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Basic Deployment Guide

Introduction of MMDeploy

MMDeploy is an open-source deep learning model deployment toolset. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project, and provides a unified experience of exporting different models to various platforms and devices of the OpenMMLab series libraries. Using MMDeploy, developers can easily export the specific compiled SDK they need from the training result, which saves a lot of effort.

More detailed introduction and guides can be found here

Supported Algorithms

Currently our deployment kit supports on the following models and backends:

Model Task OnnxRuntime TensorRT Model config
YOLOv5 ObjectDetection Y Y config
YOLOv6 ObjectDetection Y Y config
YOLOX ObjectDetection Y Y config
RTMDet ObjectDetection Y Y config

Note: ncnn and other inference backends support are coming soon.


Please install mmdeploy by following this guide.

If you install mmdeploy prebuilt package, please also clone its repository by 'git clone --depth=1' to get the 'tools' file for deployment.

How to Write Config for MMYOLO

All config files related to the deployment are located at configs/deploy.

You only need to change the relative data processing part in the model config file to support either static or dynamic input for your model. Besides, MMDeploy integrates the post-processing parts as customized ops, you can modify the strategy in post_processing parameter in codebase_config.

Here is the detail description:

codebase_config = dict(
  • score_threshold: set the score threshold to filter candidate bboxes before nms
  • confidence_threshold: set the confidence threshold to filter candidate bboxes before nms
  • iou_threshold: set the iou threshold for removing duplicates in nms
  • max_output_boxes_per_class: set the maximum number of bboxes for each class
  • pre_top_k: set the number of fixedcandidate bboxes before nms, sorted by scores
  • keep_top_k: set the number of output candidate bboxs after nms
  • background_label_id: set to -1 as MMYOLO has no background class information

Configuration for Static Inputs

1. Model Config

Taking YOLOv5 of MMYOLO as an example, here are the details:

_base_ = '../../yolov5/'

test_pipeline = [
    dict(type='LoadImageFromFile', backend_args=_base_.backend_args),
    dict(type='LoadAnnotations', with_bbox=True, _scope_='mmdet'),
        meta_keys=('img_id', 'img_path', 'ori_shape', 'img_shape',
                   'scale_factor', 'pad_param'))

test_dataloader = dict(
    dataset=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline, batch_shapes_cfg=None))

_base_ = '../../yolov5/' inherits the model config in the training stage.

test_pipeline adds the data processing piple for the deployment, LetterResize controls the size of the input images and the input for the converted model

test_dataloader adds the dataloader config for the deployment, batch_shapes_cfg decides whether to use the batch_shapes strategy. More details can be found at yolov5 configs

2. Deployment Config

Here we still use the YOLOv5 in MMYOLO as the example. We can use as the config to deploy YOLOv5 to ONNXRuntime with static inputs.

_base_ = ['./']
codebase_config = dict(
backend_config = dict(type='onnxruntime')

backend_config indicates the deployment backend with type='onnxruntime', other information can be referred from the third section.

To deploy the YOLOv5 to TensorRT, please refer to the as follows.

_base_ = ['./']
onnx_config = dict(input_shape=(640, 640))
backend_config = dict(
    common_config=dict(fp16_mode=False, max_workspace_size=1 << 30),
                    min_shape=[1, 3, 640, 640],
                    opt_shape=[1, 3, 640, 640],
                    max_shape=[1, 3, 640, 640])))
use_efficientnms = False

backend_config indices the backend with type='tensorrt'.

Different from ONNXRuntime deployment configuration, TensorRT needs to specify the input image size and the parameters required to build the engine file, including:

  • onnx_config specifies the input shape as input_shape=(640, 640)
  • fp16_mode=False and max_workspace_size=1 << 30 in backend_config['common_config'] indicates whether to build the engine in the parameter format of fp16, and the maximum video memory for the current gpu device, respectively. The unit is in GB. For detailed configuration of fp16, please refer to the
  • The min_shape/opt_shape/max_shape in backend_config['model_inputs']['input_shapes']['input'] should remain the same under static input, the default is [1, 3, 640, 640].

use_efficientnms is a new configuration introduced by the MMYOLO series, indicating whether to enable Efficient NMS Plugin to replace TRTBatchedNMS plugin in MMDeploy when exporting onnx.

You can refer to the official efficient NMS plugins by TensorRT for more details.

Note: this out-of-box feature is only available in TensorRT>=8.0, no need to compile it by yourself.

