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当某个 node 上的 pod 无法创建时,在开启抢占功能的情况下,会尝试删除优先级低的 pod ,为原先的 pod 预留出资源,被抢占的 pod 删除后,会被调度器再次调度到其它节点。

本节内容只关注 kubelet 中抢占功能的实现,调度模块中的抢占功能请参考相应章节。

抢占功能的实现代码位于 pkg/kubelet/preemption 中,入口函数是 HandleAdmissionFailure()

// HandleAdmissionFailure gracefully handles admission rejection, and, in some cases,
// to allow admission of the pod despite its previous failure.
func (c *CriticalPodAdmissionHandler) HandleAdmissionFailure(admitPod *v1.Pod, failureReasons []lifecycle.PredicateFailureReason) ([]lifecycle.PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	if !kubetypes.IsCriticalPod(admitPod) {
		return failureReasons, nil
	// InsufficientResourceError is not a reason to reject a critical pod.
	// Instead of rejecting, we free up resources to admit it, if no other reasons for rejection exist.
	nonResourceReasons := []lifecycle.PredicateFailureReason{}
	resourceReasons := []*admissionRequirement{}
	for _, reason := range failureReasons {
		if r, ok := reason.(*lifecycle.InsufficientResourceError); ok {
			resourceReasons = append(resourceReasons, &admissionRequirement{
				resourceName: r.ResourceName,
				quantity:     r.GetInsufficientAmount(),
		} else {
			nonResourceReasons = append(nonResourceReasons, reason)
	if len(nonResourceReasons) > 0 {
		// Return only reasons that are not resource related, since critical pods cannot fail admission for resource reasons.
		return nonResourceReasons, nil
	err := c.evictPodsToFreeRequests(admitPod, admissionRequirementList(resourceReasons))
	// if no error is returned, preemption succeeded and the pod is safe to admit.
	return nil, err


  1. 判断发起抢占的 pod 是否是 Critical Pod,如果不是的话则直接返回,不会进行抢占操作。
  2. 判断发起抢占的 pod 创建失败是否全是资源不足导致的,如果不是的话,则返回,不进行抢占。
  3. 发起抢占操作。



首先,先来看第一步,即判断一个创建失败的 pod 是不是 Critical Pod,实现函数是 IsCriticalPod()

// IsCriticalPod returns true if pod's priority is greater than or equal to SystemCriticalPriority.
func IsCriticalPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	if IsStaticPod(pod) {
		return true
	if IsMirrorPod(pod) {
		return true
	if pod.Spec.Priority != nil && IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority(*pod.Spec.Priority) {
		return true
	return false

// IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority checks if the given pod is a critical pod based on priority resolved from pod Spec.
func IsCriticalPodBasedOnPriority(priority int32) bool {
	return priority >= scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority
	HighestUserDefinablePriority = int32(1000000000)
	SystemCriticalPriority = 2 * HighestUserDefinablePriority

可以看出如果 pod 是 3 种情况之一,则认为它是 Critical Pod,可以进行抢占操作。

  1. pod 为 static pod。
  2. pod 为 static pod 对应的 mirror pod。
  3. pod 优先级 >= 2,000,000,000。

二、是否有其它原因导致 pod 创建失败


	// InsufficientResourceError is not a reason to reject a critical pod.
	// Instead of rejecting, we free up resources to admit it, if no other reasons for rejection exist.
	nonResourceReasons := []lifecycle.PredicateFailureReason{}
	resourceReasons := []*admissionRequirement{}
	for _, reason := range failureReasons {
		if r, ok := reason.(*lifecycle.InsufficientResourceError); ok {
			resourceReasons = append(resourceReasons, &admissionRequirement{
				resourceName: r.ResourceName,
				quantity:     r.GetInsufficientAmount(),
		} else {
			nonResourceReasons = append(nonResourceReasons, reason)
	if len(nonResourceReasons) > 0 {
		// Return only reasons that are not resource related, since critical pods cannot fail admission for resource reasons.
		return nonResourceReasons, nil

判断发起抢占的 pod 创建失败是否全是资源不足导致的,如果不是的话,则返回,不进行抢占。原因是即使抢占成功,还有其它原因导致创建失败,抢占也就失去了意义。


接下来看分析如何真正进行抢占操作,实现函数是 evictPodsToFreeRequests()

// evictPodsToFreeRequests takes a list of insufficient resources, and attempts to free them by evicting pods
// based on requests.  For example, if the only insufficient resource is 200Mb of memory, this function could
// evict a pod with request=250Mb.
func (c *CriticalPodAdmissionHandler) evictPodsToFreeRequests(admitPod *v1.Pod, insufficientResources admissionRequirementList) error {
	podsToPreempt, err := getPodsToPreempt(admitPod, c.getPodsFunc(), insufficientResources)

	klog.Infof("preemption: attempting to evict pods %v, in order to free up resources: %s", podsToPreempt, insufficientResources.toString())
	for _, pod := range podsToPreempt {
		status := v1.PodStatus{
			Phase:   v1.PodFailed,
			Message: message,
			Reason:  events.PreemptContainer,
		err := c.killPodFunc(pod, status, nil)

		klog.Infof("preemption: pod %s evicted successfully", format.Pod(pod))
	return nil

