manage Agents", - "ManualPullButtonText": ">>> Another Task", - "MediaMessageClickToOpen": ">>> Open file", - "MediaMessageError": ">>> Media messages are not supported", - "MediaMessageTransferFailed": ">>> Sending failed", - "MessageCanvasTrayButton": ">>> START NEW CHAT", - "MessageCanvasTrayContent": ">>> \n       

This chat is no longer active.

", - "MessageCharacterCountReached": ">>> Character count reached - {{currentCharCount}} / {{maxCharCount}}", - "MessageCharacterCountStatus": ">>> {{currentCharCount}} / {{maxCharCount}}", - "MessageSendingDisabled": ">>> Message sending has been disabled", - "MessageSizeExceeded": ">>> The entered character number exceeds the limit - {{currentCharCount}}/{{maxCharCount}}", - "MicNotAvailableNotification": ">>> Unable to access microphone, please check browser settings.", - "MonitorCallTooltip": ">>> Monitor Call", - "MonitoringFailedNotification": ">>> Monitoring attempt has failed", - "MuteCallTooltip": ">>> Mute", - "NewChatMessageNotificationBody": ">>> {{#if lastMessage.body}} {{lastMessage.body}} {{else}} file sent {{/if}}", - "NewChatMessageNotificationTitle": ">>> New message from {{lastMessage.authorName}}", - "NoCRMConfigured": ">>> No CRM configured", - "NoCRMConfiguredAction": ">>> HOW TO CONFIGURE", - "NoCRMHint": ">>> Our docs can help you get started.", - "NoCRMTitle": ">>> CRM config", - "NoCaseSummary": ">>> No case summary", - "NoOutboundCallingWhenOffline": ">>> To make a call, please change your status from '{{offlineName}}'", - "NoTaskAssignableNotification": ">>> No task assignable to you at the moment.", - "NoTasks": ">>> No active tasks", - "NoTasksHintAvailable": ">>> You are ready to start receiving tasks.", - "NoTasksHintNotAvailable": ">>> Change activity state to start receiving tasks.", - "NoTasksTitle": ">>> Status", - "NonDataCallTypeDialog-CloseConfirm": ">>> Are you sure?", - "NotImplemented": ">>> Not implemented yet!", - "NotificationMessage": ">>> Unable to perform action: {{message}}", - "OfflineContactButtonText": ">>> Offline Contact Record", - "OfflineContactFirstLine": ">>> Offline Contact", - "OfflineContactSecondLine": ">>> in progress", - "OfflineContacts-Header": ">>> Offline Contacts", - "OpenInNewWindow": ">>> Open in a new window", - "OutboundCallFailedNotificationAction": ">>> redial", - "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitle": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please try again or contact support. [{{reasonCode}}]", - "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleBusy": ">>> This number is currently busy. Please try again.", - "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleDisabledCountry": ">>> Calls to this country are not enabled. To enable calls and change geo permissions, contact your administrator.", - "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleInvalidNumber": ">>> Dialed number is invalid. Please check the number and try again.", - "OutboundCallFailedNotificationTitleNoAnswer": ">>> No answer from this number. Please try again.", - "OutboundDialerPanelPhoneInputCaption": ">>> Enter a number", - "OutboundDialerPanelQueueSelectCaption": ">>> Assign a queue", - "OutboundDialerPanelTitle": ">>> Call", - "OutboundErrorGeneral": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please try again or contact support.", - "OutboundErrorMissingDestination": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please check the number and try again.", - "OutboundErrorMissingQueue": ">>> Unable to connect your call. Please select a queue and try again.", - "OutboundErrorNotInQueue": ">>> Cannot make call on behalf of queue ‘{{queue}}‘, because you are not assigned to this queue.", - "PaginationNext": ">>> Next", - "PaginationPrev": ">>> Prev", - "PendingReservationsOnActivityStateChangeNotification": ">>> You cannot update your activity while you have a pending task/reservation", - "PendingReservationsOnLogoutNotification": ">>> You cannot logout while you have a pending task/reservation", - "PlayerOptionCopyLink": ">>> Copy Link", - "PlayerOptionCurrentPosition": ">>> Copy Current Position", - "PlayerOptionDownloadLink": ">>> Copy Download Link", - "PlayerOptionSpeedFast": ">>> Fast", - "PlayerOptionSpeedNormal": ">>> Normal", - "PlayerOptionSpeedSlow": ">>> Slow", - "PlayerOptionSpeedVeryFast": ">>> Very fast", - "PredefinedChatMessageAuthorName": ">>> Bot", - "PredefinedChatMessageBody": ">>> Hi there! How can we help you today?", - "PreviousContacts-Cases": ">>> cases", - "PreviousContacts-FacebookUser": ">>> Facebook user", - "PreviousContacts-From": ">>> from", - "PreviousContacts-IPAddress": ">>> IP address", - "PreviousContacts-OnlyShowRecordsFrom": ">>> Only show records from", - "PreviousContacts-PhoneNumber": ">>> phone number", - "PreviousContacts-PreviousContacts": ">>> previous contacts", - "PreviousContacts-ThereAre": ">>> There are", - "PreviousContacts-ViewRecords": ">>> View Records", - "PreviousContacts-WhatsappNumber": ">>> Whatsapp number", - "QuestionnaireAllAnswered": ">>> All Answered", - "QuestionnaireAnswerCountAllAnswered": ">>> All Answered", - "QuestionnaireAnswerCountOfTotal": ">>> {{count}} of {{total}} Answered", - "QuestionnaireAnsweredCount": ">>> {{count}} of {{total}} Answered", - "QuestionnaireSelectorLabel": ">>> Select a Questionnaire:", - "QueueAgentsInQueue": ">>> Agents in {{queueName}}", - "QueueAssign": ">>> Assign", - "QueueAssignmentCTA": ">>> try again", - "QueueAssignmentDialogCancel": ">>> Cancel", - "QueueAssignmentDialogConfirm": ">>> Confirm", - "QueueAssignmentDialogDescription": ">>> This action may affect the SLA of other queues that these agents are assigned to. You can undo this action in the History tab.", - "QueueAssignmentDialogTitle": ">>> Do you want to add the selected {{count}} agents to {{queueName}}?", - "QueueAssignmentError": ">>> Failed to assign {{count}} agents to {{queueName}}. Please ", - "QueueAssignmentUndo": ">>> Undo", - "QueueCard-LessThanMinute": ">>> less than a minute", - "QueueCard-Minutes": ">>>  minutes", - "QueueCard-Name": ">>> Queue name: ", - "QueueCard-None": ">>> none", - "QueueCard-OneMinute": ">>> 1 minute", - "QueueCard-WaitLabel": ">>> Longest wait time:", - "QueueDeselectAll": ">>> Deselect all", - "QueueEmptyDescription": ">>> When you assign agents to this queue, they will be shown here", - "QueueEmptyTitle": ">>> There are no agents in this queue", - "QueueHeaderTitle": ">>> Manage Agents", - "QueueIndex-ContactsWaiting": ">>> Contacts waiting", - "QueueSelectionBanner": ">>> Select up to 50 at a time. You have selected {{count}} {{selectedAgentText}}. To confirm click on the Add button.", - "QueueStatsBreadCrumb": ">>> Queue Stats", - "QueueStatsContactCenter": ">>> Contact Center Queue Stats", - "QueueSuccessBanner": ">>> You have successfully assigned {{assigned}} {{agentText}} to this queue. To undo this action and review previous changes, go to ", - "QueueSuccessBannerMeta": ">>> There were {{skipped}} skipped assignments and {{failed}} failures.", - "QueueUndoSuccessBanner": ">>> You have removed {{assigned}} agents from {{queueName}}. They will remain in their other queues.", - "QueuesNoDataBodyForAdmin": ">>> You have no Queues set up. Please configure your Queues.", - "QueuesNoDataBodyForSupervisor": ">>> There are no Queues set up. Please contact your Administrator.", - "QueuesNoDataHeading": ">>> Queues", - "QueuesNoDataLinkLabelForAdmin": ">>> Add Queue", - "QueuesStatsHeaderAbandoned": ">>> Abandoned", - "QueuesStatsHeaderActiveTasks": ">>> Active", - "QueuesStatsHeaderAgentsActivity": ">>> Agents", - "QueuesStatsHeaderHandled": ">>> Handled", - "QueuesStatsHeaderLongestWait": ">>> Longest", - "QueuesStatsHeaderQueueName": ">>> Queues", - "QueuesStatsHeaderSLA": ">>> SLA", - "QueuesStatsHeaderWaitingTasks": ">>> Waiting", - "QueuesStatsSubHeader30Mins": ">>> 30 min", - "QueuesStatsSubHeaderNow": ">>> Now", - "QueuesStatsSubHeaderToday": ">>> Today", - "Read": ">>> Read", - "ReconnectingConnection": ">>> Connection lost. Attempting to reconnect.", - "RejectTaskTooltip": ">>> Reject", - "RequestBrowserNotificationPermissions": ">>> We need your permission to enable browser notifications", - "RequiredFieldError": ">>> This field is required.", - "Reset": ">>> RESET", - "ResumeContactButtonText": ">>> Resume Offline Contact", - "RuntimeLoginErrorDomain": ">>> Oops! Well, that didn’t work :( Check your domain.", - "RuntimeLoginErrorSso": ">>> Oops! Well, that didn’t work :( Check your SSO setup.", - "RuntimeLoginIsAdmin": ">>> Flex Admin?", - "RuntimeLoginLabel": ">>> Runtime domain", - "RuntimeLoginLaunch": ">>> Launch", - "RuntimeLoginPlaceholder": ">>> Your Runtime Domain", - "RuntimeLoginWithTwilio": ">>> Login with Twilio.", - "SLAChannelServiceLevelsSubtitle": ">>> Set limits specific to this queue and its channels.", - "SLAChannelServiceLevelsTitle": ">>> Custom channel service level", - "SLAChannelServiceLevelsValidationMessage": ">>> Must be greater than Short abandons", - "SLADailyMetricsResetAddButton": ">>> Set custom time", - "SLADailyMetricsResetSubtitle": ">>> Time at which the daily SLA metrics are reset.", - "SLADailyMetricsResetTitle": ">>> Daily Metrics Reset{{#if timezone}} - {{timezone}}{{/if}}", - "SLAEditGlobalButton": ">>> Edit", - "SLAGlobalFormServiceLevelThresholdSubtitle": ">>> Tasks accepted within this time will meet the SLA.", - "SLAGlobalFormShortAbandonsSubtitle": ">>> The SLA will exclude tasks abandoned by the customer within this time.", - "SLAGlobalFormTimeInput": ">>> Time", - "SLAGlobalFormTimeZoneInput": ">>> Time zone", - "SLAGlobalPageSubtitle": ">>> Set the default service level for all queues and channels.", - "SLAGlobalPageTitle": ">>> Global service level", - "SLAPreferencesAddChannelConfigurationButton": ">>> Add custom levels", - "SLAPreferencesCancelButton": ">>> Cancel", - "SLAPreferencesChannelLevelsColumn": ">>> Channel service levels", - "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsError": ">>> There was a problem loading queue data.", - "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsErrorNotification": ">>> Failed to update {{queue}} service level.", - "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsSubtitle": ">>> Set custom service levels for queues and channels. Custom settings will override the global service level", - "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsSuccessNotification": ">>> Successfully updated {{queue}} service level.", - "SLAPreferencesCustomLevelsTitle": ">>> Custom service