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User manual (English)

Rúbio Terra edited this page Oct 8, 2019 · 20 revisions

iBiblia – User manual

iBiblia helps you simplify the work of adding Strong's and morphology tags to a theWord bible module. Its goal is to save you a great amount of time from having to manually type the special characters and/or number tags; thus, letting you focus on your more important tasks. The concept is simple. All you have to do is tell iBiblia which words from one bible text (the source) translate to which words on the other (the destination). With this information iBiblia will be able to generate a Bible module with all the Strong's and morphology tags coming from the original source module (and even interlinears and dictionaries).

To do this you will need at least two bible modules:

  • The source text - any Bible module that has Strong's and/or morphology tags.
  • The destination text - a Bible module which is a translation of the source text with no Strong's or morphology tags.

In order for the association to be meaningful, the destination text should be a direct translation of the source text or that both be translated from the same source.

iBiblia allows you to load two more Bible modules to be used as references during the association work. Moreover, you can choose to have all the resources of theWord as your reference. iBiblia can work in sync with theWord, so you can use it side by side with iBiblia and iBiblia will see to it that the current verse is always shown.

iBiblia also lets you use the Strong's and morphology dictionaries linked to the source and reference texts to help you check definitions during your work with or without theWord.

Main window

The main window is comprised of the following parts:

  1. Toolbar: buttons to navigate and edit a project;
  2. Navigation tree: used to navigate through books, chapters and verses. It can be resized and even hidden completely using the splitter between it and the texts to the right;
  3. Texts: this is where the two texts that are going to be associated are shown, along with two optional reference-only texts. From top to bottom these are: source text, destination text, reference text 1, reference text 2. They can be resized using the splitters;
  4. Comments edit box: allows you to enter verse specific comments that later can be exported as translator notes ( tags). It can be resized and even hidden completely using the splitter between it and the text to the top;
  5. Status: used to indicate/control the verse association progress;
  6. Chapter view: here you can view the whole current chapter, so that the current verse can be viewed in context. This is very useful when working on a new translation. Verse numbers are links and can be used to navigate the chapter verses. Click the note numbers to open a popup view. This view can be resized and even hidden completely using the splitter between it and the texts to the left.

Creating a new association project

Choose Project->New..., or click the button New, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N. The above window will be displayed, in which you must enter several parameters.

First, choose a name for the project in the box Name. Choose a descriptive name, because this will help you identify the project in the future.

After this you'll have to define a scope, which you'll determine which books will be included in your project. You can choose among 'Old Testament' (Genesis to Malachi), 'New Testament' (Matthew to Revelation) or 'Whole Bible' (Genesis to Revelation).

Then, select the biblical texts to be imported. At least two texts are required - (1) a source/original language text containing the strong and/or morphology codes and (2) a destination language text, which will be associated to the first text for purposes of copying those codes and making interlinear modules. You can also select one or two more Bible modules to be used as reference during the association work. These can also have strong and/or morphology codes. The scope you selected before (OT, NT, or whole Bible) will determine which books will be imported from each module into your project.

Once you've selected all the desired texts, click the OK button to import them and create the project. Choose a folder and a filename when prompted. In a matter of seconds, your new project will be loaded on the main window.

Supported module formats

Only UTF-8 unlocked theWord ( bible modules (*.ont, *.nt, *.ot) are allowed by the program. iBiblia offers limited support to theWord formatting tags, but it can safely ignore the ones it doesn't know.

There is limited support for verse rules. You will be presented with a dialog in which you can choose which rules to apply and which ones to ignore. These are executed once at project creation time. If you have trouble applying the right combination of verse rules, you can manually apply them beforehand using a text editor that supports regexes (SublimeText, UltraEdit, Notepad++, JEdit, etc.).

Text association

You associate equivalent words/expressions in both texts by selecting them with the mouse. To select a word left-click it. To add a word to the selection, hold Ctrl and left-click a new word. To remove a word from selection, keep Ctrl pressed and left-click it.

Once you've selected the word(s) in the source text, hold Shift and click the other word(s) in the destination text. To select multiple words on the second text, hold Ctrl along with Shift using the same method described before. To undo associations use the same logic - hold Shift + Ctrl and click the words you want to disassociate or just right click the associated word twice in the destination text.

