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Image Mode for MicroShift

Image mode is a new approach to operating system deployment that lets users build, deploy, and manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux as a bootable container (bootc) image. Such an image uses standard OCI/Docker containers as a transport and delivery format for base operating system updates. A bootc image includes a Linux kernel, which is used to boot.

MicroShift build and deployment procedures can utilize bootable containers to benefit from this technology.

This document demonstrates how to:

  • Create a bootable container image and boot RHEL from this image using podman
  • Store a bootc image in a remote registry and use it for installing a new RHEL operating system

See Image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for more information.

The procedures described below require the following setup:

  • A RHEL 9.4 host with an active Red Hat subscription for building MicroShift bootc images and running containers
  • A physical hypervisor host with the libvirt virtualization platform for starting virtual machines that run RHEL OS containing MicroShift binaries
  • A remote registry (e.g. for storing and accessing bootc images

Build MicroShift Bootc Image

Log into the RHEL 9.4 host using the user credentials that have SUDO permissions configured.

Build Image

Download the Containerfile using the following command and use it for subsequent image builds.


curl -s -o Containerfile "${URL}"

When building a container image, podman uses host subscription information and repositories inside the container. With only BaseOS and AppStream system repositories enabled by default, we need to enable the rhocp and fast-datapath repositories for installing MicroShift and its dependencies. These repositories must be accessible in the host subscription, but not necessarily enabled on the host.

Run the following image build command to create a local bootc image.

Note how secrets are used during the image build:

  • The podman --authfile argument is required to pull the base rhel-bootc:9.4 image from the registry
  • The build USER_PASSWD argument is used to set a password for the redhat user

sudo podman build --authfile "${PULL_SECRET}" -t "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
    --build-arg USER_PASSWD="${USER_PASSWD}" \
    -f Containerfile

Verify that the local MicroShift 4.16 bootc image was created.

$ sudo podman images "${IMAGE_NAME}"
REPOSITORY                       TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE
localhost/microshift-4.16-bootc  latest      193425283c00  2 minutes ago  2.31 GB

Publish Image

Run the following commands to log into a remote registry and publish the image.

The image from the remote registry can be used for running the container on another host, or when installing a new operating system with the bootc image layer.

sudo podman login "${REGISTRY_URL}"
sudo podman push localhost/"${IMAGE_NAME}" "${REGISTRY_URL}/${REGISTRY_IMG}"

Replace myorg/mypath with your remote registry organization name and path.

Run MicroShift Bootc Image

Log into the RHEL 9.4 host using the user credentials that have SUDO permissions configured.

Configure CNI

The MicroShift CNI driver (OVN) requires the Open vSwitch service to function properly. The service depends on the openvswitch kernel module to be available in the bootc image.

Run the following commands on the host to check the openvswitch module presence and the version of kernel-core package used in the bootc image. Note that the kernel versions are different.

$ find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name "openvswitch*"

$ IMAGE_NAME=microshift-4.16-bootc
$ sudo podman inspect "${IMAGE_NAME}" | grep kernel-core
        "created_by": "kernel-core-5.14.0-427.26.1.el9_4.x86_64"

When a bootc image is started as a container, it uses the host kernel, which is not necessarily the same one used for building the image. This means that the openvswitch module cannot be loaded in the container due to the kernel version mismatch with the modules present in the /lib/modules directory.

One way to work around this problem is to pre-load the openvswitch module before starting the container as described in the Run Container section.

Configure CSI

If the host is already configured to have a rhel volume group with free space, this configuration is inherited by the container so that it can be used by the MicroShift CSI driver to allocate storage.

Run the following command to determine if the volume group exists and it has the necessary free space.

$ sudo vgs
  VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  rhel   1   1   0 wz--n- <91.02g <2.02g

Otherwise, a new volume group should be set up for MicroShift CSI driver to allocate storage in bootc MicroShift containers.

Run the following commands to create a file to be used for LVM partitioning and configure it as a loop device.


sudo truncate --size="${VGSIZE}" "${VGFILE}"
sudo losetup -f "${VGFILE}"

Query the loop device name and create a free volume group on the device according to the MicroShift CSI driver requirements described in Storage Configuration.

VGLOOP=$(losetup -j ${VGFILE} | cut -d: -f1)
sudo vgcreate -f -y rhel "${VGLOOP}"

The device will now be shared with the newly created containers as described in the next section.

The following commands can be run to detach the loop device and delete the LVM volume group file.

sudo losetup -d "${VGLOOP}"
sudo rm -f "${VGFILE}"

Run Container

Run the following commands to start the MicroShift bootc image in an interactive terminal session.

The host shares the following configuration with the container:

  • The openvswitch kernel module to be used by the Open vSwitch service
  • A pull secret file for downloading the required OpenShift container images
  • Host container storage for reusing available container images

sudo modprobe openvswitch
sudo podman run --rm -it --privileged \
    -v "${PULL_SECRET}":/etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret:ro \
    -v /var/lib/containers/storage:/var/lib/containers/storage \
    --name "${IMAGE_NAME}" \

The systemd-modules-load service will fail to start in the container if the host kernel version is different from the bootc image kernel version. This failure can be safely ignored as all the necessary kernel modules have already been loaded by the host.

If additional LVM volume group device was allocated as described in the Configure CSI section, the loop device should automatically be shared with the container and used by the MicroShift CSI driver.