这个函数分成两个部分,找出被抢占的 pod 列表,然后使用预注册的函数将其逐个 kill 掉。我们重点关注前者,即找到哪些 pod 可以被抢占,实现函数如下。

// getPodsToPreempt returns a list of pods that could be preempted to free requests >= requirements
func getPodsToPreempt(pod *v1.Pod, pods []*v1.Pod, requirements admissionRequirementList) ([]*v1.Pod, error) {
	bestEffortPods, burstablePods, guaranteedPods := sortPodsByQOS(pod, pods)

	// make sure that pods exist to reclaim the requirements
	unableToMeetRequirements := requirements.subtract(append(append(bestEffortPods, burstablePods...), guaranteedPods...)...)
	if len(unableToMeetRequirements) > 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no set of running pods found to reclaim resources: %v", unableToMeetRequirements.toString())
	// find the guaranteed pods we would need to evict if we already evicted ALL burstable and besteffort pods.
	guaranteedToEvict, err := getPodsToPreemptByDistance(guaranteedPods, requirements.subtract(append(bestEffortPods, burstablePods...)...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Find the burstable pods we would need to evict if we already evicted ALL besteffort pods, and the required guaranteed pods.
	burstableToEvict, err := getPodsToPreemptByDistance(burstablePods, requirements.subtract(append(bestEffortPods, guaranteedToEvict...)...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Find the besteffort pods we would need to evict if we already evicted the required guaranteed and burstable pods.
	bestEffortToEvict, err := getPodsToPreemptByDistance(bestEffortPods, requirements.subtract(append(burstableToEvict, guaranteedToEvict...)...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return append(append(bestEffortToEvict, burstableToEvict...), guaranteedToEvict...), nil

这个函数主要的逻辑也是两个部分:将所有被抢占 pod 的列表按照 QoS 分成三类,然后分别找出这三类 pod 分别进行过滤。

按 QoS 分类

按 QoS 将 pod 进行分类函数为 sortPodsByQOS()

// sortPodsByQOS returns lists containing besteffort, burstable, and guaranteed pods that
// can be preempted by preemptor pod.
func sortPodsByQOS(preemptor *v1.Pod, pods []*v1.Pod) (bestEffort, burstable, guaranteed []*v1.Pod) {
	for _, pod := range pods {
		if kubetypes.Preemptable(preemptor, pod) {
			switch v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod) {
			case v1.PodQOSBestEffort:
				bestEffort = append(bestEffort, pod)
			case v1.PodQOSBurstable:
				burstable = append(burstable, pod)
			case v1.PodQOSGuaranteed:
				guaranteed = append(guaranteed, pod)

// Preemptable returns true if preemptor pod can preempt preemptee pod
// if preemptee is not critical or if preemptor's priority is greater than preemptee's priority
func Preemptable(preemptor, preemptee *v1.Pod) bool {
	if IsCriticalPod(preemptor) && !IsCriticalPod(preemptee) {
		return true
	if (preemptor != nil && preemptor.Spec.Priority != nil) &&
		(preemptee != nil && preemptee.Spec.Priority != nil) {
		return *(preemptor.Spec.Priority) > *(preemptee.Spec.Priority)

	return false

先判断当前 pod 能否被抢占,判断的依据是当前 pod 不能为 Critical Pod,也就是说不能是 static pod、mirror pod 以及优先级 < 2,000,000,000 的 pod。另外,当前 pod 的优先级必须小于主动发起抢占的 pod 的优先级。

如果当前 pod 可以被抢占,则按照其 QoS 属性分为 bestEffort、burstable 和 guaranteed 三类。

然后计算如果将这三类所有的 pod 全部进行驱逐的话能否释放足够的资源,如果不能的话则直接返回。

按照 QoS 计算所有的被抢占 pod 列表

最后,分别统计这三类 pod ,计算每一类可以驱逐的 pod 列表,代码如下。

	// find the guaranteed pods we would need to evict if we already evicted ALL burstable and besteffort pods.
	guaranteedToEvict, err := getPodsToPreemptByDistance(guaranteedPods, requirements.subtract(append(bestEffortPods, burstablePods...)...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Find the burstable pods we would need to evict if we already evicted ALL besteffort pods, and the required guaranteed pods.
	burstableToEvict, err := getPodsToPreemptByDistance(burstablePods, requirements.subtract(append(bestEffortPods, guaranteedToEvict...)...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Find the besteffort pods we would need to evict if we already evicted the required guaranteed and burstable pods.
	bestEffortToEvict, err := getPodsToPreemptByDistance(bestEffortPods, requirements.subtract(append(burstableToEvict, guaranteedToEvict...)...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return append(append(bestEffortToEvict, burstableToEvict...), guaranteedToEvict...), nil

