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File metadata and controls

501 lines (344 loc) · 17.9 KB

Broker protocol


MMBot communicates with the broker through stdin, stdout and stderr. The broker is started when it is needed and it is kept running until it is no longer needed.

stdin - the broker reads stdin to receive commands stdout - the broker uses stdout to send replies and results stderr - the broker uses stderr to send log or debug messages

Only one command is send at once. No pipelineing

Command format

Command is send as single line JSON array. Inside of the array are allowed tha all types of JSON elements.

[ "function" ]                  (1)
[ "function", <arguments> ]     (2)

  • (1) - function without arguments
  • (2) - function with argument. Only one argument is allowed. Multiple arguments must be packed as an array or an object

Response format

[ true ]                          (1)
[ true , <return value> ]         (2)
[ false , "error description" ]   (3)
  • (1) - Command has been executed, but did not return any value
  • (2) - Command has been executed and returns a value
  • (3) - Command failed to execute, other value contains an error message


There is a timeout to response, it can be set in config (broker_timeout) and default value is 10sec.

If the broker needs more time, it can send an empty line, which resets the timer.


The broker process can use stderr to send log messages. This output is copied to MMBot's log file - every line also contains date and time and name of the broker

NOTE! - Every log line must be terminated with \n (a new line character). A missing terminating character can cause deadlock, because MMBot stucks waiting on terminating charactes.

Multithreading note - Only the thread which is processing messages should send log messages. The log messages can be send only when MMBot waiting for a reply.




[ "getBrokerInfo" ]

Returns basic informations about the broker process

  • name (string) - name of the exchange
  • url (string) - url to exchange's homepage
  • version (string) - version of the broker process (ex: 1.0.0)
  • licence (string) - text of the licence
  • trading_enabled (boolean) - must be true to trade. The value false is used to indicate, that broker is not properly set up (for example, missing API keys)
  • settings (boolean) - contains true, when the broker supports additional settings (getSettings / setSettings / restoreSettings)
  • subaccounts (boolean) - contains true, when the broker supports subaccounts
  • favicon (string) - contains icon image in png format encoded as base64


[ "reset" ]

Called by the robot before every cycle. The broker can perform some cleanup, for example clean any cached market data

The most common technique to reduce trafic is to cache market data. They should be cached on the first read and cleared on reset


[ "enableDebug", true/false ]

Enables or disables debug output. This function is called as very first function right after connection to the broker is established. The parameter contains boolean value

true - enable debug output. Verbose any action to log output false - disable debug output. Use log output only for error messages


[ "subaccount", [ "id", "function" ] ]             (1)
[ "subaccount", [ "id", "function", <args> ] ]     (2)

Execute an command under given subaccount. function can be any supported function, except subaccount itself.

The id of subaccount can be any arbitrary id (can contain only alphanumeric characters). The broker process should store any data under this ID to separate data from main account.


This function is intended for debugging purpose. The broker can define any function which is accessed by this call and this can be used to test other features which are not accessible by other functions defined on the API.

[ "testCall",  "cmd" ]                  (1)
[ "testCall",  ["cmd"] ]                (2)
[ "testCall",  ["cmd", <args>] ]        (3)
  • (1) - call command without aruments
  • (2) - call command without aruments
  • (2) - call command with aruments

Return value

Function can return any arbitrary JSON value if function is supported. If function is not supported, returns standard error response

Note - Function can be implemented through testCall() defined in api.h

Market data


[ "getMarkets" ]

Returns all tradable markets in structured JSON object

[ true, {....} ]

Each item uses key as label, which can be displayed to user. The value can be either another object, or string. This allows to group markets to thematic groups. The string value contains the market/pair identifier.


   "Leveraged": {
   "Spot": {


[ "getInfo", "<market>" ]

Retrieves basic informations about specific market. Return value is JSON object:

