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Forms Schema

Since MongoDB has no set schema, we document it here to document what our objects should look like. If you add new properties or remove them from objects make sure to update them here.

In this document:


Field Type Description Example
id Unique identifier A user selected, unique, descriptive identifier (used in URL routes, so no spaces) "ban-appeals"
features List of form features A list of features to change the behaviour of the form, described in the features section ["OPEN", "COLLECT_EMAIL"]
questions List of form questions The list of questions to render on a specific form Too long! See below
name String Name of the form "Summer Code Jam 2100"
description String Form description "This is my amazing form description."
webhook Webhook object An optional discord webhook. See webhook documentation.
submitted_text Optional[String] An optional string for the response upon submitting. "This is my amazing form response."
discord_role String (optional) Discord role ID what will be assigned, required when ASSIGN_ROLE flag provided. 784467518298259466
response_readers List[String] Discord roles which can view the responses of the form. Can not be the everyone role. ["267629731250176001", "825337057181696020"]
editors List[String] Discord roles which have permission to edit, delete, or otherwise modify the form. Can not be the everyone role. ["409416496733880320"]

Form features

Flag Description
DISCOVERABLE The form should be displayed on the homepage of the forms application.
REQUIRES_LOGIN Requires the user to authenticate with Discord before completing the form.
OPEN The form is currently accepting responses.
COLLECT_EMAIL The form should collect the email from submissions. Requires REQUIRES_LOGIN
DISABLE_ANTISPAM Disable the anti-spam checks from running on a form submission.
WEBHOOK_ENABLED The form should notify the webhook. Has no effect if no webhook is set.
ASSIGN_ROLE The form should assign role to user. Requires REQUIRES_LOGIN.


Discord webhooks to send information upon form submission.

Field Type Description
url String Discord webhook URL.
message String An optional message to include before the embed. Can use certain context variables.

Webhook Variables

The following variables can be used in a webhook's message. The variables must be wrapped by braces ({}).

Name Description
user A discord mention of the user submitting the form, or "User" if unavailable.
response_id ID of the submitted response.
form Name of the submitted form.
form_id ID of the submitted form.
time ISO submission timestamp.

Form question

Field Type Description Example
id string Unique identifier of the question "aabbcc"
name string Name of the question "What's the time?"
type one of Question types The type of input for this question "radio"
data Question specific data Any specific data for the question type selected Documented below
required Boolean Indicates whether the field must be filled True

Question types

Name Description
radio Radio buttons
checkbox Checkbox toggle
select Dropdown list
short_text One line input field
textarea Long text input
code Syntax highlighted code input
range Horizontal drag slider
section Not an input, just a section of text to explain something
timezone Similar to select, attempts to automatically detect user timezone

Question data

Different questions require different input data to render. All data is in an object with keys and values as defined in the below tables. All fields are required unless stated otherwise.

    // Option list for radio buttons
    "options": [

Checkboxes require no additional configuration

    // Option list for select dropdown
    "options": [
        "United Kingdom",
        "United States"

Short text fields require no additional configuration.


Textareas require no additional configuration.

    // A supported language from
    "language": "python",
    // An optinal mapping of unit tests
    "unittests": {
        // Record a submission, even if the tests don't pass
        // Default: false
        "allow_failure": false,
        "tests": {
            "unit_1": "unit_code()",
    // A list of options to put on the range, from left to right
    "options": [
        "Not at all",
        "Not much",
        "A little",
        "A lot"
    // OPTIONAL: Additional text to place below the section header
    "text": "This section will quiz you on A, B and C"

Timezones require no additional options, they will automatically attempt to select the users timezone, or allow the user to select one if it is detected wrong/could not be detected.

Form response

Field Type Description
_id/id MongoDB ObjectID Random identifier used for the response
user Optional user details object An object describing the user that submitted if the form is not anonymous
antispam Optional anti spam object An object containing information about the anti-spam on the form submission
response Object Object containing question IDs mapping to the users answer*
form_id String ID of the form that the user is submitting to
timestamp String ISO formatted string of submission time.

 * If the question is of type code, the response has the following structure:

"response": {
  "<QUESTION ID>": {
    "value": "<USER CODE>",
    "passed": bool,
    "failures": ["<TEST NAME 1>", "<TEST NAME 4>", "<HIDDEN TEST 1>", ...]
  • Values in <> are placeholders, while the rest are actual keys
  • passed is True only if all tests in the suite passed.

User details object

The user details contains the information returned by Discord alongside an admin boolean key representing that the user has admin privileges. The information returned from Discord can be found in the Discord Developer portal.

Anti-spam object

The anti-spam object contains information about the source of the form submission.

Field Type Description
ip_hash String hash of the submitting users IP address
user_agent_hash String hash of the submitting users user agent
captcha_pass Boolean Whether the user passsed the hCaptcha
dns_blacklisted Boolean Whether the submitting IP is on a DNS blacklist