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Chapter 3

Overview of Lisp

No doubt about it. Common Lisp is a big language.

-Guy L. Steele, Jr.

Foreword to Koschman 1990

This chapter briefly covers the most important special forms and functions in Lisp. It can be safely skipped or skimmed by the experienced Common Lisp programmer but is required reading for the novice Lisp programmer, or one who is new to the Common Lisp dialect.

This chapter can be used as a reference source, but the definitive reference is Steele's Common Lisp the Language, 2d edition, which should be consulted whenever there is any confusion. Since that book is 25 times longer than this chapter, it is clear that we can only touch on the important highlights here. More detailed coverage is given later in this book as each feature is used in a real program.

3.1 A Guide to Lisp Style

The beginning Common Lisp programmer is often overwhelmed by the number of options that the language provides. In this chapter we show fourteen different ways to find the length of a list. How is the programmer to choose between them? One answer is by reading examples of good programs - as illustrated in this book - and copying that style. In general, there are six maxims that every programmer should follow:

  • Be specific.
  • Use abstractions.
  • Be concise.
  • Use the provided tools.
  • Don't be obscure.
  • Be consistent.

These require some explanation.

Using the most specific form possible makes it easier for your reader to understand your intent. For example, the conditional special form when is more specific than if. The reader who sees a when knows to look for only one thing: the clause to consider when the test is true. The reader who sees an if can rightfully expect two clauses: one for when the test is true, and one for when it is false. Even though it is possible to use if when there is only one clause, it is preferable to use when, because when is more specific.

One important way of being specific is using abstractions. Lisp provides very general data structures, such as lists and arrays. These can be used to implement specific data structures that your program will use, but you should not make the mistake of invoking primitive functions directly. If you define a list of names:

(defvar *names* '((Robert E. Lee) ...))

then you should also define functions to get at the components of each name. To get at Lee, use (last-name (first *names*)), not (caddar *names*).

Often the maxims are in concord. For example, if your code is trying to find an element in a list, you should use find (or maybe find-if), not loop or do. find is more specific than the general constructs loop or do, it is an abstraction, it is more concise, it is a built-in tool, and it is simple to understand.

Sometimes, however, the maxims are in conflict, and experience will tell you which one to prefer. Consider the following two ways of placing a new key/value pair on an association list:1

(push (cons key val) a-list)
(setf a-list (acons key val a-list))

The first is more concise. But the second is more specific, as it uses the acons function, which is designed specifically for association lists. The decision between them probably hinges on obscurity: those who find acons to be a familiar function would prefer the second, and those who find it obscure would prefer the first.

A similar choice arises in the question of setting a variable to a value. Some prefer (setq x val) because it is most specific; others use (setf x val), feeling that it is more consistent to use a single form, setf, for all updating. Whichever choice you make on such issues, remember the sixth maxim: be consistent.

3.2 Special Forms

As noted in chapter 1, "special form" is the term used to refer both to Common Lisp's syntactic constructs and the reserved words that mark these constructs.

The most commonly used special forms are:

definitions conditional variables iteration other
defun and let do declare
defstruct case let* do* function
defvar cond pop dolist progn
defparameter if push dotimes quote
defconstant or setf loop return
defmacro unless incf trace
labels when decf untrace

To be precise, only declare, function, if, labels, let, let*, progn and quote are true special forms. The others are actually defined as macros that expand into calls to more primitive special forms and functions. There is no real difference to the programmer, and Common Lisp implementations are free to implement macros as special forms and vice versa, so for simplicity we will continue to use "special form" as a blanket term for both true special forms and built-in macros.

Special Forms for Definitions

In this section we survey the special forms that can be used to introduce new global functions, macros, variables, and structures. We have already seen the defun form for defining functions; the defmacro form is similar and is covered on page 66.

(defun function-name (parameter...) "optional documentation" body...)

(defmacro macro-name (parameter...) "optional documentation" body...)

There are three forms for introducing special variables. defvar defines a special variable and can optionally be used to supply an initial value and a documentation string. The initial value is evaluated and assigned only if the variable does not yet have any value, defparameter is similar, except that the value is required, and it will be used to change any existing value, defconstant is used to declare that a symbol will always stand for a particular value.

(defvar variable-name initial-value "optional documentation" )

(defparameter variable-name value "optional documentation")

(defconstant variable-name value "optional documentation")

All the def- forms define global objects. It is also possible to define local variables with let, and to define local functions with labels, as we shall see.

Most programming languages provide a way to group related data together into a structure. Common Lisp is no exception. The defstruct special form defines a structure type (known as a record type in Pascal) and automatically defines functions to get at components of the structure. The general syntax is:

(defstruct structure-name "optional documentation" slot...)

As an example, we could define a structure for names:

(defstruct name
  (middle nil)

This automatically defines the constructor function make-name, the recognizer predicate name-p, and the accessor functions name-first, name-middle and name-last. The (middle nil) means that each new name built by make-name will have a middle name of nil by default. Here we create, access, and modify a structure:

> (setf b (make-name :first 'Barney :last 'Rubble)) =>

> (name-first b) => BARNEY

> (name-middle b) => NIL

> (name-last b) => RUBBLE

> (name-p b) => T

> (name-p 'Barney) => NIL ; only the results of make-name are names

> (setf (name-middle b) 'Q) => Q


The printed representation of a structure starts with a #S and is followed by a list consisting of the type of the structure and alternating pairs of slot names and values. Do not let this representation fool you: it is a convenient way of printing the structure, but it is not an accurate picture of the way structures are represented internally. Structures are actually implemented much like vectors. For the name structure, the type would be in the zero element of the vector, the first name in the first element, middle in the second, and last in the third. This means structures are more efficient than lists: they take up less space, and any element can be accessed in a single step. In a list, it takes n steps to access the nth element.

There are options that give more control over the structure itself and the individual slots. They will be covered later as they come up.

Special Forms for Conditionals

We have seen the special form if, which has the form (if test then-part else-part), where either the then-part or the else-part is the value, depending on the success of the test. Remember that only nil counts as false; all other values are considered true for the purpose of conditionals. However, the constant t is the conventional value used to denote truth (unless there is a good reason for using some other value).

There are actually quite a few special forms for doing conditional evaluation. Technically, if is defined as a special form, while the other conditionals are macros, so in some sense if is supposed to be the most basic. Some programmers prefer to use if for most of their conditionals; others prefer cond because it has been around the longest and is versatile (if not particularly pretty). Finally, some programmers opt for a style more like English prose, and freely use when, unless, if, and all the others.

The following table shows how each conditional can be expressed in terms of if and cond. Actually, these translations are not quite right, because or, case, and cond take care not to evaluate any expression more than once, while the translations with if can lead to multiple evaluation of some expressions. The table also has translations to cond. The syntax of cond is a series of cond-clauses, each consisting of a test expression followed by any number of result expressions:

(cond (test result...)
      (test result...)

cond goes through the cond-clauses one at a time, evaluating each test expression. As soon as a test expression evaluates non-nil, the result expressions for that clause are each evaluated, and the last expression in the clause is the value of the whole cond. In particular, if a cond-clause consists of just a test and no result expressions, then the value of the cond is the test expression itself, if it is non-nil. If all of the test expressions evaluate to nil, then nil is returned as the value of the cond. A common idiom is to make the last cond-clause be (t result...).

The forms when and unless operate like a single cond clause. Both forms consist of a test followed by any number of consequents, which are evaluated if the test is satisfied - that is, if the test is true for when or false for unless.

The and form tests whether every one of a list of conditions is true, and or tests whether any one is true. Both evaluate the arguments left to right, and stop as soon as the final result can be determined. Here is a table of equivalences:

conditional if form cond form
(when test a b c) (if test (progn a b c)) (cond (test a b c))
(unless test x y) (if (not test) (progn x y)) (cond ((not test) x y))
(and a b c) (if a (if b c)) (cond (a (cond (b c))))
(or a b c) (if a a (if b b c)) (cond (a) (b) (c))
(case a (b c) (t x)) (if (eql a 'b) c x) (cond ((eql a 'b) c) (t x))

It is considered poor style to use and and or for anything other than testing a logical condition, when, unless, and if can all be used for taking conditional action. For example:

(and (> n 100)
     (princ "N is large."))   ; Bad style!
(or (<= n 100)
    (princ "N is large."))    ; Even worse style!
(cond ((> n 100)              ; OK, but not MY preference
      (princ "N is large."))
(when (> n 100)
  (princ "N is large."))      ; Good style.

When the main purpose is to return a value rather than take action, cond and if (with explicit nil in the else case) are preferred over when and unless, which implicitly return nil in the else case, when and unless are preferred when there is only one possibility, if (or, for some people, cond) when there are two, and cond when there are more than two:

(defun tax-bracket (income)
  "Determine what percent tax should be paid for this income."
  (cond ((< income 10000.00) 0.00)
        ((< income 30000.00) 0.20)
        ((< income 50000.00) 0.25)
        ((< income 70000.00) 0.30)
        (t                   0.35)))

If there are several tests comparing an expression to constants, then case is appropriate. A case form looks like:

(case expression
(match result...)...)

The expression is evaluated and compared to each successive match. As soon as one is eql, the result expressions are evaluated and the last one is returned. Note that the match expressions are not evaluated. If a match expression is a list, then case tests if the expression is eql to any member of the list. If a match expression is the symbol otherwise (or the symbol t), then it matches anything. (It only makes sense for this otherwise clause to be the last one.)

There is also another special form, typecase, which compares the type of an expression against several possibilities and, like case, chooses the first clause that matches. In addition, the special forms ecase and etypecase are just like case and typecase except that they signal an error if there is no match.

You can think of the e as standing for either "exhaustive" or "error." The forms ccase and ctypecase also signal errors, but they can be continuable errors (as opposed to fatal errors): the user is offered the chance to change the expression to something that satisfies one of the matches. Here are some examples of case forms and their cond equivalents:

(case x (cond
(1 10) ((eql x 1) 10)
(2 20)) ((eql x 2) 20))
(typecase x (cond
(number (abs x)) ((typep x 'number) (abs x))
(list (length x))) ((typep x 'list) (length x)))
(ecase x (cond
(1 10) ((eql x 1) 10)
(2 20)) ((eql x 2) 20)
(t (error "no valid case")))
(etypecase x (cond
(number (abs x)) ((typep x 'number) (abs x))
(list (length x))) ((typep x 'list) (length x))
(t (error "no valid typecase")))

Special Forms for Dealing with Variables and Places

The special form setf is used to assign a new value to a variable or place, much as an assignment statement with = or := is used in other languages. A place, or generalized variable is a name for a location that can have a value stored in it. Here is a table of corresponding assignment forms in Lisp and Pascal:

;; Lisp /* Pascal */
(setf x 0) x := 0;
(setf (aref A i j) 0) A[i,j] := 0;
(setf (rest list) nil) list^.rest := nil;
(setf (name-middle b) 'Q) b\middle := "Q";

setf can be used to set a component of a structure as well as to set a variable. In languages like Pascal, the expressions that can appear on the left-hand side of an assignment statement are limited by the syntax of the language. In Lisp, the user can extend the expressions that are allowed in a setf form using the special forms defsetf or define-setf-method. These are introduced on pages 514 and 884 respectively.

There are also some built-in functions that modify places. For example, (rplacd list nil) has the same effect as (setf (rest list) nil), except that it returns list instead of nil. Most Common Lisp programmers prefer to use the setf forms rather than the specialized functions.

If you only want to set a variable, the special form setq can be used instead. In this book I choose to use setf throughout, opting for consistency over specificity.

