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replot-core: Common features across replot (WIP)

Standard implementations of visualization components, such as axes, tooltips, etc. The core library currently contains a Tooltip, a Resize, and a LoadingIcon component. To use any of these in your project, simply npm install replot-core and then import the desired utilities in object-literal form.


import {Tooltip, Resize} from "replot-core"

will allow you to use the Tooltip and Resize components.


Instructions for utilizing the different components of replot-core


Allows for the display of detailed information on a mouse hover

Basic Usage

To implement the tooltip in a Replot component, add the Tooltip tag to the return section in the render function of your component, specifying certain props at minimum: a mouse X position, a mouse Y position, an active boolean, and contents. These should all be state attributes of the replot component, updated through some type of mouse movement.

  x={this.state.mouseX} y={this.state.mouseY}
  active={this.state.mouseOver} contents={this.state.contents}

Tooltip coloring

There are a few different ways to specify Tooltip coloring. The tooltip comes with 2 default color schemes, light and dark, and either can be chosen by specifying a "light" or "dark" colorScheme prop. Alternatively, the user can completely customize the Tooltip by passing in hex colors for the backgroundColor, borderColor, and fontColor.

The Tooltip defaults to the dark color scheme.


The Resize component is a wrapper component that will intelligently handle component sizing.

Basic Usage

To implement the Resize component, you should import and wrap your entire replot component in the Resize component. The Resize component should receive a width prop which was the user intended width of the original component class. Then, to maintain the props passed in by the user, also pass ...this.props directly to the original component. Refer to this example in the treemap component for usage. Here, <TreeMapManager /> was the original component class, and it is now delivered as a <TreeMapManagerResponsive/>

class TreeMapManagerResponsive extends React.Component {

  render() {

    return (
      <Resize width={this.props.width}>
        <TreeMapManager {...props} />


The LoadingIcon is a basic component that displays an aesthetic placeholder visual.

Basic Usage

To use the LoadingIcon, simply import the {LoadingIcon} component, and insert a <LoadingIcon/> into your JSX. By default, the LoadingIcon is 100 pixels wide, and colored black. To change these, the user can pass in a width prop to specify width, and/or a color prop with a string-value color to specify the fill of the dots.


Basic Usage

To use the Legend, import the {Legend} component, and insert a <Legend /> into your JSX. Note: The Legend must be used within an <svg> parent component, since the Legend itself is comprised of SVG elements.

The only required prop is values, which should be an object where each key will be a title in the legend, and each value will be the color associated with the title.

By default, the Legend lays out titles flat, with a max width of 500 pixels. In this default flat mode, the user can specify a width prop if they wish the Legend to be thinner or wider.

Alternatively, if the user passes in a mode prop with a value of "stack", the Legend will place titles one on top of the other, using the minimum height and width necessary to contain all the titles. In "stack" mode, the user can specify a height prop, which will keep one title per line, but space out the titles up to the specified height.

Further Customization

The user can pass in additional props to further customize the Legend:

  • showBorder defaults to true, but will not draw a border around the Legend if a value of false is passed
  • borderColor defaults to "#000000", and will change the color of the border.
  • backgroundColor defaults to none, and will change the background color or the Legend.
  • shape defaults to square, but can be changed to circle
  • showTitle defaults to false, but can be changed to true and customized with legendTitle


Users can import an axis parent component, for any visualization that may require a set of axes.

import {Axis} from "replot-core"

The Axis component is used by wrapping around any actual graph elements. The Axis will draw out an x-axis (which can use labels or number ticks) and a y-axis. It will translate the inner contents to the appropriate upper-left corner of the axes. And finally it will pass in new width and height props to the child to reflect the true space able to be utilized.

For an example of how the Axis is used with an actual replot component, see below:

let graph = (
  <Axis key="axis" width={this.props.width} height={this.props.height}
    graphTitle={this.props.graphTitle} minY={min-padding} maxY={max+padding}
    ySteps={this.props.ySteps} yTitle={this.props.yTitle}
    showYLabels={this.props.showYLabels} showGrid={this.props.showGrid}
    xTitle={this.props.xTitle} showXAxisLine={this.props.showXAxisLine}
    showXLabels={this.props.showXLabels} labels={labels}
    axisStyle={this.props.axisStyle} xAxisMode="discrete" >
    <PlotContainer distributions={distributions} max={max} min={min}
      padding={padding} style={this.props.graphStyle}
      initialAnimation={this.props.initialAnimation} />

render() {
  return (
    <svg width={this.props.width} height={this.props.height}>

The PlotContainer in the above example does not require width and height props, because the Axis will pass it an appropriate width and height after accounting for the space titles, labels, and legends take up.

