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Hospital Management System


This Hospital Management System is a console-based application developed in the C programming language. It is designed as a college project to demonstrate the basic functionalities of managing a hospital's operations efficiently. This system helps in maintaining patient records, managing appointments, and handling various administrative tasks within a hospital setting.


Add Data:

  • Add Patient: Allows the addition of new patient records, including personal information such as name, age, gender, and contact details.
  • Add Doctor: Enables the registration of doctors with their specialization, contact information, and other relevant details.
  • Add Appointment: Facilitates scheduling appointments for patients with specific doctors, including date, time, and reason for the visit.
  • Add Room: Provides functionality to add rooms within the hospital, specifying room numbers, types, and availability status.
  • Add Bill: Allows for the creation of bills for patients, including details of services rendered, medications provided, and total charges.
  • Add Inventory: Supports the addition of inventory items such as medical supplies, equipment, and medications, along with quantities and expiration dates.
  • Add Staff: Enables the registration of hospital staff members, including administrative personnel, nurses, and technicians, with their respective roles and contact information.
  • Add Department: Allows for the creation of departments within the hospital, defining their names, functions, and associated staff members.

Display Data:

  • Display Patient: Provides a view of all registered patients, along with their personal details and medical histories.
  • Display Doctor: Shows a list of all doctors working in the hospital, along with their specializations, contact information, and schedules.
  • Display Appointment: Displays scheduled appointments, including patient details, doctor assignments, and appointment timings.
  • Display Room: Offers an overview of available rooms in the hospital, along with their types, occupancy status, and any assigned patients.
  • Display Bill: Presents itemized bills for patients, showing services utilized, medications prescribed, and corresponding charges.
  • Display Inventory: Shows the current inventory status, including available items, quantities on hand, and expiration dates.
  • Display Staff: Provides a list of all staff members working in various roles within the hospital, along with their positions and contact details.
  • Display Department: Offers insights into the different departments within the hospital, including their functions, staff members, and contact information.

Update Data:

  • Update Patient: Allows for the modification of patient information, including updates to personal details, medical records, and contact information.
  • Update Doctor: Enables the editing of doctor details such as contact information, schedules, and specializations.
  • Update Appointment: Facilitates changes to appointment timings, doctor assignments, and reason for visits.
  • Update Room: Allows for updates to room information, such as occupancy status, availability, and room types.
  • Update Bill: Provides functionality to modify bill details, including adjustments to charges, additions of new services, or corrections to existing entries.
  • Update Inventory: Allows for updates to inventory items, including additions, deletions, quantity adjustments, and updates to expiration dates.
  • Update Staff: Enables modifications to staff member details, including position changes, contact information updates, and role assignments.
  • Update Department: Facilitates updates to department information, such as changes to department names, functions, or staff assignments.

Remove Data:

  • Remove Patient: Allows for the removal of patient records from the system, including personal details and medical histories.
  • Remove Doctor: Enables the deletion of doctor profiles from the system, along with associated information such as schedules and specializations.
  • Remove Appointment: Facilitates the removal of scheduled appointments from the system, including patient details and appointment timings.
  • Remove Room: Allows for the deletion of room entries from the system, including room types, occupancy status, and associated patients.
  • Remove Bill: Provides functionality to remove bill records from the system, including itemized details of services rendered and corresponding charges.
  • Remove Inventory: Enables the deletion of inventory items from the system, including details such as quantities on hand and expiration dates.
  • Remove Staff: Allows for the removal of staff member profiles from the system, including position details and contact information.
  • Remove Department: Facilitates the deletion of department entries from the system, including department names, functions, and associated staff members.

Screenshot 2024-03-17 113248

Screenshot 2024-03-17 113357

How to Use

  1. Compile the Code:
    • Use a C compiler (e.g., GCC) to compile the source code.
      gcc main.c ./controller/appointment/appointment_controller.c ./controller/bill/bill_controller.c ./controller/doctor/doctor_controller.c ./controller/patient/patient_controller.c ./controller/room/room_controller.c ./controller/inventory/inventory_controller.c ./controller/staff/staff_controller.c ./controller/department/department_controller.c ./services/appointment/appointment_service.c ./services/bill/bill_service.c ./services/department/department_service.c ./services/doctor/doctor_service.c ./services/inventory/inventory_service.c ./services/patient/patient_service.c ./services/room/room_service.c ./services/staff/staff_service.c -o main
  2. Run the Application:
    • Execute the compiled binary.


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