levels", - "SLAPreferencesCustomSettingsIndicator": ">>> Custom", - "SLAPreferencesDefaultSettingsIndicator": ">>> Global", - "SLAPreferencesGlobalLevelsSubtitle": ">>> This will apply to all queues and channels without custom levels.", - "SLAPreferencesGlobalLevelsTitle": ">>> Global service levels", - "SLAPreferencesHomePageSubtitle": ">>> Set up and update all service levels preferences.", - "SLAPreferencesHomePageTitle": ">>> Service levels", - "SLAPreferencesMetricsResetColumn": ">>> Daily metrics reset", - "SLAPreferencesQueueNameColumn": ">>> Queues", - "SLAPreferencesRemoveConfigurationButton": ">>> Remove", - "SLAPreferencesSaveButton": ">>> Save", - "SLAQueuePageSubtitle": ">>> Set up and manage custom service levels for this queue. These will override the global service level.", - "SLAQueuePageTitle": ">>> {{queue}} - custom service levels", - "SLAShortAbandonsTitle": ">>> Short Abandons", - "SLATitle": ">>> Service Level Threshold", - "Save": ">>> SAVE", - "SearchContactsAndCases-Title": ">>> Search for Contacts and Cases", - "SearchForm-Button": ">>> Search", - "SearchForm-Counselor": ">>> Counsellor", - "SearchForm-DateRange": ">>> Date Range", - "SearchForm-Name": ">>> Name", - "SearchForm-Office": ">>> Office", - "SearchForm-Phone": ">>> Phone", - "SearchResultsIndex-Back": ">>> Return to Search Criteria", - "SearchResultsIndex-BackToResults": ">>> Return to Search Results", - "SearchResultsIndex-Cases": ">>> Cases", - "SearchResultsIndex-ClosedCases": ">>> Closed Cases", - "SearchResultsIndex-Contacts": ">>> Contacts", - "SearchResultsIndex-NonDataContacts": ">>> Non-Data Contacts", - "SearchResultsIndex-Result": ">>> result", - "SearchResultsIndex-Results": ">>> results", - "SearchResultsIndex-ViewCases": ">>> View Cases", - "SearchResultsIndex-ViewContacts": ">>> View Contacts", - "SecondIncomingVoiceConnectionNotificationAccept": ">>> Accept", - "SecondIncomingVoiceConnectionNotificationContent": ">>> Incoming call. Do you want to accept this task and end your current voice connection?", - "SecondIncomingVoiceConnectionNotificationReject": ">>> Reject", - "SectionEntry-No": ">>> No", - "SectionEntry-Yes": ">>> Yes", - "SectionName-CallerInformation": ">>> Caller Information", - "SectionName-CaseSummary": ">>> Case Summary", - "SectionName-ChildInformation": ">>> Child Information", - "SectionName-Contact": ">>> Contact", - "SectionName-HouseholdMember": ">>> Household Member", - "SectionName-Incident": ">>> Incident", - "SectionName-Notes": ">>> Notes", - "SectionName-Perpetrator": ">>> Perpetrator", - "SectionName-Referral": ">>> Referral", - "SegmentSelectorLabel": ">>> Segments", - "SendMediaMessageInvalidSize": ">>> {{fileName}} is too large to send. Maximum file size is {{maxFileSize}}.", - "SendMediaMessageInvalidType": ">>> {{fileName}} cannot be sent because the file type is unsupported. Please try a different file.", - "SendMessageTooltip": ">>> Send Message", - "SessionAlreadyExists": ">>> You're logged in elsewhere", - "SessionAlreadyExistsDesc": ">>> You can only log in on one tab or device at a time.
Do you want to log in here and close your other session?", - "SessionDropOngoingCall": ">>> Drop Call and Log In", - "SessionExpired": ">>> Your session has expired. Click here to log in again", - "SessionInvalidated": ">>> This session is no longer active.", - "SessionOngoingCallDesc": ">>> You can only be logged in on one tab or device at a time.
Logging in here will drop your ongoing call.", - "SessionOngoingCallMessage": ">>> You’re on a call elsewhere", - "SessionTimeoutMessage": ">>> This screen will time out in {{timeout}} seconds", - "SetYourStatus": ">>> Set your status", - "SharedStateLoadFormError": ">>> The information stored in the form by previous counsellor couldn't be retrieved. Starting current task with clear contact form.", - "SharedStateSaveFormError": ">>> The information stored in the form couldn't be saved. Task will be transferred anyway.", - "SideNavAgentDashboard": ">>> Agent Dashboard", - "SideNavCaseList": ">>> Case List", - "SideNavInsightsAgentsView": ">>> Agents", - "SideNavInsightsAnalyzeView": ">>> Analyze", - "SideNavInsightsDashboardsView": ">>> Dashboards", - "SideNavInsightsInspectionsView": ">>> Inspections", - "SideNavInsightsQuestionnairesView": ">>> Questionnaires", - "SideNavInsightsSpeechSearchesView": ">>> Speech Searches", - "SideNavQueuesStatsView": ">>> Queues Stats", - "SideNavSettings": ">>> Settings", - "SideNavSupervisorDashboard": ">>> Supervisor Dashboard", - "SideNavSupervisorInspections": ">>> Supervisor Inspections", - "SideNavSupervisorReports": ">>> Supervisor Reports", - "SideNavTaskView": ">>> Agent Desktop", - "SideNavTeamsView": ">>> Teams", - "SigningIn": ">>> Signing in", - "StandaloneSearch-SideNav": ">>> Search", - "SupervisorTaskCanvasHeader": ">>> TASK DETAILS", - "SupervisorTaskCardHeader": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "SupervisorTaskCompleted": ">>> Completed | {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", - "SupervisorTaskGroupCall": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}} | ({{task.conference.liveParticipantCount}})", - "SupervisorTaskHeaderLine": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "SupervisorTaskInfoPanelContent": ">>> \n



