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Atomic Enterprise Platform Early Access Program

This guide focuses on Atomic Enterprise Platform. However, there is ongoing work to share more work with OpenShift v3, and thus you might find newer instructions in the OpenShift version of this guide.

Architecture and Requirements


The documented architecture for the early access testing is pretty simple. There are three systems:

  • Master + Node
  • Node
  • Node

The master is the scheduler/orchestrator and the API endpoint for all commands. This is similar to OpenShift V2's "broker". We are also running the node software on the master.

The "node" hosts user applications. You will learn much more about the inner workings of Atomic throughout the rest of the document.


You should begin this tutorial with a basic grasp of how to provision multiple Red Hat Enterprise Linux instances on at least one chosen physical/virtual platform. That platform could be local libvirt/virt-manager on your laptop, a private OpenStack instance, Red Hat Satellite with bare metal PXE booting, or it could be EC2 or another public cloud, etc.

For the deployment target, you should know at least:

  • How to set up authentication with ssh (e.g. in public cloud, via cloud-init most commonly, on bare metal, with kickstart or manually in the Anaconda GUI)
  • How to manage storage and networking (particularly firewalls)

Each machine should have 4+ GB of memory, 20+ GB of disk space, and the following configuration:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux >=7.1 (Note: 7.1 kernel is required for openvswitch)
  • If using Anaconda, the "Minimal" installation option (the default for the KVM and AWS images etc. is fine)

Note: At the current time, Atomic Enterprise Platform is not supported for deployment on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.

The majority of storage requirements are related to Docker, etcd, and a docker image repository. The etcd state (like all service state by default) lives in /var/lib/etcd/, so be sure to allocate storage for it. Leave space somewhere on the master to store images and metadata for the docker registry. In later examples we will use /mnt/registry. For Docker, the currently recommended storage configuration is "direct LVM" using docker-storage-setup.

Please see APPENDIX - Docker Storage Setup for information on setting up storage for docker.

As part of signing up for the beta program, you should have received an evaluation subscription. This subscription gave you access to the beta software. You will need to use subscription manager to both register your VMs, and attach them to the Atomic Enterprise High Touch Beta subscription.

Setting Up the Environment


In most cases you will see references to "" and other FQDNs related to it. If you choose not to use "" in your configuration, that is fine, but remember that you will have to adjust files and actions accordingly.


  • All of your machines must be able to access one another by each other's hostname.

    In almost all cases, when referencing machines you must use hostnames and the hostnames that you use must match the output of hostname -f on each of your nodes. Forward DNS resolution of hostnames is an absolute requirement. This training document assumes the following configuration:

    • (master+node)

    We do our best to point out where you will need to change things if your hostnames do not match.

The router and wildcard DNS

  • Atomic Enterprise comes with a "router" component for external access to the cluster, using HAProxy. This is optional, but it is very common to want external systems to be able to access a cluster.

    If you do not have administrative access to an existing DNS system (e.g. Route 53 in AWS, or a private DNS infrastructure), you will need to set up your own DNS server in the beta testing environment. Documentation is provided on DNSMasq in an appendix, APPENDIX - DNSMasq setup

    Remember that NetworkManager may make changes to your DNS configuration/resolver/etc. You will need to properly configure your interfaces' DNS settings and/or configure NetworkManager appropriately.

    More information on NetworkManager can be found in this comment:

    openshift/training#193 (comment)

    If you choose to use the router, you will need to have a wildcard for a DNS zone resolve, ultimately, to the IP address of the router. For this training, we will ensure that the router will end up on the server that is running the master. Go ahead and create a wildcard DNS entry for "cloudapps" (or something similar), with a low TTL, that points to the public IP address of your master.

    For example:

    * 300 IN A

    It is possible to use dnsmasq inside of your beta environment to handle these duties. See the appendix on dnsmasq if you can't easily manipulate your existing DNS environment.


You will either need internet access or read and write access to an internal http-based git server where you will duplicate the public code repositories used in the labs.

Preparing Each Machine

Once your machines are built and you have verified DNS and network connectivity you should:

  1. Configure the base yum repositories as follows:

    subscription-manager register --auto-attach
    subscription-manager repos --disable="*"
    subscription-manager repos \
      --enable="rhel-7-server-rpms" \
  2. Install rpms missing from minimal we are likely to need.

    yum -y install deltarpm wget vim-enhanced net-tools bind-utils tmux git docker
  3. Install the preview Atomic Enterprise repo:

    curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic-enterprise.repo
  4. Make sure docker storage is configured correctly before starting docker!

    See APPENDIX - Docker Storage Setup

  5. To speed things up later you can grab docker images needed later (Optional)

    Make sure you completed the storage setup first! See APPENDIX - Docker Storage Setup

    systemctl start docker
    docker pull
    docker pull
    docker pull
    docker pull

    It may be advisable to pull the following Docker images as well, since they are used during the various labs:

    docker pull

Ansible preparation

Currently, the vast majority of the heavy lifting for an Atomic Enterprise installation is currently implemented in an Ansible code base. Ansible is available in the EPEL repository.

In order to proceed, you must have functional ssh access to each node from a host with Ansible installed. It will be significantly more pleasant if you have SSH public key authentication, rather than having to repeatedly type passwords.

If you already have the knowledge and ability to run Ansible from your workstation, or a separate server with the SSH private keys or agent forwarding, you can perform the Ansible runs from there.

Clone the Atomic Enterprise/OpenShift Ansible git repo:

    git clone

This installer is a shared effort between Atomic Enterprise and OpenShift, and now supports them both as differerent deployment_type.

The following two steps detail how to prepare for Ansible from the master node (or you could choose to use a separate server).

Ansible preparation: Installing Ansible client and the playbooks
  1. Install EPEL repo and then ansible

    yum -y install
    sed -i -e "s/^enabled=1/enabled=0/" /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
    yum -y --enablerepo=epel install ansible
Ansible preparation: SSH
  1. Ensure that this works:


    If for example you used Anaconda to install on bare metal or virtual machines, you may only have password authentication set up. You can use the ssh-copy-id program:

    for node in; do
        ssh-copy-id ${node}
Ansible: inventory

Edit the byo (bring your own) inventory file. First, look for variable deployment_type and ensure it reads deployment_type=atomic-enterprise.

cd openshift-ansible
cp inventory/byo/hosts.example hosts
sed -i -e 's,^deployment_type.*,deployment_type=atomic-enterprise,' hosts

Replace [masters] and [nodes] sections with following content or modify them according to your DNS environment.



    [nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

For now do not worry much about the information after openshift_node_labels=. But do not omit it entirely.

