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A PyTorch conda "distribution"

Authors Ralf Gommers
Status Rejected
Type Process
Created 2020-11-26

This proposal addresses the need for a PyTorch conda distribution, meaning a collection of integration-tested packages that can be installed from a single channel, to enable package authors to release packages that depend on PyTorch and let users install them in a reliable way.

Motivation and Scope

For developers of libraries that depend on PyTorch, it is currently (Nov'20) quite difficult to express that dependency in a way that makes their package easily installable with conda (or pip) by end users. With the PyTorch ecosystem growing and the dependency graphs of sets of packages users use in a single environment becoming more complex, streamlining the package distribution and installation experience is important.

Examples of packages for which there's interest in making them more easily available to end users:

  • fastai: Jeremy Howard expressed interest, and plans to copy pytorch and other dependencies of fastai over to the fastai channel in case this proposal doesn't work out.
  • fairseq: a fairseq developer inquired about being added to the pytorch channel here, and a conda-forge contributor wanted to package both PyTorch and fairseq in conda-forge, see here.
  • TorchANI: see a TorchANI user's recent attempt to add a conda-forge package here.

In scope for this proposal are:

  • Processes related to adding new packages to the pytorch conda channel.
  • CI infrastructure needed for integration testing and moving already built packages to the pytorch channel.

Note: using the pytorch channel seems like the most obvious choice for a single integration channel; using a new channel is also possible, it won't change the rest of this proposal materially.

Out of scope are:

  • Changes related to how libraries are built or packages for conda are created.
  • Updating PyTorch packaging in defaults or conda-forge.
  • Improvements to installing with pip or wheel builds.

The current state of affairs

PyTorch is packaged in the pytorch channel; users must either add that channel to the channels list globally or in an environment (using, e.g., conda config --env --add channels pytorch), or add -c pytorch to every conda command they run. Note that the channels method is preferred over -c pytorch but installation instructions invariably use the latter, which can lead to problems when it's forgotten by the user at some point.

PyTorch is also packaged in defaults, but it's really outdated (1.4.0 for CUDA-enabled packages, 1.5.0 for CPU-only). The conda-forge channel doesn't have PyTorch packages - there's a desire to add them, however it's unclear if and how that will happen.

Authors of pure Python packages tend to use their own conda channel to distribute their own package. Installation instructions will then have both the pytorch and their own channel in them. For example for fastai and BoTorch:

conda install -c fastai -c pytorch fastai
conda install botorch -c pytorch -c gpytorch

When a user needs multiple packages, that becomes unwieldy quickly with each package adding its own channel. Note: alternatively, pure Python packages can choose to distribute on PyPI only (see the PyPI, pip and wheels section further down) - Kornia is an example of a package that does this.

Authors of packages containing C++ or CUDA code which use the PyTorch C++ API have an additional issue: they need to release new package versions in sync with PyTorch itself, because there's no stable ABI that would allow depending on multiple PyTorch versions. For example, the torchvision install_requires dependency is determined like:

pytorch_dep = 'torch'
if os.getenv('PYTORCH_VERSION'):
    pytorch_dep += "==" + os.getenv('PYTORCH_VERSION')

requirements = [

and its build script ensure a one-to-one correspondence of pytorch and torchvision versions of packages.

The pytorch channel currently already contains other packages that depend on PyTorch. Those fall into two categories: needed dependencies (e.g., magma-cuda, ffmpeg) , and PyTorch-branded and Facebook-owned projects like torchvision, torchtext, torchaudio, captum, faiss, ignite, etc. See for a complete list.

Those packages maintain their own build and packaging scripts (see this comment), and the integration testing and uploading to the pytorch conda channel is done via scripts in the pytorch/builder repo.

There's more integration testing happening already:

  • The test_community_repos/ directory in the builder repo contains a significantly larger set of packages that's tested in addition to the packages that are distributed on the pytorch conda channel.
  • The pytorch-integration-testing repo contains tooling to test PyTorch release candidates.
  • An overview of integration test results from the builder repo (last updated Oct'19, so perhaps no longer maintained) can be found here.

