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Genji Notebook

A doc tool based on Genji to build observable and interactive website. It is inspired by Dumi and Docusaurus.


Get Started

Install genji-notebook from NPM.

$ npm i genji-notebook

Create a new config file named .genjirc in your project root, and specify the outline options.

  "outline": {
    "Hello World": "hello-world"

Create a folder named docs in your project root and create a markdown file named with the following content.

# Hello World

(() => {
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerText = "Hello World"; = "red";
  return div;

Your project structure is now arranged as below:

| |

Then run the following command in your project root for development and open http://localhost:8000/#/ in your browser.

$ genji-notebook dev

Everything is working as expected if your see the page as blew.


The red div with "Hello World" in the codeblock of the markdown file is already being rendered into the document!

Finally run the following command in your project root before you want to deploy your site.

$ genji-notebook build

Futhermore, if you want to deploy the site using Github Pages, update the .genjirc. (Replace <account> with your github account name and replace <repo> with your repo name).

  "outline": {
    "Hello World": "hello-world"
  "siteGithub": "<account>/<repo>",
  "base": "/<repo>/"

Then run:

$ genji-notebook deploy

You can visit https://<account><repo>/#/ after deploying success.


The options for .genjirc are as followed.

Key Type Description Default
input string The path to the folder containing all the markdown files. docs
output string The path to produce the site. dist
outline object A nested object to specifies the outline. Every key of the object is the name displayed in the sidebar. It relates a markdown file if the value is the name of the markdown file and it can be a section with object value. -
assets string The path to the assets folder and all the assets used for the site should be in it. assets
logo string The path to the logo of the site. -
github string The github link for the site. -
link string The custom link for the site. -
notFound.title string The title for missing page. Page Not Found
notFound.description string The description for the missing page. We could not find what you were looking for.
scripts string[] A path array to the scripts used in the site. []
theme.mainColor string The main color for the site. #28DF99
base string The base path for the site. ""
siteGithub string The link to the repo to host the site.(See gh-pages options.repo) -
siteBranch string The name of the branch you'll pushing to. (See gh-pages options.branch) gh-pages
domain string The domain of your site. It will create a CNAME file if it is specified. undefined

See more in demo as an example.

Simple Example

Let's get started with a simple but solid example.

```js | range "pin: false; min: 100; max: 200"
width = 150;

$("<div></div>").width(width).height(100).css("background", "orange").get(0);

```js | dom "pin: false"
$ = genji.require("jquery");

The markdown above will be rendered as follows in Genji environment.


This example dose three things:

  • Require Jquery by the function genji.require from builtin library asynchronously.
  • Declare a reactive variable width and mark it as a range output using markup range.
  • Using required Jquery and width variable to render a responsive orange div element.

Let's explain how Genji manage to do these.

Each JavaScript codeblock in Genji is executable and editable by default. And it supposed to have only one statement or expression in each codeblock. The return value of the codeblock will be displayed in the document as output with different form.

If it is a HTMLElement or SVGElement, the element will be mounted directly, such as:

$("<div></div>").width(width).height(100).css("background", "orange").get(0);

If it is a non-element value, the description of the value will be displayed by default, such as:

$ = genji.require("jquery");

It is also possible to change the default display of non-element value by markup, such as:

width = 150;

The return value is number by default, but with markup range, it will be rendered as range input with specified options pin: false; min: 100; max: 200. Besides inputs markup, there are also other kind of markup types such as table, which will render an array of object into a table.

Each codeblock is not independent and can reference each other. It can be synchronous or asynchronous, and once its value has changed, the output of codeblocks reference it will rerender. This is why every time the input value of the range input changed, the orange div element will change simultaneously.

There is no need for you to consider the order of codeblocks in the document, Genji is smart enough to execute the codeblocks in right order.


  • Codeblock - The supported codeblock syntax.
  • Markup - Markup to decorate the return value of codeblock.
  • Stdlib - Some builtin functions to help write codeblock.