Run the installer (on the master)

  1. Run ansible to set up the cluster

    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/byo/config.yml
  2. Do not move along unless this worked! Success looks (something) like this:

    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************      : ok=95   changed=42   unreachable=0    failed=0       : ok=18   changed=22   unreachable=0    failed=0       : ok=18   changed=22   unreachable=0    failed=0
    localhost                  : ok=5    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0
  3. Run oc get nodes (your cluster should be running!)

    oc get nodes

    You should see something like:

    NAME                    LABELS                                         STATUS   Ready    Ready    Ready

Launch your very first pod

We will launch a pod, see that it starts and then delete it. More about pods, services, scheduling, authentication and all sorts of other information follows.

  1. Clone the atomic-enterprise-training repository.

    You should perform this operation on the master host as root, which will automatically have the credentials to access the cluster.

    This repository has materials used later in later exercises; we call the directory training for short.

    git clone training
  2. Launch your first pod

    oc create -f /root/training/eap-latest/hello-pod.json
  3. Verify the pod started

    oc get pods

    While it's starting, you should see:

    NAME           READY     REASON    RESTARTS   AGE
    hello-atomic   0/1       Pending   0          4s

    Keep running oc get pods until the pod is in state Running, this can take roughly a minute and involves downloading a docker image so time can vary depending on network speed:

    NAME           READY     REASON    RESTARTS   AGE
    hello-atomic   1/1       Running   0          1m
  4. Get extended information about the pod

    oc describe pods hello-atomic

    The output should look something like:

    Note: Take notice of the IP field below:

    Name:                    hello-atomic
    Image(s):                atomicenterprise/hello-atomic:latest
    Labels:                  name=hello-atomic
    Status:                  Running
    Replication Controllers: <none>
  5. Access new pod

    # execute this on the node which hosts the pod (Host:)
    curl http://$IP_FROM_ABOVE:8080/
  6. Delete the new pod

    oc delete pod hello-atomic

The Next Step

Congratulations, you now have a functional Atomic Enterprise cluster, capable of deploying and managing a wide variety of Docker formatted Linux containers.

The Ansible-based installer above did a significant amount of work for us, and at this point we're going to step back and look at the high level concepts, then dive down into more examples.


Kubernetes components

  • Cluster : A cluster is a set of physical or virtual machines and other infrastructure resources used by Kubernetes (or derivatives like Atomic Enterprise) to run your applications.

  • Node : A node is a physical or virtual machine running Kubernetes, onto which pods can be scheduled.

  • Pod : Pods are a colocated group of application containers with shared volumes. They're the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed with Kubernetes. Pods can be created individually, but it's recommended that you use a replication controller even if creating a single pod.

  • Replication controller : Replication controllers manage the lifecycle of pods. They ensure that a specified number of pods are running at any given time, by creating or killing pods as required.

  • Service : Services provide a single, stable name and address for a set of pods. They act as basic load balancers.

Atomic Enterprise components

  • Deployment Config: Define the template for a pod and manages deploying new images or configuration changes. A single deployment configuration is usually analogous to a single micro-service. Can support many different deployment patterns, including full restart, customizable rolling updates, and fully custom behaviors, as well as pre- and post- deployment hooks. Each individual deployment is represented as a replication controller.

    A deployment is "triggered" when its configuration is changed or a tag in an Image Stream is changed. Triggers can be disabled to allow manual control over a deployment. The "strategy"determines how the deployment is carried out and may be changed at any time.

  • Route: A route allows developers to expose services through an HTTP(S) aware load balancing and proxy layer via a public DNS entry. The route may further specify TLS options and a certificate, or specify a public CNAME that the router should also accept for HTTP and HTTPS traffic. An administrator typically configures their router to be visible outside the cluster firewall, and may also add additional security, caching, or traffic controls on the service content. Routers usually talk directly to the service endpoints.

...and more: Users, security context constraints, etc. Many of these concepts are in progress to be upstreamed from Atomic Enterprise/OpenShift into the Kubernetes project.

The Scheduler: Regions and Zones

Now that we have an overview of the high level concepts, let's start diving into the details by looking at one of the major core pieces of functionality: the scheduler.

There was some information about "regions" and "zones" in the hosts file. We'll look at the scheduler by explaining these concepts.

If you are familiar with OpenShift 2, in that system, "regions" and "zones" enable organizations to provide some topologies for application resiliency. Apps would be spread throughout the zones in a region and, depending on the way you configured OpenShift 2, you could make different regions accessible to users.

Atomic Enterprise (and OpenShift v3) are different, being based on an entirely new underlying Kubernetes infrastructure. Kubernetes doesn't actually care about topology - it is topology agnostic. On top of that, Atomic Enterprise provides advanced controls for implementing whatever topologies you can dream up, leveraging filtering and affinity rules to ensure that parts of applications (pods) are either grouped together or spread apart.

For the purposes of a simple example, we'll be sticking with the "regions" and "zones" theme. But, as you go through these examples, think about what other complex topologies you could implement. Perhaps "secure" and "insecure" hosts, or other topologies.

First, we need to talk about the "scheduler" and its default configuration.

Scheduler and Defaults

The "scheduler" is essentially the Kubernetes master. Any time a pod needs to be created (instantiated) somewhere, the master needs to figure out where to do this. This is called "scheduling". The default configuration for the scheduler looks like the following JSON (although this is embedded in the code and you won't find this in a file):

  "predicates" : [
    {"name" : "PodFitsResources"},
    {"name" : "MatchNodeSelector"},
    {"name" : "HostName"},
    {"name" : "PodFitsPorts"},
    {"name" : "NoDiskConflict"}
  "priorities" : [
    {"name" : "LeastRequestedPriority", "weight" : 1},
    {"name" : "ServiceSpreadingPriority", "weight" : 1}

When the scheduler tries to make a decision about pod placement, first it goes through "predicates", which essentially filter out the possible nodes we can choose. Note that, depending on your predicate configuration, you might end up with no possible nodes to choose. This is totally OK (although generally not desired).

These default options are documented in the link below, but the quick overview is:

  • Place pod on a node that has enough resources for it (duh)
  • Place pod on a node that doesn't have a port conflict (duh)
  • Place pod on a node that doesn't have a storage conflict (duh)

And some more obscure ones:

  • Place pod on a node whose NodeSelector matches
  • Place pod on a node whose hostname matches the Host attribute value

The next thing is, of the available nodes after the filters are applied, how do we select the "best" one. This is where "priorities" come in. Long story short, the various priority functions each get a score, multiplied by the weight, and the node with the highest score is selected to host the pod.

Again, the defaults are:

  • Choose the node that is "least requested" (the least busy)
  • Spread services around - minimize the number of pods in the same service on the same node

And, for an extremely detailed explanation about what these various configuration flags are doing, check out:

In a small environment, these defaults are pretty sane. Let's look at one of the important predicates (filters) before we move on to "regions" and "zones".

