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This repo is intended to be a tutorial walkthrough in how to set up and use a Spark cluster running inside Docker containers.

I assume some familiarity with Docker and its basic commands such as build and run. Everything else will be explained in this file.

We will build up the complexity to eventually a full architecture of a Spark cluster running inside of Docker containers in a sequential fashion so as to hopefully build the understanding. The table of contents below shows the different architectures we will work through.


Create Docker images

Building images from scratch

If you wish to build the Docker images from scratch clone this repo.

Next, run the following commands

docker build -f Dockerfile_base -t {YOUR_TAG} .
docker build -f Dockerfile_master -t {YOUR_TAG} .
docker build -f Dockerfile_worker -t {YOUR_TAG} .
docker build -f Dockerfile_submit -t {YOUR_TAG} .

and then you may wish to push these images to your repository on Docker or somewhere else using the 'Docker push' command.

Pulling images from repository

Alternatively, you can pull the pre-built images from my repository. Simply run the following commands

docker pull sdesilva26/spark_master:latest
docker pull sdesilva26/spark_worker:latest
docker pull sdesilva26/spark_submit:latest

NOTE: You do not need to pull sdesilva26/spark_base:0.0.1 because, as the name suggests, this image is used as a base image for the other two images and so is not needed on your machine.

Docker networking

Now let's see how to get the containers communicating with each other. First we shall show how to do when the containers are running on the same machine and then on different machines.

Containers on a single machine

Most of the following is taken from Docker's website in their section about networking with standalone containers.

Docker running on your machine under the hood starts a Docker daemon which interacts with tthe linux OS to execute your commands.(NOTE: if you're running Docker on a non-linux host, docker actually runs a VM with a linux OS and then runs the Docker daemon on top of the VM's OS.)

By default, when you ask the Docker daemon to run a container, it adds it to the default bridge network called 'bridge'. You can also define a bridge network yourself.

Deafult bridge network

We will do both. First let's use the default bridge network. Let's also run a container with the image for the Spark master and also one for the Spark worker. Our architecture therefore looks like the figure below.

Alt text

Start the two containers up using

docker run -dit --name spark-master --entrypoint /bin/bash sdesilva26/spark_master
docker run -dit --name spark-worker --entrypoint /bin/bash sdesilva26/spark_worker

The d flag means to run the container dettached, so in the background, the i flag indicates it should be interactive so that we can type into it, and the t flag specifies the container should be started with a TTY so you can see the input and output.

Check that the containers have started using

docker container ls

and you should get something similar to

Alt text

You can see which containers are connected to a network by using

docker network inspect bridge

and you should see something similar to the following

Alt text

Attach to the spark-master container using

docker attach spark-master

You should the prompt to change now to a # which indicates that you are the root user inside of the container.

Get the network interfaces as they look from within the container using

ip addr show

The interface with the title starting with 'eth0"' should display that this interface has the same IP address as what was shown for the spark-master container in the network inspect command from above.

Check internet connection from within container using

ping -c 2

Now ping spark-worker container using its IP address from the network

ping -c 2

If you know ping by container name it will familiarity

ping -c 2 spark-worker

Now dettach from spark-master whilst leaving it running by holding down ctl and hitting p and then q.

User-defined bridge network

Create the user-defined bridge network

docker network create --driver bridge spark-network

Then list the networks

docker network ls

and you should see

Alt text

and now inspect the network

docker network inspect spark-net

Alt text

The IP address of the network's gateway should now be different to the IP address of the default gateway. It should also show that no containers are attached to it.

Now stop the two running containers, remove them, then create two new containers that are attached to the new user-defined network.

docker kill spark-master spark-worker
docker rm spark-master spark-worker

docker run -dit --name spark-master --network spark-net --entrypoint /bin/bash sdesilva26/spark_master
docker run -dit --name spark-worker1 --network spark-net --entrypoint /bin/bash sdesilva26/spark_worker

NOTE: you can only connect to a single network when creating a docker container. But you can attach it to more networks after using the 'docker network connect <NETWORK_NAME> <CONTAINER_NAME>' command.

Again make sure the containers are running and inspect the network to make sure they have successfully attached to the spark-net network.

The advantage of user-defined networks is as before containers can communicate via IP address in the network, but they can also resolve a container name to its IP address in the network now (this is called 'automatic service discovery').

Attach to spark-master and ping spark-worker using its IP address and also its container name.

docker container attach spark-master

ping -c 2
ping -c 2 spark-worker

Detach from the container using ctl followed by p and then q.