If you're associating single words only you can use a faster alternative method. It works like this: left-click a word in the source text to select it, then right-click the correspondent word in the destination text. These words will be associated and the next unassociated word in the source text will be selected automatically for you.

Words not yet associated are displayed in gray font. But once they're associated they will be displayed in black font. If you left-click a word that has been associated all the associated words are highlighted. Added words (italics in theWord) are displayed in brackets.

Use the button Save or Ctrl+S shortcut to save your changes. You can rollback all unsaved changes made to the current verse clicking the button Rollback or pressing F5 key. To discard all changes made since your last save you can close the project without saving it. Use the button Clear to clear all associations of the current verse.

You can add comments to the current verse using the textbox on the bottom left of the window. These can be exported as theWord notes (<RF><Rf> tags), but you can preview them using the Chapter View (you'll have to navigate to different verse and go back or save your project to force the Chapter View to update after you've edited your comments). You can use basic HTML tags here (<b>, <i>, <s>, <u>, etc.).

The status box on the right can be used to indicate the verse association progress. The values selected here will be displayed on the navigation tree as different colors, one for each status. This will be better explained on a later section.

Setting up dictionaries and fonts

You can set up different Strong's and morphology dictionaries for each text to display definitions in a popup just like in theWord. You can do this in the dialog Project->Settings. iBiblia supports only unencrypted uncompressed RTF theWord dictionary modules.

You can directly edit the path fields to set up relative paths so your project can work on different machines. Press "Set" button to save the relative path.

In this window you can also set up the fonts used for each text.

Once you've set up a dictionary for a text, you'll be able to hold Ctrl and hover you mouse pointer over a word to see its definition. The trigger key can be customized in Options->Dictionary popup trigger.... To hide the popup move the mouse pointer away from the word or left-click the popup and hit Esc. If you move the mouse pointer holding the Ctrl key (or Alt, depending on your current trigger key) the popup will stay visible.

You can change the popup zoom level holding Ctrl and using the mouse wheel. iBiblia will remember the last selected zoom level.

iBiblia also is able to sync theWord dictionaries to the current clicked word Strong's number.

Editing a verse text

It is possible to edit a verse text at any time. This won't affect the original theWord modules, only iBiblia project. To enter edit mode double-click any empty area of the verse textbox. You'll see the verse in the original theWord bible module format. Refer to theWord documentation if you need details about this format. To exit edit mode press Esc or select a word in other text. Remember: iBiblia tries to keep all existing associations, but it is advised to check them after an edition.

It is possible to split a word into any number of parts to allow partial word associations. Use pipe character ("|") to mark the split points.


The most obvious way to navigate to a specific verse is to use the navigation tree using the mouse. The navigation tree also gives you an overview of the association progress using a color code based on the Status you've set to each verse. The colors you'll see are:

  • Gray: No associations done yet;
  • Yellow: Association in progress;
  • Red: Some associations are marked for further review;
  • Green: Association done.

The toolbar buttons Previous/Next or the shorcuts PgUp and PgDn also can be use to navigate.

And lastly, you can synchronize iBiblia to theWord and vice-versa: keep iBiblia sync'd to the current theWord verse or keep theWord sync'd to the current iBiblia verse. There are two options to do so in the Options menu.

Association memory

iBiblia keeps a record of all the associations you do and is able to suggest associations based on this data. This speeds up the association process but all suggestions should be checked for accuracy.

Use the button Auto-associate or F3 shortcut to auto-associate a verse. Check the option Options->Automatically auto-associate verses to instruct iBiblia to do this automatically whenever you navigate to a new verse. Be aware, however, that users are required to manually associate at least one word to save all recently associated words on the current verse, regardless if that word shows as associated or not.

Exporting theWord modules

Your association work can be exported to several different theWord modules using the menu Project->Export:

  • Tagged destination text: bible module for the destination text plus all strong and morphology tags from the source text.

  • Interlinear source text: interlinear bible module with the source text as a base and the destination text as glosses. All strong/morphology tags also are kept.

  • Analytical concordance: concordance module, each entry being a strong number and all the translations given for each inflected form.

  • Synthetic concordance: same as the analytical concordance, but entries are not open by original word inflection.

Important: Before exporting a new version of an existing module, make sure theWord is closed. Exporting won't work if the destination file is in use.

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