The NodeSelector

NodeSelector is a part of the Pod data model. And, if we think back to our pod definition, there was a "label", which is just a key:value pair. In the case of a NodeSelector, our labels (key:value pairs) are used to help us try to find nodes that match, assuming that:

  • The scheduler is configured to MatchNodeSelector
  • The end user creating the pod knows which labels are out there

But this use case is also pretty simplistic. It doesn't really allow for a topology, and there's not a lot of logic behind it. Also, if I specify a NodeSelector label when using MatchNodeSelector and there are no matching nodes, my workload will never get scheduled. Bummer.

How can we make this more intelligent? We'll finally use "regions" and "zones".

Customizing the Scheduler Configuration

The Ansible installer is configured to understand "regions" and "zones" as a matter of convenience. However, for the master (scheduler) to actually do something with them requires changing from the default configuration Take a look at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml and find the line with schedulerConfigFile.

You should see:

schedulerConfigFile: "/etc/origin/master/scheduler.json"

Then, take a look at /etc/origin/master/scheduler.json. It will have the following content:

  "predicates" : [
    {"name" : "PodFitsResources"},
    {"name" : "PodFitsPorts"},
    {"name" : "NoDiskConflict"},
    {"name" : "Region", "argument" : {"serviceAffinity" : { "labels" : ["region"]}}}
  "priorities" : [
    {"name" : "LeastRequestedPriority", "weight" : 1},
    {"name" : "ServiceSpreadingPriority", "weight" : 1},
    {"name" : "Zone", "weight" : 2, "argument" : {"serviceAntiAffinity" : { "label" : "zone" }}}

To quickly review the above (this explanation sort of assumes that you read the scheduler documentation, but it's not critically important):

  • Filter out nodes that don't fit the resources, don't have the ports, or have disk conflicts
  • If the pod specifies a label with the key "region", filter nodes by the value.

So, if we have the following nodes and the following labels:

  • Node 1 -- "region":"infra"
  • Node 2 -- "region":"primary"
  • Node 3 -- "region":"primary"

If we try to schedule a pod that has a NodeSelector of "region":"primary", then only Node 2 and Node 3 would be considered.

OK, that takes care of the "region" part. What about the "zone" part?

Our priorities tell us to:

  • Score the least-busy node higher
  • Score any nodes who don't already have a pod in this service higher
  • Score any nodes whose zone label's value does not match higher

Why do we score a zone that doesn't match higher? Note that the definition for the Zone priority is a serviceAntiAffinity -- anti affinity. In this case, our anti affinity rule helps to ensure that we try to get nodes from different zones to take our pod.

If we consider that our "primary" region might be a certain datacenter, and that each "zone" in that datacenter might be on its own power system with its own dedicated networking, this would ensure that, within the datacenter, pods of an application would be spread across power/network segments.

The documentation link has some more complicated examples. The topological possibilities are endless!

Node Labels

The assignments of "regions" and "zones" at the node-level are handled by labels on the nodes. You can look at how the labels were implemented by doing:

oc get nodes
NAME                    LABELS                                                                   STATUS,region=infra,zone=default   Ready,region=primary,zone=east     Ready,region=primary,zone=west     Ready

At this point we have a running AE environment across three hosts, with one master and three nodes, divided up into two regions -- "infrastructure" and "primary".

From here we will start to deploy "applications" and other resources into AE.

Diagnosing errors

RHEL 7 uses systemd and journald. You can find the output of most components that run directly on the host via e.g. journalctl -b. Logs from Kubernetes pods are available via oc logs; because Kubernetes uses Docker, you can access the logs for a particular container in a pod via docker logs.

Since we are running all of the components in higher loglevels, it is suggested that you use your terminal emulator to set up windows for each process. If you are familiar with the Ruby Gem, tmuxinator, there is a config file in the training repository. Otherwise, you should run each of the following in its own window:

journalctl -f -u atomic-openshift-master
journalctl -f -u atomic-openshift-node

Note: You will want to do this on the other nodes, but you won't need the "-master" service. You may also wish to watch the Docker logs, too.

Note: There is an appendix on configuring Log Aggregation

Auth and Projects

Configuring htpasswd Authentication

Atomic Enterprise supports a number of mechanisms for authentication. The simplest use case for our testing purposes is htpasswd-based authentication.

In the "real world" your developers would likely be using the AE tools on their own machines (e.g. oc). For the Early Access training, we will create user accounts for two non-privileged users of AE, joe and alice, on the master. This is done for convenience and because we'll be using htpasswd for authentication.

useradd joe
useradd alice

To start, we will need the htpasswd binary, which is made available by installing:

yum -y install httpd-tools

From there, we can create a password for our users, Joe and Alice:

touch /etc/origin/passwd
htpasswd -b /etc/origin/passwd joe redhat
htpasswd -b /etc/origin/passwd alice redhat

The Atomic Enterprise configuration is kept in a YAML file which currently lives at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml. Ansible was configured to edit the oauthConfig's identityProviders stanza so that it looks like the following:

- challenge: true
  login: true
  name: htpasswd_auth
    apiVersion: v1
    file: /etc/origin/passwd
    kind: HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider

More information on these configuration settings (and other identity providers) can be found here:

A Project for Everything

Atomic Enterprise (AE) has a concept of "projects" to contain a number of different resources: services and their pods, builds and so on. They are somewhat similar to "namespaces" in OpenShift v2. We'll explore what this means in more details throughout the rest of the labs. Let's create a project for our first application.

We also need to understand a little bit about users and administration. The default configuration for CLI operations currently is to be the master-admin user, which is allowed to create projects. We can use the "admin" Atomic command to create a project, and assign an administrative user to it:

oadm new-project demo --display-name="Atomic Enterprise Demo" \
--description="This is the first demo project with Atomic Enterprise" \

This command creates a project:

  • with the id demo
  • with a display name
  • with a description
  • with an administrative user joe who can login with the password defined by htpasswd

Future use of command line statements will have to reference this project in order for things to land in the right place.

Your First Application

At this point you essentially have a sufficiently-functional AE environment. It is now time to create the classic "Hello World" application using some sample code. But, first, some housekeeping.

Also, don't forget, the materials for these labs are in your ~/training/eap-latest folder.


There are a number of different resource types in AE, and, essentially, going through the motions of creating/destroying apps, scaling, building and etc. all ends up manipulating AE and Kubernetes resources under the covers. Resources can have quotas enforced against them, so let's take a moment to look at some example JSON for project resource quota might look like:

      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "ResourceQuota",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "test-quota"
      "spec": {
        "hard": {
          "memory": "512Mi",
          "cpu": "200m",
          "pods": "3",
          "services": "3",
          "replicationcontrollers": "3",
          "resourcequotas": "1"

The above quota (simply called test-quota) defines limits for several resources. In other words, within a project, users cannot "do stuff" that will cause these resource limits to be exceeded. Since quota is enforced at the project level, it is up to the users to allocate resources (more specifically, memory and CPU) to their pods/containers. AE will soon provide sensible defaults.

  • Memory

    The memory figure is in bytes, but various other suffixes are supported (eg: Mi (mebibytes), Gi (gibibytes), etc.

