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Taro Taxonomy Blocks

Tags: gutenberg, block editor, iframe
Contributors: tarosky, Takahashi_Fumiki
Tested up to: 6.4
Requires at least: 5.9
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable Tag: nightly
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:

Add 3 term blocks.


This plugin supports 3 term blocks.

  1. Terms Block - Display all terms in the specified taxonomy. Usefull to display terms list like glossary.
  2. Post's Terms Block - Display terms assigned to the post in the specified taxonomy.
  3. Post's Terms Query Block - Display post list with same terms with the post.


Template Structure

To override look and feel, put template in your themes directory.

- taxonomy-blocks
  - posts-list.php             // List of post in post's terms query blocks. 
  - post-loop.php              // Post link in post's terms query blocks. 
  - term-item.php              // Term link.
  - term-list.php              // Flat term list.
  - term-list-hierarchical.php // Hierarchical terms list.

taro_taxonomy_blocks_template filter hook is also available. This will override the template file path.


To override styles, regsiter styels named taro-terms-block. The plugin registers style at priority 20 of init hook, so registering style at priority 10.

add_action( 'init', function() {
    // Your own CSS.
    wp_register_style( 'taro-terms-block', $your_block_css_url, $deps, $version );
} );

Now your blocks will be styled by your CSS.


From Plugin Repository

Click install and activate it.

From Github

See releases.


Where can I get supported?

Please create new ticket on support forum.

How can I contribute?

Create a new issue or send pull requests.



  • Drop support under PHP 7.2
  • Add support for advanced class setting in the editor.


  • Add filter for taxonomies list in selector.


  • Post terms query block accepts manually input term list.


  • First release.