Usage and Impact

End users

The intended outcome for end users is that they will be able to install many of the most commonly packages easily with conda from a single channel, e.g.:

conda install pytorch torchvision kornia fastai mmf -c pytorch

or, a little more complete:

# Use a new environment for a new project
conda create -n myenv
conda activate myenv
# Add channel to env, so all conda commands will now pick up packages
# in the pytorch channel:
conda config --env --add channels pytorch
conda install pytorch torchvision kornia fastai mmf

Maintainers of packages depending on PyTorch

The intended outcome for maintainers is that:

  1. They have clear documentation on how to add their package to the pytorch channel, including the criteria their packages should meet, how to run integration tests, and how to release new versions.
  2. They can declare their dependencies correctly
  3. They will still need their own channel or some staging channel to host packages before they get anaconda copy'd to the pytorch channel.
  4. They can provide a single install command to their users, conda install mypkg -c pytorch, that will work reliably.


Proposing a new package for inclusion

Prerequisites for a package being considered for inclusion in the pytorch channel are:

  1. The package naturally belongs in the PyTorch ecosystem. I.e., PyTorch is a key dependency, and the package is focused on an area like deep learning, machine learning or scientific computing.
  2. All runtime dependencies of the package are available in the defaults or pytorch channel, or adding them to the pytorch is possible with a reasonable amount of effort.
  3. A working recipe for creating a conda package is available.

A GitHub repository (working name conda-distro) will be used for managing proposals for new packages as well as integration configuration and tooling. To propose a new package, open an issue and fill out the instructions in the GitHub issue template. When a maintainer approves the request, the proposer can open a PR to that same repo to add the package to the integration testing.

Integration testing infrastructure

The CI connected to the conda-distro repo has to do the following:

  1. Trigger on PRs that add or update an individual package, running the tests for that package and downstream dependencies of that package.
  2. If tests for (1) are successful, sync the conda packages in question to the pytorch channel with anaconda copy.
  3. Provide a way to run the tests of all packages together.
  4. Send notifications if a package releases requires an update (e.g. a version bump) to a downstream package.

The individual packages have to do the following:

  1. Ensure there are upper bounds on dependency versions, so new releases of PyTorch or another dependency cannot break already released versions of the individual package in question. Note that that does mean that a new PyTorch releases requires version bumps on existing packages - more detail in strategy will be needed here.
  2. Tests for a package should be runnable in a standardized way, via conda-build --test. This is easy to achieve via either a test: section in the recipe (meta.yaml) or a file. See this section of the conda-build docs for details. An advantage of this method is that conda-build is already aware of channels and dependencies, so it should work with very little extra effort.

What happens when a new PyTorch release is made?

For minor or major versions of PyTorch, new releases of downstream packages will also be necessary. A number of packages, such as torchvision, torchaudio and torchtext, are anyway released in sync. Other packages in the pytorch channel may need to be manually released via a PR to the conda-distro repo).

Version constraints should be set such that a bugfix release of PyTorch does not require any new downstream package releases.

Dealing with packages that aren't maintained

Proposing a package for inclusion in the pytorch channel implies a commitment to keep maintaining the package. There wil be a place to list one or more maintainers for each package so they can be pinged if needed. In case a package is not up-to-date or broken and it does not get fixed, after a certain duration (length TBD) it may be removed from the channel.



The main alternative to making the pytorch channel an integration channel that distributes many packages that depend on PyTorch is to have a (GPU-enabled) PyTorch package in conda-forge, and tell users and package authors that that is the place to go. It will require working with conda-forge in order to ensure that the pytorch package is of high quality, either by copying over the binaries from the pytorch channel or by migrating recipes and keeping them in sync. See this very long discussion for details (and issues).

Advantages of this alternative are:

  • Conda-forge has a lot of packages, so it will be easier to install PyTorch in combination with other non-deep learning packages (e.g. the geo-science stack).
  • Conda-forge already has established tools and processes for adding and updating them. Which means it's less likely for there to be issues with dependencies (e.g. packages with many or unusual dependencies may not be accepted into the pytorch channel, while conda-forge will be fine with them).
  • Users are likely already familiar with using the conda-forge channel.