  • CPU

    CPU is a little tricky to understand. The unit of measure is actually a "Kubernetes Compute Unit" (KCU, or "kookoo"). The KCU is a "normalized" unit that should be roughly equivalent to a single hyperthreaded CPU core. Fractional assignment is allowed. For fractional assignment, the millicore may be used (eg: 200m = 0.2 KCU)

More details on CPU will come later.

We will get into a description of what pods, services and replication controllers are over the next few labs. Lastly, we can ignore "resourcequotas", as it is a bit of a trick so that Kubernetes doesn't accidentally try to apply two quotas to the same namespace.

Applying Quota to Projects

At this point we have created our "demo" project, so let's apply the quota above to it.

    cd training/eap-latest
    oc create -f quota.json --namespace=demo

If you want to see that it was created:

    oc get -n demo quota

And if you want to verify limits or examine usage:

oc describe quota test-quota -n demo
Name:                   test-quota
Resource                Used    Hard
--------                ----    ----
cpu                     0m      200m
memory                  0       512Mi
pods                    0       3
replicationcontrollers  0       3
resourcequotas          1       1
services                0       3

Note: Once creating the quota, it can take a few moments for it to be fully processed. If you get blank output from the get or describe commands, wait a few moments and try again.

Applying Limit Ranges to Projects

In order for quotas to be effective you need to also create Limit Ranges which set the maximum, minimum, and default allocations of memory and cpu at both a pod and container level. Without default values for containers projects with quotas will fail because the deployer and other infrastructure pods are unbounded and therefore forbidden.

Still in the training/eap-latest directory:

    oc create -f limits.json --namespace=demo

Review your limit ranges

oc describe limitranges limits -n demo
Name:           limits
Type            Resource        Min     Max     Default
----            --------        ---     ---     ---
Pod             memory          5Mi     750Mi   -
Pod             cpu             10m     500m    -
Container       cpu             10m     500m    100m
Container       memory          5Mi     750Mi   100Mi


Since we have taken the time to create the joe user as well as a project for him, we can log into a terminal as joe and then set up the command line tooling.

Open a terminal as joe:

# su - joe

Then, execute:

oc login -u joe \
--certificate-authority=/etc/origin/master/ca.crt \

Atomic Enterprise, by default, is using a self-signed SSL certificate, so we must point our tool at the CA file.

The login process created a file called config in the ~/.kube/config folder. Take a look at it, and you'll see something like the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority: ../../../../etc/origin/master/ca.crt
      name: ae-master-example-com-8443
    - context:
        cluster: ae-master-example-com-8443
        namespace: demo
        user: joe/ae-master-example-com:8443
      name: demo/ae-master-example-com:8443/joe
    current-context: demo/ae-master-example-com:8443/joe
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: joe/ae-master-example-com:8443
        token: ZmQwMjBiZjUtYWE3OC00OWE1LWJmZTYtM2M2OTY2OWM0ZGIw

This configuration file has an authorization token, some information about where our server lives, our project, etc.

Note: See the troubleshooting guide for details on how to fetch a new token once this one expires. The installer sets the default token lifetime to 4 hours.

Grab the Training Repo Again

Since Joe and Alice can't access the training folder in root's home directory, go ahead and grab it inside Joe's home folder:

git clone training
cd ~/training/eap-latest

The Hello World Definition JSON

In the eap-latest training folder, you can see the contents of our pod definition by using cat:

    cat hello-pod.json
      "kind": "Pod",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "hello-atomic",
        "creationTimestamp": null,
        "labels": {
          "name": "hello-atomic"

A pod is a group of Docker containers that are always scheduled together on the same node, and can access each other's exposed ports. If you are familiar with OpenShift V2 terminology, it is somewhat similar to a gear. Reality is more complex, and we will learn more about the terms as we explore AE further.

Run the Pod

As joe, to create the pod from our JSON file, execute the following:

oc create -f hello-pod.json

Remember, we've "logged in" to AE and our project, so this will create the pod inside of it. The command should display the ID of the pod:


Issue a get pods to see overview of what was defined:

oc get pods
hello-atomic   1/1       Running   0          7s

You may want to know more about the hello-atomic pod:

oc describe pod hello-atomic
Name:                           hello-atomic
Image(s):                       atomicenterprise/hello-atomic:v0.5.2.2
Labels:                         name=hello-atomic
Status:                         Running
Replication Controllers:        <none>
    Image:              atomicenterprise/hello-atomic:v0.5.2.2
    State:              Running
      Started:          Wed, 08 Jul 2015 17:27:33 +0200
    Ready:              True
    Restart Count:      0

However, we have not yet created a service for this pod, and thus it won't be exported by the system. But if we had other applications running, this pod could talk to them.

Note that this hello-atomic pod is distinct from the one you launched earlier as an administrator.

You should again be able to access it via:

    curl http://$IP_FROM_ABOVE:8080/
Inspecting the Docker state

Docker is the container infrastructure underlying Kubernetes. Let's take a moment to look at what is going on at that level.

On the node where the pod is running (HOST), look at the list of Docker containers with docker ps (in a root terminal) to see the bound ports. We should see an aos3/aos-pod container bound to 36061 on the host and bound to 8080 on the container, along with several other ose-pod containers.

# docker ps
abd9061cf2fd        atomicenterprise/hello-atomic   "/hello-atomic"     19 minutes ago      Up 19 minutes                           k8s_hello-atomic.65804d4d_hello-atomic_demo_71c467dc-4db3-11e5-a843-fa163e472414_96731d91   
e8af42b67175        aos3/aos-pod:v3.0.1.100         "/pod"              19 minutes ago      Up 19 minutes                           k8s_POD.2d6df2fa_hello-atomic_demo_71c467dc-4db3-11e5-a843-fa163e472414_b47f195f

The aos3/aos-pod container exists because of the way network namespacing works in Kubernetes. For the sake of simplicity, think of the container as nothing more than a way for the host OS to get an interface created for the corresponding pod to be able to receive traffic. Deeper understanding of networking in AE is outside the scope of this material.

Delete the Pod

As joe, go ahead and delete this pod so that you don't get confused in later examples:

oc delete pod hello-atomic

Take a moment to think about what this pod exercise really did -- it referenced an arbitrary Docker image, made sure to fetch it (if it wasn't present), and then ran it. This could have just as easily been an application from an ISV available in a registry or something already written and built in-house.

This is really powerful. We will explore using "arbitrary" Docker images later.

Quota Enforcement

Since we know we can run a pod directly, we'll go through a simple quota enforcement exercise. The hello-quota JSON will attempt to create four instances of the "hello-atomic" pod. It will fail when it tries to create the fourth, because the quota on this project limits us to three total pods.

Go ahead and use oc create and you will see the following:

oc create -f hello-quota.json
Error from server: Pod "hello-atomic-4" is forbidden: Limited to 3 pods

Let's delete these pods quickly. As joe again:

oc delete pod --all

Note: You can delete most resources using "--all" but there is no sanity check. Be careful.


