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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • [Oban.Crontab] Allow any number of spaces and/or tabs in cron expressions.

  • [Oban.Pruner] Prevent deadlocks while pruning by ensuring that only a single node can prune at any given time.


  • [Oban.Telemetry] Add :error and :stack to trip_circuit event metadata.

  • [Oban.Queue.Executor] Retry success/failure database updates after a job finishes.

    On occasion something may happen to the database connection and updating a job's state would fail. Now we retry writing with a linear backoff to prevent the job from getting stuck in an executing state.


  • [Oban.Worker] Tighten the spec for perform/2. Now workers are expected to return only :ok, {:ok, result} or {:error, reason}. A warning is logged if any other value is returned—for high throughput systems this may cause performance issues and you should update your worker's return values.

    Returning a success tuple is supported for testing purposes and backward compatibility, while returning :ok on success if preferred.

1.0.0 — 2020-01-29

No changes from 1.0.0-rc.2.

1.0.0-rc.2 — 2020-01-22


  • [Oban.Migration] Separate adding and modifying new columns in the V8 migration. The columns can't be modified without a flush.


  • [Oban.Testing] Accept a custom prefix when making test assertions.

1.0.0-rc.1 — 2020-01-21

Migration Required (V8)

This is the first required migration since 0.8.0, released in 09/2019. It brings with it a new column, discarded_at, a streamlined notifications trigger, job prioritiy and job tags.

Upgrading only requires running the new migration.

First, generate a new migration:

mix ecto.gen.migration upgrade_oban_jobs_to_v8

Next, call Oban.Migrations in the generated migration:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.UpdateObanJobsToV8 do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up, do: Oban.Migrations.up(version: 8)
  def down, do: Oban.Migrations.down()

Oban will manage upgrading to V8 regardless of the version your application is currently using, and it will roll back a single version.


  • [Oban] Add timezone support for scheduling cronjobs using timezones other than "Etc/UTC". Using a custom timezone requires a timezone database such as tzdata.

  • [Oban] Add dispatch_cooldown option to configure the minimum time between a producer fetching more jobs to execute.

  • [Oban] Add beats_maxage option to configure how long heartbeat rows are retained in the oban_beats table. Each queue generates one row per second, so rows may accumulate quickly. The default value is now five minutes, down from one hour previously.

  • [Oban.Job] Add discarded_at timestamp to help identify jobs that were discarded and not completed. The timestamp is added by the V8 migration and it is also included in the original create table from V1 as a minor space saving optimization (packing datetime columns together because they use a predictable 4bytes of space).

  • [Oban.Job] Add numerical priority value to control the order of execution for jobs within a queue. The priority can be set between 0 and 3, with 0 being the default and the highest priority.

  • [Oban.Job] Add tags field for arbitrarily organizing associated tags. Tags are a list of strings stored as an array in the database, making them easy to search and filter by.


  • [Oban] Change the default prune value from :disabled to {:maxlen, 1_000}. Many people don't change the default until they realize that a lot of jobs are lingering in the database. It is rare that anybody would want to keep all of their jobs forever, so a conservative default is better than :disabled.

  • [Oban] Change oban_beats retention from one hour to five minutes. The value is now configurable, with a default of 300s. The lower bound is 60s because we require one minute of heartbeat activity to rescue orphaned jobs.

  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Introduce "dispatch cooldown" as a way to debounce repeatedly fetching new jobs. Repeated fetching floods the producer's message queue and forces the producer to repeatedly fetch one job at a time, which is not especially efficient. Debounced fetching is much more efficient for the producer and the database, increasing maximum jobs/sec throughput so that it scales linearly with a queue's concurrency settings (up to what the database can handle).

  • [Oban.Query] Discard jobs that have exhausted the maximum attempts rather than rescuing them. This prevents repeatedly attempting a job that has consistently crashed the BEAM.

  • [Oban.Query] Use transactional locks to prevent duplicate inserts without relying on unique constraints in the database. This provides strong unique guarantees without requiring migrations.


  • [Oban.Notifications] An overhauled and simplified insert trigger no longer emits update notifications. This was largely an internal implementation detail and wasn't publicly documented, but it does effect the UI.

0.12.1 — 2019-12-13


  • [Oban.Worker] Deep merge unique options between the worker and custom params. Previously the unique options passed to would completely override the options stored by use Oban.Worker. This was primarily an issue for crontab jobs, where the period is always passed by the scheduler.