The discussion in this section makes it seem that variables (and slots of structures) are assigned new values all the time. Actually, many Lisp programs do no assignments whatsoever. It is very common to use Lisp in a functional style where new variables may be introduced, but once a new variable is established, it never changes. One way to introduce a new variable is as a parameter of a function. It is also possible to introduce local variables using the special form let. Following are the general let form, along with an example. Each variable is bound to the corresponding value, and then the body is evaluated:

(let ((variable value)...)

(let ((x 40)
       (y (+ 1 1)))
  (+ x y)) => 42

Defining a local variable with a let form is really no different from defining parameters to an anonymous function. The former is equivalent to:

((lambda (variable... )
body... )
((lambda (x y)
     (+ x y))
(+ 1 1))

First, all the values are evaluated. Then they are bound to the variables (the parameters of the lambda expression), and finally the body is evaluated, using those bindings.

The special form let* is appropriate when you want to use one of the newly introduced variables in a subsequent value computation. For example:

(let* ((x 6)
       (y (* x x)))
  (+ x y)) => 42

We could not have used let here, because then the variable x would be unbound during the computation of y's value.

Exercise 3.1 [m] Show a lambda expression that is equivalent to the above let* expression. You may need more than one lambda.

Because lists are so important to Lisp, there are special forms for adding and deleting elements from the front of a list - in other words, for treating a list as a stack. If list is the name of a location that holds a list, then (push x list) will change list to have x as its first element, and (pop list) will return the first element and, as a side-effect, change list to no longer contain the first element. push and pop are equivalent to the following expressions:

(push x list) ≡ (setf list (cons x list))
(pop list)    ≡ (let ((result (first list)))
                 (setf list (rest list))

Just as a list can be used to accumulate elements, a running sum can be used to accumulate numbers. Lisp provides two more special forms, incf and decf, that can be used to increment or decrement a sum. For both forms the first argument must be a location (a variable or other setf-able form) and the second argument, which is optional, is the number to increment or decrement by. For those who know C, (incf x) is equivalent to ++x, and (incf x 2) is equivalent to x+=2. In Lisp the equivalence is:

(incf x) ≡ (incf x 1) ≡ (setf x (+ x 1))
(decf x) ≡ (decf x 1) ≡ (setf x (- x 1))

When the location is a complex form rather than a variable, Lisp is careful to expand into code that does not evaluate any subform more than once. This holds for push, pop, incf, and decf. In the following example, we have a list of players and want to decide which player has the highest score, and thus has won the game. The structure player has slots for the player's score and number of wins, and the function determine-winner increments the winning player's wins field. The expansion of the incf form binds a temporary variable so that the sort is not done twice.

(defstruct player (score 0) (wins 0))

(defun determine-winner (players)
  "Increment the WINS for the player with highest score."
  (incf (player-wins (first (sort players #'>
                                  :key #'player-score)))))

(defun determine-winner (players)
   "Increment the WINS for the player with highest score."
   (let ((temp (first (sort players #'> :key #'player-score))))
      (setf (player-wins temp) (+ (player-wins temp) 1))))

Functions and Special Forms for Repetition

Many languages have a small number of reserved words for forming iterative loops. For example, Pascal has while, repeat, and for statements. In contrast, Common Lisp has an almost bewildering range of possibilities, as summarized below:

dolist loop over elements of a list
dotimes loop over successive integers
do, do* general loop, sparse syntax
loop general loop, verbose syntax
mapc, mapcar loop over elements of lists(s)
some, every loop over list until condition
find, reduce,etc. more specific looping functions
recursion general repetition

To explain each possibility we will present versions of the function length, which returns the number of elements in a list. First, the special form dolist can be used to iterate over the elements of a list. The syntax is:

(dolist (variable list optional-result) body...)

This means that the body is executed once for each element of the list, with variable bound to the first element, then the second element, and so on. At the end, dolist evaluates and returns the optional-result expression, or nil if there is no result expression.

Below is a version of length using dolist. The let form introduces a new variable, len, which is initially bound to zero. The dolist form then executes the body once for each element of the list, with the body incrementing len by one each time. This use is unusual in that the loop iteration variable, element, is not used in the body.

(defun length1 (list)
  (let ((len 0))            ; start with LEN=0
    (dolist (element list)  ; and on each iteration
      (incf len))           ;  increment LEN by 1
    len))                   ; and return LEN

It is also possible to use the optional result of dolist, as shown below. While many programmers use this style, I find that it is too easy to lose track of the result, and so I prefer to place the result last explicitly.

(defun length1.1 (list)         ; alternate version:
  (let ((len 0))                ; (not my preference)
    (dolist (element list len)  ; uses len as result here
      (incf len))))

The function mapc performs much the same operation as the special form dolist. In the simplest case, mapc takes two arguments, the first a function, the second a list. It applies the function to each element of the list. Here is length using mapc:

(defun length2 (list)
  (let ((len 0))                    ; start with LEN=0
    (mapc #'(lambda (element)       ; and on each iteration
              (incf len))           ;  increment LEN by 1
    len))                           ; and return LEN

There are seven different mapping functions, of which the most useful are mapc and mapcar. mapcar executes the same function calls as mapc, but then returns the results in a list.

There is also a dotimes form, which has the syntax:

(dotimes (variable number optional-result) body...)

and executes the body with variable bound first to zero, then one, all the way up to number-1 (for a total of number times). Of course, dotimes is not appropriate for implementing length, since we don't know the number of iterations ahead of time.

There are two very general looping forms, do and loop. The syntax of do is as follows:

(do ((variable initial next)...)
    (exit-test result)

Each variable is initially bound to the initial value. If exit-test is true, then result is returned. Otherwise, the body is executed and each variable is set to the corresponding next value and exit-test is tried again. The loop repeats until exit-test is true. If a next value is omitted, then the corresponding variable is not updated each time through the loop. Rather, it is treated as if it had been bound with a let form.

Here is length implemented with do, using two variables, len to count the number of elements, and l to go down the list. This is often referred to as cdr-ing down a list, because on each operation we apply the function cdr to the list. (Actually, here we have used the more mnemonic name rest instead of cdr.) Note that the do loop has no body! All the computation is done in the variable initialization and stepping, and in the end test.

(defun length3 (list)
  (do ((len 0 (+ len 1))   ; start with LEN=0, increment
       (l list (rest l)))  ; ... on each iteration
      ((null l) len)))     ; (until the end of the list)

I find the do form a little confusing, because it does not clearly say that we are looping through a list. To see that it is indeed iterating over the list requires looking at both the variable l and the end test. Worse, there is no variable that stands for the current element of the list; we would need to say (first l) to get at it. Both dolist and mapc take care of stepping, end testing, and variable naming automatically. They are examples of the "be specific" principle. Because it is so unspecific, do will not be used much in this book. However, many good programmers use it, so it is important to know how to read do loops, even if you decide never to write one.

The syntax of loop is an entire language by itself, and a decidedly non-Lisp-like language it is. Rather than list all the possibilities for loop, we will just give examples here, and refer the reader to Common Lisp the Language, 2d edition, or chapter 24.5 for more details. Here are three versions of length using loop:

(defun length4 (list)
  (loop for element in list      ; go through each element
        count t))                ;   counting each one

(defun length5 (list)
  (loop for element in list      ; go through each element
        summing 1))              ;   adding 1 each time

(defun length6 (list)
  (loop with len = 0             ; start with LEN=0
        until (null list)        ; and (until end of list)
        for element = (pop list) ; on each iteration
        do (incf len)            ;  increment LEN by 1
        finally (return len)))   ; and return LEN

Every programmer learns that there are certain kinds of loops that are used again and again. These are often called programming idioms or cliches. An example is going through the elements of a list or array and doing some operation to each element. In most languages, these idioms do not have an explicit syntactic marker. Instead, they are implemented with a general loop construct, and it is up to the reader of the program to recognize what the programmer is doing.

Lisp is unusual in that it provides ways to explicitly encapsulate such idioms, and refer to them with explicit syntactic and functional forms. dolist and dotimes are two examples of this - they both follow the "be specific" principle. Most programmers prefer to use a dolist rather than an equivalent do, because it cries out "this loop iterates over the elements of a list." Of course, the corresponding do form also says the same thing - but it takes more work for the reader to discover this.

In addition to special forms like dolist and dotimes, there are quite a few functions that are designed to handle common idioms. Two examples are count-if, which counts the number of elements of a sequence that satisfy a predicate, and position-if, which returns the index of an element satisfying a predicate. Both can be used to implement length. In length7 below, count-if gives the number of elements in list that satisfy the predicate true. Since true is defined to be always true, this gives the length of the list.

(defun length7 (list)
  (count-if #'true list))

(defun true (x) t)

In length8, the function position-if finds the position of an element that satisfies the predicate true, starting from the end of the list. This will be the very last element of the list, and since indexing is zero-based, we add one to get the length. Admittedly, this is not the most straightforward implementation of length.

(defun length8 (list)
  (if (null list)
      (+ 1 (position-if #'true list :from-end t))))

A partial table of functions that implement looping idioms is given below. These functions are designed to be flexible enough to handle almost all operations on sequences. The flexibility comes in three forms. First, functions like mapcar can apply to an arbitrary number of lists, not just one:

> (mapcar #'- '(1 2 3)) => (-1 -2 -3)
> (mapcar #'+ '(1 2) '(10 20)) => (11 22)
> (mapcar #'+ '(1 2) '(10 20) '(100 200)) => (111 222)

Second, many of the functions accept keywords that allow the user to vary the test for comparing elements, or to only consider part of the sequence.

> (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => (2 3 2 0 -1)

> (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1) :key #'abs) => (2 3 2 0)

> (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1) :test #'<) => (1 1 0 -1)

> (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1) :start 4) => (1 2 3 2 0 -1)

Third, some have corresponding functions ending in -if or -if-not that take a predicate rather than an element to match against:

> (remove-if #'oddp '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => (2 2 0)

> (remove-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => (1 3 1 -1)

> (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => 2

The following two tables assume these two values:

(setf x '(a b c))
(setf y '(1 2 3))

The first table lists functions that work on any number of lists but do not accept keywords:

(every #'oddp y) => nil test if every element satisfies a predicate
(some #'oddp y) => t test if some element satisfies predicate
(mapcar #'- y) => (-1 -2 -3) apply function to each element and return result
(mapc #'print y) prints 1 2 3 perform operation on each element

The second table lists functions that have -if and -if-not versions and also accept keyword arguments:

(member 2 y) =>(2 3) see if element is in list
(count 'b x) => 1 count the number of matching elements
(delete 1 y) => (2 3) omit matching elements
(find 2 y) => 2 find first element that matches
(position 'a x) => 0 find index of element in sequence
(reduce #'+ y) => 6 apply function to successive elements
(remove 2 y) => (1 3) like delete, but makes a new copy
(substitute 4 2 y) => (1 4 3) replace elements with new ones

Repetition through Recursion

Lisp has gained a reputation as a "recursive" language, meaning that Lisp encourages programmers to write functions that call themselves. As we have seen above, there is a dizzying number of functions and special forms for writing loops in Common Lisp, but it is also true that many programs handle repetition through recursion rather than with a syntactic loop.