From the Kubernetes documentation:

A Kubernetes service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a
policy by which to access them - sometimes called a micro-service. The goal of
services is to provide a bridge for non-Kubernetes-native applications to access
backends without the need to write code that is specific to Kubernetes. A
service offers clients an IP and port pair which, when accessed, redirects to
the appropriate backends. The set of pods targeted is determined by a label

If you think back to the simple pod we created earlier, there was a "label":

  "labels": {
    "name": "hello-atomic"

Now, let's look at a service definition:

$ cat hello-service.json	
    "kind": "Service",
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "hello-atomic-service"
    "spec": {
        "selector": {
            "name": "hello-atomic"
        "ports": [
		"protocol": "TCP",
		"port": 8080

The service has a selector element. In this case, it is a key:value pair of name:hello-atomic. If you looked at the output of oc get pods on your master, you saw that the hello-atomic pod has a label:


The definition of the service tells Kubernetes that any pods with the label "name=hello-atomic" are associated, and should have traffic distributed amongst them. In other words, the service itself is the "connection to the network", so to speak, or the input point to reach all of the pods.

By default, the security policy for non-cluster administrators does not allow binding to specific ports on the host. Let's make the hello-atomic app exposed across the cluster with the above service.

We first recreate the pod, as the quota demo deleted earlier versions.

    oc create -f hello-pod.json
    oc create -f hello-service.json
    oc describe services/hello-atomic-service

Note the Endpoints: entry. You should be able to access the hello-atomic pod from any node within the cluster using curl:

$ curl
Hello Atomic!

Optional: Routing

Services are a way for pods inside your cluster to talk to each other. As mentioned above, if you want external access, Atomic Enterprise comes with a "router" component. This is based on the robust HAProxy project, and can perform things like common SSL terminaton.

In a simplification of the process, the aos3/aos3-haproxy-router container we will create below is a pre-configured instance of HAProxy as well as some of the AE framework. The Atomic instance running in this container watches for route resources on the Atomic master.

Here is an example route resource JSON definition:

  "kind": "Route",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "hello-atomic-route"
  "spec": {
    "host": "",
    "to": {
      "name": "hello-atomic-service"
    "tls": {
      "termination": "edge"

When the oc command is used to create this route, a new instance of a route resource is created inside AE's data store. This route resource is affiliated with a service.

The HAProxy/Router is watching for changes in route resources. When a new route is detected, an HAProxy pool is created. When a change in a route is detected, the pool is updated.

This HAProxy pool ultimately contains all pods that are in a service. Which service? The service that corresponds to the directive that you see above.

You'll notice that the definition above specifies TLS edge termination. This means that the router should provide this route via HTTPS. Because we provided no certificate info, the router will provide the default SSL certificate when the user connects. Because this is edge termination, user connections to the router will be SSL encrypted but the connection between the router and the pods is unencrypted.

It is possible to utilize various TLS termination mechanisms, and more details is provided in the router documentation:

We'll see this edge termination in action shortly.

Creating a Wildcard Certificate

In order to serve a valid certificate for secure access to applications in our cloud domain, we will need to create a key and wildcard certificate that the router will use by default for any routes that do not specify a key/cert of their own. Atomic supplies a command for creating a key/cert signed by the AE's CA which we will use.

On the master, as root:

oadm create-server-cert --signer-cert=$CA/ca.crt \
      --signer-key=$CA/ca.key --signer-serial=$CA/ca.serial.txt \
      --hostnames='*' \
      --cert=cloudapps.crt --key=cloudapps.key

Now we need to combine cloudapps.crt and cloudapps.key with the CA into a single PEM format file that the router needs in the next step.

cat cloudapps.crt cloudapps.key $CA/ca.crt > cloudapps.router.pem

Make sure you remember where you put this PEM file.

Creating the Router

The router is the ingress point for all traffic destined for AE services. It currently supports only HTTP(S) traffic (and "any" TLS-enabled traffic via SNI). While it is called a "router", it is essentially a proxy.

The aos3/aos-haproxy-router container listens on the host network interface unlike most containers that listen only on private IPs. The router proxies external requests for route names to the IPs of actual pods identified by the service associated with the route.

AE's admin command set enables you to deploy router pods automatically.

Follow these instructions from the OpenShift documentation:

Let's check the pods:

oc get pods

In the output, you should see the router READY state change to 1/1 after a few moments (it may take up to a few minutes):

oc get pods
NAME              READY     REASON    RESTARTS   AGE
router-1-deploy   1/1       Running   0          21s

In the router creation command (oadm router... in the above OpenShift docs) we also specified --selector. This flag causes a nodeSelector to be placed on all of the pods created. If you think back to our "regions" and "zones" conversation, the AE environment is currently configured with an infrastructure region called "infra". This --selector argument asks AE:

Please place all of these router pods in the infra region.

Router Placement By Region

In the very beginning of the documentation, we indicated that a wildcard DNS entry is required and should point at the master. When the router receives a request for an FQDN that it knows about, it will proxy the request to a pod for a service. But, for that FQDN request to actually reach the router, the FQDN has to resolve to whatever the host is where the router is running. Remember, the router is bound to ports 80 and 443 on the host interface. Since our wildcard DNS entry points to the public IP address of the master, the --selector flag used above ensures that the router is placed on our master as it's the only node with the label region=infra.

For a true HA implementation, one would want multiple "infra" nodes and multiple, clustered router instances. We will describe this later.

Viewing Router Stats

Haproxy provides a stats page that's visible on port 1936 of your router host. Currently the stats page is password protected with a static password, this password will be generated using a template parameter in the future, for now the password is cEVu2hUb and the username is admin.

To make this accessible publicly, you will need to open this port on your master:

iptables -I OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1936 -j ACCEPT

You will also want to add this rule to /etc/sysconfig/iptables as well to keep it across reboots. However, don't restart the iptables service, as this would destroy docker networking. Use the iptables command to change rules on a live system.

Feel free to not open this port if you don't want to make this accessible, or if you only want it accessible via port forwarding, etc.

Note: Unlike OpenShift v2 this router is not specific to a given project, as such it's really intended to be viewed by cluster admins rather than project admins.

Ensure that port 1936 is accessible and visit:

http://admin:[email protected]:1936 

to view your router stats.

The Complete Pod-Service-Route

With a router now available, let's take a look at an entire Pod-Service-Route definition template and put all the pieces together.

Don't forget -- the materials are in ~/training/eap-latest.