Task type




Task created on




Task priority




Task queue




Task Sid




Reservation Sid



\n{{#if task.attributes.subject}}\n







Customer name / {{#if task.attributes.senderAddress}}email address{{else}}phone number{{/if}}










\n    No add-ons enabled.\n    To expand your experience, visit\n

\nTwilio Marketplace", - "SupervisorTaskLive": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", - "SupervisorTaskViewContentHeader": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}, {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "SupervisorTaskWrapUp": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdateShort}}", - "SupervisorUserCardFirstLine": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}", - "SupervisorUserCardSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}} | {{worker.activityDuration}}", - "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "> Caller Info", - "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": "> Summary", - "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": "> Child Info", - "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": "> Contact Info", - "TabbedForms-BackButton": "> Categorize Contact Type", - "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": "> Categories", - "TaskAssigned": ">>> Assigned", - "TaskCanceled": ">>> Canceled", - "TaskCannotBeTransferredNotification": ">>> Task cannot be transferred", - "TaskCompleted": ">>> Completed", - "TaskExtraInfo": ">>> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", - "TaskFilterActive": ">>> ACTIVE TASKS", - "TaskFilterAll": ">>> ALL TASKS", - "TaskFilterWrapping": ">>> TASKS IN WRAP UP", - "TaskHeaderComplete": ">>> COMPLETE", - "TaskHeaderEndCall": ">>> Hang Up", - "TaskHeaderEndChat": ">>> End Chat", - "TaskHeaderGroupCallAccepted": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{{icon name='Participant'}}} {{task.conference.liveParticipantCount}}", - "TaskHeaderLeaveCall": ">>> LEAVE CALL", - "TaskHeaderLine": ">>> {{task.defaultFrom}}", - "TaskHeaderStatusAccepted": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskHeaderStatusCompleted": ">>> Completed | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskHeaderStatusPending": ">>> ", - "TaskHeaderStatusWrapup": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskHeaderWebChatStatusAccepted": ">>> {{#if}} {{{icon name='GreenIndicator'}}} {{else}} {{{icon name='GreyIndicator'}}} {{/if}} Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskHeaderWrapup": ">>> WRAP UP", - "TaskInfoPanelContent": ">>> \n



Task type




Task created on




Task priority




Task queue




Task Sid




Reservation Sid



\n{{#if task.attributes.subject}}\n







Customer name / {{#if task.attributes.senderAddress}}email address{{else}}phone number{{/if}}