Disadvantages of this alternative are:

  • As of today, conda-forge doesn't have GPU hardware. Building is stil possible using CUDA stubs, however testing cannot really be done inside CI, only manually (which is a pain, especially when having to test multiple hardware and OS platforms). Note that there are packages that follow this approach (mostly without problems so far), for example arrow-cpp and cupy. To obtain a full list of packages, clone and run grep 'compiler(' feedstocks/*/meta.yaml | grep cuda.
  • conda-forge and defaults aren't guaranteed to be compatible, so standardizing on conda-forge may cause problems for people who prefer defaults.
  • Exotic hardware support may be difficult. PyTorch has support for TPUs (via XLA), AMD ROCm, Linux on ARM64, Vulkan, Metal, Android NNAPI - this list will continue to grow. Most of this is experimental and hence not present in official binaries (and/or in the C++/Java packages which aren't distributed with conda), but this is likely to change and present issues with compilers or dependencies not present in conda-forge. For more details, see this comment by Soumith.
  • Release coordination is more difficult. For a PyTorch release, packages for pytorch, torchvision, torchtext, torchaudio will all be built together and then released. There may be manual quality assurance steps before uploading the packages. Building a set of packages like that depend on each other and releasing them in a coordinated fashion is hard to do on conda-forge, given that if everything is in feedstocks, the new pytorch package must already be available before the next build can start. It may be possible to do this with channel labels (build sequentially, then move all packages to the main label at once), but either way all the released artifacts will be publicly visible before the official release.

Other points:

  • If the PyTorch team does not package for conda-forge, someone else will do that at some point.
  • Conda-forge no longer uses a single compiler toolchain for all packages it builds for a given platform - it is now possible to use a newer compiler, which itself is built with an older glibc/binutils (that does need to be common). See this example for how to specify using GCC 8. So not having a recent enough compiler available is unlikely to be a relevant concern.
  • Mirroring packages in the pytorch channel to the conda-forge channel would alleviate worries about the disadvantages here, however there's no conda-forge tooling currently to verify ABI compatibility of the packages, which is the main worry of the conda-forge team with this approach.

DIY for every package

Letting authors of every package depending on PyTorch find their own solution is basically the status quo of today. The most likely outcome longer-term is that PyTorch plus those packages depending on it will be packaged in conda-forge independently. At that point there are two competing pytorch packages, one in the pytorch and one in the conda-forge channel. And users who need a prebuilt version of other packages not available in the pytorch channel will likely migrate to conda-forge.

The advantage is: no need to do any work to implement this proposal. The disadvantage is: depending on PyTorch will remain difficult for downstream packages.

Related work and issues

Conda channels

Mixing multiple conda channels is rarely a good idea. It isn't even completely clear what a channel is for, opinions of conda and conda-forge maintainers differ - see conda-forge/


RAPIDS has a really complex setup for distributing conda packages. Its install instructions currently look like:

conda create -n rapids-0.16 -c rapidsai -c nvidia -c conda-forge \
    -c defaults rapids=0.16 python=3.7 cudatoolkit=10.1

Depending on a user's config (e.g. having channel_priority: strict in .condarc), this may not work even in a clean environment. If one would add the pytorch channel as well, for users that need both PyTorch and RAPIDS, it's even less likely to work - the conda solver cannot handle that many channels and will fail to find a solution.


CUDA libraries are distributed for conda users via the cudatoolkit package. That package is only available in the nvidia, defaults and conda-forge channels. The license of the package prohibits redistribution, and an exception is difficult to obtain. Therefore it should not be added to the pytorch channel (also not necessary, obtaining it from defaults is fine).

PyPI, pip and wheels

The experience installing PyTorch with pip is suboptimal, mainly because there's no way to control CUDA versions via pip, so the user gets whatever the default CUDA version is (10.2 at the time of writing) when running pip install torch. In case the user needs a different CUDA version or the CPU-only package, the install instruction looks like:

pip install torch==1.7.0+cu101 -f

There's the pytorch-pip-shim tool to handle auto-detecting CUDA versions and retrieving the right wheel. It relies on monkeypatching pip though, so it may break when new versions of pip are released.

For package authors wanting to add a dependency on PyTorch, the above usability issue is a serious problem. If they add a runtime dependency on PyTorch (via install_requires in or via pyproject.toml), the only thing they can add is torch and there's no good way of signalling to the user that there's a CUDA version issue or how to deal with it.

Finally note that pip and conda work together reasonably well, so for package authors that want to release packages that do not contain C++ or CUDA code, releasing on PyPI only and telling their users to install PyTorch with conda and their package with pip will work best. As soon as C++/CUDA code gets added, that's no longer reliable though.

Effort estimate


Initial setup

Ongoing effort