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hub / 0.5.0

hub 0.5.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @huggingface/hub@0.5.0
Install via package.json:
"@huggingface/hub": "0.5.0"

About this version

🤗 Hugging Face Hub API

Official utilities to use the Hugging Face hub API, still very experimental.

npm add @huggingface/hub

Check out the full documentation.


For some of the calls, you need to create an account and generate an access token.

import { createRepo, uploadFiles, deleteFile, deleteRepo, listFiles, whoAmI } from "@huggingface/hub";
import type { RepoDesignation, Credentials } from "@huggingface/hub";

const repo: RepoDesignation = { type: "model", name: "myname/some-model" };
const credentials: Credentials = { accessToken: "hf_..." };

const {name: username} = await whoAmI({credentials});

for await (const model of listModels({search: {owner: username}, credentials})) {
  console.log("My model:", model);

await createRepo({ repo, credentials, license: "mit" });

await uploadFiles({
  files: [
    // path + blob content
      path: "file.txt",
      content: new Blob(["Hello World"]),
    // Local file URL
    // Web URL
    new URL(""),
    // Path + Web URL
      path: "myfile.bin",
      content: new URL("")
    // Can also work with native File in browsers

await deleteFile({repo, credentials, path: "myfile.bin"});

await (await downloadFile({ repo, path: "" })).text();

for await (const fileInfo of listFiles({repo})) {

await deleteRepo({ repo, credentials });

Performance considerations

When uploading large files, you may want to run the commit calls inside a worker, to offload the sha256 computations.

Remote resources and local files should be passed as URL whenever it's possible so they can be lazy loaded in chunks to reduce RAM usage. Passing a File inside the browser's context is fine, because it natively behaves as a Blob.

Under the hood, @huggingface/hub uses a lazy blob implementation to load the file.


  • hash-wasm : Only used in the browser, when committing files over 10 MB. Browsers do not natively support streaming sha256 computations.
  • type-fest : Typings only



  • hub-0.5.0.tgz

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