In the tutorial linked at the start of this section they go through the case of having a container in a user-defined network AND the bridge network. It can obviously communicate with the two containers in spark-net for instance. It could also communicate with a container inside just the bridge network but it would have to ping it using its IP address as specified in the bridge network.

Containers on different machines

For this section most of this will be following the instructions from Docker's website about using an overlay network for standalone containers.

If you have two different machines then the following section can be skipped.

Settting up Amazon EC2 instances

Otherwise you will need to setup at least 2 Amazon EC2 instances (or any other cloud computing provider you are comfortable with).

  1. Go to AWS and select EC2.

  2. Go to launch instance and select 'Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type' (you can us any instance type here, but this configuration worked for me) as the image type.

  3. Select t2.micro

  4. Set 'Number of instances' to 1 and leave everything else as default

  5. Click through to 'Configure Security Group' and select 'Create a new security group'

  6. As detailed in Docker's tutorial, 'Each host must have,.... the following ports open between the two Docker hosts:

    • TCP port 2377
    • TCP and UDP port 7946
    • UDP port 4789

If you’re using AWS or a similar cloud computing platform, the easiest configuration is to use a security group that opens all incoming ports between the two hosts and the SSH port from your client’s IP address.' 7. Launch the instance and associate a key with your instances.

  1. Now go through the same procedure but instead of selecting t2.micro, select c4.xlarge and launch 2 of these instances. This will be helpful for later on when we really want to show off the power of spark.

Now that you have launched your ec2 instance you need to install docker. To do this type the following

sudo yum install docker -y

sudo service docker start

sudo docker run hello-world

To avoid having to use sudo all the time follow these [instructions](#

and then disconnect from your instance and connect back to it again. You should now be able to run Docker commands without sudo.

Finally login to your repo and pull the spark_master and spark_worker image, one into each of the instances.

For example, on instance 1

docker pull sdesilva26/spark_master:latest

and on instance 2,

docker pull sdesilva26/spark_worker:latest

You're all set to go!

User-defined overlay network

Now that you have two separate machines running Docker that are on the same network you have an architecture like this

Alt text

There is two instances running Docker inside of the same subnet which is itself inside of your personal bit of the Amazon cloud called a virtual private cloud (VPC).

We want to create a network that encapsulates both Docker containers. To do this we will first create a Docker swarm, which essentially links the daemons together, and then we will create an overlay network and put our containers in that network.

Set up a Docker daemon to be the swarm manager by running in one of the ec2 instances the following

docker swarm init

You should see something similar to Alt text

The IP address and port that is shown from this command is referring to the IP and port of the host machine that the Docker daemon is running on. Hence the IP address should match the private IP address of your ec2 instance. Check this in the ec2 dashboard.

You can now join the second ec2 instance to the swarm by running

docker swarm join --token <YOUR_TOKEN> <YOUR_PRIVATE_IP>:2377

Once this is complete your architecture is now

Alt text

Now create an attachable overlay network using

docker network create --driver overlay --attachable spark-overlay-net

Jump into the spark-master container and also connect it to the overlay network

docker run -it --name spark-master --network spark-overlay-net --entrypoint /bin/bash sdesilva26/spark_master:latest

On your other instance, list the networks available

docker network ls

and notice that the spark-overlay-net is not there yet.

Start a spark-worker container that connects to the network

docker run -dit --name spark-worker --network spark-overlay-net --entrypoint /bin/bash sdesilva26/spark_worker:latest

Now you should see the spark-over-net if you check the networks on your second instance. Check that it also has the same network ID has displayed in your first instance.

The containers are now in the same overlay network and the architecture looks like

Alt text

Now ping spark-worker from spark-master

ping -c 2 spark-worker

and similarly from spark-worker

ping -c 2 spark-master

You're containers can successfully communicate over the overlay network!

You must stop and remove the containers on each instance independently because Docker daemons operate independently and these are standalone containers. You only have to remove the network on instance 1 because when you stop spark-worker on instance 2, spark-overlay-net disappears.

Apache Spark

Now lets see how to set up a Spark cluster and perform distributed computation using this cluster. In the first part of this section, as in the 'Docker networking' section I will describe how to do this on your local machine. In the second half I will move on to describe how to set up a distributed Spark cluster with each worker and the master node on different hosts.