Creating the Definition

Let's look at test-complete.json, which is a complete definition for a pod with a corresponding service and a corresponding route. It also includes a deployment configuration.

cat test-complete.json
  "kind": "List",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "hello-service-complete-example"
  "items": [

In the JSON above:

  • There is a pod whose containers have the label name=hello-atomic-label and the nodeSelector region=primary
  • There is a service:
    • with the id hello-atomic-service
    • with the selector name=hello-atomic
  • There is a route:
    • with the FQDN
    • with the spec to name=hello-atomic-service

If we work from the route down to the pod:

  • The route for has an HAProxy pool
  • The pool is for any pods in the service whose ID is hello-atomic-service, via the` directive of the route.
  • The service hello-atomic-service includes every pod who has a label name=hello-atomic
  • There is a single pod with a single container that has the label name=hello-atomic

If you are not using the domain you will need to edit the route portion of test-complete.json to match your DNS environment.

Logged in as joe, go ahead and use oc to create everything:

oc create -f test-complete.json

You should see something like the following:


You can verify this with other oc commands:

oc get pods

oc get services

oc get routes

Note: May need to force resize:

Project Status

AE provides a handy tool, oc status, to give you a summary of common resources existing in the current project:

oc status
In project Atomic Enterprise Demo (demo)

service hello-atomic-service ( -> 8080)
  hello-atomic deploys
    #1 deployed 3 minutes ago - 1 pod

To see more information about a Service or DeploymentConfig, use 'oc describe service <name>' or 'oc describe dc <name>'.
You can use 'oc get all' to see lists of each of the types described above.

oc status does not yet show bare pods or routes.

Verifying the Service

Services are not externally accessible without a route being defined, because they always listen on "local" IP addresses (eg: 172.x.x.x). However, if you have access to the AE environment, you can still test a service.

oc get services
NAME                   LABELS    SELECTOR                  IP              PORT(S)
hello-atomic-service   <none>    name=hello-atomic-label   27017/TCP

We can see that the service has been defined based on the JSON we used earlier. If the output of oc get pods shows that our pod is running, we can try to access the service:

curl `oc get services | grep hello-atomic | awk '{print $4":"$5}' | sed -e 's/\/.*//'`
Hello Atomic!

This is a good sign! It means that, if the router is working, we should be able to access the service via the route.

Verifying the Routing

Verifying the routing is a little complicated, but not terribly so. Since we specified that the router should land in the "infra" region, we know that its Docker container is on the master. Log in there as root.

We can use oc exec to get a bash interactive shell inside the running router container. The following command will do that for us:

oc exec -it -p $(oc get pods | grep router | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1) /bin/bash

You are now in a bash session inside the container running the router.

Since we are using HAProxy as the router, we can cat the routes.json file:

cat /var/lib/containers/router/routes.json

If you see some content that looks like:

"demo/hello-atomic-service": {
  "Name": "demo/hello-atomic-service",
  "EndpointTable": {
    "": {
      "ID": "",
      "IP": "",
      "Port": "8080"
  "ServiceAliasConfigs": {
    "demo-hello-atomic-route": {
      "Host": "",
      "Path": "",
      "TLSTermination": "edge",
      "Certificates": {
        "": {
          "ID": "demo-hello-atomic-route",
          "Contents": "",
          "PrivateKey": ""
      "Status": "saved"

You know that "it" worked -- the router watcher detected the creation of the route in AE and added the corresponding configuration to HAProxy.

Go ahead and exit from the container.

[root@router-1-2yefi /]# exit

You can reach the route securely and check that it is using the right certificate:

curl --cacert /etc/origin/master/ca.crt \
Hello Atomic!


openssl s_client -connect \
                   -CAfile /etc/origin/master/ca.crt
depth=1 CN = openshift-signer@1430768237
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = *
verify return:1

Since we used AE's CA to create the wildcard SSL certificate, and since that CA is not "installed" in our system, we need to point our tools at that CA certificate in order to validate the SSL certificate presented to us by the router. With a CA or all certificates signed by a trusted authority, it would not be necessary to specify the CA everywhere.

Project Administration

When we created the demo project, joe was made a project administrator. As an example of an administrative function, if joe now wants to let alice look at his project, with his project administrator rights he can add her using the oadm policy command:

[joe]$ oadm policy add-role-to-user view alice

Note: oadm will act, by default, on whatever project the user has selected. If you recall earlier, when we logged in as joe we ended up in the demo project. We'll see how to switch projects later.

Go back to root, then open a new terminal window as the alice user:

    su - alice

and login to Atomic Enterprise:

oc login -u alice \
--certificate-authority=/etc/origin/master/ca.crt \

Authentication required for (openshift)
Password:  <redhat>
Login successful.

Using project "demo"

alice has no projects of her own yet (she is not an administrator of anything), so she is automatically configured to look at the demo project since she has access to it. She has "view" access, so oc status and oc get pods and so forth should show her the same thing as joe:

[alice]$ oc get pods
hello-atomic   1/1       Running   0          4s

However, she cannot make changes:

[alice]$ oc delete pod hello-atomic
Error from server: User "alice" cannot delete pods in project "demo"

joe could also give alice the role of edit, which gives her access to do nearly anything in the project except adjust access.

[joe]$ oadm policy add-role-to-user edit alice

Now she can delete that pod if she wants, but she can not add access for another user or upgrade her own access. To allow that, joe could give alice the role of admin, which gives her the same access as himself.

[joe]$ oadm policy add-role-to-user admin alice

There is no "owner" of a project, and projects can certainly be created without any administrator. alice or joe can remove the admin role (or all roles) from each other or themselves at any time without affecting the existing project.

[joe]$ oadm policy remove-user joe

Check oadm policy help for a list of available commands to modify project permissions. Atomic Enterprise RBAC is extremely flexible. The roles mentioned here are simply defaults - they can be adjusted (per-project and per-resource if needed), more can be added, groups can be given access, etc. Check the documentation for more details:

Of course, there be dragons. The basic roles should suffice for most uses.

Note: There is a bug that actually prevents the remove-user from removing the user:


It appears to be fixed but may not have made Early Access release.

Deleting a Project

Since we are done with this "demo" project, and since the alice user is a project administrator, let's go ahead and delete the project. This should also end up deleting all the pods, and other resources, too.

As the alice user:

oc delete project demo

If you switch to the root user and issue oc get project you will see that the demo project's status is "Terminating". If you do an oc get pod -n demo you may see the pods, still. It takes about 60 seconds for the project deletion cleanup routine to finish.

Once the project disappears from oc get project, doing oc get pod -n demo should return no results.

The registry, imagestreams, and more

Atomic Enterprise comes with an integrated Docker registry, with support for "ImageStreams" which record which supports tracking and reacting to new base images. In OpenShift, ImageStreams are integrated with the S2I image builder.

For more information on setting up the built-in registry, see registry-and-imagestreams.


This concludes the Early Access Program training. Look for more example applications to come!

APPENDIX - Docker Storage Setup

IMPORTANT: The default docker storage configuration uses loopback devices and is not appropriate for production. Red Hat considers the dm.thinpooldev storage option to be the only appropriate configuration for production use.