One simple definition of length is "the empty list has length 0, and any other list has a length which is one more than the length of the rest of the list (after the first element)." This translates directly into a recursive function:

(defun length9 (list)
  (if (null list)
      (+ 1 (length9 (rest list)))))

This version of length arises naturally from the recursive definition of a list: "a list is either the empty list or an element consed onto another list." In general, most recursive functions derive from the recursive nature of the data they are operating on. Some kinds of data, like binary trees, are hard to deal with in anything but a recursive fashion. Others, like lists and integers, can be defined either recursively (leading to recursive functions) or as a sequence (leading to iterative functions). In this book, I tend to use the "list-as-sequence" view rather than the "list-as-first-and-rest" view. The reason is that defining a list as a first and a rest is an arbitrary and artificial distinction that is based on the implementation of lists that Lisp happens to use. But there are many other ways to decompose a list. We could break it into the last element and all-but-the-last elements, for example, or the first half and the second half. The "list-as-sequence" view makes no such artificial distinction. It treats all elements identically.

One objection to the use of recursive functions is that they are inefficient, because the compiler has to allocate memory for each recursive call. This may be true for the function length9, but it is not necessarily true for all recursive calls. Consider the following definition:

(defun length10 (list)
  (length10-aux list 0))

(defun length10-aux (sublist len-so-far)
  (if (null sublist)
      (length10-aux (rest sublist) (+ 1 len-so-far))))

length10 uses length10-aux as an auxiliary function, passing it 0 as the length of the list so far. length10-aux then goes down the list to the end, adding 1 for each element. The invariant relation is that the length of the sublist plus len-so-far always equals the length of the original list. Thus, when the sublist is nil, then len-so-far is the length of the original list. Variables like len-so-far that keep track of partial results are called accumulators. Other examples of functions that use accumulators include flatten-all on page 329; one-unknown on page 237; the Prolog predicates discussed on page 686; and anonymous-variables-in on pages 400 and 433, which uses two accumulators.

The important difference between length9 and length10 is when the addition is done. In length9, the function calls itself, then returns, and then adds 1. In length10-aux, the function adds 1, then calls itself, then returns. There are no pending operations to do after the recursive call returns, so the compiler is free to release any memory allocated for the original call before making the recursive call. length10-aux is called a tail-recursive function, because the recursive call appears as the last thing the function does (the tail). Many compilers will optimize tail-recursive calls, although not all do. (Chapter 22 treats tail-recursion in more detail, and points out that Scheme compilers guarantee that tail-recursive calls will be optimized.)

Some find it ugly to introduce length10-aux. For them, there are two alternatives. First, we could combine length10 and length10-aux into a single function with an optional parameter:

(defun length11 (list &optional (len-so-far 0))
  (if (null list)
      (length11 (rest list) (+ 1 len-so-far))))

Second, we could introduce a local function inside the definition of the main function. This is done with the special form labels:

(defun length12 (the-list)
    ((length13 (list len-so-far)
       (if (null list)
           (length13 (rest list) (+ 1 len-so-far)))))
    (length13 the-list 0)))

In general, a labels form (or the similar flet form) can be used to introduce one or more local functions. It has the following syntax:

(labels     ((function-name (parameter...) function-body)...)     body-of-labels)

Other Special Forms

A few more special forms do not fit neatly into any category. We have already seen the two special forms for creating constants and functions, quote and function. These are so common that they have abbreviations: 'x for (quote x) and #'f for (function f).

The special form progn can be used to evaluate a sequence of forms and return the value of the last one:

(progn (setf x 0) (setf x (+ x 1)) x) => 1

progn is the equivalent of a begin...end block in other languages, but it is used very infrequently in Lisp. There are two reasons for this. First, programs written in a functional style never need a sequence of actions, because they don't have side effects. Second, even when side effects are used, many special forms allow for a body which is a sequence - an implicit progn. I can only think of three places where a progn is justified. First, to implement side effects in a branch of a two-branched conditional, one could use either an if with a progn, or a cond:

(if (> x 100)
    (progn (print "too big")
           (setf x 100))

(cond ((> x 100)
       (print "too big")
       (setf x 100))
      (t x))

If the conditional had only one branch, then when or unless should be used, since they allow an implicit progn. If there are more than two branches, then cond should be used.

Second, progn is sometimes needed in macros that expand into more than one top-level form, as in the defun* macro on page 326, section 10.3. Third, a progn is sometimes needed in an unwind-protect, an advanced macro. An example of this is the with-resource macro on page 338, section 10.4.

The forms trace and untrace are used to control debugging information about entry and exit to a function:

> (trace length9) => (LENGTH9)
> (length9 '(a b c))=>
  (2 ENTER LENGTH9: (B C))
    (3 ENTER LENGTH9: (C))
      (4 ENTER LENGTH9: NIL)
      (4 EXIT LENGTH9: 0)
    (3 EXIT LENGTH9: 1)
  (2 EXIT LENGTH9: 2)

> (untrace length9) => (LENGTH9)

> (length9 '(a b c)) => 3

Finally, the special form return can be used to break out of a block of code. Blocks are set up by the special form block, or by the looping forms (do, do*, dolist, dotimes, or loop). For example, the following function computes the product of a list of numbers, but if any number is zero, then the whole product must be zero, so we immediately return zero from the dolist loop. Note that this returns from the dolist only, not from the function itself (although in this case, the value returned by dolist becomes the value returned by the function, because it is the last expression in the function). I have used uppercase letters in RETURN to emphasize the fact that it is an unusual step to exit from a loop.

(defun product (numbers)
  "Multiply all the numbers together to compute their product."
  (let ((prod 1))
    (dolist (n numbers prod)
      (if (= n 0)
          (RETURN 0)
          (setf prod (* n prod))))))


The preceding discussion has been somewhat cavalier with the term "special form." Actually, some of these special forms are really macros, forms that the compiler expands into some other code. Common Lisp provides a number of built-in macros and allows the user to extend the language by defining new macros. (There is no way for the user to define new special forms, however.)

Macros are defined with the special form defmacro. Suppose we wanted to define a macro, while, that would act like the while loop statement of Pascal. Writing a macro is a four-step process:

  • Decide if the macro is really necessary.
  • Write down the syntax of the macro.
  • Figure out what the macro should expand into.
  • Use defmacro to implement the syntax/expansion correspondence.

The first step in writing a macro is to recognize that every time you write one, you are defining a new language that is just like Lisp except for your new macro. The programmer who thinks that way will rightfully be extremely frugal in defining macros. (Besides, when someone asks, "What did you get done today?" it sounds more impressive to say "I defined a new language and wrote a compiler for it" than to say "I just hacked up a couple of macros.") Introducing a macro puts much more memory strain on the reader of your program than does introducing a function, variable or data type, so it should not be taken lightly. Introduce macros only when there is a clear need, and when the macro fits in well with your existing system. As C.A.R. Hoare put it, "One thing the language designer should not do is to include untried ideas of his own."

The next step is to decide what code the macro should expand into. It is a good idea to follow established Lisp conventions for macro syntax whenever possible. Look at the looping macros (dolist, dotimes, do-symbols), the defining macros (defun, defvar, defparameter, defstruct), or the I/O macros (with-open-file, with-open-stream, with-input-from-string), for example. If you follow the naming and syntax conventions for one of these instead of inventing your own conventions, you'll be doing the reader of your program a favor. For while, a good syntax is:

(while test body...)

The third step is to write the code that you want a macro call to expand into:

  unless test (return nil))

The final step is to write the definition of the macro, using defmacro. A defmacro form is similar to a defun in that it has a parameter list, optional documentation string, and body. There are a few differences in what is allowed in the parameter list, which will be covered later. Here is a definition of the macro while, which takes a test and a body, and builds up the loop code shown previously:

(defmacro while (test &rest body)
  "Repeat body while test is true."
  (list* 'loop
         (list 'unless test '(return nil))

(The function list* is like list, except that the last argument is appended onto the end of the list of the other arguments.) We can see what this macro expands into by using macroexpand, and see how it runs by typing in an example:

> (macroexpand-1 '(while (< i 10)
                   (print (* i i))
                   (setf i (+ i 1))))=>
      (PRINT (* I I))
      (SETF I (+ I 1)))
> (setf i 7) =>7
> (while (< i 10)
    (print (* i i))
    (setf i (+ i 1)))

Section 24.6 (page 853) describes a more complicated macro and some details on the pitfalls of writing complicated macros (page 855).

Backquote Notation

The hardest part about defining while is building the code that is the expansion of the macro. It would be nice if there was a more immediate way of building code. The following version of while following attempts to do just that. It defines the local variable code to be a template for the code we want, and then substitutes the real values of the variables test and body for the placeholders in the code. This is done with the function subst; (subst new old tree) substitutes new for each occurrence of old anywhere within tree.

(defmacro while (test &rest body)
  "Repeat body while test is true."
  (let ((code '(loop (unless test (return nil)) . body)))
    (subst test 'test (subst body 'body code))))

The need to build up code (and noncode data) from components is so frequent that there is a special notation for it, the backquote notation. The backquote character "`" is similar to the quote character "'". A backquote indicates that what follows is mostly a literal expression but may contain some components that are to be evaluated. Anything marked by a leading comma "," is evaluated and inserted into the structure, and anything marked with a leading ",@" must evaluate to a list that is spliced into the structure: each element of the list is inserted, without the top-level parentheses. The notation is covered in more detail in section 23.5. Here we use the combination of backquote and comma to rewrite while:

(defmacro while (test &rest body)
  "Repeat body while test is true."
  `(loop (unless ,test (return nil))

Here are some more examples of backquote. Note that at the end of a list, ",@" has the same effect as "." followed by ",". In the middle of a list, only ",@"is a possibility.

> (setf test1 '(a test)) => (A TEST)

> `(this is ,test1) => (THIS IS (A TEST))

> `(this is ,@test1) => (THIS IS A TEST)

> `(this is . ,test1) => (THIS IS A TEST)

> `(this is ,@test1 -- this is only ,@test1) =>

This completes the section on special forms and macros. The remaining sections of this chapter give an overview of the important built-in functions in Common Lisp.

3.3 Functions on Lists

For the sake of example, assume we have the following assignments:

(setf x '(a b c))
(setf y '(1 2 3))

The most important functions on lists are summarized here. The more complicated ones are explained more thoroughly when they are used.

(first x) => a first element of a list
(second x) => b second element of a list
(third x) => c third element of a list
(nth 0 x) => a nth element of a list, 0-based
(rest x) => (b c) all but the first element
(car x) => a another name for the first element of a list
(cdr x) => (b c) another name for all but the first element
(last x) => (c) last cons cell in a list
(length x) => 3 number of elements in a list
(reverse x) => (c b a) puts list in reverse order
(cons 0 y) => (0 1 2 3) add to front of list
(append x y) => (a b c 1 2 3) append together elements
(list x y) => ((a b c) (1 2 3)) make a new list
(list* 1 2 x) => (1 2 a b c) append last argument to others
(null nil) => T predicate is true of the empty list
(null x) => nil ... and false for everything else
(listp x) => T predicate is true of any list, including nil
(listp 3) => nil ... and is false for nonlists
(consp x) => t predicate is true of non-nil lists
(consp nil) => nil ... and false for atoms, including nil
(equal x x) => t true for lists that look the same
(equal x y) => nil ... and false for lists that look different
(sort y #'>) => (3 2 1) sort a list according to a comparison function
(subseq x 1 2) => (B) subsequence with given start and end points

We said that (cons a b) builds a longer list by adding element a to the front of list b, but what if b is not a list? This is not an error; the result is an object x such that (first x) => a (restx) => b, and where x prints as (a . b). This is known as dotted pair notation. If b is a list, then the usual list notation is used for output rather than the dotted pair notation. But either notation can be used for input.