  • [Oban] Allow setting crontab: false or crontab: nil to disable scheduling. This matches the queues behavior and makes it possible to override the default configuration within each environment, i.e. when testing.

  • [Oban.Testing] Better error message for Oban.Testing.assert_enqueued/2

0.12.0 – 2019-11-26

Migration Optional (V7)

The queries used to prune by limit and age are written to utilize a single partial index for a huge performance boost on large tables. The new V7 migration will create the index for you—but that may not be ideal for tables with millions of completed or discarded jobs because it can't be done concurrently.

If you have an extremely large jobs table you can add the index concurrently in a dedicated migration:

create index(
         ["attempted_at desc", :id],
         where: "state in ('completed', 'discarded')",
         name: :oban_jobs_attempted_at_id_index,
         concurrently: true


  • [Oban] Add start_queue/3 and stop_queue/2 for dynamically starting and stopping supervised queues across nodes.

  • [Oban] Add drain_queue/3 to accept drain options. with_scheduled: true allows draining scheduled jobs.

  • [Oban] Expose circuit_backoff as a "twiddly" option that controls how long tripped circuit breakers wait until re-opening.

  • [Oban.Testing] Accept a value/delta tuple for testing timestamp fields. This allows more robust testing of timestamps such as scheduled_at.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Emit [:oban, :trip_circuit] and [:oban, :open_circuit] events for circuit breaker activity. Previously an error was logged when the circuit was tripped, but there wasn't any way to monitor circuit breakers.

    Circuit breaker activity is logged by the default telemetry logger (both :trip_circuit and :open_circuit events).


  • [Oban.Query] Avoid using prepared statements for all unique queries. This forces Postgres to use a custom plan (which utilizes the compound index) rather than falling back to a generic plan.

  • [Oban.Job] Include all permitted fields when converting a Job to a map, preserving any optional values that were either specified by the user or came via Worker defaults.

  • [Oban.Migrations] Guard against missing migration modules in federated environments.


  • [Oban] Allow the multi name provided to Oban.insert/3,4 to be any term, not just an atom.

  • [Oban.Query] Use a consistent and more performant set of queries for pruning. Both pruning methods are optimized to utilize a single partial index.

0.11.1 — 2019-11-13


  • [Oban.Pruner] Apply prune_limit when pruning beats. A lot of beats can accumulate when pruning has been disabled. Later, when pruning is enabled, the pruner would try to delete too many beats and would time out.

  • [Oban.Crontab.Scheduler] Use a zero arity function for the transaction callback. The one arity version is only available in Ecto >= 3.2.

0.11.0 — 2019-11-06

Migration Optional (V6)

Job id's greater than 2,147,483,647 (PG int limit) can't be inserted into the running array on oban_beats. The array that Ecto defines uses int instead of bigint, which can't store the larger integers. This migration changes the column type to bigint[], a locking operation that may take a few seconds.


  • [Oban] Added crontab support for automatically enqueuing jobs on a fixed schedule. A combination of transactional locks and unique jobs prevents scheduling duplicate jobs.


  • [Oban.Migrations] Add a comment when migrating oban_jobs to V5 and when rolling back down to V4.

  • [Oban.Query] Apply the configured log level to unique queries.

  • [Oban.Notifier] Prevent open connections from accumulating when the circuit is tripped during the connection phase. This change may leave notifications in a state where they aren't listening to all channels.


  • [Oban.Notifier] Replay oban_update notifications to subscribed processes.

0.10.1 — 2019-10-08


  • [Oban.Notifier] Replay oban_gossip notifications to subscribed processes.

0.10.0 — 2019-10-03

Migration Optional (V5)

Tables with a lot of available jobs (hundreds of thousands to several million) are prone to time outs when fetching new jobs. The planner fails to optimize using the index available on queue, state and scheduled_at, forcing both a slow sort pass and an expensive bitmap heap scan.

This migration drops the separate indexes in favor of a a single composite index. The resulting query is up to 258,757x faster on large tables while still usable for all of the other maintenance queries.

History of the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output as the query was optimized is available here:


  • [Oban.Config] Change the default for verbose from true to false. Also, :verbose now accepts only false and standard logger levels. This change aims to prevent crashes due to conflicting levels when the repo's log level is set to false.