\n    No add-ons enabled.\n    To expand your experience, visit\n

\nTwilio Marketplace", - "TaskLineCallAssigned": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskLineCallDuration": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskLineCallEndedTitle": ">>> Call ended", - "TaskLineCallIncomingTitle": ">>> Incoming call", - "TaskLineCallReserved": ">>> Incoming call from queue {{task.queueName}}", - "TaskLineCallTransferQueue": ">>> Transfer from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} ({{}})", - "TaskLineCallTransferQueueDetail": ">>> From: {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}}
Queue: {{task.queueName}}", - "TaskLineCallTransferTitle": ">>> Transfer request", - "TaskLineCallTransferWorker": ">>> Transfer from {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)", - "TaskLineCallTransferWorkerDetail": ">>> From: {{task.incomingTransferObject.worker.fullName}} (direct)
Queue: {{task.queueName}}", - "TaskLineCallWrapup": ">>> Wrap up | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}}", - "TaskLineChatAssigned": ">>> {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{#if}} typing … {{else}} {{#if}} {{}}: {{}}{{else}}No messages{{/if}}{{/if}}", - "TaskLineChatLineReserved": ">>> Incoming Line request", - "TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": ">>> Incoming Messenger request", - "TaskLineChatReserved": ">>> Incoming chat request", - "TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": ">>> Incoming WhatsApp request", - "TaskLineEmailReserved": ">>> Incoming Email request", - "TaskLineGroupCallAssigned": ">>> Live | {{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{{icon name='Participant'}}} {{task.conference.liveParticipantCount}}", - "TaskLineOutboundCallConnecting": ">>> Connecting call…", - "TaskLineOutboundCallDetail": ">>> Your caller ID: {{task.attributes.from}}
Queue: {{task.queueName}}", - "TaskLineOutboundCallHeader": ">>> {{task.attributes.outbound_to}}", - "TaskLineOutboundCallTitle": ">>> Connecting Call", - "TaskLineQueue": ">>> Queue: {{task.queueName}}", - "TaskLineSmsReserved": ">>> Incoming SMS request", - "TaskLineTitle": ">>> ", - "TaskLineWebChatAssigned": ">>> {{#if}} {{{icon name='GreenIndicator'}}} {{else}} {{{icon name='GreyIndicator'}}} {{/if}}{{helper.durationSinceUpdate}} | {{#if}} typing …{{else}} {{#if}} {{}}: {{#if}}{{}}{{else}}{{#if}}Sending failed{{else}}File sent{{/if}}{{/if}}{{else}}No messages{{/if}}{{/if}}", - "TaskReserved": ">>> Reserved", - "TaskTabAgentIncomingLabel": ">>> Incoming", - "TaskTabAgentInfoLabel": ">>> Info", - "TaskTabHeaderCall": ">>> Call", - "TaskTabHeaderChat": ">>> Chat", - "TaskTabHeaderEmail": ">>> Conversation", - "TaskTabHeaderLine": ">>> Line", - "TaskTabHeaderMessenger": ">>> Messenger", - "TaskTabHeaderSMS": ">>> SMS", - "TaskTabHeaderWhatsApp": ">>> WhatsApp", - "TaskTabSupervisorCallLabel": ">>> Call", - "TaskTabSupervisorChatLabel": ">>> Chat", - "TaskTabSupervisorInfoLabel": ">>> Info", - "TaskTabSupervisorOverviewLabel": ">>> Overview", - "TaskWrapup": ">>> In wrap up", - "TeamFiltersApply": ">>> Apply", - "TeamFiltersPanelPluralLabel": ">>> Viewing {{number}} agents", - "TeamFiltersPanelSingularLabel": ">>> Viewing {{number}} agent", - "TeamFiltersPanelTitle": ">>> Filters", - "TeamFiltersReset": ">>> Reset", - "TeamsViewClearSearchAction": ">>> Clear search result", - "TeamsViewClearSearchPlaceholder": ">>> Search Agents", - "TeamsViewFilterAction": ">>> Filter{{#if filterCount}} ({{filterCount}}){{/if}}", - "TeamsViewResultsSummaryFilterCTA": ">>> filter", - "TeamsViewResultsSummaryMaxWorkersDisplayed": ">>> Showing maximum number of agents. Refine results via search or ", - "TeamsViewResultsSummaryNoWorkersDisplayed": ">>> No agents matched your criteria. Refine results via search or filter.", - "TimeCantBeGreaterThanNow": ">>> Time can't be greater than now.", - "TimeSecondsFormatter": ">>> {{time}}s", - "Today": ">>> TODAY", - "TranscriptPanelTitle": ">>> Chat Transcript", - "Transfer-AcceptTransferButton": ">>> Accept Transfer", - "Transfer-ChatWarmNotAllowed": ">>> Warm transfer for chats is currently not supported.", - "Transfer-Cold": ">>> Cold", - "Transfer-FormNotEditable": ">>> Form locked until transfer is completed.", - "Transfer-RejectTransferButton": ">>> Reject Transfer", - "Transfer-TaskLineCallReserved": ">>> transfer from", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatLineReserved": ">>> transfer from", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatMessengerReserved": ">>> transfer from", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatReserved": ">>> transfer from", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatSmsReserved": ">>> transfer from", - "Transfer-TaskLineChatWhatsAppReserved": ">>> transfer from", - "Transfer-TransferButton": ">>> Transfer", - "Transfer-Warm": ">>> Warm", - "TransferFailedNotification": ">>> Transfer failed: {{reason}}", - "TranslateButtonAriaLabel": ">>> Change language", - "TypingIndicator": ">>> {{name}} is typing … ", - "TypingIndicatorMultiple": ">>> {{count}} people are typing … ", - "UiVersionDeprecated": ">>> {{message}}", - "UnholdAgentTooltip": ">>> Unhold {{worker.fullName}}", - "UnholdCustomerTooltip": ">>> Unhold