After the MicroShift bootc image has been successfully started, a login prompt will be presented in the terminal. Log into the running container using the redhat:<password> credentials.

Run the following command to verify that all the MicroShift pods are up and running without errors.

watch sudo oc get pods -A \
    --kubeconfig /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig

Run the sudo shutdown now command to stop the container.

Run MicroShift Bootc Virtual Machine

Log into the physical hypervisor host using the user credentials that have SUDO permissions configured.

Prepare Kickstart File

Set variables pointing to secret files that are included in kickstart.ks for gaining access to private container registries:

  • AUTH_CONFIG file contents are copied to /etc/ostree/auth.json at the pre-install stage to authenticate registry access
  • PULL_SECRET file contents are copied to /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret at the post-install stage to authenticate OpenShift registry access

See the containers-auth.json(5) manual pages for more information on the syntax of the AUTH_CONFIG registry authentication file.

Run the following commands to create the kickstart.ks file to be used during the virtual machine installation.

cat > kickstart.ks <<EOFKS
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
timezone UTC

# Partition the disk with hardware-specific boot and swap partitions, adding an
# LVM volume that contains a 10GB+ system root. The remainder of the volume will
# be used by the CSI driver for storing data.
clearpart --all --initlabel
# Create boot and swap partitions as required by the current hardware platform
reqpart --add-boot
# Add an LVM volume group and allocate a system root logical volume
part pv.01 --grow
volgroup rhel pv.01
logvol / --vgname=rhel --fstype=xfs --size=10240 --name=root

# Lock root user account
rootpw --lock

# Configure network to use DHCP and activate on boot
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate --onboot=on

%pre-install --log=/dev/console --erroronfail

# Create a 'bootc' image registry authentication file
mkdir -p /etc/ostree
cat > /etc/ostree/auth.json <<'EOF'
$(cat "${AUTH_CONFIG}")


# Pull a 'bootc' image from a remote registry
ostreecontainer --url

%post --log=/dev/console --erroronfail

# Create an OpenShift pull secret file
cat > /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret <<'EOF'
$(cat "${PULL_SECRET}")
chmod 600 /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret


The kickstart file uses a special ostreecontainer directive to pull a bootc image from the remote registry and use it to install the RHEL operating system.

Replace myorg/mypath with your remote registry organization name and path.

Create Virtual Machine

Download a RHEL boot ISO image from Copy the downloaded file to the /var/lib/libvirt/images directory.

Run the following commands to create a RHEL virtual machine with 2 cores, 2GB of RAM and 20GB of storage. The command uses the kickstart file prepared in the previous step to pull a bootc image from the remote registry and use it to install the RHEL operating system.


sudo virt-install \
    --name ${VMNAME} \
    --vcpus 2 \
    --memory 2048 \
    --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/${VMNAME}.qcow2,size=20 \
    --network network=${NETNAME},model=virtio \
    --events on_reboot=restart \
    --location /var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel-9.4-$(uname -m)-boot.iso \
    --initrd-inject kickstart.ks \
    --extra-args "inst.ks=file://kickstart.ks" \

Log into the virtual machine using the redhat:<password> credentials. Run the following command to verify that all the MicroShift pods are up and running without errors.

watch sudo oc get pods -A \
    --kubeconfig /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig

Appendix A: Multi-Architecture Image Build

It is often convenient to build multi-architecture container images and store them under the same registry URL using manifest lists.

See podman-manifest for more information.

The Build Image procedure needs to be adjusted in the following manner to create multi-architecture images.

IMAGE_ARCH=amd64 # Use amd64 or arm64 depending on the current platform

sudo podman build --authfile "${PULL_SECRET}" -t "${IMAGE_NAME}" \
    --platform "${IMAGE_PLATFORM}" \
    --build-arg USER_PASSWD="${USER_PASSWD}" \
    -f Containerfile

Verify that the local MicroShift 4.16 bootc image was created for the specified platform.

$ sudo podman images "${IMAGE_NAME}"
REPOSITORY                       TAG          IMAGE ID      CREATED         SIZE
localhost/microshift-4.16-bootc  linux-amd64  3f7e136fccb5  13 minutes ago  2.19 GB

Repeat the procedure on the other platform (i.e. arm64) and proceed by publishing the platform-specific amd64 and arm64 images to the remote registry as described in the Publish Image section.

Cross-platform podman builds are not in the scope of this document. Log into the RHEL 9.4 host running on the appropriate architecture to perform the container image builds and publish the platform-specific image to the remote registry.

Finally, create a manifest containing the platform-specific image references and publish it to the remote registry.

Images for both amd64 and arm64 architectures should have been pushed to the remote registry before creating the manifest.

sudo podman manifest create -a "localhost/${MANIFEST_NAME}" \
    "${REGISTRY_URL}/${REGISTRY_ORG}/${BASE_NAME}:linux-amd64" \

sudo podman manifest push \
    "localhost/${MANIFEST_NAME}" \

Replace myorg/mypath with your remote registry organization name and path.

Inspect the remote manifest to make sure it contains image digests from multiple architectures.

$ sudo podman manifest inspect \
    jq .manifests[].platform.architecture

It is now possible to access images using the manifest name with the latest tag (e.g. The image for the current platform will automatically be pulled from the registry if it is part of the manifest list.