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Migrating PyLops code from v1.x to v2.0

This file is intended to guide users willing to convert their codes from PyLops v1.x to PyLops v2.

In the following we provide a detailed description of all the breaking changes introduced in v2, which should be used as a checklist when converting a piece of code using PyLops from v1.x to v2.

Operator Interface

  • Multiplication of N-D arrays is now supported. It relies on the dims/dimsd properties which are now available for every operator by default. While the change is mostly backwards compatible, there are some operators (e.g. the Bilinear transpose/conjugate) which can output reshaped arrays instead of 1d-arrays. To ensure no breakage, you can entirely disable this feature either globally by setting pylops.set_ndarray_multiplication(False), or locally with the context manager pylops.disabled_ndarray_multiplication(). Both will revert to v1.x behavior. At this time, PyLops solvers do not support N-D array multiplication.

    See the table at the end of this document for support ndarray operations.


  • The declaration signature of all operators is now Op(..., dtype, name). This has no effect for users relying on keyword arguments. If using positional arguments in place of keyword arguments, ensure that they are ordered correctly.
  • Several operators have deprecated N as a keyword. To migrate, pass only dims if both N and dims are currently being passed. If only N is being passed, ensure it is being passed as a value and not a keyword argument (e.g., change Flip(N=100) to Flip(100)).
  • dir, dirs and nodir have been deprecated in favor of axis and axes. When previously nodir was used, you must now provide the directions along which the operator is applied through axes. The default value for axis and axes are chosen to be -1 and (-2, -1), respectively, whereas the default dir and dirs was 0 and (0, 1), respectively. Be careful to check all operators where dir, dirs and nodir was not provided explicitly.


  • dims_d in Sum is deprecated in favor or dimsd
  • halfcurrent in CausalIntegration is deprecated in favor or kind=half

Signal processing

  • dims_fft in the FFT operators is deprecated in favor of dimsd.
  • fftshift in the FFT operators is deprecated in favor of ifftshift_before.
  • design in the Patch and Sliding operators is deprecated. Users are now provided with a set of routines named *design to be used prior to creating the operator to design it (identify the number of windows given the data size and window parameters.

Wave-equation processing

  • The optional arguments fast, transpose, and dtype have been deprecated in pylops.waveeqprocessing.mdd.MDC. As previously stated in a warning message, the recommended option transpose=False is now selected as default. Ensure that the input array G is organized as follows [n_fmax X n_s X n_r].
  • The optional arguments design has been deprecated in pylops.waveeqprocessing.seismicinterpolation.SeismicInterpolation.
  • The pylops.waveeqprocessing.lsm.Demigration operator has been renamed into pylops.waveeqprocessing.kirchhoff.Kirchhoff. Its internal working has been modified taking into account the geometrical spreading of propagation. To maintain the previous behaviour simply fill the distance table dist with ones.
  • The optional parameter engine has been added to pylops.waveeqprocessing.lsm.LSM to allow users to choose between the original pylops.waveeqprocessing.kirchhoff.Kirchhoff modelling operator and the new pylops.waveeqprocessing.twoway.AcousticWave2D modelling operator.


  • utils.dottest: Change tol into rtol. Absolute tolerance is now also supported via the keyword atol. When calling it with purely positional arguments, note that after rtol comes now first atol before complexflag. When using raiseerror=True it now emits an AttributeError instead of a ValueError.


  • New class-based solvers have been created in the optimization module. Original function-based solvers are still available as thin wrappers over the new class-based ones. The following changes are required for your v1.x code to migrate to function-based solvers in v2 (if interested in the new class-based solvers, consult our API documentation of the tutorial Class-Solvers):
    • Change the solver name from its v1.x name to small letters (e.g. from CGLS to cgls).
    • The name of the data vector is now y for all solvers (this used to be data for some of the solvers). Change this if you pass the data as a named argument from data=. to y=..
    • The order of mandatory arguments for all the solvers is now Op, y, ..., For example pylops.optimization.sparsity.splitbregman mandatory arguments are Op, y, RegsL1. Note that this is different from pylops.optimization.sparsity.SplitBregman in v1.x where the order was Op, RegsL1, data.
    • The order of keyword (named) arguments is changed such that the initial guess x0 always comes first. Change this if you used to pass named arguments without the name, otherwise this change will be transparent to you.
    • The module solver has been renamed to basic. Make sure to update all your imports of cg, cgls,lsqr solvers.
    • The optional parameter returninfo has been deprecated. When using function-based solvers, remove it from the input parameters and modify the output parameters to match the behaviour of v1.x solvers when using returninfo=True.
    • The outer iteration count for the pylops.optimization.sparsity.irls solver has been modified to include the first iteration. The new solver with nouter iterations behaves exactly like v1.x solver with nouter-1 iterations.
    • The optional parameter returnhistory has been deprecated from the pylops.optimization.sparsity.irls solver. The same objective (storing the history of solutions) can be achieved more flexibly using callbacks - see our new guide to callbacks.
    • The parameters eigsiter and eigstol in pylops.optimization.sparsity.ista and pylops.optimization.sparsity.fista have been deprecated in favour of eigsdict (a dictionary containing any parameter to be passed to the pylops.LinearOperator.eigs method when computing the largest eigenvalue of the operator).
    • The optional parameter engine has been added to all least-squares solvers. Users are in charge of choosing whether to use engine="scipy" or engine="pylops". Note that to be able to use these solvers with cupy arrays, one must choose engine="pylops". The same also applies to the pylops.optimization.sparsity.irls solver.

Table of supported multiplication shapes

Suppose that LOp.dims = (5, 10) and LOp.dimsd = (9, 21).

Reference x.shape (LOp @ x).shape Note
V0 (50,) (189,) Standard vector multiplication
V1 (5, 10) (9, 21) "Vector" of size (5, 10)
M0 (50, 1) (189, 1) Standard one-column matrix multiplication
M1 (5, 10, 1) (9, 21, 1) "One-column matrix" of "vector" (5, 10)
M2 (50, 20) (189, 20) Standard matrix multiplication
M3 (5, 10, 20) (9, 21, 20) "Matrix" of 20 x (5, 10)
M4 (1000,) error Could be reshaped to (50, 20) but is ambiguous
X any other shape error

In v1.x, V0, M0 and M2 are the only supported operations. Since v2.0, in addition, V1, M1 and M3 are supported. You can disable their support globally by setting pylops.set_ndarray_multiplication(False), or locally by using the context manager pylops.disabled_ndarray_multiplication.