# Declare a variable.

The following ways of declaring a variable have no difference, but the first one is recommended, because it makes more sense as each variable is changeable.

a = 1;

let a = 1;

var a = 1;

const a = 1;

# Declare a function.

// Declare a synchronous function.
function add(x, y) {
  return x + y;

// Declare a asynchronous function.
async function delay(ms) {
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(ms, resolve));

# Call a function

// Call a defined function
add(1, 1);

// Call a synchronous IIFE(immediately-invoked function expression)
// This is useful for complex codeblock.
(() => {
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerText = "Hello World"; = "red";
  return div;

// Call a asynchronous IIFE.
(async () => {
  const text = await new Promise((resolve) =>
    setTimeout(() => resolve("hello"), 3000)
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerText = "hello"; = "red";
  return div;

# Execute an expression

height = width * 2;


Markup is specified as js | [markup] "[options]", where options follow the format "key1: value1; key2: value2;...". The options can be only specified in double quote and all is optional.

# pure

JavaScript codeblock with pure markup will not execute and acts like a normal text with highlight.

```js | pure
(() => {
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerText = "hello world"; = "red";
  return div;

# dom

The default markup for all executable codeblock is dom, it can be ignored if there is no options for this markup.

type Options = {
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | dom
(() => {
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  div.innerText = "hello world"; = "red";
  return div;

# text

Render <input type='text'>.

type Options = {
   * @description The label for the input.
  label?: string;
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | text
a = "hello world";

# number

Render <input type='number'>.

type Options = {
   * @description The label for the input.
  label?: string;
   * @description The step of the input.
   * @default 1
  step?: number;
   * @description The min value of the input.
   * @default -Infinity
  min?: number;
   * @description The max value of the input.
   * @default Infinity
  max?: number;
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | number "min:1; max: 20; step: 2"
a = 10;

# range

Render <input type='range'>.

type Options = {
   * @description The label for the input.
  label?: string;
   * @description The step of the input.
   * @default 1
  step?: number;
   * @description The min value of the input.
   * @default -Infinity
  min?: number;
   * @description The max value of the input.
   * @default infinity
  max?: number;
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | range "min:1; max: 20; step: 2"
a = 10;

# color

Render <input type='color'>.

type Options = {
   * @description The label for the input.
  label?: string;
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | color
a = "red";

# select

Render a <select>.

type Options = {
   * @description The label for the input.
  label: string;
   * @description The options for select.
   * @default []
  options: { labels: string[]; values: (string | number)[] }[];
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | select "options: { labels: ['A', 'B', 'C'], values: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }"
a = "a";

# radio

Render a <radio>.

type Options = {
   * @description The label for the input.
  label: string;
   * @description The options for radio.
   * @default []
  options: { labels: string[]; values: (string | number)[] }[];
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | radio "options: { labels: ['A', 'B', 'C'], values: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }"
a = "a";

# table

Render an array of objects into a table.

type Options = {
   * @description The max count of rows.
   * @default 10
  maxCount: number;
   * @description Hide the code by default with false value.
   * @default false
  pin?: boolean;
```js | table "maxCount: 5"
data = [
  { year: "1951 年", sale: 38 },
  { year: "1952 年", sale: 52 },
  { year: "1956 年", sale: 61 },
  { year: "1957 年", sale: 145 },
  { year: "1958 年", sale: 48 },
  { year: "1959 年", sale: 38 },
  { year: "1960 年", sale: 38 },
  { year: "1962 年", sale: 38 },


All the stdlib can be called with namespace genji directly in the executable JavaScript codeblock.

# preview(items, options) · Examples

Render previews for specified items. Shape of each item is as followed.

type Item = {
   * @description The image for the thumbnail.
  thumbnail: string;
   * @description The path to the codeblock for the thumbnail.
   * @note It must be absolute path from the `config.output` root.
  path: string;
   * @description The title for the thumbnail.
  title: string;

type Options = {
   * @description The height for each thumbnail.
   * @default 175
  height: number;
   * @description The css background-size
   * @default cover
  size: "contain" | "cover";
      thumbnail: "../assets/preview.png",
      path: "/test1/#test-advanced-usage",
      title: "Bar Chart",
      thumbnail: "../assets/preview.png",
      path: "/test1/#test-advanced-usage",
      title: "Bar Chart",
    height: 300,
    size: "contain",

# fetchJSON(url)

Fetch file with JSON format and return an object.

const data = await fetchJSON(

# require(url)

See d3-require for more details.
