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Upgrading from IronPython 2 to 3

IronPython 3.4 uses Python 3.4 syntax and standard libraries and so your Python code will need to be updated accordingly. There are numerous tools and guides available on the web to help porting from Python 2 to 3.

Binary compatibility

The IronPython 3 binaries are not compatible with the IronPython 2 binaries. Modules compiled with clr.CompileModules using IronPython 2 are not compatible and will need to be recompiled using IronPython 3.

Checking for IronPython

In an effort to improve compatibility, sys.platform no longer returns cli. If you wish to check if you're running on IronPython the recommended pattern is to check that is equal to ironpython:

if == "ironpython":

None is a keyword

None is a keyword in Python 3 and trying to access a member called None will raise a SyntaxError. Since this name is frequently used in .NET code (e.g. in enums), code trying to use it is going to throw. You can use alternate syntax in order to access the .NET member, for example getattr(x, "None") or an accessor for enums MyEnum["None"].

# IronPython 2
# IronPython 3

Similarly, True and False are also keywords in Python 3.

int Type

One of the major backward incompatible changes in Python 3 is PEP 237 – Unifying Long Integers and Integers: Essentially, long renamed to int. That is, there is only one built-in integral type, named int; but it behaves mostly like the old long type. From the pure Python perspective this means that int should be used wherever previously long was used. More consideration has to be applied in interop cases with .NET.

The Python int type in IronPython 3 is implemented as System.Numerics.BigInteger (and not as System.Int32 as it was in IronPython 2). It can contain in theory an arbitrarily large integer (only limited by the 2 GByte memory boundary).

>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReference("System.Numerics")
>>> import System
>>> int is System.Numerics.BigInteger
>>> int is System.Int32
>>> clr.GetClrType(int).Name

This means that in interop cases, when the int type is used (think generics), it will mean BigInteger and not Int32 (which was the case in IronPython 2). To retain IronPython 2 semantics, replace int with System.Int32.


# IronPython 2
# IronPython 3

Overview of int type equivalency:

IronPython 2 IronPython 3 .NET
long int System.Numerics.BigInteger
int N/A System.Int32

Instances of int

As for instances of int, mostly for performance reasons, IronPython may use instances of System.Int32 to hold smaller integers, while BigInteger instances are used for large integers. This is done transparently from the Python side, but again the distinction may become relevant for interop cases. Examples:

i = 1        # instance of Int32
j = 1 << 31  # instance of BigInteger
k = j - 1    # still BigInteger, as one of the arguments makes the result type BigInteger

This means that the type of Int32 objects is always reported as int (which is the same as BigInteger). If it is important to check what is the actual type of a given integer object, test if the object is an instance of System.Int32. (An alternative way is a test for the presence of MaxValue or MinValue. For those properties to be visible, System has to be imported first.)

>>> import System
>>> type(i)
<class 'int'>
>>> isinstance(i, System.Int32)
>>> type(j)
<class 'int'>
>>> isinstance(j, System.Int32)
>>> hex(i.MaxValue)

The creation of either Int32 or BigInteger instances happens automatically by the int constructor. If for interop purposes it is important to create a BigInteger (despite the value fitting in 32 bits), use method ToBigInteger. It converts Int32 values to BigInteger and leaves BigInteger values unaffected.

>>> bi = i.ToBigInteger()
>>> isinstance(j, System.Int32)

In the opposite direction, if it is essential to create Int32 objects, either use constructors for int or Int32. In the current implementation, the former converts an integer to Int32 if the value fits in 32 bits, otherwise it leaves it as BigInteger. The latter throws an exception is the conversion is not possible. Although the behavior of the constructor int may or may not change in the future, it is always guaranteed to convert the value to the "canonical form" adopted for that version of IronPython.