  • asset_symbol (string) - contains symbol which is traded (to buy or sell)
  • asset_step (number) - contains minimal step in which asset can be traded (step of amount).
  • currency_symbol (string) - contains symbol which is used to pay trades or to quote the price - unless inverted_symbol is used
  • currency_step (number) - contains minimal step of the quote.
  • min_size (number) - minimum amount allowed to trade - set 0 if there is no such minimum
  • min_volume (number) - minimum volume allowed to trade (price * size) - set 0 if there is no such minimum
  • fees (number) - fees (maker fees) in base form (1% is written as 0.01)
  • feeScheme (string) - how fees are applied
    • "income" - fees are extracted from incoming asset or currency. This means 'assets' for buy, or 'currency' for sell
    • "outcome" - fees are extracted from outcoming asset or currenct. This means 'currency' for buy or 'assets' for sell
    • "currency" - fees are always extracted from currency
    • "assets" - fees are always extracted from assets
  • leverage (number) - there is 0 for non-leveraged markets, or >0 for leveraged markets. The number specifies the available leverage. If there is variable leverage, this number should contain most representative leverage for the market. Note when leverage is enabled, the currency is used as collateral, not actual balance
  • invert_price (boolean) - the value true indicates inverted futures. In this case, the price is reported in inverted value - for example, if BTC is quoted 10000, inverted price is 0.0001.
  • inverted_symbol (string) - this value is used only when invert_price is true. This value contains symbol used to quote price. currency_symbol is used as collateral symbol, and asset_symbol as contract symbol. Example: - for inverted future BTC/USD, the asset_symbol is contract which is quoted in USD, currency_symbol is BTC, and inverted_symbol is USD. The price is reported in inverted form
  • simulator (boolean) - set to true if the market is only simulator, not live market. This includes exchange sandboxes.
  • private_chart (boolean) - set to true when prices read from this broker cannot be shared. This can be because price is not actual price, but it is derived from other market parameters.
  • wallet_id (string) - if the exchange uses multiple wallets for set of markets, for example it has separate wallet for spot and leveraged markets. There can be any arbitrary string which identifies the wallet (for example: "spot" for spot markets and "leveraged" for leveraged markets) - this helps to determine, which symbols shares the same balance. If there is no such feature, leave this field empty


[ "getTicker", "<market>" ]

Returns ticker for given market

  • bid (number) - bid price
  • ask (number) - ask price
  • last (number) - last price
  • timestamp (number) - timestamp in milliseconds

Note- ticker can be cached, it should be updated on or after reset

API keys


[ "getApiKeyFields" ]

Returns definition of a form which is filled by a user to supply the API keys. The filled fields are passed as JSON object to the function setApiKey. The format of the definition is specified by the function getSettings

NOTE: It is forbidden to return current API key by this function


[ "setApiKey", {...} ]
[ "setApiKey", null ]

Sets new API key. Because each exchange have different key format, the parameter can by any arbitrary JSON unless null is used to delete current key

The parameter is retrieved from a form filled by a user. The form is built using the definition returned by function getApiKeyFields

Account data and trading


[ "getWallet" ]

Returns amount for all available assets on the account. Result is divided by wallets and symbols

   "wallet_name" : {
   "wallet_name_2" :{ 


[ "getBalance", {"pair":"<market>","symbol":"<symbol>" }]

Retrieves balance of specified symbol. There is also market symbol to retrieve balance from correct wallet (if there are multiple wallets).

return value: number

NOTE: for leveraged markets, the symbol can be asset for position, or currency for collateral. The collateral must be in quote currency - if collateral is in different currency, then it must be converted to quote currency. For position, it is also allowed to return negative value (short).

TIP: The most APIs returns account balance for all available symbols at once. The response can be cached for subsequent calls until the reset called


[ "syncTrades" , {"pair":"<market>"} ] 
[ "syncTrades" , {"pair":"<market>", "lastId": <any> } ] 

Synchronizes trades. Used to update trades incrementally. There is two ways how the function is called

without lastId

In this case, the function returns lastId, which will be used by next call, without returning any trade. It just stores lastId to be ready to read new trades. The returned lastId is used for the next call.

{"lastId": <any> }

Content of lastId can be any arbitrary JSON, it is not limited to single value. It can be object or array as well

with lastId

In this case, the function reads new trades created after the lastId. The function returns an array trades which contains new trades and new value of lastId which will be also used for the next call

{"lastId": <any>, "trades": [...] }
the structure of the trades

It is an array of objects. Objects are ordered by time of creation.

  • size (number) - amount of traded. Negative value is sell, positive value is buy
  • price (number) - price of the trade
  • time (number) - timestamp of the trade in milliseconds
  • id (any) - id of trade - can be any arbitrary JSON
  • eff_size (any) - actual amount of assets added to wallet (or substracted from wallet) as it original size can be affected by a fee.
  • eff_price (any) - calculated price (after fee is substracted) of the trade. Actually it is the price on which the equivalent trade could happen in case that fee is zero. For example, to buy on 1% fee, the eff_price will be 1% above the price.