Customer", - "Unknown": ">>> Unknown", - "UserControlWorkerSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}} | {{worker.activityDuration}}", - "UserLoggedOutSuccess": ">>> You have logged out successfully!", - "WaitingTasksTileTitle": ">>> Waiting tasks", - "WarmTransferTooltip": ">>> Consult", - "WelcomeMessage": ">>> Welcome to customer service", - "WorkerActivityUpdateFailedNotification": ">>> Updating activity failed (ERROR {{statusCode}}). Please try again or contact your administrator.", - "WorkerCanvasDetailsHeader": ">>> Agent Details", - "WorkerCanvasHeader": ">>> Profile", - "WorkerCanvasSkillsHeader": ">>> Skills", - "WorkerDirectoryAgentsTabLabel": ">>> AGENTS", - "WorkerDirectoryItemFirstLine": ">>> {{worker.fullName}}", - "WorkerDirectoryItemSecondLine": ">>> {{worker.activityName}}", - "WorkerDirectoryQueueItemText": ">>> {{}}", - "WorkerDirectoryQueuesTabLabel": ">>> QUEUES", - "WorkerDirectorySearchPlaceholder": ">>> Search", - "WorkerDirectoryTitle": ">>> Transfer", - "WorkerSkillLevelInvalid": ">>> Please select a skill level between {{min}} - {{max}}", - "WorkerSkillPleaseSelect": ">>> Add skill", - "WorkerSkillsError": ">>> Failed to save changes", - "WorkerSkillsNoSkills": ">>> No skills attributed", - "WorkerSkillsReverted": ">>> Changes reverted", - "WorkerSkillsSaved": ">>> Changes saved successfully", - "WorkerSkillsSchemaMismatch": ">>> Worker skills schema mismatch", - "WorkerTableEmpty": ">>> No agents matched your criteria. Refine results via search or filter.", - "Yesterday": ">>> YESTERDAY", - "YouMustBeAvailableToPerformThisOp": ">>> You must be available to perform this operation.", - - "First Name": ">>> First Name" -} \ No newline at end of file From bc303940b9dabd813fd178edaca8a61a2faaa969 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ray Crist Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 11:56:02 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 11/14] Update spanish translations Added extra strings for tabbed forms, strings for use in demos of canned responses + categories, and fixed some prior strings. --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 142 +++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index 13252ccd..9fb1a9b1 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ "Yesterday": "Ayer", "InputPlaceHolder": "Escribir mensaje", "ChatInputDisabledText": "La conversación terminó", - "Read": "Leer", + "Read": "Leído", "Transfer-TransferButton": "Transferir", "TaskHeaderEndChat": "Finalizar Chat", "TaskHeaderEndCall": "Colgar", @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ "BottomBar-Cancel": "Cancelar", "BottomBar-SaveAndEnd": "Guardar y finalizar", "Case-AddNote": "Añadir la nota", - "Case-AddNoteTypeHere": "Escriba aquí para agregar una nota ...", + "Case-AddNoteTypeHere": "Escriba aquí para agregar una norta ...", "BottomBar-SaveNote": "Guardar nota", "Case-AddReferral": "Agregar referencia", "BottomBar-SaveReferral": "Guardar referencia", @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "Case-ViewIncident": "Ver incidente", "Case-ViewIncidentTitle": "Incidente", "BottomBar-SaveIncident": "Guardar incidente", - "BottomBar-Close": "Cerca", + "BottomBar-Close": "Cierra", "Case-Contact": "Contacto", "BottomBar-CancelNewCaseAndClose": "Sí, cancelar nuevo caso y cerrar", "BottomBar-Update": "Actualizar", @@ -252,52 +252,94 @@ "Case-CaseManager": "Administrador de casos", "Category": "Categoría", "NoCaseSummary": "Sin resumen", + "First Name": "Primer nombre", - "Last Name": "Apellido", - "Relationship to Child": "Relación con el niño", - "Address": "Dirección", - "Province": "Provincia", - "Municipality": "Municipio", - "District": "Distrito", - "Contact Number": "Número de contacto", - "Gender": "Género", - "Age": "Edad", - "Language": "Idioma", - "Race": "Raza", - "School Name": "Nombre de la escuela", - "School Address": "Dirección de la escuela", - "Educator": "Educador", - "Grade Level": "Nivel de grado", - "Living Situation": "Situación de vida", - "Child HIV Positive?": "¿Niño VIH positivo?", - "Child in conflict with the law": "Niño en conflicto con la ley", - "Child living in conflict zone": "Niño viviendo en zona de conflicto", - "Child living in poverty": "Niño viviendo en la pobreza", - "Child member of an ethnic, racial or religious minorit": "Niño miembro de una minoría étnica, racial o religiosa", - "Child on the move or in migration": "Niño en movimiento o en migración", - "Child with disability": "Niño con discapacidad", - "LGBTQI+ / SOGIESC child": "Niño LGBTQI+ / SOGIESC", - "Region": "Región", - "Call Summary": "Resumen de contacto", - "Repeat caller?": "¿Llamador repetida?", - "Action Taken": "Acción tomada", - "How did you know about our line/number?": "¿Cómo supo de nuestra línea / número?", - "Keep confidential?": "¿Mantener la confidencialidad?", - "May social worker call/SMS?": "¿Puede el trabajador social llamar / SMS?", - "Did you discuss rights with the child?": "¿Discutiste los derechos con el niño?", - "Did the child feel we solved their problem?": "¿Sintió el niño que resolvimos su problema?", - "Would the child recommend us to a friend?": "¿Nos recomendaría el niño a un amigo?", - "Date": "Fecha", - "Duration": "Duración", - "Location": "Lugar", - "Is caregiver aware?": "¿Es consciente el cuidador?", - "Reaction of caregiver": "Reacción del cuidador", - "Was