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You are reviewing the contributing guidelines of If you want to contribute to Kong itself, then please go here.

Contributing to 📜 🦍

Hello, and welcome! Whether you are looking for help, trying to report a bug, thinking about getting involved in the project or about to submit a patch, this document is for you!

Consult the Table of Contents below, and jump to the desired section.

Table of Contents

Where to seek help?

Consult the Kong Contributing Guideline for an overview of the communication channels at your disposal.

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Where to report bugs?

If the bug is about the website itself, please report it in this repository's issues tracker.

If the bug is related to Kong itself, please refer to the Kong Contributing Guideline instead.

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Contributing to Kong documentation and the Kong Hub

Improving the documentation is a most welcome form of contribution to the Kong community! You are encouraged to suggest edits, improvements, or fix any typo you may find on this website. Please read the below section about submitting a patch.

Adding and improving listings in the Kong Hub is also encouraged! Please read the below section about Kong Hub contributions

If you wish to contribute to Kong itself (as opposed to the documentation website), then please consult the Kong Contributing Guideline instead.

When contributing, be aware of a few things:

  • Documentation for Kong Hub listings, which includes all Kong Inc.-published and community-published plugins and integrations lives in the app/_hub and app/_data/extensions directories. Versioning is optional, and thus potentially inconsistent, for this part of the documentation.
  • Kong documentation lives in app/x.x.x and Kong Enterprise documentation lives in app/enterprise/. These parts of the documentation are versioned. When proposing a change in these parts of the documentation, consider proposing the change for older versions as well. Example: if you fix a typo in app/docs/0.10.x/, this typo may also be present in app/docs/0.9.x/

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Kong's Technical Writing Guide & Style Guide

To ensure consistency throughout all of Kong's documentation, we ask that all contributors reference our Technical Writing Guide and Style Guide.

Submitting a patch

Feel free to contribute fixes or minor features, we love to receive Pull Requests! If you are planning to develop a larger feature, come talk to us first in Kong Nation.

When contributing, please follow the guidelines provided in this document. They will cover topics such as the commit message format to use or how to run the linter.

Once you have read them, and you are ready to submit your Pull Request, be sure to verify a few things:

  • Your commit history is clean: changes are atomic and the git message format was respected
  • Rebase your work on top of the base branch (seek help online on how to use git rebase; this is important to ensure your commit history is clean and linear)
  • The linting is succeeding: run npm run test (see the development documentation for additional details)
  • You've tagged "Team Docs" as reviewers

If the above guidelines are respected, your Pull Request has all its chances to be considered and will be reviewed by a maintainer.

If you are asked to update your patch by a reviewer, please do so! Remember: you are responsible for pushing your patch forward. If you contributed it, you are probably the one in need of it. You must be prepared to apply changes to it if necessary.

If your Pull Request was accepted, congratulations! You are now an official contributor of and member of the Kong community.

Your changes will be deployed as soon as a maintainer gets a chance to trigger a build, which should generally happen right after your patch was merged.

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Kong Hub contributions

If you are planning on producing a new Kong plugin or integration, with the intent to list it in the Kong Hub, you are encouraged to have a quick chat with Kong's CTO, Marco Palladino - email him at [email protected].

Adding a new listing to the Kong Hub may be proposed by:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a publisher directory at_app/_hub/, such as _app/_hub/your-GitHub-handle (if you are contributing as an individual) or _app/_hub/company-name (if you are contributing as a company). See other Kong Hub listings for examples of publisher names.
  3. Create a subdirectory for your extension within your publisher directory - such as _app/_hub/your-name/your-extension.
  4. Copy the /app/_hub/_init/my-extension/ file into your extension's subdirectory. If you are publishing a single version of your extension, which is typical to start with, then the file name should remain.
  5. Edit your file based on the guidance in comments in that file - you'll find lots of helpful examples in other extension files. If you are documenting a Kong plugin, be sure to see the next section.
  6. If you have a custom logo, add a square-format PNG file to /app/_assets/images/icons/hub/ - the filename of your image should be publisher_extension using the "publisher" and "extension" name from step 2. Custom logos are optional. If you don't have a custom logo, please duplicate an existing default logo file, and rename it as noted above.
  7. Be sure to run the docs site locally per the instructions in the README - you should find your Hub contribution listed at localhost:3000/hub
  8. Once you are happy with your listing, make a Pull Request to add it to the Kong Hub. Having trouble, or have questions?

Kong staff will review your PR, suggest improvements and adjustments as necessary, and once approved, will merge and deploy your Kong Hub addition!

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Writing plugin documentation

Plugins are documented as extensions under app/_hub/ - please look at the existing plugins for examples, and see additional advice in app/_hub/_init/my-extension/

  • description - text to be added in the Description section. Use YAML's pipe notation to write multi-paragraph text. Note that due to the order that data is generated, you may not use forward-references in links (e.g. use [example]( and not [example][example] pointing to an index at the end).
  • desc (string, required) - a short, one-line description of the extension.
  • type (array, required) - what kind of extension this is: plugin or integration are supported at this time, though more types will be considered.
  • params
    • name - the name of the plugin as it is referred to in Kong's config and Kong's Admin API (not always the same spelling as the page name)
    • api_id - boolean - whether this plugin can be applied to an API. Affects the generation of examples and config table.
    • route_id - boolean - whether this plugin can be applied to a Route. Affects the generation of examples and config table.
    • service_id - boolean - whether this plugin can be applied to a Service. Affects the generation of examples and config table.
    • consumer_id - boolean - whether this plugin can be applied to a Consumer. Affects the generation of examples and config table.
    • config - the configuration table. Each entry is a configuration item with the following fields:
      • name - the field name as read by Kong
      • required - true if required, false if optional, semi if semi-required (required depending on other fields)
      • default - the default value. If using Markdown (e.g. to make values appear type-written), wrap it in double-quotes like "`foobar`"
      • value_in_examples - if the field is to appear in examples, this is the value to use. A required field with no value_in_examples entry will resort to the one in default.
      • description - description of the field. Use YAML's pipe notation if writing longer Markdown text.