  • [Oban.Notifier] Restructure the notifier in order to to isolate producers from connection failures. Errors or loss of connectivity in the notification connection no longer kills the notifier and has no effect on the producers.

0.9.0 — 2019-09-20


  • [Oban] Add insert_all/2 and insert_all/4, corresponding to Ecto.Repo.insert_all/3 and Ecto.Multi.insert_all/5, respectively.

  • [Oban.Job] Add to_map/1 for converting a changeset into a map suitable for database insertion. This is used by Oban.insert_all/2,4 internally and is exposed for convenience.


  • [Oban.Config] Remove the default queue value of [default: 10], which was overriden by Oban.start_link/1 anyhow.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Allow the log level to be customized when attaching the default logger. The default level is :info, the same as it was before.


  • [Oban.Migrations] Prevent invalid up and down targets when attempting to run migrations that have already been ran. This was primarily an issue in CI, where the initial migration was unscoped and would migrate to the current version while a subsequent migration would attempt to migrate to a lower version.

  • [Oban.Job] Prevent a queue comparison with nil by retaining the default queue (default) when building uniqueness checks.

  • [Oban.Job] Set state to scheduled for jobs created with a scheduled_at timestamp. Previously the state was only set when schedule_in was used.

0.8.1 — 2019-09-11


  • [Oban.Notifier] Restore the gossip macro and allow oban_gossip channel for notifications.


  • [Oban.Migrations] Prevent invalid up and down ranges when repeatedly migrating without specifying a version. This issue was seen when running all of the up migrations on a database from scratch, as there would be multiple oban migrations that simply delegated to up and down.

0.8.0 — 2019-09-06

Migration Required (V4)

This release requires a migration to V3, with an optional migration to V4. V3 adds a new column to jobs and creates the oban_beats table, while V4 drops a function used by the old advisory locking system.

For a smooth zero-downtime upgrade, migrate to V3 first and then V4 in a separate release. The following sample migration will only upgrade to V3:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddObanBeatsTable do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do
    Oban.Migrations.up(version: 3)

  def down do
    Oban.Migrations.down(version: 2)


  • [Oban.Job] Add an attempted_by column used to track the node, queue and producer nonce that attempted to execute a job.

  • [Oban.Beat] Add a new oban_beats table, used by producers to publish "pulse" information including the node, queue, running jobs and other information previously published by gossip notifications.

    Beat records older than one hour are pruned automatically. Beat pruning respects the :disabled setting, but it ignores length and age configuration. The goal is to prevent bloating the table with useless historic information—each queue generates one beat a second, 3,600 beat records per hour even when the queue is idle.


  • [Oban.Executor] Don't swallow an ArgumentError when raised by a worker's backoff function.

  • [Oban.Notifier] Remove gossip notifications entirely, superseded by pulse activity written to oban_beats.

  • [Oban.Query] Remove all use of advisory locks!

  • [Oban.Producer] Periodically attempt to rescue orphans, not just at startup. By default a rescue is attempted once a minute and it checks for any executing jobs belonging to a producer that hasn't had a pulse for more than a minute.


  • [Oban.Worker] Validate worker options after the module is compiled. This allows dynamic configuration of compile time settings via module attributes, functions, Application.get_env/3, etc.

  • [Oban.Query] Remove scheduled_at check from job fetching query. This could prevent available jobs from dispatching when the database's time differed from the system time.

  • [Oban.Migrations] Fix off-by-one error when detecting the version to migrate up from.

0.7.1 — 2019-08-15


  • [Oban.Query] Release advisory locks in batches rather than individually after a job finishes execution. By tracking unlockable jobs and repeatedly attempting to unlock them for each connection we ensure that eventually all advisory locks are released.

    The previous unlocking system leaked advisory locks at a rate proportional to the number of connections in the db pool. The more connections, the more locks that wouldn't release. With a default value of 64 for max_locks_per_transaction the database would raise "ERROR: 53200: out of shared memory" after it hit a threshold (11,937 exactly, in my testing).

  • [Oban.Worker] Allow max_attempts to be 1 or more. This used to be possible and was broken unintentionally by compile time validations.

0.7.0 — 2019-08-08


  • [Oban] Added insert/2, insert!/2 and insert/4 as a convenient and more powerful way to insert jobs. Features such as unique jobs and the upcoming prefix support only work with insert.

  • [Oban] Add prefix support. This allows entirely isolated job queues within the same database.