So far we have been thinking of lists as sequences, using phrases like "a list of three elements." The list is a convenient abstraction, but the actual implementation of lists relies on lower-level building blocks called cons cells. A cons cell is a data structure with two fields: a first and a rest. What we have been calling "a list of three elements" can also be seen as a single cons cell, whose first field points to the first element and whose rest field points to another cons cell that is a cons cell representing a list of two elements. This second cons cell has a rest field that is a third cons cell, one whose rest field is nil. All proper lists have a last cons cell whose rest field is nil. Figure 3.1 shows the cons cell notation for the three-element list (one two three), as well as for the result of (cons 'one 'two).

Figure 3.1: Cons Cell Diagrams
Figure 3.1: Cons Cell Diagrams

Exercise 3.2 [s] The function cons can be seen as a special case of one of the other functions listed previously. Which one?

Exercise 3.3 [m] Write a function that will print an expression in dotted pair notation. Use the built-in function princ to print each component of the expression.

Exercise 3.4 [m] Write a function that, like the regular print function, will print an expression in dotted pair notation when necessary but will use normal list notation when possible.

3.4 Equality and Internal Representation

In Lisp there are five major equality predicates, because not all objects are created equally equal. The numeric equality predicate, =, tests if two numbers are the same. It is an error to apply = to non-numbers. The other equality predicates operate on any kind of object, but to understand the difference between them, we need to understand some of the internals of Lisp.

When Lisp reads a symbol in two different places, the result is guaranteed to be the exact same symbol. The Lisp system maintains a symbol table that the function read uses to map between characters and symbols. But when a list is read (or built) in two different places, the results are not identically the same, even though the corresponding elements may be. This is because read calls cons to build up the list, and each call to cons returns a new cons cell. Figure 3.2 shows two lists, x and Y, which are both equal to (one two), but which are composed of different cons cells, and hence are not identical. Figure 3.3 shows that the expression (rest x) does not generate new cons cells, but rather shares structure with x, and that the expression (cons 'zero x) generates exactly one new cons cell, whose rest is x.

Figure 3.2: Equal But Nonidentical Lists
Figure 3.2: Equal But Nonidentical Lists
Figure 3.3: Parts of Lists
Figure 3.3: Parts of Lists

When two mathematically equal numbers are read (or computed) in two places, they may or may not be the same, depending on what the designers of your implementation felt was more efficient. In most systems, two equal fixnums will be identical, but equal numbers of other types will not (except possibly short floats). Common Lisp provides four equality predicates of increasing generality. All four begin with the letters eq, with more letters meaning the predicate considers more objects to be equal. The simplest predicate is eq, which tests for the exact same object. Next, eql tests for objects that are either eq or are equivalent numbers. equal tests for objects that are either eql or are lists or strings with eql elements. Finally, equalp is like equal except it also matches upper- and lowercase characters and numbers of different types. The following table summarizes the results of applying each of the four predicates to various values of x and y. The ? value means that the result depends on your implementation: two integers that are eql may or may not be eq.

x y eq eql equal equalp
'X 'x T T T T
'0 '0 ? T T T
'(x) '(x) nil nil T T
'"xy" '"xy" nil nil T T
'"Xy" '"xY" nil nil nil T
'0 '0.0 nil nil nil T
'0 '1 nil nil nil nil

In addition, there are specialized equality predicates such as =, tree-equal, char-equal, and string-equal, which compare numbers, trees, characters, and strings, respectively.

3.5 Functions on Sequences

Common Lisp is in a transitional position halfway between the Lisps of the past and the Lisps of the future. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the sequence functions. The earliest Lisps dealt only with symbols, numbers, and lists, and provided list functions like append and length. More modern Lisps added support for vectors, strings, and other data types, and introduced the term sequence to refer to both vectors and lists. (A vector is a one-dimensional array. It can be represented more compactly than a list, because there is no need to store the rest pointers. It is also more efficient to get at the nth element of a vector, because there is no need to follow a chain of pointers.) Modern Lisps also support strings that are vectors of characters, and hence also a subtype of sequence.

With the new data types came the problem of naming functions that operated on them. In some cases, Common Lisp chose to extend an old function: length can apply to vectors as well as lists. In other cases, the old names were reserved for the list functions, and new names were invented for generic sequence functions. For example, append and mapcar only work on lists, but concatenate and map work on any kind of sequence. In still other cases, new functions were invented for specific data types. For example, there are seven functions to pick the nth element out of a sequence. The most general is elt, which works on any kind of sequence, but there are specific functions for lists, arrays, strings, bit vectors, simple bit vectors, and simple vectors. Confusingly, nth is the only one that takes the index as the first argument:

  • (nth n list)
  • (elt sequence n)
  • (aref array n)
  • (char string n)
  • (bit bit vector n)
  • (sbit simple-bit vector n)
  • (svref simple-vector n)

The most important sequence functions are listed elsewhere in this chapter, depending on their particular purpose.

3.6 Functions for Maintaining Tables

Lisp lists can be used to represent a one-dimensional sequence of objects. Because they are so versatile, they have been put to other purposes, such as representing tables of information. The association list is a type of list used to implement tables. An association list is a list of dotted pairs, where each pair consists of a key and a value. Together, the list of pairs form a table: given a key, we can retrieve the corresponding value from the table, or verify that there is no such key stored in the table. Here's an example for looking up the names of states by their two-letter abbreviation. The function assoc is used. It returns the key/value pair (if there is one). To get the value, we just take the cdr of the result returned by assoc.

(setf state-table
  '((AL . Alabama) (AK . Alaska) (AZ . Arizona) (AR . Arkansas)))

> (assoc 'AK state-table) => (AK . ALASKA)

> (cdr (assoc 'AK state-table)) => ALASKA

> (assoc 'TX state-table) => NIL

If we want to search the table by value rather than by key, we can use rassoc:

> (rassoc 'Arizona state-table) => (AZ . ARIZONA)
> (car (rassoc 'Arizona state-table)) => AZ

Managing a table with assoc is simple, but there is one drawback: we have to search through the whole list one element at a time. If the list is very long, this may take a while.

Another way to manage tables is with hash tables. These are designed to handle large amounts of data efficiently but have a degree of overhead that can make them inappropriate for small tables. The function gethash works much like get - it takes two arguments, a key and a table. The table itself is initialized with a call to make-hash-table and modified with a setf of gethash:

(setf table (make-hash-table))

(setf (gethash 'AL table) 'Alabama)
(setf (gethash 'AK table) 'Alaska)
(setf (gethash 'AZ table) 'Arizona)
(setf (gethash 'AR table) 'Arkansas)

Here we retrieve values from the table:

> (gethash 'AK table) => ALASKA
> (gethash 'TX table) => NIL

The function remhash removes a key/value pair from a hash table, clrhash removes all pairs, and maphash can be used to map over the key/value pairs. The keys to hash tables are not restricted; they can be any Lisp object. There are many more details on the implementation of hash tables in Common Lisp, and an extensive literature on their theory.

A third way to represent table is with property lists. A property list is a list of alternating key/value pairs. Property lists (sometimes called p-lists or plists) and association lists (sometimes called a-lists or alists) are similar:

a-list: ((key1 . val1) (key2 . val2) ... (keyn . valn))

p-list: (key1 val1 key2 val2 ... keyn valn)

Given this representation, there is little to choose between a-lists and p-lists. They are slightly different permutations of the same information. The difference is in how they are normally used. Every symbol has a property list associated with it. That means we can associate a property/value pair directly with a symbol. Most programs use only a few different properties but have many instances of property/value pairs for each property. Thus, each symbol's p-list will likely be short. In our example, we are only interested in one property: the state associated with each abbreviation. That means that the property lists will be very short indeed: one property for each abbreviation, instead of a list of 50 pairs in the association list implementation.

Property values are retrieved with the function get, which takes two arguments: the first is a symbol for which we are seeking information, and the second is the property of that symbol that we are interested in. get returns the value of that property, if one has been stored. Property/value pairs can be stored under a symbol with a setf form. A table would be built as follows:

(setf (get 'AL 'state) 'Alabama)
(setf (get 'AK 'state) 'Alaska)
(setf (get 'AZ 'state) 'Arizona)
(setf (get 'AR 'state) 'Arkansas)

Now we can retrieve values with get:

> (get 'AK 'state) => ALASKA
> (get 'TX 'state) => NIL

This will be faster because we can go immediately from a symbol to its lone property value, regardless of the number of symbols that have properties. However, if a given symbol has more than one property, then we still have to search linearly through the property list. As Abraham Lincoln might have said, you can make some of the table lookups faster some of the time, but you can't make all the table lookups faster all of the time. Notice that there is no equivalent of rassoc using property lists; if you want to get from a state to its abbreviation, you could store the abbreviation under a property of the state, but that would be a separate setf form, as in:

(setf (get 'Arizona 'abbrev) 'AZ)

In fact, when source, property, and value are all symbols, there are quite a few possibilities for how to use properties. We could have mimicked the a-list approach, and listed all the properties under a single symbol, using setf on the function symbol-plist (which gives a symbol's complete property list):

(setf (symbol-plist 'state-table)
      '(AL Alabama AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas))
> (get 'state-table 'AL) => ALASKA
> (get 'state-table 'Alaska) => NIL

Property lists have a long history in Lisp, but they are falling out of favor as new alternatives such as hash tables are introduced. There are two main reasons why property lists are avoided. First, because symbols and their property lists are global, it is easy to get conflicts when trying to put together two programs that use property lists. If two programs use the same property for different purposes, they cannot be used together. Even if two programs use different properties on the same symbols, they will slow each other down. Second, property lists are messy. There is no way to remove quickly every element of a table implemented with property lists. In contrast, this can be done trivially with clrhash on hash tables, or by setting an association list to nil.

3.7 Functions on Trees

Many Common Lisp functions treat the expression ((a b) ((c)) (d e)) as a sequence of three elements, but there are a few functions that treat it as a tree with five non-null leaves. The function copy-tree creates a copy of a tree, and tree-equal tests if two trees are equal by traversing cons cells, but not other complex data like vectors or strings. In that respect, tree-equal is similar to equal, but tree-equal is more powerful because it allows a :test keyword:

> (setf tree '((a b) ((c)) (d e)))

> (tree-equal tree (copy-tree tree)) => T

(defun same-shape-tree (a b)
  "Are two trees the same except for the leaves?"
  (tree-equal a b :test #'true))

(defun true (&rest ignore) t)

> (same-shape-tree tree '((1 2) ((3)) (4 5))) => T
> (same-shape-tree tree '((1 2) (3) (4 5))) => NIL

Figure 3.4 shows the tree ((a b) ((c)) (d e)) as a cons cell diagram.

Figure 3.4: Cons Cell Diagram of a Tree
Figure 3.4: Cons Cell Diagram of a Tree

There are also two functions for substituting a new expression for an old one anywhere within a tree. subst substitutes a single value for another, while sublis takes a list of substitutions in the form of an association list of (old . new) pairs. Note that the order of old and new in the a-list for sublis is reversed from the order of arguments to subst. The name sublis is uncharacteristically short and confusing; a better name would be subst-list.

> (subst 'new 'old '(old ((very old)))) => (NEW ((VERY NEW)))

> (sublis '((old . new)) '(old ((very old)))) => (NEW ((VERY NEW)))

> (subst 'new 'old 'old) => NEW

(defun english->french (words)
  (sublis '((are . va) (book . libre) (friend . ami)
            (hello . bonjour) (how . comment) (my . mon)
            (red . rouge) (you . tu))

> (english->french '(hello my friend - how are you today?)) =>

3.8 Functions on Numbers

The most commonly used functions on numbers are listed here. There are quite a few other numeric functions that have been omitted.

