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A PyTorch - NumPy compatibility layer


  • @ev-br
  • @lezcano
  • @rgommers


This RFC describes a proposal for a translation layer from NumPy into PyTorch. In simple terms, this accounts for implementing most of NumPy's API (ndarray, the numpy, numpy.linalg, numpy.fft modules, etc) using torch.Tensor and PyTorch ops as backend.

The main goal is: make TorchDynamo understand NumPy calls. This should enable an end user to combine code that uses the PyTorch API with code that uses the NumPy API, in a way that allows TorchDynamo to understand those function calls and build up an execution graph. To enable this, it is key that there is a translation layer from NumPy to PyTorch function calls, which TorchDynamo can use in order to build up its execution graph from PyTorch functions/primitives only. For niche functions in NumPy that don’t have a PyTorch equivalent, it’s okay to graph break and still call NumPy to execute the function call.

The work is currently being done at numpy_pytorch_interop.


Introductory examples

Consider the following snippet:

import numpy as np

x = np.random.randn(3, 4)
y = np.random.randn(4, 3)
z =, y)
w = z.sum()

When we trace this program with the compat layer, the semantics of the program would stay the same, but the implementation would be equivalent to

import torch
x = torch.randn(3, 4, dtype=torch.float64)
y = torch.randn(4, 3, dtype=torch.float64)
z = torch.matmul(x, y)
w = z.sum()

Here, we can already spot a couple differences between NumPy and PyTorch. The most obvious one is that the default dtype in NumPy is float64 rather than float32. The less obvious is very sneakily hiding in the last line.

>>> type(w)
<class 'numpy.float64'>

Reductions and similar operations in NumPy return the infamous NumPy scalars. We'll discuss these and other NumPy quirks and how we dealt with them in the design decision section.

Let's now have a look at a toy example of how this layer would be used.

import torch
import numpy as np
t1 = torch.tensor([1, 3, 5])
t2 = torch.exp(t)
# Now say the user has some code lying around which uses NumPy:
def fn(x, y):
    return np.multiply(x, y).sum()

result = fn(t1, t2)
t_results = torch.empty(5, dtype=torch.float64)
t_results[0] = result  # store the result in a torch.Tensor

Note that this code mixing NumPy and PyTorch already works in eager mode with CPU tensors, as torch.Tensor implements the __array__ method. Now, the compatibility layer allows us to trace through it. In order to do that, there would be no necessary changes, other than simply ask torch.compile to trace through it:

def fn(x, y):
    return np.multiply(x, y).sum()

Then, TorchDynamo will cast x and y to our internal implementation of ndarray, and will dispatch np.multiply and sum to our implementations in terms of torch functions, effectively turning this function into a pure PyTorch function.

Design decisions

The main ideas driving the design of this compatibility layer are the following:

  1. The goal is to transform valid NumPy and mixed PyTorch-NumPy programs into their equivalent PyTorch-only execution.
  2. The behavior of the layer should be as close to that of NumPy as possible
  3. The layer follows the most recent NumPy release

The following design decisions follow from these:

A superset of NumPy. NumPy has a number of well-known edge-cases (as does PyTorch, like spotty support for float16 on CPU and complex32 in general). The decision to translate only valid NumPy programs, often allows us to implement a superset of the functionality of NumPy with more predictable and consistent behavior than NumPy itself has.

Exceptions may be different. We avoid entirely modelling the exception system in NumPy. As seen in the implementation of PrimTorch, modelling the error cases of a given system is terribly difficult. We avoid this altogether and we choose not to offer any guarantee here.

Default dtypes. One of the most common issues that bites people when migrating their codebases from NumPy to JAX is the default dtype changing from float64 to float32. So much so that this is noted as one of JAX's sharp edges. Following the spirit of making everything match NumPy by default, we choose the NumPy default dtype whenever the dtype was not made explicit in a factory function. We also provide a function set_default_dtype that allows to change this behavior dynamically.

NumPy scalars. NumPy's type system is tricky. At first sight, it looks like PyTorch's, but with few more dtypes like np.uint16 or np.longdouble. Upon closer inspection, one finds that it also has NumPy scalar objects. NumPy scalars are similar to Python scalars but with a fixed precision and array-like methods attached. NumPy scalars are NumPy's preferred return class for reductions and other operations that return just one element. NumPy scalars do not play particularly well with computations on devices like GPUs, as they live on CPU. Implementing NumPy scalars would mean that we need to synchronize after every sum() call, which would be terrible performance-wise. In this implementation, we choose to represent NumPy scalars as 0-D arrays. This may cause small divergences in some cases. For example, consider the following NumPy behavior:

>>> np.int32(2) * [1, 2, 3]       # scalar decays to a python int
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

>>> np.asarray(2) * [1, 2, 3]     # zero-dim array is an array-like
array([2, 4, 6])

We don't expect these to pose a big issue in practice. Note that in the proposed implementation np.int32(2) would return the same as np.asarray(2). In general, we try to avoid unnecessary graph breaks whenever we can. For example, we may choose to return a tensor of shape (2, *) rather than a list of pairs, to avoid a graph break.