The entirety of customization options/props for the Axis follows:

  • x and y
    • Determines where the upper left corner of the axis will lie
    • Defaults to 0 and 0
    • Accepts any number
  • width and height
    • Determines the width and height of the axes created, the axes will never exceed the given properties, so titles and labels will be drawn within and contents may need to be pushed in to compensate
    • Defaults to 400 and 400
    • Accepts any number
  • showXAxis and showYAxis
    • Used if only an x-axis or y-axis is necessary. Setting either to false will entirely disable the corresponding axis.
    • Both default to "true"
    • Accepts true and false
  • xAxisMode
    • Determines whether the x-axis will utilize word labels or number ticks
    • Defaults to "discrete"
    • Accepts "discrete" and "continuous"
  • xStart
    • For a discrete x-axis, determines if the labels start at the origin, or after an appropriate amount of padding.
    • No default value (starts with padding)
    • Accepts "origin", if labels should start at the origin.
  • xScale and yScale
    • Determines how the numbers on axes will be distributed
    • Defaults to "lin"
    • Accepts "lin" and "log"
    • Note: xScale will only function with a "continuous" xAxisMode
  • minY, maxY, minX, maxX
    • Used to calculate the spread for axes
    • Any min defaults to 0 and any max defaults to 100
    • Accepts any number
  • showXAxisLine, showXLabels, showYAxisLine, showYLabels, and showGrid
    • Determines whether or not to show the corresponding element
    • Each default to true
    • Accepts true or false
  • axisStyle
    • An object that is used to style the axes. Possible key-value pairs include:
      • axisColor
        • modifies the color of the axis line
        • defaults to #000000
        • accepts any color string
      • labelColor
        • modifies the color of both axis labels
        • defaults to #000000
        • accepts any color string
      • titleColor
        • modifies the color of all graph titles
        • defaults to #000000
        • accepts any color string
      • labelColor
        • modifies the color of axis gridlines
        • defaults to #DDDDDD
        • accepts any color string
      • lineWidth
        • modifies the thickness of axis lines
        • defaults to 2
        • accepts any number
      • lineOpacity
        • modifies the opacity of axis lines
        • defaults to 1
        • accepts any number
    • Example axisStyle prop: { axisColor: "#f17e33", labelColor: "blue", titleColor: "#000000", gridColor: "#DDDDDD", lineWidth: 5, lineOpacity: .5 }

Axis Legends

The Axis component also supports the display of a legend, in multiple modes. When used with the Axis, the legend will activate if the Axis component is passed a legendValues prop. The legendValues prop should be an object where each key will be a title in the legend, and each value will be the color associated with the title.

By default, the legend functions in "flat" mode, where it lies at the bottom of the graph underneath all of the labels and titles. The user can pass in a legendMode prop to the Axis component with values of "stack-inside" or "stack-outside". In these modes, the values in the legend lie one on top of the other, and are positioned in the top-right corner of the graph. If "stack-inside" is specified, the legend will lie within the contents of the graph. If "stack-outside" is specified, the legend will lie outside and push the graph contents to the left.

The Legend can be disabled entirely if a showLegend prop is passed in to the Axis component with a value of false.

The Legend can be customized with a single legendStyle object prop passed to the Axis component, with any of the following keys:

  • backgroundColor
    • Determines the background color of the legend
    • Defaults to "none"
    • Accepts any color string
  • fontColor
    • Determines the color of the text within the legend
    • Defaults to "#000000"
    • Accetps any color string
  • showBorder
    • Determines if a border will be displayed around the legend
    • Defaults to true
    • Accepts a boolean value
  • borderColor
    • Determines the color of the border
    • Defaults to "#000000"
    • Accepts any color string