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[BETA] Secrets Management

This feature is in beta and its options or behavior might break between minor or bugfix releases of the Agent.

This feature is only available on Linux at the moment.

Starting with version 6.3.0, the agent is able to leverage the secrets package in order to call a user-provided executable to handle retrieval or decryption of secrets, which are then loaded in memory by the agent. This feature allows users to no longer store passwords and other secrets in plain text in configuration files. Users have the flexibility to design their executable according to their preferred key management service, authentication method, and continuous integration workflow.

This section covers how to set up this feature.

Defining secrets in configurations

To declare a secret in a check configuration simply use the ENC[] notation. This notation can be used to denotate as a secret the value of any YAML field in your configuration (not the key), in any section (init_config, instances, logs, ...).

Secrets are supported in every configuration backend: file, etcd, consul ...

Secrets are also supported in datadog.yaml. The agent will first load the main configuration and reload it after decrypting the secrets. This means the only place where secrets can't be used is the secret_* settings (see Configuration section).


  - server: db_prod
    # two valid secret handles
    user: "ENC[db_prod_user]"
    password: "ENC[db_prod_password]"

    # The `ENC[]` handle must contain the entire YAML value, which means that
    # the following will NOT be detected as a secret handle:
    password2: "db-ENC[prod_password]"

In the above example we have two secrets : db_prod_user and db_prod_password. Those are the secrets handles and each must uniquely identify a secret within your secrets management backend.

Between the brackets any character is allowed as long as the YAML configuration is valid. This means you could use any format you want.

Example 1 (be careful to escape quotes so your YAML file is valid):

"ENC[{\"env\": \"prod\", \"check\": \"postgres\", \"id\": \"user_password\", \"az\": \"us-east-1a\"}]"

In this example the secret's handle is the string {"env": "prod", "check": "postgres", "id": "user_password", "az": "us-east-1a"}.

Example 2:


In this example the secret handle is the string AES256_GCM,data:v8jQ=,iv:HBE=,aad:21c=,tag:gA==.

Example 3:

There is no need to escape inner [ and ]. The agent will select everything between the first ENC[ and the last ].

  - server: db_prod
    user: "ENC[user_array[1337]]"

In this example the secret handle is the string user_array[1337].


Secrets are resolved after Autodiscovery template variables. This means you can use them in a secret handle to fetch secrets specific to a container.


  - server: %%host%%
    user: ENC[db_prod_user_%%host%%]
    password: ENC[db_prod_password_%%host%%]

Retrieving secrets from the secret backend

To retrieve secrets, you have to provide an executable that is able to authenticate to and fetch secrets from your secrets management backend.

The agent will cache secrets internally in memory to reduce the number of calls (useful in a containerized environment for example). The agent calls the executable every time it accesses a check configuration file that contains at least one secret handle for which the secret is not already loaded in memory. In particular, secrets that have already been loaded in memory do not trigger additional calls to the executable. In practice, this means that the agent calls the user-provided executable once per file that contains a secret handle at startup, and might make additional calls to the executable later if the agent or instance is restarted, or if the agent dynamically loads a new check containing a secret handle (e.g. via Autodiscovery).

By design, the user-provided executable needs to implement any error handling mechanism that a user might require. Conversely, the agent will need to be restarted if a secret has to be refreshed in memory (e.g. revoked password).

This approach which relies on a user-provided executable has multiple benefits:

  • Guarantees that the agent will not attempt to load in memory parameters for which there isn't a secret handle.
  • Ability for the user to limit the visibility of the agent to secrets that it needs (e.g. by restraining in the key management backend the list of secrets that the executable can access).
  • Maximum freedom and flexibility in allowing users to use any secrets management backend (including open source solutions such as Vault as well as closed sources ones) without having to rebuild the agent.
  • Enabling each user to solve the initial trust problem from the agent to their secrets management backend, in a way that leverages their preferred authentication method, and fits into their continuous integration workflow.

The following are sample workflows documented by users. They are provided for illustrative purposes, and not as leading practices. Each user should define a workflow that fits their requirements and environment.

User A manages secrets centrally in a KMS, such as Hashicorp Vault. They store the secret’s path and name as the handle (e.g. mysql/prod/agent-a), then provide an executable that establishes trust with the KMS and makes web service calls to it in order to retrieve secrets needed by the agent. In this setup, User A was careful to appropriately configure the KMS so that the executable only has read-only access, and only to secrets that the Datadog agent requires.

User B does not wish to provide access to a centralized KMS at run-time. They store an encrypted version of the secret in the configuration file, then provide an executable that can access an encryption key to decrypt it. In User B's setup, the continuous integration pipeline generates a new symmetric encryption key (e.g. in AWS KMS) for each new instance, uses it to encrypt secrets in the Datadog configuration files by using a templating engine (e.g. consul template), and ensures only the executable on this instance can access the encryption key.

Regardless of the workflow, the user should take great care to secure the executable itself, including setting appropriate permissions and considering the security implications of their executable in their environment.

In particular, the executable MUST (the agent will refuse to use it otherwise):

  • Belong to the same user running the agent (usually dd-agent).
  • Have no rights for group or other.
  • Have at least exec right for the owner.
  • The executable will not share any environment variables with the agent.
  • Never output sensitive information on STDERR. If the binary exit with a different status code than 0 the agent will log the standard error output of the executable to ease troubleshooting.


In datadog.yaml you must set the following variables:

secret_backend_command: /path/to/your/executable

More settings are available: see datadog.yaml.

The executable API

The executable has to respect a very simple API: it reads a JSON on the Standard input and output a JSON containing the decrypted secrets on the Standard output.

If the exit code of the executable is different than 0, the integration configuration currently being decrypted will be considered erroneous and dropped.


The executable will receive a JSON payload on the Standard input containing the list of secrets to fetch:

  "version": "1.0",
  "secrets": ["secret1", "secret2"]
  • version: is a string containing the format version (currently "1.0").
  • secrets: is a list of strings, each string is a handle from a configuration corresponding to a secret to fetch.


The executable is expected to output on the Standard output a JSON containing the fetched secrets:

  "secret1": {
    "value": "secret_value",
    "error": null
  "secret2": {
    "value": null,
    "error": "could not fetch the secret"

The expected payload is a JSON object, each key is one of the handle requested in the input payload. The value for each handle is a JSON object with 2 fields:

  • value: a string: the actual secret value to be used in the check configurations (can be null in case of error).
  • error: a string: the error message if needed. If error is different that null the integration configuration that uses this handle will be considered erroneous and dropped.


Here is a dummy script prefixing every secret with decrypted_:


import json
import sys

# Reading the input payload from STDIN
payload =
# parsing the payload
requested_secrets = json.loads(payload)

secrets = {}
for secret_handle in requested_secrets["secrets"]:
    secrets[secret_handle] = {"value": "decrypted_"+secret_handle, "error": None}

print json.dumps(secrets)

This will update this configuration (in the check file):

  - server: db_prod
    user: ENC[db_prod_user]
    password: ENC[db_prod_password]

to this (in the agent's memory):

  - server: db_prod
    user: decrypted_db_prod_user
    password: decrypted_db_prod_password


To quickly see how the configurations are resolved you can use the configcheck command :

sudo -u dd-agent -- datadog-agent configcheck

=== a check ===
Source: File Configuration Provider
Instance 1:
host: <decrypted_host>
port: <decrypted_port>
password: <decrypted_password>

=== another check ===
Source: File Configuration Provider
Instance 1:
host: <decrypted_host2>
port: <decrypted_port2>
password: <decrypted_password2>

Note that the agent needs to be restarted to pick up changes on configuration files.