the incident witnessed by anyone?": "¿Alguien fue testigo del incidente?", - "Has the incident been reported elsewhere?": "¿Se ha informado del incidente en otro lugar?", - "Where else the incident has been reported?": "¿Dónde más se ha informado del incidente?", - "Referred To": "Referido a", - "Case Allocated To": "Caso asignado a", - "Notes": "Notas", - "Is the perpetrator still in contact with the child?": "¿El perpetrador todavía está en contacto con el niño?", - "Note": "Nota" +"Last Name": "Apellido", +"Relationship to child": "Relación con el niño", +"Street Address": "Dirección", +"Province": "Provincia", +"Municipality": "Municipio", +"District": "Distrito", +"Phone #1": "Teléfono # 1", +"Phone #2": "Teléfono # 2", +"Village": "Pueblo", +"Ethnicity": "Etnia", +"Contact Number": "Número de contacto", +"Gender": "Género", +"Age": "Edad", +"Language": "Idioma", +"Race": "Raza", +"School Name": "Nombre de la escuela", +"School Address": "Dirección de la escuela", +"Educator": "Educador", +"Grade Level": "Nivel de grado", +"Living Situation": "Situación de vida", +"Child HIV Positive?": "¿Niño VIH positivo?", +"Child in conflict with the law": "Niño en conflicto con la ley", +"Child living in conflict zone": "Niño viviendo en zona de conflicto", +"Child living in poverty": "Niño viviendo en la pobreza", +"Child member of an ethnic, racial or religious minority": "Niño miembro de una minoría étnica, racial o religiosa", +"Child on the move or in migration": "Niño en movimiento o en migración", +"Child with disability": "Niño con discapacidad", +"LGBTQI+ / SOGIESC child": "Niño LGBTQI+ / SOGIESC", +"Postal Code": "Código postal", +"Child on the move": "Niño en movimiento", +"Region": "Región", +"Contact Summary": "Resumen de contacto", +"Repeat Caller?": "¿Llamador repetida?", +"Action Taken": "Acción tomada", +"How did you know about our line/number": "¿Cómo supo de nuestra línea / número?", +"Keep confidential?": "¿Mantener la confidencialidad?", +"Ok for case worker to call?": "¿Puede el trabajador social llamar / SMS?", +"Did you discuss rights with the child?": "¿Discutiste los derechos con el niño?", +"Did the child feel we solved their problem?": "¿Sintió el niño que resolvimos su problema?", +"Would the child recommend us to a friend?": "¿Nos recomendaría el niño a un amigo?", +"Date": "Fecha", +"Duration": "Duración", +"Location": "Lugar", +"Is caregiver aware?": "¿Es consciente el cuidador?", +"Reaction of caregiver": "Reacción del cuidador", +"Was the incident witnessed by anyone?": "¿Alguien fue testigo del incidente?", +"Has the incident been reported elsewhere?": "¿Se ha informado del incidente en otro lugar?", +"Where else the incident has been reported?": "¿Dónde más se ha informado del incidente?", +"Referred To": "Referido a", +"Case Allocated To": "Caso asignado a", +"Notes": "Notas", +"Is the perpetrator still in contact with the child?": "¿El perpetrador todavía está en contacto con el niño?", +"Note": "Nota", +"Type here to add note...": "Escriba aquí para agregar una nota...", +"Child calling about self": "Niño llamando sobre sí mismo", +"Someone calling about a child": "Alguien llamando sobre un niño", +"Silent": "Silencioso", +"Hang up": "Colgó", +"Wrong number": "Número equivocado", +"Caller Info": "Llamador", +"Child Info": "Niño", +"Categories": "Categorias", +"Summary": "Resumen", +"Open": "Abierto", +"Closed": "Cerrado", +"Canned Responses": "Respuestas preparadas", +"How do people contract HIV?": "¿Cómo contraen las personas el VIH?", +"What are the Early signs and symptoms?": "¿Cuáles son los primeros signos y síntomas?", +"What is a Condom and how is it used?": "¿Qué es un condón y cómo se usa?", +"What are the Treatment and medications for HIV?": "¿Cuáles son el tratamiento y los medicamentos para el VIH?", +"What are the Common myths and untruths on HIV/AIDS?": "¿Cuáles son los mitos y falsedades comunes sobre el VIH / SIDA?", +"What is PEP?": "¿Qué es PEP?", +"How long is one supposed to be on the PEP and PREP drug?": "¿Cuánto tiempo se supone que uno debe tomar el medicamento PEP y PREP?", +"What is STI?": "¿Qué es una ITS?", +"What is Masturbation?": "¿Qué es la masturbación?", +"What is Physical abuse?": "¿Qué es el abuso físico?", +"What is Verbal and Emotional abuse?": "¿Qué es el abuso verbal y emocional?", +"What is Sexual abuse and rape?": "¿Qué es el abuso sexual y la violación?", +"What is Neglect?": "¿Qué es la negligencia?", +"What is Puberty?": "¿Qué es la pubertad?", +"Missing children": "Niños desaparecidos", +"Child abduction": "Sustracción de menores", +"Lost, unaccounted for or otherwise missing child": "Niño perdido, desaparecido o de otro modo desaparecido", +"Runaway": "Huir", +"Unspecified/Other": "No especificado / Otro", +"Violence": "Violencia", +"Mental Health": "Salud mental", +"Physical Health": "Salud física" } From 705802d38c40559d757e905e377b0fce5dcfe6ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ray Crist Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 12:49:19 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 12/14] Update flexUI.private.json Remove non-working strings, add some more. --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 40 ++++------------------ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index 9fb1a9b1..1bb48976 