[Community Health Analytics in Open Software](https://chaoss.community/) ### Software metrics [Code Changes Lines](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-code-changes-lines/): sum of number of lines touched in all changes to the source code during a certain period - indicates volume of coding activity - does not differentiate between adding, removing, comments, blank lines [Defect Resolution Duration](https://chaoss.community/kb/defect-resolution-duration/): median time between report of defect and resolve of defect - looks at labelled issues and pull requests [Code Changes Commits](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-code-changes-commits/): number of commits that changes files considered as source code - indicates volume of coding activity [Academic Open Source Project Impact](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-academic-open-source-project-impact/): impact of open source project created by academics on university reappointment, tenure and promotion - looks at citations of code - number of community contributions from others than the research team [Project Popularity](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-project-popularity/): combination of metrics - social media mentions, forks, change requests - new issues, stars, badges, likes - new contributors - ... [Licences Declared](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-licenses-declared/): number and types of specific licences declared in a software package - transparency - identification of conflicts [Technical Fork](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-technical-fork/): number of forks, not clones - contributing fork: opens pull request - non-contributing fork: does not open a pull request [Bot Activity](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-bot-activity/): number of bots - indication of maturity - indication of community size [Clones](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-clones/): local copies of repository - insight into popularity and usage - part of GitHub [Traffic](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/metrics/traffic?apiVersion=2022-11-28#get-repository-clones) - only accessible with push access [Change Request Commits](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-change-request-commits/): number of code change commits in a change (pull) request - larger number of commits signals higher complexity or more collaboration #### Metrics models Collaboration Development Index: health of current collaborative process - contributors, downloads, code changes - CI tests, change requests Development Responsiveness: capacity of a project to operate and scale effectively - duration metrics (review cycle, defect resolution, ...) ### Lifecycle metrics [Time to Close](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-time-to-close/): time between open and close for issue, change request, support ticket - responsiveness of community - detect changes in community activity [Change Requests](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-change-requests/): number of PRs - volume of changes proposed to a project - proxy for activity [Issues New](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-issues-new/), [Issues Closed](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-issues-closed/), [Issues Reponse Time](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-issue-response-time/) - responsiveness depending on role in project - popularity indicator [Time to First Response](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-time-to-first-response/): first comment on issue/PR - indicator for whether enough people are working on the project [Branch Lifecycle](https://chaoss.community/kb/metric-branch-lifecycle/): how branches are managed - are branches merged and deleted - how long do branches usually live