(+ 4 2) => 6 add
(- 4 2) => 2 subtract
(* 4 2) => 8 multiply
(/ 4 2) => 2 divide
(> 100 99) => t greater than (also >=, greater than or equal to)
(= 100 100) => t equal (also /=, not equal)
(< 99 100) => t less than (also <=, less than or equal to)
(random 100) => 42 random integer from 0 to 99
(expt 4 2) => 16 exponentiation (also exp, ex and log)
(sin pi) => 0.0 sine function (also cos, tan, etc.)
(asin 0) => 0.0 arcsine or sin-1 function (also acos, atan, etc.)
(min 2 3 4) => 2 minimum (also max)
(abs -3) => 3 absolute value
(sqrt 4) => 2 square root
(round 4.1) => 4 round off (also truncate, floor, ceiling)
(rem 11 5) => 1 remainder (also mod)

3.9 Functions on Sets

One of the important uses of lists is to represent sets. Common Lisp provides functions that treat lists in just that way. For example, to see what elements the sets r = {a, b, c, d} and s = {c, d, e} have in common, we could use:

> (setf r '(a b c d)) => (A B C D)
> (setf s '(c d e)) => (C D E)
> (intersection r s) => (C D)

This implementation returned (C D) as the answer, but another might return (D C). They are equivalent sets, so either is valid, and your program should not depend on the order of elements in the result. Here are the main functions on sets:

(intersection r s) => (c d) find common elements of two sets
(union r s) => (a b c d e) find all elements in either of two sets
(set-difference r s) => (a b) find elements in one but not other set
(member 'd r) => (d) check if an element is a member of a set
(subsetp s r) => nil see if all elements of one set are in another
(adjoin 'b s) => (b c d e) add an element to a set
(adjoin 'c s) => (c d e) ... but don't add duplicates

It is also possible to represent a set with a sequence of bits, given a particular universe of discourse. For example, if every set we are interested in must be a subset of (a b c d e), then we can use the bit sequence 11110 to represent (a b c d), 00000 to represent the empty set, and 11001 to represent (a b e). The bit sequence can be represented in Common Lisp as a bit vector, or as an integer in binary notation. For example, (a b e) would be the bit vector #*11001 or the integer 25, which can also be written as #b11001.

The advantage of using bit sequences is that it takes less space to encode a set, assuming a small universe. Computation will be faster, because the computer's underlying instruction set will typically process 32 elements at a time.

Common Lisp provides a full complement of functions on both bit vectors and integers. The following table lists some, their correspondence to the list functions.

lists integers bit vectors
intersection logand bit-and
union logior bit-ior
set-difference logandc2 bit-andc2
member logbitp bit
length logcount

For example,

(intersection '(a b c d) '(a b e)) =>  (A B)
(bit-and      #*11110    #*11001)  =>  #*11000
(logand       #b11110    #b11001)  =>  24 = #b11000

3.10 Destructive Functions

In mathematics, a function is something that computes an output value given some input arguments. Functions do not "do" anything, they just compute results. For example, if I tell you that x = 4 and y = 5 and ask you to apply the function "plus" to x and y, I expect you to tell me 9. If I then ask, "Now what is the value of x?" it would be surprising if x had changed. In mathematics, applying an operator to x can have no effect on the value of x.

In Lisp, some functions are able to take effect beyond just computing the result. These "functions" are not functions in the mathematical sense,2 and in other languages they are known as "procedures." Of course, most of the Lisp functions are true mathematical functions, but the few that are not can cause great problems. They can also be quite useful in certain situations. For both reasons, they are worth knowing about.

Consider the following:

> (setf x '(a b c)) => (A B C)
> (setf y '(1 2 3)) => (1 2 3)
> (append x y) => (A B C 1 2 3)

append is a pure function, so after evaluating the call to append, we can rightfully expect that x and y retain their values. Now consider this:

> (nconc x y) => (A B C 1 2 3)
> x => (A B C 1 2 3)
> y => (1 2 3)

The function nconc computes the same result as append, but it has the side effect of altering its first argument. It is called a destructive function, because it destroys existing structures, replacing them with new ones. This means that there is quite a conceptual load on the programmer who dares to use nconc. He or she must be aware that the first argument may be altered, and plan accordingly. This is far more complicated than the case with nondestructive functions, where the programmer need worry only about the results of a function call.

The advantage of nconc is that it doesn't use any storage. While append must make a complete copy of x and then have that copy end with y, nconc does not need to copy anything. Instead, it just changes the rest field of the last element of x to point to y. So use destructive functions when you need to conserve storage, but be aware of the consequences.

Besides nconc, many of the destructive functions have names that start with n, including nreverse, nintersection, nunion, nset-difference, and nsubst. An important exception is delete, which is the name used for the destructive version of remove. Of course, the setf special form can also be used to alter structures, but it is the destructive functions that are most dangerous, because it is easier to overlook their effects.

Exercise 3.5 [h] (Exercise in altering structure.) Write a program that will play the role of the guesser in the game Twenty Questions. The user of the program will have in mind any type of thing. The program will ask questions of the user, which must be answered yes or no, or "it" when the program has guessed it. If the program runs out of guesses, it gives up and asks the user what "it" was. At first the program will not play well, but each time it plays, it will remember the user's replies and use them for subsequent guesses.

3.11 Overview of Data Types

This chapter has been organized around functions, with similar functions grouped together. But there is another way of organizing the Common Lisp world: by considering the different data types. This is useful for two reasons. First, it gives an alternative way of seeing the variety of available functionality. Second, the data types themselves are objects in the Common Lisp language, and as we shall see, there are functions that manipulate data types. These are useful mainly for testing objects (as with the typecase macro) and for making declarations.

Here is a table of the most commonly used data types:

Type Example Explanation
character #\c A single letter, number, or punctuation mark.
number 42 The most common numbers are floats and integers.
float 3.14159 A number with a decimal point.
integer 42 A whole number, of either fixed or indefinite size:
fixnum 123 An integer that fits in a single word of storage.
bignum 123456789 An integer of unbounded size.
function #'sin A function can be applied to an argument list.
symbol sin Symbols can name fns and vars, and are themselves objects.
null nil The object nil is the only object of type null.
keyword :key Keywords are a subtype of symbol.
sequence (a b c) Sequences include lists and vectors.
list (a b c) A list is either a cons or null.
vector #(a b c) A vector is a subtype of sequence.
cons (a b c) A cons is a non-nil list.
atom t An atom is anything that is not a cons.
string "abc" A string is a type of vector of characters.
array #lA(a b c) Arrays include vectors and higher-dimensional arrays.
structure #S(type ...) Structures are defined by defstruct.
hash-table ... Hash tables are created by make-hash-table.

Almost every data type has a recognizer predicate - a function that returns true for only elements of that type. In general, a predicate is a function that always returns one of two values: true or false. In Lisp, the false value is nil, and every other value is considered true, although the most common true value is t. In most cases, the recognizer predicate's name is composed of the type name followed by p: characterp recognizes characters, numberp recognizes numbers, and so on. For example, (numberp 3) returns t because 3 is a number, but (numberp "x") returns nil because "x" is a string, not a number.

Unfortunately, Common Lisp is not completely regular. There are no recognizers for fixnums, bignums, sequences, and structures. Two recognizers, null and atom, do not end in p. Also note that there is a hyphen before the p in hash-table-p, because the type has a hyphen in it. In addition, all the recognizers generated by defstruct have a hyphen before the p.

The function type-of returns the type of its argument, and typep tests if an object is of a specified type. The function subtypep tests if one type can be determined to be a subtype of another. For example:

> (type-of 123) => FIXNUM

> (typep 123 'fixnum) => T

> (typep 123 'number) => T

> (typep 123 'integer) => T

> (typep 123.0 'integer) => NIL

> (subtypep 'fixnum 'number) T

The hierarchy of types is rather complicated in Common Lisp. As the prior example shows, there are many different numeric types, and a number like 123 is considered to be of type fixnum, integer, and number. We will see later that it is also of type rational and t.

The type hierarchy forms a graph, not just a tree. For example, a vector is both a sequence and an array, although neither array nor sequence are subtypes of each other. Similarly, null is a subtype of both symbol and list.

The following table shows a number of more specialized data types that are not used as often:

Type Example Explanation
t 42 Every object is of type t.
nil No object is of type nil.
complex #C(0 1) Imaginary numbers.
bit 0 Zero or one.
rational 2/3 Rationals include integers and ratios.
ratio 2/3 Exact fractional numbers.
simple-array #lA(x y) An array that is not displaced or adjustable.
readtable ... A mapping from characters to their meanings to read.
package ... A collection of symbols that form a module.
pathname #P"/usr/spool/mail" A file or directory name.
stream ... A pointer to an open file; used for reading or printing.
random-state ... A state used as a seed by random.

In addition, there are even more specialized types, such as short-float, compiled-function, and bit-vector. It is also possible to construct more exact types, such as (vector (integer 0 3) 100), which represents a vector of 100 elements, each of which is an integer from 0 to 3, inclusive. Section 10.1 gives more information on types and their use.

While almost every type has a predicate, it is also true that there are predicates that are not type recognizers but rather recognize some more general condition. For example, oddp is true only of odd integers, and string-greaterp is true if one string is alphabetically greater than another.

3.12 Input/Output

Input in Lisp is incredibly easy because a complete lexical and syntactic parser is available to the user. The parser is called read. It is used to read and return a single Lisp expression. If you can design your application so that it reads Lisp expressions, then your input worries are over. Note that the expression parsed by read need not be a legal evaluable Lisp expression. That is, you can read ("hello" cons zzz) just as well as (+ 2 2). In cases where Lisp expressions are not adequate, the function read-char reads a single character, and read-line reads everything up to the next newline and returns it as a string.

To read from the terminal, the functions read, read-char, or read-line (with no arguments) return an expression, a character, and a string up to the end of line, respectively. It is also possible to read from a file. The function open or the macro with-open-stream can be used to open a file and associate it with a stream, Lisp's name for a descriptor of an input/output source. All three read functions take three optional arguments. The first is the stream to read from. The second, if true, causes an error to be signaled at end of file. If the second argument is nil, then the third argument indicates the value to return at end of file.

Output in Lisp is similar to output in other languages, such as C. There are a few low-level functions to do specific kinds of output, and there is a very general function to do formatted output. The function print prints any object on a new line, with a space following it. prin1 will print any object without the new line and space. For both functions, the object is printed in a form that could be processed by read. For example, the string "hello there" would print as "hello there". The function princ is used to print in a human-readable format. The string in question would print as hello there with princ-the quote marks are not printed. This means that read cannot recover the original form; read would interpret it as two symbols, not one string. The function write accepts eleven different keyword arguments that control whether it acts like prin1 or princ, among other things.

The output functions also take a stream as an optional argument. In the following, we create the file test.text and print two expressions to it. Then we open the file for reading, and try to read back the first expression, a single character, and then two more expressions. Note that the read-char returns the character #\G, so the following read reads the characters OODBYE and turns them into a symbol. The final read hits the end of file, and so returns the specified value, eof.

> (with-open-file (stream "test.text" :direction :output)
    (print '(hello there) stream)
    (princ 'goodbye stream)) =>
GOODBYE        ; and creates the file test.text

> (with-open-file (stream "test.text" :direction :input)
    (list (read stream) (read-char stream) (read stream)
          (read stream nil 'eof))) =>

The function terpri stands for "terminate print line," and it skips to the next line. The function fresh-line also skips to the next line, unless it can be determined that the output is already at the start of a line.