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Git branches

In this repository, master represents the current state of the website, and should constantly be deployed. Branch off of this branch for local development.

If you have write access to the GitHub repository, please follow the following naming scheme when pushing your branch(es):

  • docs/<ce|ee>-foo-bar for updates to contents of the documentation (Markdown files),, or this file
  • feat/foo-bar for new website features e.g. Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, or CSS changes to support a new feature
  • fix/foo-bar for website bug fixes (not including typos and other fixes to the documentation itself, see the Type section below)

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Commit atomicity

When submitting patches, you must organize your commits in logical units of work. You are free to propose a patch with one or many commits, as long as their atomicity is respected. This means that no unrelated changes should be included in a commit.

For example, you are writing a patch to fix a bug, but in your endeavor, you spot another bug. Do not fix both bugs in the same commit!. Finish your work on the initial bug, propose your patch, and come back to the second bug later on. This is also valid for unrelated style fixes, refactorings, etc...

You should use your best judgment when facing such decisions. A good approach for this is to put yourself in the shoes of the person who will review your patch: will they understand your changes and reasoning just by reading your commit history? Will they find unrelated changes in a particular commit? They shouldn't!

Writing meaningful commit messages that follow our commit message format will also help you respect this mantra (see the below section).

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Commit message format

To maintain a healthy Git history, we ask of you that you write your commit messages as follows:

  • The tense of your message must be present
  • Your message must be prefixed by a type, and a scope
  • The header of your message should not be longer than 50 characters
  • A blank line should be included between the header and the body
  • The body of your message should not contain lines longer than 72 characters

Here is a template of what your commit message should look like:

<type>(<scope>) <subject>

The type of your commit indicates what type of change this commit is about. The accepted types are:

  • docs: Changes made to any static content files associated with Kong, Kong Enterprise, and Kong Hub documentation (including typo fixes), the or this file
  • feat: A new website feature e.g. Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, or CSS changes to support a new feature
  • fix: A website bug fix (related to the Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, or CSS assets). Typos and other fixes to the contents of the documentation (markdown files) are not included in this scope
  • style: CSS fixes, formatting, missing semicolons, 💅
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature, and is too big to be considered chore
  • chore: Maintenance changes related to code cleaning that isn't considered part of a refactor, build process updates, dependency bumps, or auxiliary tools and libraries updates (npm modules, Travis-ci, etc...)

The scope is the part of the codebase that is affected by your change. Choosing it is at your discretion, but here are some of the most frequent ones:

  • <ce or ee>/<section>: A change that affects Kong docs or Kong Enterprise docs and specifies which section.
  • admin: Changes related to the Admin API documentation
  • proxy: Changes related to the proxy documentation
  • conf: Changes related to the configuration file documentation (new values, improvements...)
  • <plugin-or-extension-name>: A change to any of the listings in the Kong Hub. This could be basic-auth, or ldap for example
  • *: When the change affects too many parts of the codebase at once (this should be rare and avoided)

Here are a few examples of good commit messages to take inspiration from:

docs(ee/dev-portal) cleanup installation instructions

* add ports exposed for Dev Portal functionality
* use relative links and version them when necessary

From #623

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As mentioned in the guidelines, to submit a patch, the linter must succeed. You can run the linter like so:

$ npm run test

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Contributing images, videos, etc

Binary files like images and videos should not be included in your pull request, except custom icons for the Kong Hub - any request including them will be rejected.

Instead, please:

  1. Include the HTML necessary to display your binary file in your code
  2. In place of the link to the binary file, use FIXME
  3. Email your binary files to [email protected], and include a link to your pull request
  4. Kong staff will host your binary files on our CDN, and will replace the FIXMEs in your code with URLs of the binaries

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Table of Contents generator

Almost all pages have an automatic Table of Contents (ToC) added to the top of the page, courtesy of Kong#920

To inhibit the automatic addition of ToC, add the following to the front-matter toc: false

This ToC generator depends on headings being correctly coded in the markdown portion of the doc site files. If a page has an incorrectly-formatted ToC, be sure to check:

  • Heading levels must be correctly nested. Thus, heading levels like this:
# Heading Level 1
## Sub-heading Level 2
#### Sub-sub-sub-heading Level 4

will cause a broken ToC, and should be corrected to:

# Heading Level 1
## Sub-heading Level 2
### Sub-sub-heading Level 3

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Contributor T-shirt

If your contribution to this repository was accepted and fixes a bug, adds functionality, or makes it significantly easier to use or understand Kong, congratulations! You are eligible to receive the very special Contributor T-shirt! Find out how to request your shirt here.

Thank you for contributing!

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