Type promotion. Another not-so-well-known fact of NumPy's dtype system and casting rules is that it is data-dependent. Python scalars can be used in pretty much any NumPy operation, being able to call any operation that accepts a 0-D array with a Python scalar. If you provide an operation with a Python scalar, these will be cast to the smallest dtype they can be represented in, and only then will they participate in type promotion. This allows for for some rather interesting behaviour

>>> np.asarray([1], dtype=np.int8) + 127
array([128], dtype=int8)
>>> np.asarray([1], dtype=np.int8) + 128
array([129], dtype=int16)

This data-dependent type promotion will be removed in NumPy 2.0 (planned for Dec'23), and will be replaced with NEP 50 (already implemented in NumPy, it needs to be enabled via a private global switch now). For simplicity and to be forward-looking, we chose to implement the type promotion behaviour proposed in NEP 50, which is much closer to that of PyTorch.

Note that the decision of going with NEP 50 complements the previous one of returning 0-D arrays in place of NumPy scalars as, currently, 0-D arrays do not participate in type promotion in NumPy (but will do in NumPy 2.0 under NEP 50):

int64_0d_array = np.array(1, dtype=np.int64)
np.result_type(np.int8, int64_0d_array) == np.int8

Versioning. It should be clear from the previous points that NumPy has a fair amount of questionable behavior and legacy pain points. It is for this reason that we decided that rather than fighting these, we would declare that the compat layer follows the behavior of NumPy's most recent release (even, in some cases, of NumPy 2.0). Given the stability of NumPy's API and how battle-tested its main functions are, we do not expect this to become a big maintenance burden. If anything, it should make our lives easier, as some parts of NumPy will soon be simplified, saving us the pain of having to implement all the pre-existing corner-cases.

Randomness. PyTorch and NumPy use different random number generation methods. In particular, NumPy recently moved to a new API with a Generator object which has sampling methods on it. The current compat layer does not implement this new API, as the default bit generator in NumPy is PCG64, while on PyTorch we use MT19937 on CPU and Philox on non-CPU devices. From this, it follows that this API will not give any reproducibility guarantees when it comes to randomness.

Accuracy. For deterministic operations, we would expect to give accuracy guarantees similar to those in torch.compile. In particular, we would expect these decompositions to be as precise as those from NumPy when compared to an fp64 baseline minus perhaps a small relative error.

The torch_np module

The bulk of the work went into implementing a system that allows us to implement NumPy operations in terms of those of PyTorch. The main design goals here were

  1. Implement most of NumPy's API
  2. Preserve NumPy semantics as much as possible

We say most of NumPy's API, because NumPy's API is not only massive, but also there are parts of it which cannot be implemented in PyTorch. For example, NumPy has support for arrays of string, datetime, structured and other dtypes. Negative strides are another example of a feature that is not supported in PyTorch. We put together a list of things that are out of the scope of this project in the following issue.

For the bulk of the functions, we started by prioritizing the most common operations. Then, when bringing tests from the NumPy test suite, we triaged and prioritized how important it was to fix each failure we found. Doing this iteratively, we ended up with a small list of differences between the NumPy and PyTorch APIs, which we prioritized by hand. That list and the prioritization discussion can be found in this issue.

Visibility of the module For simplicity, this RFC assumes that the torch_np module will not be public, as the initial suggestion for it to be made public was met with mixed opinions. This topic can be revisited in the future if desired. We discuss these in the section unresolved questions.

Annotation-based preprocessing

NumPy accepts virtually anything that smells like an array as an input.

>>> np.add(1, 3)
>>> np.add([1., 2., 3.], 5)
array([6., 7., 8.])
>>> np.concatenate([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

NumPy calls all these objects array_like objects. To implement NumPy in terms of PyTorch, for any operation we would need to map inputs into tensors, perform the operations, and then wrap the tensor into a torch_np.ndarray (more on this class later).

To avoid all this code repetition, we implement the functions in two steps.