Common Lisp also provides a very general function for doing formatted output, called format. The first argument to format is always the stream to print to; use t to print to the terminal. The second argument is the format string. It is printed out verbatim, except for format directives, which begin with the character "~". These directives tell how to print out the remaining arguments. Users of C's printf function or FORTRAN's format statement should be familiar with this idea. Here's an example:

> (format t "hello, world")
hello, world

Things get interesting when we put in additional arguments and include format directives:

> (format t "~&~a plus ~s is ~f" "two" "two" 4)
two plus "two" is 4.0

The directive ~& moves to a fresh line, ~a prints the next argument as princ would, ~s prints the next argument as prin1 would, and ~f prints a number in floating-point format. If the argument is not a number, then princ is used. format always returns nil. There are 26 different format directives. Here's a more complex example:

> (let ((numbers '(1 2 3 4 5)))
    (format t "~&~{~r~^ plus ~} is ~@r"
            numbers (apply #'+ numbers)))
one plus two plus three plus four plus five is XV

The directive ~r prints the next argument, which should be a number, in English, and ~@r prints a number as a roman numeral. The compound directive ~{...~} takes the next argument, which must be a list, and formats each element of the list according to the format string inside the braces. Finally, the directive ~^ exits from the enclosing ~{...~} loop if there are no more arguments. You can see that format, like loop, comprises almost an entire programming language, which, also like loop, is not a very Lisplike language.

3.13 Debugging Tools

In many languages, there are two strategies for debugging: (1) edit the program to insert print statements, recompile, and try again, or (2) use a debugging program to investigate (and perhaps alter) the internal state of the running program.

Common Lisp admits both these strategies, but it also offers a third: (3) add annotations that are not part of the program but have the effect of automatically altering the running program. The advantage of the third strategy is that once you are done you don't have to go back and undo the changes you would have introduced in the first strategy. In addition, Common Lisp provides functions that display information about the program. You need not rely solely on looking at the source code.

We have already seen how trace and untrace can be used to provide debugging information (page 65). Another useful tool is step, which can be used to halt execution before each subform is evaluated. The form (step expression) will evaluate and return expression, but pauses at certain points to allow the user to inspect the computation, and possibly change things before proceeding to the next step. The commands available to the user are implementation-dependent, but typing a ? should give you a list of commands. As an example, here we step through an expression twice, the first time giving commands to stop at each subevaluation, and the second time giving commands to skip to the next function call. In this implementation, the commands are control characters, so they do not show up in the output.

All output, including the symbols <= and => are printed by the stepper itself; I have added no annotation.

> (step (+ 3 4 (* 5 6 (/ 7 8))))
<= (+ 3 4 (* 5 6 (/ 7 8)))
  <= 3 => 3
  <= 4 => 4
  <= (* 5 6 (/ 7 8))
  <= 5 => 5
  <= 6 => 6
  <= (/ 7 8)
    <= 7 => 7
  <= 8 => 8
    <=(/ 7 8) => 7/8
  <= (* 5 6 (/ 7 8)) => 105/4
  <= (+ 3 4 (* 5 6 (/ 7 8))) => 133/4

> (step (+ 3 4 (* 5 6 (/ 7 8))))
<= (+ 3 4 (* 5 6 (/ 7 8)))
  /: 7 8 => 7/8
  *: 5 6 7/8 => 105/4
  +: 3 4 105/4 => 133/4
<= (+ 3 4 (* 5 6 (/ 7 8))) => 133/4

The functions describe, inspect, documentation, and apropos provide information about the state of the current program. apropos prints information about all symbols whose name matches the argument:

> (apropos 'string)
PRIN1-TO-STRING        function (OBJECT)
PRINC-TO-STRING        function (OBJECT)
STRING                 function (X)

Once you know what object you are interested in, describe can give more information on it:

> (describe 'make-string)
Symbol MAKE-STRING is in LISP package.
The function definition is #<FUNCTION MAKE-STRING -42524322 >:
  NAME:          MAKE-STRING
  DOCUMENTATION: "Creates and returns a string of LENGTH elements,
all set to INITIAL-ELEMENT."
                               :INITIAL-ELEMENT (OR INITIAL-ELEMENT

> (describe 1234.56)
1234.56 is a single-precision floating-point number.
  Sign 0, exponent #o211, 23-bit fraction #o6450754

If all you want is a symbol's documentation string, the function documentation will do the trick:

> (documentation 'first 'function) => "Return the first element of LIST."
> (documentation 'pi 'variable) => "pi"

If you want to look at and possibly alter components of a complex structure, then inspect is the tool. In some implementations it invokes a fancy, window-based browser.

Common Lisp also provides a debugger that is entered automatically when an error is signalled, either by an inadvertant error or by deliberate action on the part of the program. The details of the debugger vary between implementations, but there are standard ways of entering it. The function break enters the debugger after printing an optional message. It is intended as the primary method for setting debugging break points. break is intended only for debugging purposes; when a program is deemed to be working, all calls to break should be removed. However, it is still a good idea to check for unusual conditions with error, cerror, assert, or check-type, which will be described in the following section.

3.14 Antibugging Tools

It is a good idea to include antibugging checks in your code, in addition to doing normal debugging. Antibugging code checks for errors and possibly takes corrective action.

The functions error and cerror are used to signal an error condition. These are intended to remain in the program even after it has been debugged. The function error takes a format string and optional arguments. It signals a fatal error; that is, it stops the program and does not offer the user any way of restarting it. For example:

(defun average (numbers)
  (if (null numbers)
      (error "Average of the empty list is undefined.")
      (/ (reduce #'+ numbers)
         (length numbers))))

In many cases, a fatal error is a little drastic. The function cerror stands for continuable error. cerror takes two format strings; the first prints a message indicating what happens if we continue, and the second prints the error message itself. cerror does not actually take any action to repair the error, it just allows the user to signal that continuing is alright. In the following implementation, the user continues by typing :continue. In ANSI Common Lisp, there are additional ways of specifying options for continuing.

(defun average (numbers)
  (if (null numbers)
        (cerror "Use 0 as the average."
                "Average of the empty list is undefined.")
      (/ (reduce #'+ numbers)
         (length numbers))))

> (average '())
Error: Average of the empty list is undefined.
Error signaled by function AVERAGE.
If continued: Use 0 as the average.
>> :continue

In this example, adding error checking nearly doubled the length of the code. This is not unusual; there is a big difference between code that works on the expected input and code that covers all possible errors. Common Lisp tries to make it easier to do error checking by providing a few special forms. The form ecase stands for "exhaustive case" or "error case." It is like a normal case form, except that if none of the cases are satisfied, an error message is generated. The form ccase stands for "continuable case." It is like ecase, except that the error is continuable. The system will ask for a new value for the test object until the user supplies one that matches one of the programmed cases.

To make it easier to include error checks without inflating the length of the code too much, Common Lisp provides the special forms check-type and assert. As the name implies, check-type is used to check the type of an argument. It signals a continuable error if the argument has the wrong type. For example:

(defun sqr (x)
  "Multiply x by itself."
  (check-type x number)
  (* x x))

If sqr is called with a non-number argument, an appropriate error message is printed:

> (sqr "hello")
Error: the argument X was "hello", which is not a NUMBER.
If continued: replace X with new value
>> :continue 4

assert is more general than check-type. In the simplest form, assert tests an expression and signals an error if it is false. For example:

(defun sqr (x)
  "Multiply x by itself."
  (assert (numberp x))
  (* x x))

There is no possibility of continuing from this kind of assertion. It is also possible to give assert a list of places that can be modified in an attempt to make the assertion true. In this example, the variable x is the only thing that can be changed:

(defun sqr (x)
  "Multiply x by itself."
  (assert (numberp x) (x))
  (* x x))

If the assertion is violated, an error message will be printed and the user will be given the option of continuing by altering x. If x is given a value that satisfies the assertion, then the program continues. assert always returns nil.

Finally, the user who wants more control over the error message can provide a format control string and optional arguments. So the most complex syntax for assert is:

(assert test-form (place...) format-ctl-string format-arg...)

Here is another example. The assertion tests that the temperature of the bear's porridge is neither too hot nor too cold.

(defun eat-porridge (bear)
  (assert (< too-cold (temperature (bear-porridge bear)) too-hot)
          (bear (bear-porridge bear))
          "~a's porridge is not just right: ~a"
          bear (hotness (bear-porridge bear)))
  (eat (bear-porridge bear)))

In the interaction below, the assertion failed, and the programmer's error message was printed, along with two possibilities for continuing. The user selected one, typed in a call to make-porridge for the new value, and the function successfully continued.

> (eat-porridge momma-bear)
Error: #<MOMMA BEAR>'s porridge is not just right: 39
Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: Supply a new value for BEAR
 1: Supply a new value for (BEAR-PORRIDGE BEAR)
>> :continue 1
Form to evaluate and use to replace (BEAR-PORRIDGE BEAR):
(make-porridge :temperature just-right)

It may seem like wasted effort to spend time writing assertions that (if all goes well) will never be used. However, for all but the perfect programmer, bugs do occur, and the time spent antibugging will more than pay for itself in saving debugging time.

Whenever you develop a complex data structure, such as some kind of data base, it is a good idea to develop a corresponding consistency checker. A consistency checker is a function that will look over a data structure and test for all possible errors. When a new error is discovered, a check for it should be incorporated into the consistency checker. Calling the consistency checker is the fastest way to help isolate bugs in the data structure.

In addition, it is a good idea to keep a list of difficult test cases on hand. That way, when the program is changed, it will be easy to see if the change reintroduces a bug that had been previously removed. This is called regression testing, and Waters (1991) presents an interesting tool for maintaining a suite of regression tests. But it is simple enough to maintain an informal test suite with a function that calls assert on a series of examples:

(defun test-ex ()
  "Test the program EX on a series of examples."
  (init-ex) ; Initialize the EX program first.
  (assert (equal (ex 3 4) 5))
  (assert (equal (ex 5 0) 0))
  (assert (equal (ex 'x 0) 0)))

Timing Tools

A program is not complete just because it gives the right output. It must also deliver the output in a timely fashion. The form (time expression) can be used to see how long it takes to execute expression. Some implementations also print statistics on the amount of storage required. For example:

> (defun f (n) (dotimes (i n) nil)) => F
> (time (f 10000)) => NIL
Evaluation of (F 10000) took 4.347272 Seconds of elapsed time, including 0.0 seconds of paging time for 0 faults, Consed 27 words.

> (compile 'f) => F

> (time (f 10000)) => NIL
Evaluation of (F 10000) took 0.011518 Seconds of elapsed time, including 0.0 seconds of paging time for 0 faults, Consed 0 words.

This shows that the compiled version is over 300 times faster and uses less storage to boot. Most serious Common Lisp programmers work exclusively with compiled functions. However, it is usually a bad idea to worry too much about efficiency details while starting to develop a program. It is better to design a flexible program, get it to work, and then modify the most frequently used parts to be more efficient. In other words, separate the development stage from the fine-tuning stage. Chapters 9 and 10 give more details on efficiency consideration, and chapter 25 gives more advice on debugging and antibugging techniques.

