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Martín Dias edited this page Sep 22, 2023 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the BlocBenchs wiki!


  1. Download Pharo 11 or 12

  2. Load the baseline with:

EpMonitor disableDuring: [
  Author useAuthor: 'Load' during: [
    [	Metacello new
        baseline: 'BlocBenchs';
        repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/BlocBenchs:dev-1.0/src';
    ]	on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning
      do: [ :warning | warning load ] ] ]

Alternative Install

We have a build script that downloads Pharo and loads the project. It's prepared to work on MacOS, Linux and Windows (tested with the bash shell terminal that comes with git for Windows).

To use it:

  1. Clone this repository (this will be the <repo_path>)
  2. Create anywhere in your system a directory where the image will be build, and open a terminal there.
  3. Execute <repo_path>/scripts/

Executable Entry-Points

  • Run examples at class-side of PCBenchmarker
  • Run examples at class-side of BlProfileRunner
  • Run BlMouseMoveBenchmark class>>#exampleRun
  • Run PCMeanConfidenceIntervalPrinter class>>·example
  • Run AeBenchFigureGridRunner in BlocBenchs-Alexandrie

Code snippets

To benchmark FPS (frames per second) in a geometry at Bloc level:

PCBenchmarkSuite new
   addCase: PCRoundedRectanglesBenchCase new;
   numberOfSeconds: 7;

Where you can easily create a new case (to replace PCRoundedRectanglesBenchCase) See bench report in Transcript.

For benchmarking other performance aspects (not specifically rendering):

[ case := BlBoidsProfileCase new.
case duration: 7 seconds.
case hostClass: BlOSWindowSDL2Host.
(BlProfileRunner newForCase: case)
   yourself ] fork

This is the Boids demo, and you will get a Morphic window with the report of FPS. Also, you can replace enableFPS by enableFFICounter and get a ranking table of FFI calls per frame. You can also replace by enableASProfiler and get a profiler result.

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