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Discovering and Using USB Cameras

In this guide, we will walk through using Akri to discover mock USB cameras attached to nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. You'll see how Akri automatically deploys workloads to pull frames from the cameras. We will then deploy a streaming application that will point to services automatically created by Akri to access the video frames from the workloads.

The following will be covered in this demo:

  1. Setting up mock udev video devices
  2. Setting up a cluster
  3. Installing Akri via Helm with settings to create your Akri udev Configuration
  4. Inspecting Akri
  5. Deploying a streaming application
  6. Cleanup
  7. Going beyond the demo

Setting up mock udev video devices

  1. Acquire an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS or 16.04 LTS environment to run the commands. This demo assumes that the VM being used supports the proper kernel modules, which may not be the case if using a cloud-based VM which sometimes have been slimmed down to remove unnecessary modules such as for USB devices. For example, on an Ubuntu 20.04 VM in Azure, the following prerequisite step is needed to add the necessary kernel modules:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt -y install linux-modules-extra-azure

    Note: There are also guides Akri's HackMD for running the demo on DigitalOcean and Google Compute Engine (and you can skip the rest of the steps in this document). Note, these guides are unmaintained and may not be up to date.

  2. To setup fake usb video devices, install the v4l2loopback kernel module and its prerequisites. Learn more about v4l2 loopback here

     sudo apt update
     sudo apt -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
     sudo apt -y install linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)
     sudo apt -y install dkms
     curl -o v4l2loopback-dkms_0.12.5-1_all.deb
     sudo dpkg -i v4l2loopback-dkms_0.12.5-1_all.deb

    Note When running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS or 16.04 LTS, do NOT install v4l2loopback through sudo apt install -y v4l2loopback-dkms, you will get an older version (0.12.3). 0.12.5-1 is required for gstreamer to work properly.

    Note: If not able to install the debian package of v4l2loopback due to using a different Linux kernel, you can clone the repo, build the module, and setup the module dependencies like so:

    git clone
    cd v4l2loopback
    make & sudo make install
    sudo make install-utils
    sudo depmod -a
  3. "Plug-in" two cameras by inserting the kernel module. To create different number video devices modify the video_nr argument.

     sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 video_nr=1,2
  4. Confirm that two video device nodes (video1 and video2) have been created.

     ls /dev/video*
  5. Install the necessary Gstreamer packages.

     sudo apt-get install -y \
         libgstreamer1.0-0 gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
         gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-libav
  6. Now that our cameras are set up, lets use Gstreamer to pass fake video streams through them.

     mkdir camera-logs
     sudo gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc pattern=ball ! "video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=10/1" ! avenc_mjpeg ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video1 > camera-logs/ball.log 2>&1 &
     sudo gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc pattern=smpte horizontal-speed=1 ! "video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=10/1" ! avenc_mjpeg ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video2 > camera-logs/smpte.log 2>&1 &

    Note: If this generates an error, be sure that there are no existing video streams targeting the video device nodes by running the following and then re-running the previous command:

    if pgrep gst-launch-1.0 > /dev/null; then
      sudo pkill -9 gst-launch-1.0

Setting up a cluster

Reference our cluster setup documentation to set up a cluster for this demo. For ease of setup, only create single-node cluster, so if installing K3s or MicroK8s, you can skip the last step of the installation instructions of adding additional nodes. If you have an existing cluster, feel free to leverage it for the demo. This documentation assumes you are using a single-node cluster; however, you can certainly use a multi-node cluster. You will see additional Akri Agents and Discovery Handlers deployed when inspecting the Akri installation.

Note, if using MicroK8s, enable privileged Pods, as the udev video broker pods run privileged to easily grant them access to video devices. More explicit device access could have been configured by setting the appropriate security context in the broker PodSpec in the Configuration.

Installing Akri

You tell Akri what you want to find with an Akri Configuration, which is one of Akri's Kubernetes custom resources. The Akri Configuration is simply a yaml file that you apply to your cluster. Within it, you specify three things:

  1. a Discovery Handler
  2. any additional device filtering
  3. an image for a Pod (that we call a "broker") that you want to be automatically deployed to utilize each discovered device

For this demo, we will specify

  1. Akri's udev Discovery Handler, which is used to discover devices in the Linux device file system. Akri's udev Discovery Handler supports
  2. filtering by udev rules. We want to find all mock USB cameras in the Linux device file system, which can be specified with a simple udev rule KERNEL=="video[0-9]*". It matches name of the mock USB cameras.

Note, when real USB cameras are used, the filtering udev rule can be more precise to avoid mistaken device match. For example, a better rule is KERNEL=="video[0-9]*"\, ENV{ID_V4L_CAPABILITIES}==":capture:" that adds a criteria on device capability. We may go further by adding criteria such as vendor name. An example is KERNEL=="video[0-9]*"\, ENV{ID_V4L_CAPABILITIES}==":capture:"\, ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="Great Vendor". In order to write correct rule, check output of "udevadm" command for USB cameras. A example is "udevadm info --query=all --name=video1".

  1. a broker Pod image, we will use a sample container that Akri has provided that pulls frames from the cameras and serves them over gRPC.

All of Akri's components can be deployed by specifying values in its Helm chart during an installation. Instead of having to build a Configuration from scratch, Akri has provided Helm templates for Configurations for each supported Discovery Handler. Lets customize the generic udev Configuration Helm template with our three specifications above. We can also set the name for the Configuration to be akri-udev-video.

In order for the Agent to know how to discover video devices, the udev Discovery Handler must exist. Akri supports an Agent image that includes all supported Discovery Handlers. This Agent will be used if agent.full=true is set. By default, a slim Agent without any embedded Discovery Handlers is deployed and the required Discovery Handlers can be deployed as DaemonSets. This demo will use that strategy, deploying the udev Discovery Handlers by specifying udev.discovery.enabled=true when installing Akri.