Configuration for Dynamic Inputs

1. Model Config

When you deploy a dynamic input model, you don't need to modify any model configuration files but the deployment configuration files.

2. Deployment Config

To deploy the YOLOv5 in MMYOLO to ONNXRuntime, please refer to the

_base_ = ['./']
codebase_config = dict(
backend_config = dict(type='onnxruntime')

backend_config indicates the backend with type='onnxruntime'. Other parameters stay the same as the static input section.

To deploy the YOLOv5 to TensorRT, please refer to the

_base_ = ['./']
backend_config = dict(
    common_config=dict(fp16_mode=False, max_workspace_size=1 << 30),
                    min_shape=[1, 3, 192, 192],
                    opt_shape=[1, 3, 640, 640],
                    max_shape=[1, 3, 960, 960])))
use_efficientnms = False

backend_config indicates the backend with type='tensorrt'. Since the dynamic and static inputs are different in TensorRT, please check the details at TensorRT dynamic input official introduction.

TensorRT deployment requires you to specify min_shape, opt_shape , and max_shape. TensorRT limits the size of the input image between min_shape and max_shape.

min_shape is the minimum size of the input image. opt_shape is the common size of the input image, inference performance is best under this size. max_shape is the maximum size of the input image.

use_efficientnms configuration is the same as the TensorRT static input configuration in the previous section.

INT8 Quantization Support

Note: Int8 quantization support will soon be released.

How to Convert Model


Deploy with MMDeploy Tools

Set the root directory of MMDeploy as an env parameter MMDEPLOY_DIR using export MMDEPLOY_DIR=/the/root/path/of/MMDeploy command.

python3 ${MMDEPLOY_DIR}/tools/ \
    ${INPUT_IMG} \
    --test-img ${TEST_IMG} \
    --work-dir ${WORK_DIR} \
    --calib-dataset-cfg ${CALIB_DATA_CFG} \
    --device ${DEVICE} \
    --log-level INFO \
    --show \

Parameter Description

  • deploy_cfg: set the deployment config path of MMDeploy for the model, including the type of inference framework, whether quantize, whether the input shape is dynamic, etc. There may be a reference relationship between configuration files, e.g. configs/deploy/
  • model_cfg: set the MMYOLO model config path, e.g. configs/deploy/model/, regardless of the path to MMDeploy
  • checkpoint: set the torch model path. It can start with http/https, more details are available in mmengine.fileio apis
  • img: set the path to the image or point cloud file used for testing during model conversion
  • --test-img: set the image file that used to test model. If not specified, it will be set to None
  • --work-dir: set the work directory that used to save logs and models
  • --calib-dataset-cfg: use for calibration only for INT8 mode. If not specified, it will be set to None and use “val” dataset in model config for calibration
  • --device: set the device used for model conversion. The default is cpu, for TensorRT used cuda:0
  • --log-level: set log level which in 'CRITICAL', 'FATAL', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'NOTSET'. If not specified, it will be set to INFO
  • --show: show the result on screen or not
  • --dump-info: output SDK information or not

Deploy with MMDeploy API

Suppose the working directory is the root path of mmyolo. Take YoloV5 model as an example. You can download its checkpoint from here, and then convert it to onnx model as follows:

from mmdeploy.apis import torch2onnx
from mmdeploy.backend.sdk.export_info import export2SDK

img = 'demo/demo.jpg'
work_dir = 'mmdeploy_models/mmyolo/onnx'
save_file = 'end2end.onnx'
deploy_cfg = 'configs/deploy/'
model_cfg = 'configs/yolov5/'
model_checkpoint = 'checkpoints/yolov5_s-v61_syncbn_fast_8xb16-300e_coco_20220918_084700-86e02187.pth'
device = 'cpu'

# 1. convert model to onnx
torch2onnx(img, work_dir, save_file, deploy_cfg, model_cfg,
           model_checkpoint, device)

# 2. extract pipeline info for inference by MMDeploy SDK
export2SDK(deploy_cfg, model_cfg, work_dir, pth=model_checkpoint,

Model specification

Before moving on to model inference chapter, let's know more about the converted result structure which is very important for model inference. It is saved in the directory specified with --wodk_dir.

