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Secure MongoDBCommunity Resources

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Secure MongoDBCommunity Resource Connections using TLS

You can configure the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator to use TLS certificates to encrypt traffic between:

  • MongoDB hosts in a replica set, and
  • Client applications and MongoDB deployments.

The Operator automates TLS configuration through its integration with cert-manager, a certificate management tool for Kubernetes.


Before you secure MongoDBCommunity resource connections using TLS, you must Create a database user to authenticate to your MongoDBCommunity resource.


To secure connections to MongoDBCommunity resources with TLS using cert-manager:

  1. Add the cert-manager repository to your helm repository list and ensure it's up to date:

    helm repo add jetstack
    helm repo update
  2. Install cert-manager:

    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set crds.enabled=true
  3. Create a TLS-secured MongoDBCommunity resource:

    This assumes you already have the operator installed in namespace <namespace>

    helm upgrade --install community-operator mongodb/community-operator \
    --namespace <namespace> --set resource.tls.useCertManager=true \
    --set createResource=true --set resource.tls.enabled=true \
    --set namespace=<namespace>

This creates a resource secured with TLS and generates the necessary certificates with cert-manager according to the values specified in the values.yaml file in the Community Kubernetes Operator chart repository.

cert-manager automatically reissues certificates according to the value of resource.tls.certManager.renewCertBefore. To alter the reissuance interval, either:

  • Set resource.tls.certManager.renewCertBefore in values.yaml to the desired interval in hours before running helm upgrade

  • Set spec.renewBefore in the Certificate resource file generated by cert-manager to the desired interval in hours after running helm upgrade

  1. Test your connection over TLS by

    • Connecting to a mongod container inside a pod using kubectl:
    kubectl exec -it <mongodb-replica-set-pod> -c mongod -- bash

    Where mongodb-replica-set-pod is the name of a pod from your MongoDBCommunity resource

    • Then, use mongosh to connect over TLS: For how to get the connection string look at Deploy A Replica Set
    mongosh "<connection-string>" --tls --tlsCAFile /var/lib/tls/ca/ca.crt --tlsCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/tls/server/*.pem 

    Where mongodb-replica-set is the name of your MongoDBCommunity resource, namespace is the namespace of your deployment and connection-string is a connection string for your <mongodb-replica-set>-svc service.