  1. Add the Akri Helm chart and run the install command, setting Helm values as described above.

     helm repo add akri-helm-charts
     helm install akri akri-helm-charts/akri \
         --set udev.discovery.enabled=true \
         --set udev.configuration.enabled=true \
         --set \
         --set udev.configuration.discoveryDetails.udevRules[0]='KERNEL=="video[0-9]*"' \
         --set udev.configuration.brokerPod.image.repository=""

Inspecting Akri

After installing Akri, since the /dev/video1 and /dev/video2 devices are running on this node, the Akri Agent will discover them and create an Instance for each camera.

  1. List all that Akri has automatically created and deployed, namely Akri Configuration we created when installing Akri, two Instances (which are the Akri custom resource that represents each device), two broker Pods (one for each camera), a service for each broker Pod, a service for all brokers, the Controller Pod, Agent Pod, and the udev Discovery Handler Pod.

     watch microk8s kubectl get pods,akric,akrii,services -o wide

    For K3s and vanilla Kubernetes

     watch kubectl get pods,akric,akrii,services -o wide

    Look at the Configuration and Instances in more detail.

  2. Inspect the Configuration that was created via the Akri udev Helm template and values that were set when installing Akri by running the following.

     kubectl get akric -o yaml
  3. Inspect the two Instances. Notice that in the brokerProperties of each instance, you can see the device nodes (/dev/video1 or /dev/video2) that the Instance represents. The brokerProperties of an Instance are set as environment variables in the broker Pods that are utilizing the device the Instance represents. This told the broker which device to connect to. We can also see in the Instance a usage slot and that it was reserved for this node. Each Instance represents a device and its usage.

     kubectl get akrii -o yaml

    If this was a shared device (such as an IP camera), you may have wanted to increase the number of nodes that could use the same device by specifying capacity. There is a capacity parameter for each Configuration, which defaults to 1. Its value could have been increased when installing Akri (via --set <discovery handler name>.configuration.capacity=2 to allow 2 nodes to use the same device) and more usage slots (the number of usage slots is equal to capacity) would have been created in the Instance.

    Deploying a streaming application

  4. Deploy a video streaming web application that points to both the Configuration and Instance level services that were automatically created by Akri.

     kubectl apply -f

    For MicroK8s

     watch microk8s kubectl get pods

    For K3s and vanilla Kubernetes

     watch kubectl get pods
  5. Determine which port the service is running on. Be sure to save this port number for the next step.

    kubectl get service/akri-video-streaming-app --output=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http")].nodePort}' && echo
  6. SSH port forwarding can be used to access the streaming application. In a new terminal, enter your ssh command to to access your VM followed by the port forwarding request. The following command will use port 50000 on the host. Feel free to change it if it is not available. Be sure to replace <streaming-app-port> with the port number outputted in the previous step.

    ssh someuser@<Ubuntu VM IP address> -L 50000:localhost:<streaming-app-port>

    Note we've noticed issues with port forwarding with WSL 2. Please use a different terminal.

  7. Navigate to http://localhost:50000/. The large feed points to Configuration level service (udev-camera-svc), while the bottom feed points to the service for each Instance or camera (udev-camera-svc-<id>).


  1. Bring down the streaming service.

     kubectl delete service akri-video-streaming-app
     kubectl delete deployment akri-video-streaming-app

    For MicroK8s

     watch microk8s kubectl get pods

    For K3s and vanilla Kubernetes

     watch kubectl get pods
  2. Delete the configuration, and watch the associated instances, pods, and services be deleted.

     kubectl delete akric akri-udev-video

    For MicroK8s

     watch microk8s kubectl get pods,services,akric,akrii -o wide

    For K3s and vanilla Kubernetes

     watch kubectl get pods,services,akric,akrii -o wide
  3. If you are done using Akri, it can be uninstalled via Helm.

     helm delete akri
  4. Delete Akri's CRDs.

     kubectl delete crd
     kubectl delete crd
  5. Stop video streaming from the video devices.

     if pgrep gst-launch-1.0 > /dev/null; then
         sudo pkill -9 gst-launch-1.0
  6. "Unplug" the fake video devices by removing the kernel module.

     sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback

Going beyond the demo

  1. Plug in real cameras! You can pass environment variables to the frame server broker to specify the format, resolution width/height, and frames per second of your cameras.
  2. Apply the ONVIF Configuration and make the streaming app display footage from both the local video devices and onvif cameras. To do this, modify the video streaming yaml as described in the inline comments in order to create a larger service that aggregates the output from both the udev-camera-svc service and onvif-camera-svc service.
  3. Add more nodes to the cluster.
  4. Modify the udev rule to find a more specific subset of cameras Instead of finding all video4linux device nodes, the udev rule can be modified to exclude certain device nodes, find devices only made by a certain manufacturer, and more. For example, the rule can be narrowed by matching cameras with specific properties. To see the properties of a camera on a node, do udevadm info --query=property --name /dev/video0, passing in the proper devnode name. In this example, ID_VENDOR=Microsoft was one of the outputted properties. To only find cameras made by Microsoft, the rule can be modified like the following:
    helm repo add akri-helm-charts
    helm install akri akri-helm-charts/akri \
       --set udev.discovery.enabled=true \
       --set udev.configuration.enabled=true \
       --set \
       --set udev.configuration.discoveryDetails.udevRules[0]='KERNEL=="video[0-9]*"\, ENV{ID_V4L_CAPABILITIES}==":capture:"\, ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="Microsoft"' \
       --set udev.configuration.brokerPod.image.repository="" 
  5. Discover other udev devices by creating a new udev configuration and broker. Learn more about the udev Discovery Handler Configuration here.