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ "Cancel": "Cancelar", "CancelButton": "Cancelar", "TabbedForms-AddContactInfoTab": "Contacto", - "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "Persona que llama", + "TabbedForms-AddCallerInfoTab": "Llamador", "TabbedForms-AddChildInfoTab": "Niño", "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": "Categorias", "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": "Resumen", @@ -310,36 +310,10 @@ "Type here to add note...": "Escriba aquí para agregar una nota...", "Child calling about self": "Niño llamando sobre sí mismo", "Someone calling about a child": "Alguien llamando sobre un niño", -"Silent": "Silencioso", -"Hang up": "Colgó", -"Wrong number": "Número equivocado", -"Caller Info": "Llamador", -"Child Info": "Niño", -"Categories": "Categorias", -"Summary": "Resumen", -"Open": "Abierto", -"Closed": "Cerrado", -"Canned Responses": "Respuestas preparadas", -"How do people contract HIV?": "¿Cómo contraen las personas el VIH?", -"What are the Early signs and symptoms?": "¿Cuáles son los primeros signos y síntomas?", -"What is a Condom and how is it used?": "¿Qué es un condón y cómo se usa?", -"What are the Treatment and medications for HIV?": "¿Cuáles son el tratamiento y los medicamentos para el VIH?", -"What are the Common myths and untruths on HIV/AIDS?": "¿Cuáles son los mitos y falsedades comunes sobre el VIH / SIDA?", -"What is PEP?": "¿Qué es PEP?", -"How long is one supposed to be on the PEP and PREP drug?": "¿Cuánto tiempo se supone que uno debe tomar el medicamento PEP y PREP?", -"What is STI?": "¿Qué es una ITS?", -"What is Masturbation?": "¿Qué es la masturbación?", -"What is Physical abuse?": "¿Qué es el abuso físico?", -"What is Verbal and Emotional abuse?": "¿Qué es el abuso verbal y emocional?", -"What is Sexual abuse and rape?": "¿Qué es el abuso sexual y la violación?", -"What is Neglect?": "¿Qué es la negligencia?", -"What is Puberty?": "¿Qué es la pubertad?", -"Missing children": "Niños desaparecidos", -"Child abduction": "Sustracción de menores", -"Lost, unaccounted for or otherwise missing child": "Niño perdido, desaparecido o de otro modo desaparecido", -"Runaway": "Huir", -"Unspecified/Other": "No especificado / Otro", -"Violence": "Violencia", -"Mental Health": "Salud mental", -"Physical Health": "Salud física" +"Channel": "Canal", +"Counsellor": "Consejero", +"Date of Contact": "Fecha de contacto", +"Time of Contact": "Hora de contacto", +"Helpline": "Línea de ayuda", +"First": "Primer" } From 56be1108139dcd546b2749c75c2c02beddfdfd97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ray Crist Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 14:41:27 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 13/14] Added search form placeholder translations --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 9 ++++++--- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index 1bb48976..ddf08fda 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "TabbedForms-CategoriesTab": "Categorias", "TabbedForms-AddCaseInfoTab": "Resumen", "CancelOfflineContact": "Cancelar contacto sin conexión", - "BottomBar-Next": "próximo", + "BottomBar-Next": "Próximo", "TabbedForms-BackButton": "Categorizar el tipo de contacto", "Categories-Title": "Categorizar este contacto", "Error-CategoryRequired": "Se requiere 1 categoría como mínimo, 3 categorías como máximo.", @@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ "SearchForm-Phone": "Teléfono", "SearchForm-Office": "Oficina", "SearchForm-Button": "Buscar", + "SearchForm-First": "Primer nombre", + "SearchForm-Last": "Apellido", + "SearchForm-Start": "Fecha de inicio", + "SearchForm-End": "Fecha final", "SearchResultsIndex-Back": "Volver a los criterios de búsqueda", "SearchResultsIndex-NonDataContacts": "Contactos sin datos", "SearchResultsIndex-Result": "resultado", @@ -314,6 +318,5 @@ "Counsellor": "Consejero", "Date of Contact": "Fecha de contacto", "Time of Contact": "Hora de contacto", -"Helpline": "Línea de ayuda", -"First": "Primer" +"Helpline": "Línea de ayuda" } From 477ec436837656ba2984a0969a7f0fd5157cae0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ray Crist Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 09:15:35 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 14/14] Added 1 translation, changed 1 --- assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json index ddf08fda..0ea97701 100644 --- a/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json +++ b/assets/translations/es/flexUI.private.json @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ "WorkerDirectorySearchPlaceholder": "Buscar", "PreviousContacts-ThereAre": "Existen", "PreviousContacts-PreviousContacts": "contactos anteriores", + "PreviousContacts-Returned": "devueltos en esta búsqueda.", "PreviousContacts-Cases": "casos", "PreviousContacts-From": "de", "PreviousContacts-FacebookUser": "usuario de Facebook", @@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ "Case-ViewIncident": "Ver incidente", "Case-ViewIncidentTitle": "Incidente", "BottomBar-SaveIncident": "Guardar incidente", - "BottomBar-Close": "Cierra", + "BottomBar-Close": "Cerrar", "Case-Contact": "Contacto", "BottomBar-CancelNewCaseAndClose": "Sí, cancelar nuevo caso y cerrar", "BottomBar-Update": "Actualizar",