[ "getOpenorders", "<market>" ] 

Retrieves currently opened (active) orders (LIMIT orders)

Return value: an array of objects

  • id - id of the order - can be any arbitrary JSON (not null)
  • price - price of the order
  • size - size of the order. The negative value is SELL, the positive value is BUY
  • clientOrderId - contains an ID associated with the order which was set by placeOrder call. The robot uses this ID to mark orders to distinguish its orders from orders created by the user manually.


[ "placeOrder", {
      "clientOrderId:<number>}]   (1)
[ "placeOrder", {
      }]                          (2)
[ "placeOrder", {
      }]                          (3)
  • (1) place new LIMIT order

  • (2) replace or edit existing LIMIT order

  • (3) cancel existing LIMIT order

  • size - size of the order, the negative value is SELL, the positive value is BUY

  • price - price of the order

  • clientOrderId - ID associated with the order. The ID is stored along with the order. The ID can be duplicated (some exchanges doesn't support duplicate ID's, it is broker's job to handle this situation correctly). (some exchanges doesn't support client id's at all, this is also broker's job to emulate such feature)

  • replaceOrderId - if the order is replaced or edited, this field contains ID of the order (ID returned by getOpenOrders, not clientOrderId). In this case, old order should be canceled and new placed, or edited, if this feature is supported by the exchange

  • replaceOrderSize - contains minimum remaining size (absolute value, regardless on whether it is sell or buy) to replace the order. If the order is already partially executed and remaining size is below specified size, the operation should be rejected complete. However many exchanges doesn't support such feature, they can only cancel the order and then read remaining size. So it is allowed to cancel the order and if the remaining size felt below required size, it should reject placing a new order.

NOTE - if the size is zero, function should only cancel specified order, skip to place new one.

Return value: Function returns ID of the newly created order, null if the order was not placed, because replaceOrderSize was above remaining size. In case of cancel only operation the function should return null.

If the exchange rejects to place the order, the error message must be returned through error response

[ false, "Insufficient balance" ]

NOTE - function places only LIMIT order. It is also recommended to enable post only orders, especially when there are different fees for taker orders


The broker must enable settings through getBrokerInfo. Settings are defined using custom format which defines a form to be filled by a user. The format is stored as structured JSON.

The form definition

The definition is parsed by the formBuilder() defined in common.js

Format basics

The format is JSON array. Each item in the array is object, which describes single control.

     "label":"label of control 1",
     "default":"default value of control 1,
     "showif": {
     "label":"label of control 2",
     "default":"default value of control 2,
  • type - specifies type of control
    • string - input line to enter a text
    • number - input line to enter a number
    • textarea - textarea
    • enum - combobox with predefined options
  • name - name of the field. The entered value s stored under this field name
  • label - just label of the control
  • default - optional, contains pre-filled value
  • options - an object consists from key-value items, where key is used as label and value is actual value stored to the field if the item is selected. This property is used only along with enum type
  • showif - allows to hide certain controls depen on value of other controls. In most cases it is used along enum when user can select various modes and the form hides or show additional controls. The format of this property is key-value object, where each item contains key - name of control - and value - list of values, when the control is visible


[ "getSettings", "<market>" ]

Returns complete form defintion of the form with pre-filled values to modify values by the user. The argument market can be used as hint, where the function has been invoked by the user (i.e. which market has been selected). THe setting can be related to selected market (but this is not mandatory)


[ "setSettings", {....} ]

Called after user fills or modifies the form and save the settings. The function receives object of key-value items, where key contains the name of the control and the value contains filled value.

Return value: Function can optionally return a complete settings as any arbitrary JSON, this allows to store settings inside of robot configuration, so the broker don't need to store settings on disk. When the broker is restarted, the settings is restored through function restoreSettings


[ "restoreSettings", <any> ]

Called right after broker starts, and carries stored settings (which has been stored by function setSettings)

Function has no return value



[ "fetchPage" ,{

Return value:

[ true ,{

Allows to broker to extend its settings by a web page. The posibilities of this feature is not limited

  • method - POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, etc
  • path - path relative to /brokers//page
  • headers - headers as key-value - doesn't support duplicated headers
  • body - content of request or response body
  • code - response code (200,404, etc)