3.15 Evaluation

There are three functions for doing evaluation in Lisp: funcall, apply, and eval. funcall is used to apply a function to individual arguments, while apply is used to apply a function to a list of arguments. Actually, apply can be given one or more individual arguments before the final argument, which is always a list. eval is passed a single argument, which should be an entire form - a function or special form followed by its arguments, or perhaps an atom. The following five forms are equivalent:

> (+ 1 2 3 4)             => 10
> (funcall #'+ 1 2 3 4)   => 10
> (apply #'+ '(1 2 3 4))  => 10
> (apply #'+ 1 2 '(3 4))  => 10
> (eval '(+ 1 2 3 4))      => 10

In the past, eval was seen as the key to Lisp's flexibility. In modern Lisps with lexical scoping, such as Common Lisp, eval is used less often (in fact, in Scheme there is no eval at all). Instead, programmers are expected to use lambda to create a new function, and then apply or funcall the function. In general, if you find yourself using eval, you are probably doing the wrong thing.

3.16 Closures

What does it mean to create a new function? Certainly every time a function (or #') special form is evaluated, a function is returned. But in the examples we have seen and in the following one, it is always the same function that is returned.

> (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x x)) '(1 3 10)) => (2 6 20)

Every time we evaluate the #'(lambda ...) form, it returns the function that doubles its argument. However, in the general case, a function consists of the body of the function coupled with any free lexical variables that the function references. Such a pairing is called a lexical closure, or just a closure, because the lexical variables are enclosed within the function. Consider this example:

(defun adder (c)
  "Return a function that adds c to its argument."
  #'(lambda (x) (+ x c)))

> (mapcar (adder 3) '(1 3 10)) => (4 6 13)

> (mapcar (adder 10) '(1 3 10)) => (11 13 20)

Each time we call adder with a different value for c, it creates a different function, the function that adds c to its argument. Since each call to adder creates a new local variable named c, each function returned by adder is a unique function.

Here is another example. The function bank-account returns a closure that can be used as a representation of a bank account. The closure captures the local variable balance. The body of the closure provides code to access and modify the local variable.

(defun bank-account (balance)
  "Open a bank account starting with the given balance."
  #'(lambda (action amount)
      (case action
        (deposit  (setf balance (+ balance amount)))
        (withdraw (setf balance (- balance amount))))))

In the following, two calls to bank-account create two different closures, each with a separate value for the lexical variable balance. The subsequent calls to the two closures change their respective balances, but there is no confusion between the two accounts.

> (setf my-account (bank-account 500.00)) => #<CLOSURE 52330407>

> (setf your-account (bank-account 250.00)) => #<CLOSURE 52331203>

> (funcall my-account 'withdraw 75.00) => 425.0

> (funcall your-account 'deposit 250.00) => 500.0

> (funcall your-account 'withdraw 100.00) => 400.0

> (funcall my-account 'withdraw 25.00) => 400.0

This style of programming will be considered in more detail in chapter 13.

3.17 Special Variables

Common Lisp provides for two kinds of variables: lexical and special variables. For the beginner, it is tempting to equate the special variables in Common Lisp with global variables in other languages. Unfortunately, this is not quite correct and can lead to problems. It is best to understand Common Lisp variables on their own terms.

By default, Common Lisp variables are lexical variables. Lexical variables are introduced by some syntactic construct like let or defun and get their name from the fact that they may only be referred to by code that appears lexically within the body of the syntactic construct. The body is called the scope of the variable.

So far, there is no difference between Common Lisp and other languages. The interesting part is when we consider the extent, or lifetime, of a variable. In other languages, the extent is the same as the scope: a new local variable is created when a block is entered, and the variable goes away when the block is exited. But because it is possible to create new functions - closures - in Lisp, it is therefore possible for code that references a variable to live on after the scope of the variable has been exited. Consider again the bank-account function, which creates a closure representing a bank account:

(defun bank-account (balance)
  "Open a bank account starting with the given balance."
  #'(lambda (action amount)
      (case action
        (deposit (setf balance (+ balance amount)))
        (withdraw (setf balance (- balance amount))))))

The function introduces the lexical variable balance. The scope of balance is the body of the function, and therefore references to balance can occur only within this scope. What happens when bank-account is called and exited? Once the body of the function has been left, no other code can refer to that instance of balance. The scope has been exited, but the extent of balance lives on. We can call the closure, and it can reference balance, because the code that created the closure appeared lexically within the scope of balance.

In summary, Common Lisp lexical variables are different because they can be captured inside closures and referred to even after the flow of control has left their scope.

Now we will consider special variables. A variable is made special by a defvar or defparameter form. For example, if we say

(defvar *counter* 0)

then we can refer to the special variable *counter* anywhere in our program. This is just like a familiar global variable. The tricky part is that the global binding of *counter* can be shadowed by a local binding for that variable. In most languages, the local binding would introduce a local lexical variable, but in Common Lisp, special variables can be bound both locally and globally. Here is an example:

(defun report ()
  (format t "Counter = ~d" *counter*))

> (report)
Counter = 0

> (let ((*counter* 100))
Counter = 100

> (report)
Counter = 0

There are three calls to report here. In the first and third, report prints the global value of the special variable *counter*. In the second call, the let form introduces a new binding for the special variable *counter*, which is again printed by report. Once the scope of the let is exited, the new binding is disestablished, so the final call to report uses the global value again.

In summary, Common Lisp special variables are different because they have global scope but admit the possibility of local (dynamic) shadowing. Remember: A lexical variable has lexical scope and indefinite extent. A special variable has indefinite scope and dynamic extent.

The function call (symbol-value var), where var evaluates to a symbol, can be used to get at the current value of a special variable. To set a special variable, the following two forms are completely equivalent:

(setf (symbol-value var) value)
(set var value)

where both var and value are evaluated. There are no corresponding forms for accessing and setting lexical variables. Special variables set up a mapping between symbols and values that is accessible to the running program. This is unlike lexical variables (and all variables in traditional languages) where symbols (identifiers) have significance only while the program is being compiled. Once the program is running, the identifiers have been compiled away and cannot be used to access the variables; only code that appears within the scope of a lexical variable can reference that variable.

Exercise 3.6 [s] Given the following initialization for the lexical variable a and the special variable *b*, what will be the value of the let form?

(setf a 'global-a)
(defvar *b* 'global-b)

(defun fn () *b*)

(let ((a 'local-a)
      (*b* 'local-b))
  (list a *b* (fn) (symbol-value 'a) (symbol-value '*b*)))

3.18 Multiple Values

Throughout this book we have spoken of "the value returned by a function." Historically, Lisp was designed so that every function returns a value, even those functions that are more like procedures than like functions. But sometimes we want a single function to return more than one piece of information. Of course, we can do that by making up a list or structure to hold the information, but then we have to go to the trouble of defining the structure, building an instance each time, and then taking that instance apart to look at the pieces. Consider the function round. One way it can be used is to round off a floating-point number to the nearest integer. So (round 5.1) is 5. Sometimes, though not always, the programmer is also interested in the fractional part. The function round serves both interested and disinterested programmers by returning two values: the rounded integer and the remaining fraction:

> (round 5.1) => 5 .1

There are two values after the => because round returns two values. Most of the time, multiple values are ignored, and only the first value is used. So (* 2 (round 5.1)) is 10, just as if round had only returned a single value. If you want to get at multiple values, you have to use a special form, such as multiple-value-bind:

(defun show-both (x)
  (multiple-value-bind (int rem)
      (round x)
    (format t "~f = ~d + ~f" x int rem)))

> (show-both 5.1)
5.1 = 5 + 0.1

You can write functions of your own that return multiple values using the function values, which returns its arguments as multiple values:

> (values 1 2 3) => 1 2 3

Multiple values are a good solution because they are unobtrusive until they are needed. Most of the time when we are using round, we are only interested in the integer value. If round did not use multiple values, if it packaged the two values up into a list or structure, then it would be harder to use in the normal cases.

It is also possible to return no values from a function with (values). This is sometimes used by procedures that are called for effect, such as printing. For example, describe is defined to print information and then return no values:

> (describe 'x)
Symbol X is in the USER package.
It has no value, definition or properties.

However, when (values) or any other expression returning no values is nested in a context where a value is expected, it still obeys the Lisp rule of one-value-per-expression and returns nil. In the following example, describe returns no values, but then list in effect asks for the first value and gets nil.

> (list (describe 'x))
Symbol X is in AILP package.
It has no value, definition or properties.

3.19 More about Parameters

Common Lisp provides the user with a lot of flexibility in specifying the parameters to a function, and hence the arguments that the function accepts. Following is a program that gives practice in arithmetic. It asks the user a series of n problems, where each problem tests the arithmetic operator op (which can be +, -, *, or /, or perhaps another binary operator). The arguments to the operator will be random integers from 0 to range. Here is the program:

(defun math-quiz (op range n)
  "Ask the user a series of math problems."
  (dotimes (i n)
    (problem (random range) op (random range))))

(defun problem (x op y)
  "Ask a math problem, read a reply, and say if it is correct."
  (format t "~&How much is ~d ~a ~d?" x op y)
  (if (eql (read) (funcall op x y))
      (princ "Correct!")
      (princ "Sorry, that's not right.")))

and here is an example of its use:

> (math-quiz '+ 100 2)
How much is 32 + 60? 92
How much is 91 + 19? 100
Sorry, that's not right.

One problem with the function math-quiz is that it requires the user to type three arguments: the operator, a range, and the number of iterations. The user must remember the order of the arguments, and remember to quote the operator. This is quite a lot to expect from a user who presumably is just learning to add!

Common Lisp provides two ways of dealing with this problem. First, a programmer can specify that certain arguments are optional and provide default values for those arguments. For example, in math-quiz we can arrange to make + be the default operator, 100 be the default number range, and 10 be the default number of examples with the following definition:

(defun math-quiz (&optional (op '+) (range 100) (n 10))
  "Ask the user a series of math problems."
  (dotimes (i n)
    (problem (random range) op (random range))))

Now (math-quiz) means the same as (math-quiz '+ 100 10). If an optional parameter appears alone without a default value, then the default is nil. Optional parameters are handy; however, what if the user is happy with the operator and range but wants to change the number of iterations? Optional parameters are still position-dependent, so the only solution is to type in all three arguments: (math-quiz '+ 100 5).

Common Lisp also allows for parameters that are position-independent. These keyword parameters are explicitly named in the function call. They are useful when there are a number of parameters that normally take default values but occasionally need specific values. For example, we could have defined math-quiz as:

(defun math-quiz (&key (op '+) (range 100) (n 10))
  "Ask the user a series of math problems."
  (dotimes (i n)
    (problem (random range) op (random range))))

Now (math-quiz :n 5) and (math-quiz :op '+ :n 5 :range 100) mean the same. Keyword arguments are specified by the parameter name preceded by a colon, and followed by the value. The keyword/value pairs can come in any order.

A symbol starting with a colon is called a keyword, and can be used anywhere, not just in argument lists. The term keyword is used differently in Lisp than in many other languages. For example, in Pascal, keywords (or reserved words) are syntactic symbols, like if, else, begin, and end. In Lisp we call such symbols special form operators or just special forms. Lisp keywords are symbols that happen to reside in the keyword package.3 They have no special syntactic meaning, although they do have the unusual property of being self-evaluating: they are constants that evaluate to themselves, unlike other symbols, which evaluate to whatever value was stored in the variable named by the symbol. Keywords also happen to be used in specifying &key argument lists, but that is by virtue of their value, not by virtue of some syntax rule. It is important to remember that keywords are used in the function call, but normal nonkeyword symbols are used as parameters in the function definition.

Just to make things a little more confusing, the symbols &optional, &rest, and &key are called lambda-list keywords, for historical reasons. Unlike the colon in real keywords, the & in lambda-list keywords has no special significance. Consider these annotated examples:

> :xyz => :XYZ                            ; keywords are self-evaluating

> &optional =>                            ; lambda-list keywords are normal symbols
Error: the symbol &optional has no value

> '&optional => &OPTIONAL

> (defun f (&xyz) (+ &xyz &xyz)) => F     ;& has no significance

> (f 3) => 6

> (defun f (:xyz) (+ :xyz :xyz)) =>
Error: the keyword :xyz appears in a variable list.
Keywords are constants, and so cannot be used as names of variables.

