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Screen Sharing

This app shows how to use WebView as the source for screen-sharing video.

Check Basic-Video-Capturer-Camera-2 project to see how a device camera can be used as the video source for the custom Capturer.

Screen sharing

Custom video capturer is using WebView from the Android application as the source of a published stream.

When the app starts up, the onCreate method instantiates a WebView object:

webViewContainer = findViewById(;

Upon connecting to the OpenTok session, the app instantiates a Publisher object, and calls its setCapturer method to use a custom video capturer, defined by the ScreenSharingCapturer class:

public void onConnected(Session session) {
    ScreenSharingCapturer screenSharingCapturer = new ScreenSharingCapturer(MainActivity.this, webViewContainer);

    publisher = new Publisher.Builder(MainActivity.this)

    webViewContainer.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
    WebSettings webSettings = webViewContainer.getSettings();
    webViewContainer.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);

    publisher.setStyle(BaseVideoRenderer.STYLE_VIDEO_SCALE, BaseVideoRenderer.STYLE_VIDEO_FILL);


Note: that the call to the setPublisherVideoType method sets the video type of the published stream to PublisherKitVideoType.PublisherKitVideoTypeScreen. This optimizes the video encoding for screen sharing. It is recommended to use a low frame rate (15 frames per second or lower) with this video type. When using the screen video type in a session that uses the OpenTok Media Server, the audio-only fallback feature is disabled, so that the video does not drop out in subscribers.

The onConnected method also calls the loadScreenWebView method. This method configures the WebView object, loading the TokBox URL.

Note that the webViewContainer object is passed into the ScreenSharingCapturer constructor, which assigns it to the contentView property.

The getCaptureSettings method initializes capture settings to be used by the custom video capturer:

public CaptureSettings getCaptureSettings() {

    CaptureSettings captureSettings = new CaptureSettings();
    captureSettings.fps = fps;
    captureSettings.width = width;
    captureSettings.height = height;
    captureSettings.format = ARGB;
    return captureSettings;

The startCapture method starts the frameProducer thread after 1/15 second:

public int startCapture() {
    capturing = true;

    handler.postDelayed(newFrame, 1000 / fps);
    return 0;

The frameProducer thread gets a Bitmap representation of the contentView object (the WebView), writes its pixels to a buffer, and then calls the provideIntArrayFrame() method, passing in that buffer as a parameter:

private Runnable newFrame = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        if (capturing) {
            int width = contentView.getWidth();
            int height = contentView.getHeight();

            if (frame == null ||
                    ScreenSharingCapturer.this.width != width ||
                    ScreenSharingCapturer.this.height != height) {

                ScreenSharingCapturer.this.width = width;
                ScreenSharingCapturer.this.height = height;

                if (bmp != null) {
                    bmp = null;

                bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

                canvas = new Canvas(bmp);
                frame = new int[width * height];
            canvas.saveLayer(0, 0, width, height, null);
            canvas.translate(-contentView.getScrollX(), - contentView.getScrollY());

            bmp.getPixels(frame, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);

            provideIntArrayFrame(frame, ARGB, width, height, 0, false);


            handler.postDelayed(newFrame, 1000 / fps);


The provideIntArrayFrame method, defined by the BaseVideoCapturer class sends an integer array of data to the publisher, to be used for the next video frame published.

If the publisher is still capturing video, the thread starts again after another 1/15 of a second, so that the capturer continues to supply the publisher with new video frames to publish.

## Further Reading

* Review [other sample projects](../)
* Read more about [OpenTok Android SDK](