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clj-firmata provides access to Standard Firmata commands via Clojure[script].


Add the following to your project.clj

[clj-firmata "2.1.1"]

For Clojurescript usage, see here

Connect to a Board

Connecting to a board is a simple as

(use 'firmata.core)
(def board (open-serial-board "cu.usbmodemfa141"))

replacing cu.usbmodemfa141 with the name or path of the appropriate serial port.

An valid serial port of a connected arduino may be autodetected by passing :auto-detect Currently, this only works on Mac OS X and Linux.

Communicating with the board.

Performing simple queries on the board will result in events placed onto the board's core.async event channel.

For example, calling will result in an event of type :firmware-report to be placed on the channel. I.e. the following would be true:

(let [ch    (event-channel board)
      _     (query-firmware board)
      event (<!! ch)]
  (is (= :firmware-report (:type event)))
  (is (= "2.3" (:version event)))
  (is (= "Firmware Name" (:name event))))

Setting Pin Values

Setting a digital pin value to HIGH (1)

(set-digital board 13 :high)

and likewise to LOW (0)

(set-digital board 13 :low)

For analog values a pin must be in :pwm mode:

(set-pin-mode board 11 :pwm)
(set-analog board 11 255)

The above will set the brightness of an LED on pin 11 to maximum brightness

Receiving Information

The Firmata protocol provides several ways of receiving events from the board. The first is via an event channel:

(let [ch (event-channel board)]
  ; ...
  ; take events from the channel
  ; ...
  ; Then, when you're done, you should clean up:
  (release-event-channel board ch))

The channels have the same buffer size as the board is configured with on open-board.

The protocol also provides a core.async publisher, which publishes events based on [:event-type :pin]. This can be used in the standard fashion:

(let [sub-ch (chan)]
  (sub (event-publisher board) [:digital-msg 3] sub-ch)
  (go (loop
        (when-let [event (<! sub-ch)]
          ; ... do some stuff

To enable digital pin reporting:

(-> board
  (set-pin-mode 3 :input)
  (enable-digital-port-reporting 3 true))

This will result in the following events on the channel:

(let [ch    (event-channel board)
      event (<!! ch)]
   (is (= :digital-msg (:type event)))
   (is (= 3 (:pin event)))
   (is (= :high (:value event)))

By default, the pin value is returned as a key word, either :high or :low. This may be changed by using the :digital-result-format option when opening the board. For example:

(def board (open-serial-board "cu.usbmodemfa141" :digital-result-format :raw))

With this board instance, any read or report of a digital pin's HIGH/LOW state will be 1 or 0, respectively. One can use :keyword, :boolean, :char, :symbol and :raw. The default is :keyword.

One can also write a custom digital formatter by passing a function for the :from-raw-digital:

(def board (open-serial-board "cu.usbmodemfa141" 
                              :from-raw-digital #(if (= 1 %) :foo :bar)))

With this board instance, any read or report of a digital pin's HIGH/LOW state will be :foo or :bar respectively

For convenience, the firmata.async namspace provides the function digital-event-chan, which creates a channel with filtered events with the :digital-msg type and a specific pin. For example:

(let [ch (digital-event-chan board 3)]
  (go-loop [evt (<! ch)]
    (if (= :high (:value evt)) "Pressed" "Released")))

This ch can be closed like any other:

; Assuming (require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(a/close! receiver)

Similarly for analog in reporting (on A0 in this example):

(enable-analog-in-reporting board 0 true)

will result in the following events on the channel:

(let [ch    (event-channel board)
     event (<!! ch)]
    (is (= :analog-msg (:type event)))
    (is (= 0 (:pin event)))
    (is (= 1000 (:value event)))

Like digital-event-chan, there is an analog-event-chan which will provide the events to a particular analog pin.

Exceptions and Error handling

Any exceptions that occur while reading or writing to the board will be forwarded along the event channel.

Close the connection to a Board

Board connections should be closed when complete:

(close! board)

Any channels will be closed as well.


Copyright © 2014 Peter Schwarz

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.