  • [Oban.Worker] Compile time validation of all passed options. Catch typos and other invalid options when a worker is compiled rather than when a job is inserted for the first time.

  • [Oban.Worker] Unique job support through the unique option. Set a unique period, and optionally fields and states, to enforce uniqueness within a window of time. For example, to make a job unique by args, queue and worker for 2 minutes:

    use Oban.Worker, unique: [period: 120, fields: [:args, :queue, :worker]]

    Note, unique support relies on the use of Oban.insert/2,4.


  • [Oban.Worker] Remove the perform/1 callback in favor of perform/2. The new perform/2 function receives the job's args, followed by the complete job struct. This new function signature makes it clear that the args are always available, and the job struct is also there when it is needed. A default perform/2 function is not generated automatically by the use macro and must be defined manually.

    This is a breaking change and all worker modules will need to be updated. Thankfully, due to the behaviour change, warnings will be emitted when you compile after the upgrade.

    If your perform functions weren't matching on the Oban.Job struct then you can migrate your workers by adding a second _job argument:

    def perform(%{"some" => args}, _job)

    If you were making use of Oban.Job metadata in perform/1 then you can move the job matching to the second argument:

    def perform(_args, %{attempt: attempt})

    See the issue that suggested this change for more details and discussion.

  • [Oban.Producer] Use send_after/3 instead of :timer.send_interval/2 to maintain scheduled dispatch. This mechanism is more accurate under system load and it prevents :poll messages from backing up for each producer.

  • [Oban.Migration] Accept a keyword list with :prefix and :version as options rather than a single version string. When a prefix is supplied the migration will create all tables, indexes, functions and triggers within that namespace. For example, to create the jobs table within a "private" prefix:

    Oban.Migrate.up(prefix: "private")

0.6.0 — 2019-07-26


  • [Oban.Query] Added :verbose option to control general query logging. This allows debug query activity within Oban to be silenced during testing and development.

  • [Oban.Testing] Added all_enqueued/1 helper for testing. The helper returns a list of jobs matching the provided criteria. This makes it possible to test using pattern matching, which is more flexible than a literal match within the database.


  • [Oban.Config] All passed options are validated. Any unknown options will raise an ArgumentError and halt startup. This prevents misconfiguration through typos and passing unsupported options.

  • [Oban.Worker] The perform/1 function now receives an Oban.Job struct as the sole argument, calling perform/1 again with only the args map if no clause catches the struct. This allows workers to use any attribute of the job to customize behaviour, e.g. the number of attempts or when a job was inserted into the database.

    The implementation is entirely backward compatible, provided workers are defined with the use macro. Workers that implement the Oban.Worker behaviour manually will need to change the signature of perform/1 to accept a job struct.

  • [Oban] Child process names are generated from the top level supervisor's name, i.e. setting the name to "MyOban" on start_link/1 will set the notifier's name to MyOban.Notifier. This improves isolation and allows multiple supervisors to be ran on the same node.


  • [Oban.Producer] Remove duplicate polling timers. As part of a botched merge conflict resolution two timers were started for each producer.

0.5.0 — 2019-06-27


  • [Oban.Pruner] Added :prune_limit option to constrain the number of rows deleted on each prune iteration. This prevents locking the database when there are a large number of jobs to delete.


  • [Oban.Worker] Treat {:error, reason} tuples returned from perform/1 as a failure. The :kind value reported in telemetry events is now differentiated, where a rescued exception has the kind :exception, and an error tuple has the kind :error.


  • [Oban.Testing] Only check available and scheduled jobs with the assert|refute_enqueued testing helpers.

  • [Oban.Queue.Watchman] Catch process exits when attempting graceful shutdown. Any exits triggered within terminate/2 are caught and ignored. This safely handles situations where the producer exits before the watchman does.

  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Use circuit breaker protection for gossip events and call queries directly from the producer process. This prevents pushing all queries through the Notifier, and ensures more granular control over gossip errors.

0.4.0 — 2019-06-10


  • [Oban] Add Oban.drain_queue/1 to help with integration testing. Draining a queue synchronously executes all available jobs in the queue from within the calling process. This avoids any sandbox based database connection issues and prevents race conditions from asynchronous processing.

  • [Oban.Worker] Add backoff/1 callback and switch to exponential backoff with a base value as the default. This allows custom backoff timing for individual workers.