这里的逻辑是这样的,先计算需要驱逐的 guaranteed 类型的 pod 列表,假如所有的 bestEffort 和 burstable 类型的 pod 全部驱逐之后,还不能释放足够的资源,在这情况下还需要驱逐哪些 guaranteed 类型的 pod 才能满足要求。将这些 pod 存入 guaranteedToEvict 中。

然后计算需要驱逐的 burstable 类型的 pod 列表,计算过程是假如所有的 bestEffort 类型的 pod 全部被驱逐,并且将刚才计算出来的需要驱逐的 guaranteed 类型的 pod 全部驱逐,还不能释放足够的资源,这种情况下还需要驱逐哪些 burstable 类型的 pod,将其存入 burstableToEvict 。

最后计算需要驱逐的 bestEffort 类型的 pod 列表,计算过程是假如刚才计算出来的所有的 burstable 和 guaranteed 类型的 pod 全部被驱逐(即 burstableToEvict + guaranteedToEvict 中的所有 pod),还不能释放足够的资源,这种情况下还需要驱逐哪些 bestEffort 类型的 pod,将其存入 bestEffortToEvict 。

然后将这三个列表 append 到一起返回,顺序是 (bestEffortToEvict, burstableToEvict, guaranteedToEvict)

这个算法有一些绕,需要仔细分析背后的逻辑。并且这三个步骤和最后的 append 到一起的 pod 列表的顺序都非常重要,不能颠倒。有一个核心逻辑,即这三类 QoS 按照重要性来分是 guaranteed > burstable > bestEffort,会优先抢占 QoS 重要性低的 pod。


  1. 假如驱逐一部分 bestEffort 类型的 pod 就可以满足要求,那么 bestEffortToEvict 不为空,burstableToEvict 和 guaranteedToEvict 为空。
  2. 假如驱逐所有的 bestEffort 类型的 pod 和一部分 burstable 类型的 pod 才可以满足要求,那么 bestEffortToEvict 包含所有的 bestEffort 类型的 pod,burstableToEvict 包含一部分需要驱逐的 burstable 类型的 pod,guaranteedToEvict 为空。

上面这个算法中用到了两个核心的函数 requirements.subtract()getPodsToPreemptByDistance()

  • requirements.subtract() 用来计算总共所需资源减去参数中 pod 列表所占资源后还剩哪些资源,具体逻辑不在这里展开。

  • getPodsToPreemptByDistance() 第一个参数是 pod 列表,第二个参数是需要释放的资源量。这个函数的作用是计算需要驱逐哪些 pod 才可以释放第二个参数指定的资源。这个函数的代码如下。

// getPodsToPreemptByDistance finds the pods that have pod requests >= admission requirements.
// Chooses pods that minimize "distance" to the requirements.
// If more than one pod exists that fulfills the remaining requirements,
// it chooses the pod that has the "smaller resource request"
// This method, by repeatedly choosing the pod that fulfills as much of the requirements as possible,
// attempts to minimize the number of pods returned.
func getPodsToPreemptByDistance(pods []*v1.Pod, requirements admissionRequirementList) ([]*v1.Pod, error) {
	podsToEvict := []*v1.Pod{}
	// evict pods by shortest distance from remaining requirements, updating requirements every round.
	for len(requirements) > 0 {
		if len(pods) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no set of running pods found to reclaim resources: %v", requirements.toString())
		// all distances must be less than len(requirements), because the max distance for a single requirement is 1
		bestDistance := float64(len(requirements) + 1)
		bestPodIndex := 0
		// Find the pod with the smallest distance from requirements
		// Or, in the case of two equidistant pods, find the pod with "smaller" resource requests.
		for i, pod := range pods {
			dist := requirements.distance(pod)
			if dist < bestDistance || (bestDistance == dist && smallerResourceRequest(pod, pods[bestPodIndex])) {
				bestDistance = dist
				bestPodIndex = i
		// subtract the pod from requirements, and transfer the pod from input-pods to pods-to-evicted
		requirements = requirements.subtract(pods[bestPodIndex])
		podsToEvict = append(podsToEvict, pods[bestPodIndex])
		pods[bestPodIndex] = pods[len(pods)-1]
		pods = pods[:len(pods)-1]
	return podsToEvict, nil

当需求的资源量大于零的时候,这个函数会遍历所有的 pod 列表,每次找出一个占用这种资源最小的 pod,然后将这个 pod append 到最终返回列表里,用候选 pod 列表中的最后一个元素覆盖刚才找到的 pod,然后删除最后一个元素,通过这种方式将找到的 pod 从候选 pod 列表中删除,然后进行下一次循环。最终找到所有的需要驱逐的 pod 列表并返回。

以上是 kubelet 中抢占功能的主要实现逻辑,其中最重要的是如何筛选出被抢占的 pod 列表。