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This repository provides Docker files and scripts to easily setup and run VINS-FUSION-gpu on NVIDIA jetson boards inside a docker container.

This is tested on Xavier NX with Jetpack 4.4 [L4T 32.4.3]

This repository is inspired by jteson-containers and vins-fusion-gpu-tx2-nano

Docker image

The Docker image Docker.vins.gpu contains

Installtion steps


  • It's recommended to use Xavier NX with SSD drive for best performance. Check this video to see how to use Xavier NX image from the SSD drive

Docker Default Runtime

To enable access to the CUDA compiler (nvcc) during docker build operations, add "default-runtime": "nvidia" to your /etc/docker/daemon.json configuration file before attempting to build the containers:

    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []

    "default-runtime": "nvidia"

You will then want to restart the Docker service or reboot your system before proceeding.

Building the docker image

  • Open a terminal, and execute the folllwing commands

    # Create a directory to clone this package into
    mkdir -p $HOME/src && cd $HOME/src/
    # Clone this package
    git clone
  • Build the mzahana:vins_gpu Docker image

    cd $HOME/src/jetson_vins_fusion_docker

    You may need to provide passowrd for sudo when asked

  • Once the image is built, you can verify that by listing Docker images docker images. You should see mzahana:vins_gpu availble in the listed images

  • An alias will be added in the ~/.bashrc for convenience. The alias is called vins_container. You can simply run the VINS container by executing vins_container in a terminal window

  • Once the container is running, an interactive terminal inside the container can be used.

NOTE The docker image includes installations of Realsense SDK and realsense-ros in case the D435i cameras is used with VINS. Make sure to donload the installRealSenseROS package on the Jetson board, and run the to turn off the USB autosuspend setting on the Jetson so that the camera is always available. Then reboot for the changes to take effect.

Running VINS nodes

  • The Docker.vins.gpu image comes with a convenience ROS package, jetson_vins_fusion_scripts, which has some launch files and configuration files for the VINS-FUSION-gpu package

  • You can run the VINS node (loop_fusion, vins_node) using the following command

    roslaunch jetson_vins_fusion_scripts vins.launch 

    The vins.launch script runs two nodes, loop_fusion, and vins_node). To disable the loop_fusion,

    roslaunch jetson_vins_fusion_scripts vins.launch run_loop_fusion:=false
  • Then you can either run a bag file in another terminal (you can log into the container again using vins_container alias)

    rosbag play bag_name.bag

    You can downlod one of the EuROC bags, inside the container using wget command

  • The jetson_vins_fusion_scripts package also has example configuration files for D435i cameras to use with VINS-FUSION. You will need to calibrate the D435i IMU using this document. Then you need to calibrate the stereo setup+IMU using Kalibr

  • For easy calibration with Kalibr, a docker image is available here

  • NOTE There is a shared folder between the container (container name is vins_gpu) and the host system (Xavier) in order to easily share files between the two. The shared folder is located in the home folder of the host (Xavier) under the name vins_gpu_shared_volume, and available inside the container's home folder under the name shared_volume

Runing on Jetson Nano

Althouhg this package was not tested on Jetson Nano, in theory it should work. However, you need to make sure that you increase the swap size

Add a swap of 4GB

sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo swapon --show
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab 

To lock Jetson Nano at its maximum frequency and power mode by running the following commands:

sudo jetson_clocks
sudo nvpmodel -m 0 

Using VINS with cameras

Intel Realsense D435i

  • Install the docker image as described above
  • Calibrate the D435i IMU as described here
  • Calibrate the D435i stereo infrared cameras using Kalibr
    • Prepare a calibration target. It is recommended to print an apriltag calibration target, you can download from here
    • Connect the D435i camera using the USB C cable
    • If you are using a PC, make sure to install Realsense SDK and realsense-ros in order to run the D435i. Otherwise, you can run it directly in the docker container provided by this repo
    • Run the rs_camera.launch script
      roslaunch jetson_vins_fusion_scripts rs_camera.launch
    • Record image and imu topics. For convenience, there is a launch file that you can use, and the recorded bag will be saved inside ~/shared_volume
      roslaunch jetson_vins_fusion_scripts rs_record_bag.launch
      NOTE Make sure that you move the camera in all axes. See this video
    • You will need to print a calibration target (apriltag target is recommended, see here )
    • Calibrate the D435i stereo camera using Kalibr and the recorded rosbag. For convenience, a docker image with Kalibr is available here
    • Use Kalibr camera-IMU calibration
      • You will need to provide IMU calibration Yaml file (you can use imu_utils package, and the multi-camera calibration results by Kalibr, and a ROS bag that have images and IMU topics
    • Use the camera-IMU calibration results from Kalibr to update VINS configuratoin files. The VINS configuration files would be available inside the vins_gpu container in ~/catkin_ws/jetson_vins_fusion_scripts/config/d435i, inside the container
  • Inside the container's terminal, run vins nodes
roslaunch jetson_vins_fusion_scripts vins.launch config_file:=/root/catkin_ws/src/
  • VINS configuration files can also be placed in the shared directory betwee the the vins container and Jetson file system. Simply place the config files in the ~/vins_shared_volume of Jetson, and it will be available inside the ~/shared_voluem inside the container. Then you can, for example, launch the nodes as follows
roslaunch jetson_vins_fusion_scripts vins.launch config_file:=/root/shared_volume/vins_config/d435i/rs_stereo_imu_confg.yaml

Here (Jetson), I created a folder ~/vins_shared_volume/vins_config/d435i and placed left.yaml & right.yaml & rs_stereo_imu_confg.yaml files in it