Local Machine

Spark cluster

  1. Go to the bin directory of you spark installation using the command line. It will be something like "spark-2.4.3-bin-hadoop2.7/bin" and type the following to set up a master node

    spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master

    this should print out that you have started the service 'sparkMaster' along with the port.

  2. Go to your browser and navigate to the Master node UI




    you should see something like Alt text

  3. Open a new command line shell and again navigate to the bin directory and use the following to attach a worker to the Master node

    spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker -c 2 -m 10g -p 7078 spark://<IP_ADDRESS>:7077

    The flags in the above command specify to attach a worker with 2 cores, 10GB of memory on port 7078 of the network to a spark master node which is at the address <IP_ADDRESS>:7077.

  4. Again check your Master node UI and see that the worker has been attached. Also go to the UI for the worker. This info should have been returned to the console when you attached the worker to the master node. By default the UI will try to attach to port 8080, if it fails it will try port 8081, and repeat this process until a free port is found. You should see the following

    Alt text

  5. Open a new command line console and perform a simple job on the cluster. Use

    spark-2.4.3-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-shell --master spark://localhost:7077

    to open a scala shell. Then type

    val NUM_SAMPLES=10000
    var count = sc.parallelize(1 to NUM_SAMPLES).filter { _ =>
      val x = math.random
      val y = math.random
      x*x + y*y < 1
    }.count() * 4/(NUM_SAMPLES.toFloat)

    and you should see the console return an estimation of pi.

  6. Navigate to the application UI. This information is printed to the console when starting up the scala shell. It will be http://<IP_ADDRESS>:4040. It uses 4040 by default and increments by 1 and retries if port is already taken. You should see something similar to

    Alt text

Your Spark cluster is now complete on your local machine.

Docker & Apache Spark

Local machine

This whole section will detail how to setup an Apache Spark cluster running inside Docker containers on your local machine. The second half of this section will detail the architecture of this to help the user in understanding the layout and the advantage of running everything inside of Docker containers.

Spark cluster

Now we are going to use spark running inside of containers to set-up a cluster. To do this we will create a user-defined bridge network as we did in the previous section.

  1. Create user defined bridge network inside of Docker using (if you haven't already)

    docker create network -d bridge spark-net 
  2. Create a spark-master container inside of the bridge network

    docker run -dit --name spark-master --network spark-net -p 8080:8080 sdesilva26/spark_master bash

    NOTE: by default the container will start up a spark master node. To override this behaviour simply pass -entrypoint /bin/bash to the docker run command

  3. Then connect to the running container

    docker attach spark-master
  4. You should now be able to see the Master web UI by going to http://localhost:8080 or http ://<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:8080.

  5. Run a worker container

    docker run -dit --name spark-worker1 --network spark-net -p 8081:8081 -e MEMORY=2G -e CORES=1
      sdesilva26/spark_worker bash

    NOTE: the flags CORES and MEMORY specify how many cores and how much memory on the machine that the container is running in should the worker take. By default they are set to 3 and 6G if nothing is passed.

  6. Attach to the running spark-worker

    docker attach spark-worker1 
  7. Verify the worker has connected to the cluster by going to http://localhost:8080 and http ://localhost:8081 (worker web UI)

  8. Start a second worker

    docker run -dit --name spark-worker2 --network spark-net -p 8082:8081 -e MEMORY=2G -e CORES=1
    sdesilva26/spark_worker bash

    The flag -p 8082:8081 now maps the exposed 8081 port of the docker container to the unassigned 8082 port of the host machine

  9. Again, verify your worker was successfully added by navigating to the Master web UI and also the second workers web UI http://localhost:8082.

  10. Spin-up a spark_submit container

    docker run -it --name spark-submit --network spark-net -p 4040:4040 sdesilva26/spark_submit bash

    This container will act as our driver node, i.e. from where the main() method of your programs will run.

  11. From within the container jump into a scala shall using

    $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=1
    --master spark://spark-master:7077 

    This command connects the driver to the cluster by specifying the address of the master node . Notice the name of the container running the spark master node is used (i.e. "spark-master" in the above command) to specify the IP address of the master node. The two --conf flags specify how many cores an executor on the cluster should get and how much memory each executor should get. See the later section on Spark tuning for more info on the difference between spark workers and executors.

  12. If the driver connects successfully go to http://localhost:4040 to check the driver web UI.

  13. Run an example spark job by typing in the scala shell

    val myRange = spark.range(10000).toDF("number")
    val divisBy2 = myRange.where("number % 2 = 0")
  14. Go back to the driver web UI and you should see something similar to

    Alt text

    where you can see info about the job that was run, the stages completed and the tasks completed. The tabs at the top allow you to get more info about the cluster configuration.