To configure the storage for Docker, you'll need to first install Docker.

yum -y install docker

In order to use dm.thinpooldev you must have an LVM thinpool available, the docker-storage-setup package will assist you in configuring LVM. However you must provision your host to fit one of these three scenarios :

  • Root filesystem on LVM with free space remaining on the volume group. Run docker-storage-setup with no additional configuration, it will allocate the remaining space for the thinpool.

  • A dedicated LVM volume group where you'd like to create your thinpool

     cat <<EOF > /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup
  • A dedicated block device, which will be used to create a volume group and thinpool

     cat <<EOF > /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup

Once complete you should have a thinpool named docker-pool and docker should be configured to use it in /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage.

# lvs
LV                  VG        Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
docker-pool         docker-vg twi-a-tz-- 48.95g             0.00   0.44

# cat /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage
DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS=--storage-opt dm.fs=xfs --storage-opt dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/openshift--vg-docker--pool

Note: If you had previously used docker with loopback storage you should clean out /var/lib/docker This is a destructive operation and will delete all images and containers on the host.

systemctl stop docker
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/*
systemctl start docker

APPENDIX - DNSMasq setup

dnsmasq.conf file and a sample hosts file. If you do not have the ability to manipulate DNS in your environment, or just want a quick and dirty way to set up DNS, you can install dnsmasq on one of your nodes. Do not install DNSMasq on your master. OpenShift now has an internal DNS service provided by Go's "SkyDNS" that is used for internal service communication.

yum -y install dnsmasq

Copy your current /etc/resolv.conf to a new file such as /etc/resolv.conf.upstream. Ensure you only have an upstream resolver there (eg: Google DNS @, not the address of your dnsmasq server.

Enable and start the dnsmasq service:

systemctl enable dnsmasq; systemctl start dnsmasq

You will need to ensure the following, or fix the following:

  • Your IP addresses match the entries in /etc/hosts
  • Your hostnames for your machines match the entries in /etc/hosts
  • Your cloudapps domain points to the correct node ip in dnsmasq.conf
  • Each of your systems has the same /etc/hosts file
  • Your master and nodes /etc/resolv.conf points to the IP address of the node running DNSMasq as the first nameserver
  • Your dnsmasq instance uses the resolv-file option to point to /etc/resolv.conf.upstream only.
  • That you also open port 53 (TCP and UDP) to allow DNS queries to hit the node

Following this setup for dnsmasq will ensure that your wildcard domain works, that your hosts in the domain resolve, that any other DNS requests resolve via your configured local/remote nameservers, and that DNS resolution works inside of all of your containers. Don't forget to start and enable the dnsmasq service.

Verifying DNSMasq

You can query the local DNS on the master using dig (provided by the bind-utils package) to make sure it returns the correct records:



The returned IP should be the public interface's IP on the master. Repeat for your nodes. To verify the wildcard entry, simply dig an arbitrary domain in the wildcard space:



APPENDIX - Import/Export of Docker Images (Disconnected Use)

Docker supports import/save of Images via tarball. These instructions are general and may not be 100% accurate for the current release. You can do something like the following on your connected machine:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull atomicenterprise/hello-atomic

This will fetch all of the images. You can then save them to a tarball:

docker save -o beta4-images.tar \ \ \ \ \

Note: On an SSD-equipped system this took ~2 min and uses 1.8GB of disk space

Sneakernet that tarball to your disconnected machines, and then simply load the tarball:

docker load -i beta1-images.tar

Note: On an SSD-equipped system this took ~4 min

APPENDIX - Cleaning Up

Figuring out everything that you have deployed is a little bit of a bear right now. The following command will show you just about everything you might need to delete. Be sure to change your context across all the namespaces and the master-admin to find everything:

for resource in build buildconfig images imagestream deploymentconfig \
route replicationcontroller service pod; do echo -e "Resource: $resource"; \
oc get $resource; echo -e "\n\n"; done

Deleting a project with oc delete project should delete all of its resources, but you may need help finding things in the default project (where infrastructure items are). Deleting the default project is not recommended.

APPENDIX - Troubleshooting

An experimental diagnostics command is in progress for Atomic Enterprise. Once merged it should be available as origin ex diagnostics. There may be out-of-band updated versions of diagnostics under Luke Meyer's release page. Running this may save you some time by pointing you in the right direction for common issues. This is very much still under development however.

Common problems

  • All of a sudden authentication seems broken for non-admin users. Whenever I run oc commands I see output such as:

      F0310 14:59:59.219087   30319 get.go:164] request
      [&{Method:GET URL:
      Proto:HTTP/1.1 ProtoMajor:1 ProtoMinor:1 Header:map[] Body:<nil> ContentLength:0 TransferEncoding:[]
      Close:false Form:map[] PostForm:map[]
      MultipartForm:<nil> Trailer:map[] RemoteAddr: RequestURI: TLS:<nil>}]
      failed (401) 401 Unauthorized: Unauthorized

    In most cases if admin (certificate) auth is still working this means the token is invalid. Soon there will be more polish in the oc tooling to handle this edge case automatically but for now the simplist thing to do is to recreate the client config.

    # The login command creates a .kubeconfig file in the CWD.
    # But we need it to exist in ~/.kube
    cd ~/.kube

    # If a stale token exists it will prevent the beta4 login command from working
    rm .kubeconfig

    oc login \
    --certificate-authority=/etc/origin/master/ca.crt \
    --cluster=master --server= \
    --namespace=[INSERT NAMESPACE HERE]
  • When using an "oc" command like "oc get pods" I see a "certificate signed by unknown authority error":

      F0212 16:15:52.195372   13995 create.go:79] Post
      x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

    Check the value of $KUBECONFIG:

      echo $kubeconfig

    If you don't see anything, you may have changed your .bash_profile but have not yet sourced it. Make sure that you followed the step of adding $KUBECONFIG's export to your .bash_profile and then source it:

      source ~/.bash_profile
  • When issuing a curl to my service, I see curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

    It can take as long as 90 seconds for the service URL to start working. There is some internal house cleaning that occurs inside Kubernetes regarding the endpoint maps.

    If you look at the log for the node, you might see some messages about looking at endpoint maps and not finding an endpoint for the service.

    To find out if the endpoints have been updated you can run:

    oc describe service $name_of_service and check the value of Endpoints:

APPENDIX - Infrastructure Log Aggregation

Given the distributed nature of Atomic Enterprise you may find it beneficial to aggregate logs from your AE infrastructure services. By default, AE services log to the systemd journal and rsyslog persists those log messages to /var/log/messages. We'll reconfigure rsyslog to write these entries to /var/log/openshift and configure the master host to accept log data from the other hosts.

Enable Remote Logging on Master

Uncomment the following lines in your master's /etc/rsyslog.conf to enable remote logging services.

$ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerRun 514

Restart rsyslog

systemctl restart rsyslog

Enable logging to /var/log/openshift

On your master update the filters in /etc/rsyslog.conf to divert openshift logs to /var/log/openshift

# Log openshift processes to /var/log/openshift
:programname, contains, "openshift"                     /var/log/openshift

# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
# Don't log private authentication messages!
# Don't log openshift processes to /var/log/messages either
:programname, contains, "openshift" ~
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none                /var/log/messages

Restart rsyslog

systemctl restart rsyslog

Configure nodes to send atomic logs to your master

On your other hosts send openshift logs to your master by adding this line to /etc/rsyslog.conf

:programname, contains, "openshift"

Restart rsyslog

systemctl restart rsyslog

Now all your openshift related logs will end up in /var/log/openshift on your master.

Optionally Log Each Node to a unique directory

You can also configure rsyslog to store logs in a different location based on the source host. On your master, add these lines immediately prior to $InputTCPServerRun 514

$template TmplMsg, "/var/log/remote/%HOSTNAME%/%PROGRAMNAME:::secpath-replace%.log"
$RuleSet remote1
authpriv.*   ?TmplAuth
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none   ?TmplMsg
$RuleSet RSYSLOG_DefaultRuleset   #End the rule set by switching back to the default rule set
$InputTCPServerBindRuleset remote1  #Define a new input and bind it to the "remote1" rule set

Restart rsyslog

systemctl restart rsyslog

Now logs from remote hosts will go to /var/log/remote/%HOSTNAME%/%PROGRAMNAME%.log

See these documentation sources for additional rsyslog configuration information

APPENDIX - Working with HTTP Proxies

In many production environments direct access to the web is not allowed. In these situations there is typically an HTTP(S) proxy available. Configuring AE deployments to use these proxies is as simple as setting standard environment variables. The trick is knowing where to place them.

Importing ImageStreams

Since the importer is on the Master we need to make the configuration change there. The easiest way to do that is to add environment variables NO_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY, and HTTPS_PROXY to /etc/sysconfig/atomic-openshift-master then restart your master.

HTTP_PROXY=http://USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/
HTTPS_PROXY=https://USERNAME:[email protected]:8080/

It's important that the Master doesn't use the proxy to access itself so make sure it's listed in the NO_PROXY value.

Now restart the Service:

systemctl restart atomic-openshift-master

If you had previously imported ImageStreams without the proxy configuration to can re-run the process as follows:

oc delete imagestreams -n openshift --all
oc create -f image-streams.json -n openshift

Setting Environment Variables in Pods

It's not only at build time that proxies are required. Many applications will need them too. In previous examples we used environment variables in DeploymentConfigs to pass in database connection information. The same can be done for configuring a Pod's proxy at runtime:

  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "kind": "DeploymentConfig",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "frontend"
  "template": {
    "controllerTemplate": {
      "podTemplate": {
        "desiredState": {
          "manifest": {
            "containers": [
                "env": [
                    "name": "HTTP_PROXY",
                    "value": "http://USER:PASSWORD@IPADDR:PORT"

Proxying Docker Pull

This is yet another case where it may be necessary to tunnel traffic through a proxy. In this case you can edit /etc/sysconfig/docker and add the variables in shell format:

Future Considerations

We're working to have a single place that administrators can set proxies for all network traffic.

APPENDIX - Installing in IaaS Clouds

This appendix contains two "versions" of installation instructions. One is for "generic" clouds, where the installer does not provision any resources on the actual cloud (eg: it does not stand up VMs or configure security groups). Another is specifically for AWS, which can take your API credentials and configure the entire AWS environment, too.

Generic Cloud Install



# The default user for the image used

# host group for masters
# The entries should be either the publicly accessible dns name for the host
# or the publicly accessible IP address of the host.

# host group for nodes
[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" #The master openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'default'}"
... <additional node hosts go here> ...

Testing the Auto-detected Values: Run the openshift_facts playbook:

cd ~/atomic-enterprise-ansible
ansible-playbook playbooks/byo/openshift_facts.yml

The output will be similar to:

ok: [] => {
    "result": {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "openshift": {
                "common": {
                    "hostname": "ip-172-31-8-89.ec2.internal",
                    "ip": "",
                    "public_hostname": "",
                    "public_ip": "",
                    "use_openshift_sdn": true
                "provider": {
                  ... <snip> ...
        "changed": false,
        "invocation": {
            "module_args": "",
            "module_name": "openshift_facts"

Next, we'll need to override the detected defaults if they are not what we expect them to be

  • hostname
    • Should resolve to the internal ip from the instances themselves.
    • openshift_hostname will override.
  • ip
    • Should be the internal ip of the instance.
    • openshift_ip will override.
  • public hostname
    • Should resolve to the external ip from hosts outside of the cloud
    • provider openshift_public_hostname will override.
  • public_ip
    • Should be the externally accessible ip associated with the instance
    • openshift_public_ip will override

To override the the defaults, you can set the variables in your inventory. For example, if using AWS and managing dns externally, you can override the host public hostname as follows:


Running ansible:

ansible ~/atomic-enterprise-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml

Automated AWS Install With Ansible


  • ansible-1.8.x
  • python-boto

Assumptions Made:

  • The user's ec2 credentials have the following permissions:
    • Create instances
    • Create EBS volumes
    • Create and modify security groups
      • The following security groups will be created:
        • openshift-v3-training-master
        • openshift-v3-training-node
    • Create and update route53 record sets
  • The ec2 region selected is using ec2 classic or has a default vpc and subnets configured.
    • When using a vpc, the default subnets are expected to be configured for auto-assigning a public ip as well.
  • If providing a different ami id using the EC2_AMI_ID, it is a cloud-init enabled RHEL-7 image.

Setup (Modifying the Values Appropriately):

export EC2_REGION=us-east-1
export EC2_AMI_ID=ami-12663b7a

Clone the atomic-enterprise-ansible repo and configure helpful symlinks: ansible-playbook clone_and_setup_repo.yml

Configuring the Hosts:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/aws/hosts openshift_setup.yml

Accessing the Hosts: Each host will be created with an 'openshift' user that has passwordless sudo configured.

APPENDIX - Linux, Mac, and Windows clients

The Atomic Enterprise client oc is available for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. You can use these clients to perform all tasks in this documentation that make use of the oc command.

Downloading The Clients

Visit Download Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Beta to download the Beta4 clients. You will need to sign into Customer Portal using an account that includes the OpenShift Enterprise High Touch Beta entitlements.

Log In To Your Atomic Environment

You will need to log into your environment using oc login as you have elsewhere. If you have access to the CA certificate you can pass it to oc with the --certificate-authority flag or otherwise import the CA into your host's certificate authority. If you do not import or specify the CA you will be prompted to accept an untrusted certificate which is not recommended.

The CA is created on your master in /var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.certificates/ca/cert.crt

C:\Users\test\Downloads> oc --certificate-authority="cert.crt"
OpenShift server [[https://localhost:8443]]:
Authentication required for (openshift)
Username: joe
Login successful.

Using project "demo"

On Mac OSX and Linux you will need to make the file executable

chmod +x oc