> (defun g (&key x y) (list x y)) => G

> (let ((keys '(:x :y :z)))              ; keyword args can be computed
   (g (second keys) 1 (first keys) 2)) => (2 1)

Many of the functions presented in this chapter take keyword arguments that make them more versatile. For example, remember the function find, which can be used to look for a particular element in a sequence:

> (find 3 '(1 2 3 4 -5 6.0)) => 3

It turns out that find takes several optional keyword arguments. For example, suppose we tried to find 6 in this sequence:

> (find 6 '(1 2 3 4 -5 6.0)) => nil

This fails because find tests for equality with eql, and 6 is not eql to 6.0. However, 6 is equalp to 6.0, so we could use the :test keyword:

> (find 6 '(1 2 3 4 -5 6.0) :test #'equalp) => 6.0

In fact, we can specify any binary predicate for the :test keyword; it doesn't have to be an equality predicate. For example, we could find the first number that 4 is less than:

> (find 4 '(1 2 3 4 -5 6.0) :test #'<) => 6.0

Now suppose we don't care about the sign of the numbers; if we look for 5, we want to find the -5. We can handle this with the key keyword to take the absolute value of each element of the list with the abs function:

> (find 5 '(1 2 3 4 -5 6.0) :key #'abs) => -5

Keyword parameters significantly extend the usefulness of built-in functions, and they can do the same for functions you define. Among the built-in functions, the most common keywords fall into two main groups: :test, :test-not and :key, which are used for matching functions, and :start, :end, and :from-end, which are used on sequence functions. Some functions accept both sets of keywords. (Common Lisp the Language, 2d edition, discourages the use of :test-not keywords, although they are still a part of the language.)

The matching functions include sublis, position, subst, union, intersection, set-difference, remove, remove-if, subsetp, assoc, find, and member. By default, each tests if some item is eql to one or more of a series of other objects. This test can be changed by supplying some other predicate as the argument to :test, or it can be reversed by specifying :test-not. In addition, the comparison can be made against some part of the object rather than the whole object by specifying a selector function as the :key argument.

The sequence functions include remove, remove-if, position, and find. The most common type of sequence is the list, but strings and vectors can also be used as sequences. A sequence function performs some action repeatedly for some elements of a sequence. The default is to go through the sequence from beginning to end, but the reverse order can be specified with :from-end t and a subsequence can be specifed by supplying a number for the :start or :end keyword. The first element of a sequence is numbered 0, not 1, so be careful.

As an example of keyword parameters, suppose we wanted to write sequence functions that are similar to find and find-if, except that they return a list of all matching elements rather than just the first matching element. We will call the new functions find-all and find-all-if. Another way to look at these functions is as variations of remove. Instead of removing items that match, they keep all the items that match, and remove the ones that don't. Viewed this way, we can see that the function find-all-if is actually the same function as remove-if-not. It is sometimes useful to have two names for the same function viewed in different ways (like not and null). The new name could be defined with a defun, but it is easier to just copy over the definition:

(setf (symbol-function 'find-all-if) #'remove-if-not)

Unfortunately, there is no built-in function that corresponds exactly to find-all, so we will have to define it. Fortunately, remove can do most of the work. All we have to do is arrange to pass remove the complement of the :test predicate. For example, finding all elements that are equal to 1 in a list is equivalent to removing elements that are not equal to 1:

> (setf nums '(1 2 3 2 1)) => (1 2 3 2 1)

> (find-all 1 nums :test #'=) ≡ (remove 1 nums :test #'/=) => (1 1)

Now what we need is a higher-order function that returns the complement of a function. In other words, given =, we want to return /=. This function is called complement in ANSI Common Lisp, but it was not defined in earlier versions, so it is given here:

(defun complement (fn)
  "If FN returns y, then (complement FN) returns (not y)."
  ;; This function is built-in in ANSI Common Lisp,
  ;; but is defined here for those with non-ANSI compilers.
  #'(lambda (&rest args) (not (apply fn args))))

When find-all is called with a given :test predicate, all we have to do is call remove with the complement as the :test predicate. This is true even when the :test function is not specified, and therefore defaults to eql. We should also test for when the user specifies the :test-not predicate, which is used to specify that the match succeeds when the predicate is false. It is an error to specify both a :test and :test-not argument to the same call, so we need not test for that case. The definition is:

(defun find-all (item sequence &rest keyword-args
                 &key (test #'eql) test-not &allow-other-keys)
  "Find all those elements of sequence that match item,
  according to the keywords.  Doesn't alter sequence."
  (if test-not
      (apply #'remove item sequence
             :test-not (complement test-not) keyword-args)
      (apply #'remove item sequence
             :test (complement test) keyword-args)))

The only hard part about this definition is understanding the parameter list. The &rest accumulates all the keyword/value pairs in the variable keyword-args. In addition to the &rest parameter, two specific keyword parameters, :test and :test-not, are specified. Any time you put a &key in a parameter list, you need an &allow-other-keys if, in fact, other keywords are allowed. In this case we want to accept keywords like :start and :key and pass them on to remove.

All the keyword/value pairs will be accumulated in the list keyword-args, including the :test or :test-not values. So we will have:

(find-all 1 nums :test #'= :key #'abs)
  = (remove 1 nums :test (complement #'=) :test #'= :key #'abs)
  => (1 1)

Note that the call to remove will contain two :test keywords. This is not an error; Common Lisp declares that the leftmost value is the one that counts.

Exercise 3.7 [s] Why do you think the leftmost of two keys is the one that counts, rather than the rightmost?

Exercise 3.8 [m] Some versions of Kyoto Common Lisp (KCL) have a bug wherein they use the rightmost value when more than one keyword/value pair is specified for the same keyword. Change the definition of find-all so that it works in KCL.

There are two more lambda-list keywords that are sometimes used by advanced programmers. First, within a macro definition (but not a function definition), the symbol &body can be used as a synonym for &rest. The difference is that &body instructs certain formatting programs to indent the rest as a body. Thus, if we defined the macro:

(defmacro while2 (test &body body)
  "Repeat body while test is true."
  `(loop (if (not ,test) (return nil))
         . ,body))

Then the automatic indentation of while2 (on certain systems) is prettier than while:

(while (< i 10)
       (print (* i i))
       (setf i (+ i 1)))

(while2 (< i 10)
  (print (* i i))
  (setf i (+ i 1)))

Finally, an &aux can be used to bind a new local variable or variables, as if bound with let*. Personally, I consider this an abomination, because &aux variables are not parameters at all and thus have no place in a parameter list. I think they should be clearly distinguished as local variables with a let. But some good programmers do use &aux, presumably to save space on the page or screen. Against my better judgement, I show an example:

(defun length14 (list &aux (len 0))
  (dolist (element list len)
    (incf len)))

3.20 The Rest of Lisp

There is a lot more to Common Lisp than what we have seen here, but this overview should be enough for the reader to comprehend the programs in the chapters to come. The serious Lisp programmer will further his or her education by continuing to consult reference books and online documentation. You may also find part V of this book to be helpful, particularly chapter 24, which covers advanced features of Common Lisp (such as packages and error handling) and chapter 25, which is a collection of troubleshooting hints for the perplexed Lisper.

While it may be distracting for the beginner to be continually looking at some reference source, the alternative - to explain every new function in complete detail as it is introduced - would be even more distracting. It would interrupt the description of the AI programs, which is what this book is all about.

3.21 Exercises

Exercise 3.9 [m] Write a version of length using the function reduce.

Exercise 3.10 [m] Use a reference manual or describe to figure out what the functions lcm and nreconc do.

Exercise 3.11 [m] There is a built-in Common Lisp function that, given a key, a value, and an association list, returns a new association list that is extended to include the key/value pair. What is the name of this function?

Exercise 3.12 [m] Write a single expression using format that will take a list of words and print them as a sentence, with the first word capitalized and a period after the last word. You will have to consult a reference to learn new format directives.

3.22 Answers

Answer 3.2 (cons a b) = (list* a b)

Answer 3.3

(defun dprint (x)
  "Print an expression in dotted pair notation."
  (cond ((atom x) (princ x))
        (t (princ "(")
           (dprint (first x))
           (pr-rest (rest x))
           (princ ")")

(defun pr-rest (x)
  (princ " . ")
  (dprint x))

Answer 3.4 Use the same dprint function defined in the last exercise, but change pr-rest.

(defun pr-rest (x)
  (cond ((null x))
        ((atom x) (princ " . ") (princ x))
        (t (princ " ") (dprint (first x)) (pr-rest (rest x)))))

Answer 3.5 We will keep a data base called *db*. The data base is organized into a tree structure of nodes. Each node has three fields: the name of the object it represents, a node to go to if the answer is yes, and a node for when the answer is no. We traverse the nodes until we either get an "it" reply or have to give up. In the latter case, we destructively modify the data base to contain the new information.

(defstruct node
  (yes nil)
  (no nil))

(defvar *db*
  (make-node :name 'animal
             :yes (make-node :name 'mammal)
             :no (make-node
                   :name 'vegetable
                   :no (make-node :name 'mineral))))

(defun questions (&optional (node *db*))
  (format t "~&Is it a ~a? " (node-name node))
  (case (read)
    ((y yes) (if (not (null (node-yes node)))
                 (questions (node-yes node))
                 (setf (node-yes node) (give-up))))
    ((n no)  (if (not (null (node-no node)))
                 (questions (node-no node))
                 (setf (node-no node) (give-up))))
    (it 'aha!)
    (t (format t "Reply with YES, NO, or IT if I have guessed it.")
       (questions node))))

(defun give-up ()
  (format t "~&I give up - what is it? ")
  (make-node :name (read)))

Here it is used:

> (questions)
Is it a ANIMAL? yes
Is it a MAMMAL? yes
I give up - what is it? bear

> (questions)
Is it a ANIMAL? yes
Is it a MAMMAL? no
I give up - what is it? penguin

> (questions)
Is it a ANIMAL? yes
Is it a MAMMAL? yes
Is it a BEAR? it

Answer 3.6 The value is (LOCAL-A LOCAL-B LOCAL-B GLOBAL-A LOCAL-B).

The let form binds a lexically and *b* dynamically, so the references to a and *b* (including the reference to *b* within fn) all get the local values. The function symbol-value always treats its argument as a special variable, so it ignores the lexical binding for a and returns the global binding instead. However, the symbol-value of *b* is the local dynamic value.

Answer 3.7 There are two good reasons: First, it makes it faster to search through the argument list: just search until you find the key, not all the way to the end. Second, in the case where you want to override an existing keyword and pass the argument list on to another function, it is cheaper to cons the new keyword/value pair on the front of a list than to append it to the end of a list.

Answer 3.9

(defun length-r (list)
  (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) 1) list)))

or more efficiently:

(defun length-r (list)
  (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (+ x 1)) list
          :initial-value 0))

or, with an ANSI-compliant Common Lisp, you can specify a : key

(defun length-r (list)
  (reduce #'+ list :key #'(lambda (x) 1)))

Answer 3.12 (format t "~@(~{~a~^ ~}.~)" '(this is a test))

1 Association lists are covered in section 3.6.

2 In mathematics, a function must associate a unique output value with each input value.

3 A package is a symbol table: a mapping between strings and the symbols they name.