First, we implement functions with the NumPy signature, but assuming that in place of NumPy-land elements (np.array, array-like functions, np.dtypes, etc) they simply accept torch.Tensor and PyTorch-land objects and return torch.Tensors. For example, we would implement np.diag as

def diag(v, k=0):
    return torch.diag(v, k)

In this layer, if a NumPy function is composite (calls other NumPy functions internally), we can simply vendor its implementation, and have it call our PyTorch-land implementations of these functions. In other words, at this level, functions are composable, as they are simply regular PyTorch functions. All these implementations are internal, and are not meant to be seen or used by the end user.

The second step is then done via type annotations and a decorator. Each type annotation has an associated function from NumPy-land into PyTorch-land. This function converts the set of inputs accepted by NumPy for that argument into a PyTorch-land object (think a torch.Tensor or a PyTorch dtype). For example, for np.diag we would write

def diag(v: ArrayLike, k=0):
    return torch.diag(v, k)

Then, we wrap these Python-land functions with a normalizer decorator and expose them in the torch_np module. This decorator is in charge of gathering all the inputs at runtime and normalizing them (i.e., converting torch_np objects to PyTorch counterparts) according to their annotations.

We currently have four annotations (and small variations of them):

  • ArrayLike: The input can be a torch_np.array, a list of lists, a scalar, or anything that NumPy would accept. It returns a torch.Tensor.
  • DTypeLike: Takes a torch_np dtype, and any other object that Numpy dtypes accept (strings, typecodes...) and returns a PyTorch dtype.
  • AxisLike: Takes anything that can be accepted as an axis (e.g. a tuple or an ndarray) and returns a tuple.
  • OutArray: Asserts that the input is a torch_np.ndarray. This is used to implement the out keyword.

Note that none of the code in this implementation makes use of NumPy. We are writing torch_np.ndarray above to make more explicit our intent, but there shouldn't be any ambiguity.

Implementing out: In PyTorch, the out kwarg is a keyword-only argument. It is for this reason that, in PrimTorch, we were able to implement it as a decorator. This is not the case in NumPy. In NumPy, out can be used both as a positional and a keyword argument, and is often interleaved with other parameters. This is the reason why we use the OutArray annotation to mark these. We then implement the out semantics in the @normalizer wrapper in a generic way.

Ufuncs and reductions: Ufuncs (unary and binary) and reductions are two sets of functions that are particularly regular. For these functions, we implement support for their arguments in a generic way as a preprocessing or postprocessing step.

The ndarray class Once we have all the free functions implemented as functions from torch_np.ndarrays to torch_np.ndarrays, implementing the methods from the ndarray class is rather simple. We simply register all the free functions as methods or dunder methods appropriately. We also forward the properties of ndarray to the corresponding properties of torch.Tensor` and we are done. This creates a circular dependency which we break with a local import.


The testing of the framework was done via copying vendoring tests from the NumPy test suite. Then, we would replace the NumPy imports with torch_np imports. The failures on these tests were then triaged, and either fixed or marked xfail depending on our assessment of the priority of implementing a fix.

In the end, to have a last check that this tool was sound, we pulled five examples of NumPy code from different sources and ran it with this library (eager mode execution). We were able to run the five examples successfully with close to no code changes. You can read about these in the README.


A number of known limitations are tracked in the second part of the OP of this issue. When landing this RFC, we will create a comprehensive document with the differences between NumPy and torch_np.

Beyond plain NumPy

GPU. The implementation allows for running NumPy code on GPU simply by adding a torch.set_default_device("cuda") at the top of the relevant file/code. We tested this on the code examples that we drew from the internet and they run just fine on GPU.

Gradients. We have not tested gradient tracking either as we are still to find some good examples on which to test it, but it should be a simple corollary of all this effort. If the original tensors fed into a function have requires_grad=True, the tensors will track the gradients of the internal implementation and then the user can differentiate through their NumPy code.

Bindings to TorchDynamo

The bindings for NumPy at the TorchDynamo level are currently being developed in pytorch#95849.

Unresolved questions

A question was left open in the initial discussion. Should the module torch_np be publicly exposed as torch.numpy or not?

A few arguments in favor of making it public:

  • People could use it in their NumPy programs just by changing the import to import torch.numpy as np. This could be a selling point similar to JAX's jax.numpy, which could incentivize adoption.
  • People would not need to use the whole torch.compile stack to start using PyTorch as a backend for their NumPy code in their codebase.
  • Since the layer is rather thin and in pure Python, if there are bugs, external contributors could easily help fixing them or extend the supported functionality.

A few arguments against:

  • The compat introduces a number of type conversions that may produce somewhat slow code when used in eager mode.
    • [Note] Keeping this in mind, we tried to use as few operators as possible, in the implementation, to make it reasonably fast in eager mode.
  • Exposing torch.numpy would create a less performant secondary entry point to many of the functions in PyTorch. This could be a trap for new users.