>>> # k is a BigInteger that fits in 32 bits
>>> isinstance(j, System.Int32)
>>> hex(k)
>>> ki = int(k)  # converts k to Int32
>>> isinstance(ki, System.Int32)
>>> ki = System.Int32(k) # also converts k to Int32
>>> isinstance(ki, System.Int32)
>>> # j is a BigInteger that does not fit in 32 bits
>>> isinstance(j, System.Int32)
>>> hex(j)
>>> j = int(j)  # no type change, j stays BigInteger
>>> isinstance(j, System.Int32)
>>> j = System.Int32(j)  # conversion fails
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OverflowError: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

Such explicit conversions are in most cases unnecessary since the runtime recognizes int/Int32 equivalence of instances and performs necessary conversions automatically.

>>> import System
>>> int_list = System.Collections.Generic.List[int]()
>>> int_list.Add(1) # Int32 instance converted to BigInteger
>>> int32_list = System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Int32]()
>>> int32_list.Add((1).ToBigInteger()) # BigInteger instance converted to Int32
>>> int_list[0] == int32_list[0]

Pickling and unpickling of int

When an int object is serialized using pickle.dump(x, myfile) and subsequently unpickled with x = pickle.load(myfile) (or pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x)), this has the same effect as reconstructing the object using the int constructor, i.e. x = int(x). In other words, if the x instance was BigInteger but the value fits in Int32, it will be reconstructed as Int32.

BigIntegerV2 API

In IronPython 2, long type carries an obsolete BigIntegerV2 API, accessible after importing System. In IronPython 3 this API is not available directly on int instances (regardless whether the instance is Int32 or BigInteger), but is still accessible in some form through Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.MathUtils in Microsoft.Dynamic.dll.

>>> # IronPython 2
>>> i = 1        # instance of Int32 (int)
>>> j = 1 << 64  # instance of BigInteger (long)
>>> import System
>>> j.GetWords()
Array[UInt32]((0, 0, 1))
>>> i.GetWords()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'GetWords'
>>> long.GetWords(i)
>>> # IronPython 3
>>> i = 1        # instance of Int32 (int)
>>> j = 1 << 64  # instance of BigInteger (int)
>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReference("Microsoft.Dynamic")
>>> import Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.MathUtils
>>> clr.ImportExtensions(Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.MathUtils)
>>> j.GetWords()
Array[UInt32]((0, 0, 1))
>>> i.GetWords()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'GetWords'
>>> Microsoft.Scripting.Utils.MathUtils.GetWords(i)

Another set of Python-hidden methods on long in IronPython 2 that are not available on int in IronPython 3 are conversion methods with names like ToXxx. The recommended way to perform type conversions like those is to use type constructors. The exception is the conversion to BigInteger itself, for the reasons explained above.

# IronPython 2
j = long(1)
i64 = j.ToInt64()
# IronPython 3
import System
j = (1).ToBigInteger()
i64 = System.Int64(j)


IronPython's range is a generator that produces a sequence of int values. The values are instances of Int32 or BigInteger, depending on the actual integer value they represent. When range is used in a LINQ context, it exposes interface IEnumerable<Int32> and all values generated are of type Int32. This limits the possible value to the range Int32.MinValue to Int32.MaxValue.

Redirecting output

With IronPython 2, standard output was written to the runtime's SharedIO.OutputWriter (which was Console.Out by default). This is no longer the case with IronPython 3 where the standard output is a binary stream. The output is now written to runtime's SharedIO.OutputStream. Similarly, standard input and error are now using SharedIO.InputStream and SharedIO.ErrorStream respectively.

Because of this, using a TextWriter to capture output will no longer work. As a workaround, in order to use a TextWriter as the main method of redirection, one could wrap the writer inside a stream (for example, see TextStream).

IronPython 2

var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
var textWriter = new MyTextWriter();
// no longer works!

IronPython 3

var engine = Python.CreateEngine();
var textWriter = new MyTextWriter();
engine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput(new TextStream(textWriter), textWriter);