You have now submitted and run a spark job where the spark cluster is operating inside Docker containers.


You can skip this section, however I would advise going through it to gain a better understanding of why we are able to map certain ports to the machine's ports and use Docker network's automatic DNS resolution.

The architecture we have just created, before adding the driver node, looks like this

Alt text

From Docker's documentation they say

'The type of network a container uses, whether it is a bridge, an overlay, a macvlan network, or a custom network plugin, is transparent from within the container. From the container’s point of view, it has a network interface with an IP address,... '.

This IP address that the container is situated at is resolvable by other containers within the same network by simply referring to the container's name, e.g. spark-master is the same as giving the IP address that Docker assigns to the spark-master container.

Furthermore, when we run an image to create a container and make a port mapping such as -p 8080:8080 we are really saying 'connect the port at <HOST_IP_ADDRESS>:<HOST_PORT> to the container port at <DOCKER_IP_ADDRESS>:<DOCKER_PORT>' (red lines in the above image). This is why we can expose the same port on replica containers (such as 8081 in the spark-worker containers) but they must be mapped to different ports on the host machine as obviously the host only has one port 8081 at a certain IP address.

Then we added in the spark-submit container. Why run this inside the bridge network? The basic architecture of Spark (with no Docker containers) is as follows

Alt text

The driver program, which in our case is inside the spark-submit node, needs to be able to communicate back and forth with both the master and worker nodes. Therefore, if we placed the spark-submit node outside of the Docker network , and even worse, outside of Docker, we would have a lot of headaches having to map different Docker container ports to the appropriate place on the host machine, and then specify these ports for the driver program. This is not impossible, but made hard and tedious by the fact that I believe the driver chooses random ports to communicate with the workers. You could set this property in the spark config file but this seems to be unnecessary work.

Therefore, we have placed the driver program within Docker and furthermore we are running the driver from within a container that is attached to the spark-net network. We have also mapped it's port 4040 to the host machine's port 4040 to view the web UI.

Alt text

Now we simply pass the address of the master node when we set up a spark program within the spark-submit container and from there it is freely able to resolve and communicate with the nodes in that cluster.

Multiple machines

Now we can finally bring everything together to show what we would really like to do which is run an Apache Spark cluster within Docker containers on different machines.

Spark Cluster

  1. Start up 4 different EC2 instances and on the first run

    docker swarm init
  2. As before, you will see a join token, copy and paste this command into the other 3 EC2 instances to form a docker swarm.

  3. Then on the t2.micro instance create the overlay network

    docker network create --driver overlay --attachable spark-net
  4. Run a spark_master image to create a container that will be the master node

    docker run -it --name spark-master --network spark-net -p 8080:8080 sdesilva26/spark_master

    *NOTE: it is important to remember the name of this container (spark-master in this case) as this is what other containers in the network will use to resolve its IP address.

  5. Check the master node has been setup correctly by going to http://<PUBLIC_IPv4_ADDRESS_OF_INSTANCE>:8080.

  6. Now on the larger AWS instances (c4.xlarge) create one container on each by using

    docker run -it --name spark-worker1 --network spark-net -p 8081:8081 -e MEMORY=6G -e
     CORES=3 sdesilva26/spark_worker:latest
    docker run -it --name spark-worker2 --network spark-net -p 8081:8081 -e MEMORY=6G -e
     CORES=3 sdesilva26/spark_worker:latest

    NOTE: You can map port of the container to the port of the host machine without having to increment them like we did when doing this on our local machine as they are located on different host's. See the architecture diagram in the next section for more info.

  7. Check the master web UI at http://<PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_OF_INSTANCE>:8080 to make sure the workers were added successfully.

  8. Now in a third AWS instance create a spark-submit container

    docker run -it --name spark-submit --network spark-net -p 4040:4040 sdesilva26/spark_submit
    :latest bash
  9. Launch a spark shell using $SPARK_HOME/spark/bin/spark-shell --conf spark.executor.cores=3 --conf spark.executor.memory=6G --master spark://spark-master:7077

  10. Now, as before, run a test program such as

val myRange = spark.range(100000).toDF("number")

val divisBy2 = myRange.where("number % 2 = 0")


You should get a result back to the console. Furthermore, you should be able to check the driver 
by going to the IP address of the container that spark-submit is running on and specifying port 4040.
*NOTE: The more common way of submitting jobs to the cluster is to use the spark-submit script. For example,
    ./bin/spark-submit \
      --master spark://spark-master:7077 \
      examples/src/main/python/ \

That is it as far as connecting up a Spark cluster running in Docker containers is concerned. The next section will briefly go over the architecture we have set up in this section. See the "Spark Tuning" page for info about spark executors, workers, tasks, jobs, stages, etc.


