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ggg, ggg2023, ggg201b

Lab 5 NOTES - GGG 201b, Feb 10, 2023



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Friday Lab Links - 2/10

Today we're going to further generalize our Snakefile so that we can re-use the same rules for different files. And we're going to work with larger (higher coverage) data sets!

Getting started - logging into farm!

We suggest using RStudio to run the below commands as it will give you an editor and a terminal. Follow these instructions or see the spoiler below for a quickstart.

Note - I've changed the srun instructions to use more resources:

srun -p high2 --time=3:00:00 --nodes=1 \
    --cpus-per-task 4 --mem 10GB --pty /bin/bash

:::spoiler Logging into farm and running RStudio Server

Quick start: logging into farm and running RStudio Server

Log into farm with ssh/MobaXterm - link.

Then run:

srun -p high2 --time=3:00:00 --nodes=1 \
    --cpus-per-task 4 --mem 10GB --pty /bin/bash

and wait for a new prompt. Then run:

module load spack/R/4.1.1
module load rstudio-server/2022.07.1


  • in a new shell, run the ssh tunneling command output by rserver-farm above;
  • connect to the localhost URL output by rserver-farm;
  • Login with your username and the one-time password output by rserver-farm;
  • start a Terminal. :::

Moving forward!

When you are all set, your prompt should look like this:

(base) datalab-01@farm:~$

If it doesn’t, please alert me!

Make sure software is installed

Next, run:

mamba create -n vc -y snakemake-minimal \
    bcftools=1.8 samtools=1.16.1 minimap2=2.24

You may get an error if it already exists - that's ok!

Now activate this mamba environment to use the installed collection of software:

mamba activate vc

and you're now ready to go!

Update samtools

Addendum for lab 5: let's also update samtools so we can use the coverage command:

mamba install -n vc -y samtools=1.16.1

Download Snakefile for lab 5:


git clone \
    lab5 -b lab5 
cd ~/lab5/


Logging back in if you get disconnected

You'll need to run two commands if you log out and log back in.

First, activate the vc conda environment:

mamba activate vc

Second, change to the ~/lab5/ directory:

cd ~/lab5/


Updating our Snakefile with a default rule & wildcard rules

Revisit: Running the whole workflow all at once

Reminder: now that we've connected all the rules with input/output, we can run everything up to the rule call_variants by just specifying call_variants:

snakemake -p -j 1 call_variants

Revisit: what are we running?

diagram of workflow

Summarizing information from the alignments

Try the following commands:

samtools flagstat SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam


samtools coverage -m SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted

Using filenames instead of rule names

You don't actually need to use the rule names (this will be important later on!). You can just tell snakemake what file you want produced, and run that.


snakemake -p -j 1 SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf

will also work to run the rule call_variants, but you don't have to remember the rule name.

(Later on we'll see why this is important for other things.)

Create a "default" rule

By default, if you don't specify a rule snakemake runs the first rule in the file. (This is actually the only case where the order of rules in the Snakefile matters!)

So it's conventional to define a rule named all at the top; try it!

rule all:

Question: why specify the input for this rule, and no output or shell command!?

(There's no good reason. it's just a cute trick that matches the way snakemake thinks. 🤷)

Once you're done creating that sorted bam file, you can also run

samtools index SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted
samtools tview -p ecoli:4314717 --reference ecoli-rel606.fa SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted

to actually look at the aligned reads.

What's next? Fix the last rule up a bit.

Let's split the last rule up into two different rules:

The first rule will create ecoli-ref.fa by gunzipping ecoli-ref.fa.gz.

The second rule will call variants and create the vcf file.

FIRST, create a new rule uncompress_ref.

THEN, move the relevant input, output, and shell command stuff out of call_variants into the new rule.

Here's the result:

rule uncompress_ref:
    shell: "gunzip -k {input.ref}"

rule call_variants:
    shell: """
        bcftools mpileup -Ou -f {input.ref} {input.bam} > {output.pileup}
        bcftools call -mv -Ob {output.pileup} -o {output.bcf}
        bcftools view {output.bcf} > {output.vcf}

Further generalizing with wildcards!

search/replace in RStudio:

  • SRR2584857_1 => {sample}
  • ecoli-rel606 => {genome}

Does the resulting Snakefile work?

What's going on here?

:::info CTB note to self: put full Snakefile here! :::

Adding the complete data file.

So far we've been working with a cut-down file; let's work with more data, and more files!

First, copy four files over from my account on farm:

cp ~ctbrown/data/ggg201b/SRR258*_1.fastq.gz ./

Next, remove the download_data rule, and rerun the pipeline:

snakemake -j 1 -p

Complete Snakefile

rule all:

rule download_genome:
    output: "{genome}.fa.gz"
        "curl -JLO -o {output}"

rule map_reads:
    output: "{sample}.x.{genome}.sam"
    shell: """
        minimap2 -ax sr {input.ref} {input.reads} > {output}

rule sam_to_bam:
    input: "{sample}.x.{genome}.sam",
    output: "{sample}.x.{genome}.bam",
    shell: """
        samtools view -b -F 4 {input} > {output}

rule sort_bam:
    input: "{sample}.x.{genome}.bam"
    output: "{sample}.x.{genome}.bam.sorted"
    shell: """
        samtools sort {input} > {output}
rule uncompress_ref:
    shell: "gunzip -k {input.ref}"

rule call_variants:
    shell: """
        bcftools mpileup -Ou -f {input.ref} {input.bam} > {output.pileup}
        bcftools call -mv -Ob {output.pileup} -o {output.bcf}
        bcftools view {output.bcf} > {output.vcf}

This will take longer... why?

Let's take a look at the VCF! How has it changed?

Adding new sample:

rule all:

samtools flagstat & coverage

Let's run the BAM diagnostics again.

Look at flagstat:

samtools flagstat SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam

Look at coverage:

samtools coverage -m SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted

Assess actual reads:

We can also look at the reads again:

samtools index SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted
samtools tview -p ecoli:920514 --reference ecoli-rel606.fa SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted

(use q to exit the tview)


Adjust the bcftools view command to look like this instead:

        bcftools filter -Ov -e 'QUAL<40 || DP<10 || GT!="1/1"' {input} > {output}

and then remove the VCF file and rerun:

rm *.vcf
snakemake -j 1 -p