  • [Oban.Telemetry] Added a new module to wrap a default handler for structured JSON logging. The log handler is attached by calling Oban.Telemetry.attach_default_logger/0 somewhere in your application code.

  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Guard against Postgrex errors in all producer queries using a circuit breaker. Failing queries will no longer crash the producer. Instead, the failure will be logged as an error and it will trip the producer's circuit breaker. All subsequent queries will be skipped until the breaker is enabled again approximately a minute later.

    This feature simplifies the deployment process by allowing the application to boot and stay up while Oban migrations are made. After migrations have finished each queue producer will resume making queries.


  • [Oban] Telemetry events now report timing as %{duration: duration} instead of %{timing: timing}. This aligns with the telemetry standard of using duration for the time to execute something.

  • [Oban] Telemetry events are now broken into success and failure at the event level, rather than being labeled in the metadata. The full event names are now [:oban, :success] and [:oban, :failure].

  • [Oban.Job] Rename scheduled_in to schedule_in for readability and consistency. Both the Oban docs and README showed schedule_in, which reads more clearly than scheduled_in.

  • [Oban.Pruner] Pruning no longer happens immediately on startup and may be configured through the :prune_interval option. The default prune interval is still one minute.


  • [Oban.Migrations] Make partial migrations more resilient by guarding against missing versions and using idempotent statements.

0.3.0 - 2019-05-29

Migration Required (V2)


  • [Oban] Allow setting queues: false or queues: nil to disable queue dispatching altogether. This makes it possible to override the default configuration within each environment, i.e. when testing.

    The docs have been updated to promote this mechanism, as well as noting that pruning must be disabled for testing.

  • [Oban.Testing] The new testing module provides a set of helpers to make asserting and refuting enqueued jobs within tests much easier.


  • [Oban.Migrations] Explicitly set id as a bigserial to avoid mistakenly generating a uuid primary key.

  • [Oban.Migrations] Use versioned migrations that are immutable. As database changes are required a new migration module is defined, but the interface of Oban.Migrations.up/0 and Oban.Migrations.down/0 will be maintained.

    From here on all releases with database changes will indicate that a new migration is necessary in this CHANGELOG.

  • [Oban.Query] Replace use of (bigint) with (int, int) for advisory locks. The first int acts as a namespace and is derived from the unique oid value for the oban_jobs table. The oid is unique within a database and even changes on repeat table definitions.

    This change aims to prevent lock collision with application level advisory lock usage and other libraries. Now there is a 1 in 2,147,483,647 chance of colliding with other locks.

  • [Oban.Job] Automatically remove leading "Elixir." namespace from stringified worker name. The prefix complicates full text searching and reduces the score for trigram matches.

0.2.0 - 2019-05-15


  • [Oban] Add pause_queue/2, resume_queue/2 and scale_queue/3 for dynamically controlling queues.
  • [Oban] Add kill_job/2 for terminating running jobs and marking them as discarded.
  • [Oban] Add config/0 for retreiving the supervisors config. This is primarily useful for integrating oban into external applications.
  • [Oban.Queue.Producer] Use database triggers to immediately dispatch when a job is inserted into the oban_jobs table.
  • [Oban.Job] Execution errors are stored as a jsonb array for each job. Each error is stored, not just the most recent one. Error entries contains these keys:
    • at The utc timestamp when the error occurred at
    • attempt The attempt number when the error ocurred
    • error A formatted error message and stacktrace, passed through Exception.blame/3
  • [Oban.Config] Validate all options based on type and allowed values. Any invalid option will raise, preventing supervisor boot.
  • [Oban.Notifier] Broadcast runtime gossip through pubsub, allowing any external system to get stats at the node and queue level.


  • [Oban.Queue.Supervisor] Set the min_demand to 1 for all consumers. This ensures that each queue will run the configured number of concurrent jobs. By default the min_demand is half of max_demand, which means a few slow jobs can prevent the queue from running the expected number of concurrent jobs.
  • [Oban.Job] Change psuedo-states based on job properties into fixed states, this applies to scheduled and retryable.
  • [Oban.Job] The "Elixir" prefix is stripped from worker names before storing jobs in the database. Module lookup performs the same way, but it cleans up displaying the worker name as a string.
  • [Oban.Job] Accept all job fields as changeset parameters. While not encouraged for regular use, this is essential for testing various states.

0.1.0 - 2019-03-10

  • [Oban] Initial release with base functionality.