What we have set up in the previous section is the following architecture:

Alt text

All of the machines involved in the cluster sit inside the overlay network which we called spark -net. This allows for each container to automatically resolve the addresses of other containers in the overlay network. This makes communication between the various nodes in the cluster easy as all the ports are exposed within the overlay network. If the containers did not sit in the same overlay network we would need to expose every single port which could be used for communication.

Each of the 8081 ports on the workers can now also be mapped to their host machine's 8081 port since unlike when we set up the cluster inside docker containers on our local machine, there is now a port 8081 on each of the host machines.

The above diagram illustrates why it is important that all the EC2 instances be deployed into the same subnet within AWS. If they are not I think linking them into a Docker swarm would be more troublesome.

Automating Cluster Creation

Basic Docker Stack

All of the above required a fair amount of manual work but I think its good to go through the process to understand exactly what is going on. Furthermore, it allows you to efficiently debug when using a automated method of creating a cluster such as docker-compose.

The standard docker-compose only sets up multiple services running on a single host. So if you created a compose.yml that specified to set up 1 master node and 3 worker nodes, these containers would all be created on the machine running the docker-compose command.

To make docker create containers on multiple hosts is not a lot more complicated. In fact you can use the same compose file in most cases.

  1. First create a docker swarm and log into the swarm manager.

  2. Copy in your docker-compose file using the instructions that can be found here

  3. Run a docker stack by using

    docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml sparkdemo
  4. Check the stack of services has been created using

    docker stack ps sparkdemo 

    You should see something similar to

    Alt text

    The names here refer to the names of your Docker services which are all appended with the name of the stack (in this case sparkdemo)

Advanced Docker Stack

In the above creation of a docker stack, if your docker-compose.yml file is the same as one that you have used to create services on a single machine, then the services of the stack will be created randomly amongst all the available machines in the docker swarm.

In our cases we would like the docker swarm manager to run the sdesilva26/spark_master image, and then the other machines in the docker swarm to run the sdesilva26/spark_worker image. This is where we depart away from docker-compose.yml files that you would use for single host services and stacks.

The first thing you need to do is label nodes in the swarm. This can be done only from the swarm manager. From the swarm manager run

docker node ls

and you should see something similar to this

Alt text

What you can see is the swarm manager which is denoted as 'Leader' and then other two nodes marked as 'Ready' connected to the manager. Take the ID of one of these nodes are run the following

docker node update --label-add role=worker 7yoc8ol6pw40yp7s9bth9xzp3

replacing the final argument with the ID of one of your nodes. Repeat this for the other node . Again perform this process but this time label the swarm manager with "master" as its role.

Now that the hosts' in the cluster has labels you are able to construct a docker-compose.yml that will create containers of a particular service only on node's that fulfill a certain constraint.

Look at the docker-compose of this repo

Alt text

I create 2 services called 'spark-master' and 'spark-worker'. Note that if you change the name of spark-master to something else you will need to pass the new name as an environment variable to the spark-worker containers as they use the name 'spark-master' by default to resolve the address of the Apache Spark cluster manager.

I use the 'constraint' option under deploy/placement to specifiy that the spark-master should only be created on nodes where the label 'role' is equal to 'master'. I do a similar thing for the spark-workers. In this way we are able to control exactly which machines get which containers. The rest of the file is fairly straight forward - it is just a yml version of the command line options we have been passing such as ports, networks, etc.

Now running

docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml sparkdemo

will create a spark cluster with the master node on the swarm manager and the spark workers on the node's labelled with role=worker. You can read more on using constraints here

If you want to add a node at a later time, you would simply repeat the process of adding it to the docker swarm, labelling it from the docker swarm manager, and then running

docker service sparkdemo_spark-worker --scale 3

In this case, let's say you had 2 workers running before, after the command you would have 3 running as long as there was enough nodes in the docker swarm to accommodate this.

That is everything! That is how you go from running docker and spark on your local machine, to a fully distributed and scalable cluster.