The converted results are saved in the working directory mmdeploy_models/mmyolo/onnx in the previous example. It includes:

├── deploy.json
├── detail.json
├── end2end.onnx
└── pipeline.json

in which,

  • end2end.onnx: backend model which can be inferred by ONNX Runtime
  • xxx.json: the necessary information for mmdeploy SDK

The whole package mmdeploy_models/mmyolo/onnx is defined as mmdeploy SDK model, i.e., mmdeploy SDK model includes both backend model and inference meta information.

Model inference

Backend model inference

Take the previous converted end2end.onnx model as an example, you can use the following code to inference the model and visualize the results.

from mmdeploy.apis.utils import build_task_processor
from mmdeploy.utils import get_input_shape, load_config
import torch

deploy_cfg = 'configs/deploy/'
model_cfg = 'configs/yolov5/'
device = 'cpu'
backend_model = ['mmdeploy_models/mmyolo/onnx/end2end.onnx']
image = 'demo/demo.jpg'

# read deploy_cfg and model_cfg
deploy_cfg, model_cfg = load_config(deploy_cfg, model_cfg)

# build task and backend model
task_processor = build_task_processor(model_cfg, deploy_cfg, device)
model = task_processor.build_backend_model(backend_model)

# process input image
input_shape = get_input_shape(deploy_cfg)
model_inputs, _ = task_processor.create_input(image, input_shape)

# do model inference
with torch.no_grad():
    result = model.test_step(model_inputs)

# visualize results

With the above code, you can find the inference result output_detection.png in work_dir.

SDK model inference

You can also perform SDK model inference like following,

from mmdeploy_runtime import Detector
import cv2

img = cv2.imread('demo/demo.jpg')

# create a detector
detector = Detector(model_path='mmdeploy_models/mmyolo/onnx',
                    device_name='cpu', device_id=0)
# perform inference
bboxes, labels, masks = detector(img)

# visualize inference result
indices = [i for i in range(len(bboxes))]
for index, bbox, label_id in zip(indices, bboxes, labels):
    [left, top, right, bottom], score = bbox[0:4].astype(int), bbox[4]
    if score < 0.3:

    cv2.rectangle(img, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0))

cv2.imwrite('work_dir/output_detection.png', img)

Besides python API, mmdeploy SDK also provides other FFI (Foreign Function Interface), such as C, C++, C#, Java and so on. You can learn their usage from demos.

How to Evaluate Model


After the model is converted to your backend, you can use ${MMDEPLOY_DIR}/tools/ to evaluate the performance.

python3 ${MMDEPLOY_DIR}/tools/ \
    ${DEPLOY_CFG} \
    ${MODEL_CFG} \
    --model ${BACKEND_MODEL_FILES} \
    --device ${DEVICE} \
    --work-dir ${WORK_DIR} \
    [--cfg-options ${CFG_OPTIONS}] \
    [--show] \
    [--show-dir ${OUTPUT_IMAGE_DIR}] \
    [--interval ${INTERVAL}] \
    [--wait-time ${WAIT_TIME}] \
    [--log2file work_dirs/output.txt]
    [--speed-test] \
    [--warmup ${WARM_UP}] \
    [--log-interval ${LOG_INTERVERL}] \
    [--batch-size ${BATCH_SIZE}] \
    [--uri ${URI}]

Parameter Description

  • deploy_cfg: set the deployment config file path.
  • model_cfg: set the MMYOLO model config file path.
  • --model: set the converted model. For example, if we exported a TensorRT model, we need to pass in the file path with the suffix ".engine".
  • --device: indicate the device to run the model. Note that some backends limit the running devices. For example, TensorRT must run on CUDA.
  • --work-dir: the directory to save the file containing evaluation metrics.
  • --cfg-options: pass in additional configs, which will override the current deployment configs.
  • --show: show the evaluation result on screen or not.
  • --show-dir: save the evaluation result to this directory, valid only when specified.
  • --interval: set the display interval between each two evaluation results.
  • --wait-time: set the display time of each window.
  • --log2file: log evaluation results and speed to file.
  • --speed-test: test the inference speed or not.
  • --warmup: warm up before speed test or not, works only when speed-test is specified.
  • --log-interval: the interval between each log, works only when speed-test is specified.
  • --batch-size: set the batch size for inference, which will override the samples_per_gpu in data config. The default value is 1, however, not every model supports batch_size > 1.
  • --uri: Remote ipv4:port or ipv6:port for inference on edge device.

Note: other parameters in ${MMDEPLOY_DIR}/tools/ are used for speed test, they will not affect the evaluation results.